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Export Specialisation and Local Economic Growth. (2010). Naudé, Wim ; Bosker, Maarten ; Matthee, Marianne .
In: The World Economy.

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  1. Research on the Impact of Producer Service Quality on Export Technological Complexity of Manufacturing Enterprise. (2023). Bai, Xiushan ; Lu, Xueting ; Liu, Huizheng.
    In: Advances in Management and Applied Economics.

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  2. Can export diversification promote export upgrading? Evidence from an oil-dependent economy. (2023). Haini, Hazwan ; Li, Pang ; Loon, Pang Wei.
    In: Resources Policy.

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  3. Specialization Versus Diversification as Alternative Strategies for Sustainable Growth in Resource-Rich Developing Countries. Case of Nigeria. (2022). Obafemi, Young Ademola.
    In: Studia Universitatis „Vasile Goldis” Arad – Economics Series.

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  4. Export diversification and financial openness. (2022). Gnangnon, Sena Kimm.
    In: International Economics and Economic Policy.

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  5. Aid for Trade, export product diversification, and foreign direct investment. (2022). Gnangnon, Sena Kimm.
    In: Review of Development Economics.

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  7. Development aid and services export diversification. (2021). Gnangnon, Sena Kimm.
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  8. Developmental relevance of Everything but Arms: Implications for Bangladesh after LDC graduation. (2021). Biagetti, Marco ; Caram, Santiago ; Khorana, Sangeeta.
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    In: Review of Development Economics.

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  11. Export product diversification and tax performance quality in developing countries. (2020). Gnangnon, Sena Kimm.
    In: International Economics and Economic Policy.

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  13. Export Product Diversification and Fiscal Space Volatility in Developing Countries: Exploring the Economic Growth Volatility Channel. (2020). Gnangnon, Sena Kimm.
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  14. Modern sector development: The role of exports and institutions in developing countries. (2020). Gries, Thomas ; Grundmann, Rainer.
    In: Review of Development Economics.

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  15. Effect of Export Upgrading on Financial Development. (2019). Gnangnon, Sena Kimm.
    In: Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy (JICEP).

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  16. Globalisation and human development: Does export type matter?. (2019). Gani, Azmat.
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  17. Is export diversification or export specialization responsible for economic growth in BRICS countries?. (2019). Phiri, Andrew ; Siswana, Sinesipho.
    In: Working Papers.

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  18. Aid for Trade, Foreign Direct Investment and Export Upgrading in Recipient Countries. (2017). Gnangnon, Sena Kimm ; Roberts, Michael.
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  20. Is Economic Complexity Spatially Dependent? A spatial analysis of interactions of economic complexity between municipalities in Brazil. (2017). Verheij, Timo ; de Oliveira, Heder.
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  21. Trade diversification in Colombia, 1991-2011. (2017). Arguello, Ricardo.

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  22. Foreign direct investment and structural transformation of exports. (2016). Stojcic, Nebojsa ; Orlic, Edvard.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  23. Aid for trade, foreign direct investment and export upgrading in recipient countries. (2015). Gnangnon, Sena Kimm ; Roberts, Michael.
    In: WTO Staff Working Papers.

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  24. Crucial for Modern Sector Development? The Role of Exports and Institutions in Developing Countries. (2015). Gries, Thomas ; Grundmann, Rainer .
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  25. Export Performance and Survival in Russia: Why some Regions grow fast and others dont. (2015). Kadochnikov, Sergey ; Fedyunina, Anna.
    In: FIW Working Paper series.

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  26. Exports diversification and knowledge sharing from south-south and south-north economic cooperation: evidence from the Central and West Africa. (2015). Ndambendia, Houdou.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  27. Economic concentration and finance: Evidence from Russian regions. (2015). Hattendorff, Christian .
    In: BOFIT Discussion Papers.

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  28. Economic concentration and finance: Evidence from Russian regions. (2015). Hattendorff, Christian .
    In: BOFIT Discussion Papers.

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  29. Trade diversification in Colombia, 1991-2011. (2013). Arguello, Ricardo.

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  30. Trade diversification in Colombia, 1991-2011. (2013). Arguello, Ricardo.

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  31. Export diversification and economic performance: evidence from Brazil, China, India and South Africa. (2011). Rossouw, Riaan ; Naudé, Wim.
    In: Economic Change and Restructuring.

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References cited by this document

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  2. Al-Marhubi, 2000. Export Diversification and Growth: An Empirical Investigation. In: Applied Economics Letters, (7), 559

  3. Alexander, 2007. Governments, Exports and Growth: Responding to the Challenges and Opportunities of Globalization.. In: The World Economy, (30), 177

  4. Amable, 2000. International Specialisation and Growth. In: Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, (11), 413

  5. Amin Guitiérrez de Piñeres, 1997. Export Diversification and Structural Dynamics in the Growth Process: The Case of Chile. In: Journal of Development Economics, (52), 375
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  6. Bebczuk, R. N. and N. D. Berrettoni (2006), ‘Explaining Export Diversification: An Empirical Analysis’, http://www.depeco.econo.unlp.edu.ar/doctrab/doc65.pdf. Date of access: 19 January 2009.
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  10. Cramer, 1999. Can Africa Industrialize by Processing Primary Commodities? The Case of Mozambican Cashew Nuts. In: World Development, (27), 1247

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  19. Funke, 2005. Export Variety and Economic Growth in East European Transition Economies. In: Economics of Transition, (13), 25

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  21. Greenaway, 1999. Exports, Export Composition and Growth. In: Journal of International Trade and Economic Development, (8), 41

  22. Gries, 2008. Trade and Endogenous Formation of Regions in a Developing Country. In: Review of Development Economics, (12), 248

  23. Guirrieri, 2007. Dynamics of Export Specialization in the Regions of the Italian Mezzogiorno: Persistence and Change. In: Regional Studies, (41), 933
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  24. Hausmann, 2003. Economic Development as Self-discovery. In: Journal of Development Economics, (72), 603

  25. Helmsing, 2001. Externalities, Learning and Governance. Perspectives on Local Economic Development. In: Development and Change, (32), 277

  26. Herzer, 2006. Export-led Growth in Chile: Assessing the Role of Export Composition in Productivity Growth. In: The Developing Economics, (44), 306

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  29. Imbs, 2003. Stages of Diversification. In: American Economic Review, (93), 63

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  33. Naudé, 2003. An Enquiry into Cities and their Role in Subnational Economic Growth in South Africa. In: Journal of African Economies, (12), 476
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  34. Naudé, 2006. Economic Geography and Growth in Africa: The Case of Sub-national Convergence and Divergence in South Africa. In: Papers in Regional Science, (85), 443
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  35. Petersson, 2005. Export Diversification and Intra-industry Trade in South Africa. In: South African Journal of Economics, (73), 785

  36. Plümper, 2001. Export Specialization and Economic Growth. In: Review of International Political Economy, (8), 661
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  41. Venables, 2005. Spatial Disparities in Developing Countries: Cities, Regions and International Trade. In: Journal of Economic Geography, (5), 3


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