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The Economics of Poverty in Poor Countries. (1998). Dasgupta, Partha.
In: STICERD - Development Economics Papers - From 2008 this series has been superseded by Economic Organisation and Public Policy Discussion Papers.

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  1. Alleviating Poverty in the Twenty-First Century Through Frugal Innovations. (2014). RAO, BALKRISHNA C..
    In: Challenge.

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  2. Disentangling the Poverty Effects of Sectoral Output, Prices, and Policies in India. (2014). Mallick, Sushanta.
    In: Review of Income and Wealth.

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  3. Poultry production and rural poverty among small-scale farmers in Mzimba District of Malawi. (2012). Assa, Maganga .
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  4. Disentangling the poverty effects of sectoral output, prices and policies in India. (2012). Mallick, Sushanta.
    In: Development Papers.

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  5. Why some US nonmetropolitan counties moved out of persistent high-poverty status in the 1990s. (2005). Rickman, Dan ; Partridge, Mark.
    In: Applied Economics Letters.

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  6. Escaping from poverty through compulsory schooling. (2005). Vieira, Pedro ; Teixeira, Aurora.
    In: Notas Económicas.

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  7. Education, Poverty and Child Labour. (2004). Fabre, Alice ; Augeraud-Véron, Emmanuelle ; Augeraud-Veron, Emmanuelle.
    In: Econometric Society 2004 Far Eastern Meetings.

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  8. Simple Model of Resource Degradation and Agricultural Productivity in a Subsistence Economy. (2004). Sylwester, Kevin.
    In: Review of Development Economics.

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    In: ADU Working Papers.

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  10. Reproductive externalities and fertility behaviour. (2000). Dasgupta, Partha.
    In: European Economic Review.

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References cited by this document

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