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The Determinants of Trade Costs: A Random Coefficients Approach. (2014). Egger, Peter ; Prusa, Jan .
In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  1. Anderson, James E., and van Wincoop, Eric, 2003. Gravity with gravitas: A solution to the border puzzle. American Economic Review 93(1), 170-192.

  2. Anderson, James E., and van Wincoop, Eric, 2004. Trade costs. Journal of Economic Literature 42(3), 691-751.

  3. Baltagi, Badi H., Egger, Peter H., and Pfaffermayr, Michael, 2014. Panel data gravity models of international trade. In: Baltagi, Badi H. (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Panel Data, Chapter 20, forthcoming.

  4. Cameron, A. Colin, Gelbach, Jonah H., and Miller, Douglas L., 2006. Robust inference with multi-way clustering. NBER technical working paper 327.

  5. Egger, Peter H., Larch, Mario, Staub, Kevin E., and Winkelmann, Rainer, 2011. The trade effects of endogenous preferential trade agreements. American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 3(3), 113-143.

  6. Engel, Charles, and Rogers, John H., 1996. How wide is the border? American Economic Review 86(5), 1112-1125.

  7. Fisman, Raymond, and Wei, Shang-Jin, 2004. Tax rates and tax evasion: Evidence from ”missing imports” in China. Journal of Political Economy 112(2), 471-500.

  8. Head, Keith, and Mayer, Thierry, 2014. Gravity equations: Workhorse, toolkit, and cookbook. In: Gopinath, Gita, Helpman, Elhanan, and Rogoff, Kenneth R. (eds.), Handbook of International Economics Vol. 4, forthcoming.

  9. Hillberry, Russell, and Hummels, David, 2008. Trade responses to geographic frictions: A decomposition using micro-data. European Economic Review 52(3), 527-550.

  10. Melitz, Jacques, and Toubal, Farid, 2014. Native language, spoken language, translation and trade. Journal of International Economics, forthcoming.

  11. Rousslang, Donald J., and To, Theodore, 1993. Domestic trade and transportation costs as barriers to international trade. Canadian Journal of Economics 26(1), 208-221.


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