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The systemic risk of energy markets. (2013). Pierret, Diane.
In: CORE Discussion Papers.

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  1. Systemic risks in electricity systems: A perspective on the potential of digital technologies. (2022). Neumann, Christoph ; Heine, Moreen ; Fridgen, Gilbert ; Weibelzahl, Martin ; Sedlmeir, Johannes ; Korner, Marc-Fabian.
    In: Energy Policy.

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  2. Modeling risk contagion in the Italian zonal electricity market. (2022). Fianu, Emmanuel Senyo ; Ahelegbey, Daniel Felix ; Grossi, Luigi.
    In: European Journal of Operational Research.

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  3. Modeling Risk Contagion in the Italian Zonal Electricity Market. (2020). Ahelegbey, Daniel Felix ; Fianu, Emmanuel Senyo ; Grossi, Luigi.
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  4. Magnitude and persistence of extreme risk spillovers in the global energy market: A high-dimensional left-tail interdependence perspective. (2020). Liu, Jiahao ; Lin, Renda ; Zhu, BO.
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  5. Evaluation of the Adaptability of the Ukrainian Economy to Changes in Prices for Energy Carriers and to Energy Market Risks. (2018). Petrushka, Tetyana ; Symak, Anastasiya ; Yemelyanov, Olexandr ; Lesyk, Lilia.
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  6. Wave after Wave: Contagion Risk from Commodity Markets. (2017). Leccadito, Arturo ; Algieri, Bernardina.
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  7. Systemic risk in the energy sector—Is there need for financial regulation?. (2015). Tieben, Bert ; Gerritsen, Matthijs ; Kerste, Marco ; Weda, Jarst .
    In: Energy Policy.

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  8. A New Regulatory Paradigm for Over-the-Counter Oil Forward Contracts. (2015). Laurent, Gustave .
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  9. Risk Factors and Value at Risk in Publicly Trades Companies of the Nonrenewable Energy Sector. (2013). Yoshino, Joe ; Bianconi, Marcelo.
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  10. Contractually stable alliances. (2013). Vannetelbosch, Vincent ; Sempere-Monerris, José ; Mauleon, Ana.
    In: CORE Discussion Papers.

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  11. Can geography lock a society in stagnation?. (2013). DAO, Nguyen Thang ; Dávila, Julio ; Davila, Julio .
    In: CORE Discussion Papers.

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  12. Can federal reserve policy deviation explain response patterns of financial markets over time?. (2013). Wang, Cindy Shin-huei ; pan, zheyao.
    In: CORE Discussion Papers.

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References cited by this document

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