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Disasters implied by equity index options. (2009). Martin, Ian ; Chernov, Mikhail ; Backus, David.
In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  1. Introduction. (2017). Uhlig, Harald ; List, John.
    In: Journal of Political Economy.

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  2. Asset Pricing: Models and Empirical Evidence. (2017). Constantinides, George.
    In: Journal of Political Economy.

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  3. Metals: resources or financial assets? A multivariate cross-sectional analysis. (2017). Gleich, Benedikt ; Lutzenberger, Fabian ; Rathgeber, Andreas W ; Stepanek, Christian ; Mayer, Herbert G.
    In: Empirical Economics.

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  4. Measuring Systemic Risk. (2017). PHILIPPON, Thomas ; Richardson, Matthew ; Pedersen, Lasse H ; Acharya, Viral V.
    In: Review of Financial Studies.

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  5. The Past, Present, and Future of Economics: A Celebration of the 125-Year Anniversary of the JPE and of Chicago Economics. (2017). Uhlig, Harald ; Sonnenschein, Hugo ; Shaikh, Azeem ; Myerson, Roger ; Mogstad, Magne ; Lucas, Robert ; List, John ; Kaplan, Greg ; Heckman, James ; Greenstone, Michael ; Bonhomme, Stéphane ; Akcigit, Ufuk ; Kashyap, Anil K ; Constantinides, George M ; Reny, Philip J ; Kamenica, Emir ; Alvarez, Fernando ; Rajan, Raghuram G ; Hortacsu, Ali ; Prendergast, Canice ; Zingales, Luigi ; Neal, Derek ; Harald, Uhlig ; Vishny, Robert ; Hansen, Lars Peter ; Topel, Robert H ; Thaler, Richard H ; Galenson, David W ; Stokey, Nancy L ; Fama, Eugene F ; Levitt, Steven ; Diamond, Douglas W ; Shimer, Robert.
    In: Natural Field Experiments.


  6. Does Incomplete Spanning in International Financial Markets Help to Explain Exchange Rates?. (2016). Verdelhan, Adrien ; Lustig, Hanno.
    In: 2016 Meeting Papers.

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  7. Does Incomplete Spanning in International Financial Markets Help to Explain Exchange Rates?. (2016). Verdelhan, Adrien ; Lustig, Hanno.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  8. Can Rare Events Explain the Equity Premium Puzzle?. (2012). Julliard, Christian ; Ghosh, Anisha.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  9. Measuring Systemic Risk. (2012). PHILIPPON, Thomas ; Pedersen, Lasse ; Acharya, Viral ; Richardson, Matthew P.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  10. Learning about Consumption Dynamics. (2011). Mou, Yiqun ; Johannes, Michael ; Lochstoer, Lars A.
    In: 2011 Meeting Papers.

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  11. International Risk Cycles. (2011). Verdelhan, Adrien ; Siemer, Michael ; Gourio, Francois.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  12. Credit Risk and Disaster Risk. (2011). Gourio, Francois.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  13. Credit Risk and Disaster Risk. (2011). Gourio, Francois.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  14. Rare Disasters and Risk Sharing with Heterogeneous Beliefs. (2010). Chen, Hui ; Joslin, Scott ; Tran, Ngoc-Khanh .
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  15. Crash Risk in Currency Markets. (2009). Verdelhan, Adrien ; Ranciere, Romain ; Gabaix, Xavier ; Farhi, Emmanuel ; Fraiberger, Samuel Paul .
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

  1. Ait-Sahalia, Yacine, and Andrew W. Lo, 2000, âNonparametric risk management and implied risk aversion,â Journal of Econometrics 94, 9-51.

  2. Ait-Sahalia, Yacine, Yubo Wang, and Francis Yared, 2001, âDo option markets correctly price the probabilities of movement of the underlying price?,â Journal of Econometrics 102, 67-110.

  3. Alvarez, Fernando, and Urban Jermann, 2005, âUsing asset prices to measure the persistence of the marginal utility of wealth,â Econometrica 73, 1977-2016.

  4. Alvarez, Fernando, Andrew Atkeson, and Patrick J. Kehoe, 2009, âTime-varying risk, interest rates, and exchange rates in general equilibrium,â Review of Economic Studies 76, 851-878.

  5. Backus, David K., Bryan R. Routledge, and Stanley E. Zin, 2004, âExotic preferences for macroeconomists,â NBER Macroeconomics Annual 19, 319-390.

  6. Bansal, Ravi, and Amir Yaron, 2007, âThe asset pricing-macro nexus and return-cash ïow predictability,â manuscript, June.

  7. Barro, Robert J., 2006, âRare disasters and asset markets in the twentieth century,â Quarterly Journal of Economics 121, 823-867.

  8. Barro, Robert J., and Jose F. Ursua, 2008, âMacroeconomic crises since 1870,â Brookings Papers on Economic Activity, 255-335.

  9. Barro, Robert J., Emi Nakamura, Jon Steinsson, and Jose F. Ursua, 2009, âCrises and recoveries in an empirical model of consumption disasters,â manuscript, June.

  10. Bates, David, 1988, âPricing options under jump-diïusion processes,â manuscript.
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  11. Bates, David, 2008, âThe market for crash risk,â Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 32, 2291-2231.

  12. Benzoni, Luca, Pierre Collin-Dufresne, and Robert S. Goldstein, 2005, âCan standard preferences explain the prices of out-of-the-money S&P 500 put options?,â manuscript, September.

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  14. Broadie, Mark, Mikhail Chernov, and Michael Johannes, 2007, âModel speciïcation and risk premia: evidence from futures options,â Journal of Finance 62, 1453-1490.

  15. Broadie, Mark, Mikhail Chernov, and Michael Johannes, 2009, âUnderstanding index option returns,â Review of Financial Studies, in press.

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  17. Campanale, Claudio, Rui Castro, Gian Luca Clementi, 2007, âAsset pricing in a production economy with Chew-Dekel preferences,â manuscript, April.

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  19. Drechsler, Itamar, 2008, âUncertainty, time-varying fear, and asset prices,â manuscript, December.
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  20. Drechsler, Itamar, and Amir Yaron, 2008, âWhatâs vol got to do with it?â manuscript, December.

  21. Du, Du, 2008, âHow bad will the potential economic disasters be? Evidences from S&P 500 index options data,â manuscript, June.
    Paper not yet in RePEc: Add citation now
  22. Gabaix, Xavier, 2009, âVariable rare disasters: an exactly solved framework for ten puzzles in macro-ïnance,â manuscript, March.

  23. Hansen, Lars Peter, and Ravi Jagannathn, 1991, âImplications of security market data for models of dynamic economies,â Journal of Political Economy 99, 225-262.
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  24. Harvey, Campbell R., and Akhtar Siddique, 2000, âConditional skewness in asset pricing tests,â Journal of Finance 55, 1263-1295.

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  29. Lustig, Hanno N., and Stijn G. Van Nieuwerburgh, 2005, âHousing collateral, consumption insurance, and risk premia: an empirical perspective, â Journal of Finance 60, 11671219.

  30. Martin, Ian, 2007, âDisasters and asset pricing: evidence from option markets,â manuscript, February.
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  31. Martin, Ian, 2008, âConsumption-based asset pricing with higher cumulants,â manuscript, March.

  32. Mehra, Rajnish, and Edward C. Prescott, 1985, âThe equity premium: a puzzle,â Journal of Monetary Economics 15, 145-161.

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  35. Rietz, Thomas A., 1988, âThe equity risk premium: a solution,â Journal of Monetary Economics 22, 117-131.

  36. Rosenberg, Joshua V., and Robert F. Engle, 2002, âEmpirical pricing kernels,â Journal of Financial Economics 64, 341-372.

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  38. Wachter, Jessica, 2009, âCan time-varying risk of rare disasters explain aggregate stock market volatility?,â manuscript, March.
    Paper not yet in RePEc: Add citation now
  39. Wu, Liuren, 2006, âDampened power law: reconciling the tail behavior of ïnancial security returns,â Journal of Business 79, 1445-1474.

  40. Ziegler, Alexandre, 2007, âWhy does implied risk aversion smile?,â Review of Financial Studies 20, 859-904.

  41. Zin, Stanley, 2002, âAre behavioral models of asset-pricing structural?,â Journal of Monetary Economics 49, 215-228.


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