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Wage Inequality and Returns to Education in Turkey: A Quantile Regression Analysis. (2011). tansel, aysıt ; Bircan, Fatma .
In: Working Papers.

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  1. The Informalization of the Egyptian Economy (1998-2012): A Factor in Growing Wage Inequality?. (2018). Gadallah, May ; El-Haddad, Amirah.
    In: Working Papers.

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  2. Short-Term Changes in Wage Distribution after Minimum Wage Increases in Romania. (2017). Popescu, Madalina ; Militaru, Eva.
    In: Hyperion Economic Journal.

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  3. QUANTILE ESTIMATES FOR SOCIAL RETURNS TO EDUCATION IN TURKEY: 2006–2009. (2013). polat, sezgin ; Davutyan, Nurhan ; Bakis, Ozan ; Levent, Haluk .
    In: Middle East Development Journal (MEDJ).

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  4. Comparative Essay on Returns to Education in Palestine and Turkey. (2011). tansel, aysıt ; Daoud, Yousef.
    In: Working Papers.

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  5. Comparative Essays on Returns to Education in Palestine and Turkey. (2011). tansel, aysıt ; Daoud, Yousef.
    In: ERC Working Papers.

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  6. Comparative Essay on Returns to Education in Palestine and Turkey. (2011). tansel, aysıt ; Daoud, Yousef.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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References cited by this document

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