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Evaluation of Swedish youth labour market programmes. (2000). Larsson, Laura.
In: Working Paper Series.

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  1. Unemployment Risk in Southern Greece. (2010). Rodokanakis, Stavros .
    In: Romanian Economic Journal.

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    In: Regional and Sectoral Economic Studies.

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  3. Some practical issues in the evaluation of heterogeneous labour market programmes by matching methods. (2005). Lechner, Michael.
    In: Labor and Demography.

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  4. Lessons learned: Internationale Evaluierungsergebnisse zu Wirkungen aktiver und aktivierender Arbeitsmarktpolitik. (2005). Konle-Seidl, Regina.
    In: IAB-Forschungsbericht.

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  5. Comprehensive Education or Vocational Training for the Unemployed?. (2005). Stenberg, Anders.
    In: Umeå Economic Studies.

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  6. Impact of Multiple Labour Market Programmes on Multiple Outcomes: The Case of Norwegian Youth Programmes. (2005). Hardoy, Ines.
    In: LABOUR.

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  7. Comprehensive Education for the Unemployed - Evaluating the Effects on Unemployment of the Adult Education Initiative in Sweden. (2005). Stenberg, Anders.
    In: LABOUR.

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  8. Mikroökonometrische Evaluation und das Selektionsproblem – Ein anwendungsorientierter Überblick über nichtparametrische Lösungsverfahren –. (2004). Reinowski, Eva .
    In: IWH Discussion Papers.

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  9. The new deal for young people: effect of the options on the labour market status of young men. (2004). dorsett, richard.
    In: PSI Research Discussion Series.

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  10. Does Comprehensive Education Work for the Long-term Unemployed?. (2004). Westerlund, Olle ; Stenberg, Anders.
    In: Umeå Economic Studies.

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  11. Benchmarking the effectiveness of NDYP: A review of European and US literature on the microeconomic effects of labour market programmes for young people. (2003). Knight, Genevieve ; White, Michael.
    In: PSI Research Discussion Series.

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  12. Employment, Mobility, and Active Labor Market Programs. (2003). Johansson, Per ; Fredriksson, Peter.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  13. Do individual programme effects exceed the costs? Norwegian evidence on long run effects of labour market training. (2003). Raaum, Oddbjørn ; Torp, Hege ; Zhang, Tao.
    In: Memorandum.

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  14. Business cycles and the impact of labour market programmes. (2003). Raaum, Oddbjørn ; Torp, Hege ; Zhang, Tao.
    In: Memorandum.

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  15. Labour market programmes and geographical mobility: migration and commuting among programme participants and openly unemployed. (2003). Westerlund, Olle ; Lindgren, Urban.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  16. Program Evaluation and Random Program Starts. (2003). Johansson, Per ; Fredriksson, Peter.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  17. Income Effects from Labor Market Training Programs in Sweden During the 80’s and 90’s. (2002). Andrén, Thomas ; Gustafsson, Bjorn.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  18. Swedish active labour market programmes in the 1990s: overall effectiveness and differential performance. (2002). Sianesi, Barbara.
    In: IFS Working Papers.

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  19. Program Evaluation and Random Program Starts. (2002). Johansson, Per ; Fredriksson, Peter.
    In: Working Paper Series.

    Full description at Econpapers || Download paper

  20. Income effects from labor market training programs in Sweden during the 80s and 90s. (2002). Andrén, Thomas ; Gustafsson, Bjorn.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  21. Differential effects of Swedish active labour market programmes for unemployed adults during the 1990s. (2002). Sianesi, Barbara.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  22. Income Effects from Labor Market Training Programs in Sweden During the 80’s and 90’s. (2002). Andrén, Thomas ; Gustafsson, Bjorn.
    In: Working Papers in Economics.

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  23. Labour market training in Norway--effect on earnings. (2002). Raaum, Oddbjørn ; Torp, Hege.
    In: Labour Economics.

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  24. Does Active Labour Market Policy Work? Lessons from the Swedish Experiences. (2002). Forslund, Anders ; Calmfors, Lars ; Hemstroem, Maria.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  25. Was kann die Aktive Arbeitsmarktpolitik in Deutschland aus der Evaluationsforschung in anderen europäischen Ländern lernen?. (2002). Hagen, Tobias ; Steiner, Viktor.
    In: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik.

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  26. Some practical issues in the evaluation of heterogeneous labour market programmes by matching methods. (2002). Lechner, Michael.
    In: Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A.

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  27. Differential effects of Swedish active labour market programmes for unemployed adults during the 1990s. (2001). Sianesi, Barbara.
    In: IFS Working Papers.

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  28. An evaluation of the active labour market programmes in Sweden. (2001). Sianesi, Barbara.
    In: Working Paper Series.

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  29. Wirkungen aktiver Arbeitsmarktpolitik: Evaluierungsergebnisse für Deutschland, Schweden, Dänemark und die Niederlande. (2000). Rabe, Birgitta.
    In: Discussion Papers, Research Unit: Labor Market Policy and Employment.

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  30. Has the Introduction of Microfinance Crowded-out Informal Loans in Malawi?. (). Owens, Trudy ; Fichera, Eleonora ; Fischera, Eleonora ; Disney, Richard.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  2. Ackum, S (1991), Youth Unemployment, Labor Market Programs and Subsequent Earnings, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 93(4), 531 -- 541.

  3. Angrist, J (1998), Estimating the Labor Market Impact of Voluntary Military Service Using Social Security Data on Military Applicants, Econometrica 66(2), 249 -- 288.

  4. Angrist, J, G Imbens, and D Rubin (1996), Causal Effects and Instrumental Variables, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 91, 444 -- 455.
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  5. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Heckman, J and J Smith (1995), Assessing the case for social experiments, Journal of Economic Perspective 9(2), 85 -- 110.

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  7. Edin, P-A and B Holmlund (1991), Unemployment, Vacancies and Labour Market Programmes: Swedish Evidence, in Padoa-Schioppa, F. (Ed.), Mismatch and Labour Mobility, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

  8. Edin, P-A, A Forslund and B Holmlund (1998), The Swedish Youth Labor Market in Boom and Depression, Department of Economics working paper, Uppsala University.

  9. Gallen. Lee, L F (1983), Generalized econometric models with selectivity, Econometrica 51, 507 -- 512.

  10. Heckman, J (1979). Sample selection bias as a specification error, Econometrica 47(1), 153 -- 161.

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  14. Imbens, G (1999), The Role of Propensity Score in Estimating Dose-Response Functions, NBER working paper TO237.

  15. Journal of Educational Psychology, 66, 688 -- 701. -- (1977), Assignment to Treatment Group on the Basis of a Covariate, Journal of Educational Statistics, 2, 1 -- 26.
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  16. Korpi, T (1994), Escaping Unemployment. Studies in the Individual Consequences of Unemployment and Labor Market Policy, Ph.D. Thesis, Swedish Institute for Social Research, 24.
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  17. Layard, R, S Nickell and R Jackman (1991), Unemployment, macroeconomic performance and the labor market. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
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  18. Lechner, M (1999a), Earnings and Employment Effects of Continuous Off-the-Job Training in East Germany After Unification, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 17, 74 -- 90.

  19. Martin, J P (1998), What works among active labour market policies: Evidence from OECD countries experiences, Labour market and social policy -- occational papers no. 35, OECD, Paris.

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  21. Regnér, H (1997), Training at the Job and Training for a New Job: Two Swedish Studies.
    Paper not yet in RePEc: Add citation now
  22. Review of Economic Studies 65, 261 -- 294. Heckman, J, R J LaLonde and J A Smith (1998), The Economics and Econometrics of Active Labor Market Programmes, in Aschenfelter O and D Card, eds., Handbook of Labor Economics, Volume III.

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  24. Schmertmann, C (1994), Selectivity bias correction methods in polychotomous sample selection models, Journal of Econometrics 60, 101 --132 Schröder L (1994) Kompetenshöjning och substitution -- arbetsmarknadspolitiska åtgärder för arbetslösa ungdomar i Sverige 1934--1993, TemaNord 1994:557.


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