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The Effect of Early Education on Social Preferences. (2017). Tungodden, Bertil ; List, John ; Cappelen, Alexander ; Samek, Anya.
In: Working Papers.

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  1. , Daniela Glätzle-Rützler, and Matthias Sutter, The development of egalitarianism, altruism, spite and parochialism in childhood and adolescence, European Economic Review, 2013, 64 (1), 369383.

  2. , Francesco Feri, Martin G Kocher, Peter Martinsson, Katarina Nordblom, and Daniela Rützler, Social preferences in childhood and adolescence: a large-scale experiment, IZA DP No. 5016, 2010.

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  5. , Levent Yilmaz, and Manuela Oberauer, Delay of gratication and the role of defaults - An experiment with kindergarten children, Economics Letters, 2015, 137, 2124. Percent of children 0 2 4 6 8 10 Coins to other child Dictator experiment Percent of children Efficient Equal Choice of allocation Efficiency experiment Percent of children 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Stickers to child who was lucky Luck experiment Percent of children 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Stickers to child who did well Merit experiment

  6. , Philipp Lergetporer, Daniela Glätzle-Rützler, and Matthias Sutter, How to measure time preferences in children: a comparison of two methods, Journal of the Economic Science Association, 2015, 1 (2), 158169.

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  8. Andersen, Steen, Seda Ertac, Uri Gneezy, John A List, and Sandra Maximiano, Gender, competitiveness, and socialization at a young age: Evidence from a matrilineal and a patriarchal society, Review of Economics and Statistics, 2013, 95 (4), 14381443.

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  10. Angerer, Silvia, Daniela Glätzle-Rützler, Philipp Lergetporer, and Matthias Sutter, Donations, risk attitudes and time preferences: A study on altruism in primary school children, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2015, 115, 6774.

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  13. Ben-Ner, Avner, John A List, Louis Putterman, and Anya Savikhin Samek, Learned Generosity? A Field Experiment with Parents and their Children, A Field Experiment with Parents and Their Children (December 21, 2015), 2015.

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  19. Cappelen, Alexander W, Astri Drange Hole, Erik Ø Sørensen, and Bertil Tungodden, The Pluralism of Fairness Ideals: An Experimental Approach, The American Economic Review, 2007, pp. 818827.
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  20. Cappelen, Alexander W., James Konow, Erik Ø. Sørensen, and Bertil Tungodden, Just Luck: An Experimental Study of Risk Taking and Fairness, American Economic Review, 2013, 103 (3), 13981413.

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  37. Sutter, Matthias and Martin G Kocher, Trust and trustworthiness across dierent age groups, Games and Economic Behavior, 2007, 59 (2), 364382.


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    In: ifo Working Paper Series.

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    In: MPRA Paper.

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  47. Donations, risk attitudes and time preferences: A study on altruism in primary school children. (2014). Sutter, Matthias ; Lergetporer, Philipp ; Glätzle-Rützler, Daniela ; Glatzle-Rutzler, Daniela ; Angerer, Silvia.
    In: Working Papers.

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    In: Journal of Economic Psychology.

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  49. Social Preferences and Lying Aversion in Children. (2013). Villeval, Marie Claire ; Maggian, Valeria.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  50. Social preferences and lying aversion in children. (2013). Villeval, Marie Claire ; Maggian, Valeria.
    In: Working Papers.

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