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Kausale Evaluation von Pilotprojekten: Die Nutzung von Randomisierung in der Praxis. (2012). Arni, Patrick.
In: IZA Standpunkte.

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  1. Ökonometrische Methoden zur Evaluierung kausaler Effekte der Wirtschaftspolitik. (2014). Woessmann, Ludger ; Schwerdt, Guido ; Kugler, Franziska.
    In: IZA Standpunkte.

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  2. Evidenzbasierte Wirtschaftspolitik in Deutschland: Defizite und Potenziale. (2014). Schnitzer, Monika ; Buch, Claudia ; Boockmann, Bernhard.
    In: IZA Standpunkte.

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  3. Evidenzbasierte Wirtschaftspolitik in Deutschland: Defizite und Potentiale. (2014). Schnitzer, Monika ; Buch, Claudia ; Boockmann, Bernhard.
    In: IAW Discussion Papers.

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  4. Evidenzbasierte Wirtschaftspolitik in Deutschland: Defizite und Potentiale. (2014). Schnitzer, Monika ; Buch, Claudia ; Boockmann, Bernhard ; Buch Claudia M., ; Monika, Schnitzer.
    In: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik.

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  5. Ökonometrische Methoden zur Evaluierung kausaler Effekte der Wirtschaftspolitik. (2014). Woessmann, Ludger ; Schwerdt, Guido ; Kugler, Franziska ; Ludger, Womann ; Franziska, Kugler .
    In: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik.

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  6. Research, innovation and technological performance in Germany - EFI Report 2013. (2013). .
    In: Research, Innovation and Technological Performance in Germany: Report.

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References cited by this document

  1. Angrist, Joshua / Pischke, Jörn-Steffen, 2009, Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist’s Companion, Princeton University Press.
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  2. Arni, Patrick, 2010, Intensivberatung und-coaching für ältere Stellensuchende – ein Weg zu verbesserten Arbeitsmarktchancen? Ergebnisse der systematischen Wirkungsevaluation, Schlussbericht im Auftrag des Amts für Wirtschaft und Arbeit (AWA) des Kantons Aargau, Universität Lausanne.
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  3. Arni, Patrick, 2012a, Do Older Job Seekers Find More Jobs When Being Coached? A Field Experiment on Search Behavior, mimeo, IZA Bonn.
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  4. Arni, Patrick, 2012b, What’s in the Blackbox? A Field Experiment on the Effect of Labor Market Policy on Search Behavior & Beliefs, mimeo, IZA Bonn.
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  5. Ashenfelter, Orley, 1987, The Case for Evaluating Training Programs with Randomized Trials, Economics of Education Review, 6, S. 333-338.

  6. Baert, Stijn / Cockx, Bart / Gheyle, Niels / Vandamme, Cora, 2012, Do employers discriminate less if vacancies are difficult to fill? Evidence from a field experiment, mimeo, Ghent University, Belgien.

  7. Behaghel, Luc / Crépon, Bruno / Gurgand, Marc, 2012a, Private and Public Provision of Counseling to Job-Seekers: Evidence from a Large Controlled Experiment, mimeo, Paris School of Economics.

  8. Behaghel, Luc / Crépon, Bruno / Le Barbanchon, Thomas, 2012b, Do Anonymous Resumes Make the Field More Even? Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment, mimeo, Paris School of Economics.
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  9. Blundell, Richard / Costa Dias, Monica, 2009, Alternative Approaches to Evaluation in Empirical Microeconomics, Journal of Human Resources, 44, S. 565-640.

  10. Card, David / Ibarrarán, Pablo / Villa, Juan Miguel, 2011, Building in an Evaluation Component for Active Labor Market Programs: A Practitioner’s Guide, IZA Discussion Paper No. 6085.

  11. Crépon, Bruno / Duflo, Esther / Gurgand, Marc / Rathelot, Roland / Zamora, Philippe, 2012, Do labor market policies have displacement effect? Evidence from a clustered randomized experiment, mimeo, CREST, Paris.

  12. DiNardo, John / Lee, David S., 2011, Program Evaluation and Research Designs, in: Orley Ashenfelter und David Card (Hrsg.), Handbook of Labor Economics, North Holland, Elsevier Science, Band 4A, S.

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  14. Engström, Per/ Hägglund, Pathric / Johansson, Per, 2012, Early interventions and disability insurance: experience from a field experiment, IFAU Working Paper 2012:9, Uppsala, Schweden.

  15. Falk, Armin / Lalive, Rafael / Zweimüller, Josef, 2005, The Success of Job Applications: A New Approach to Program Evaluation, Labour Economics, 12 (6), S. 739-748.

  16. Hägglund, Pathric, 2009, Experimental evidence from intensified placement efforts among unemployed in Sweden, IFAU Working Paper 2009:16, Uppsala, Schweden.
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  17. Heckman, J. J., 2010, Effective Child Development Strategies, verfasst für: S. Barnett und E. Zigler (Hrsg.), Debates and Issues in Preschool Education (im Erscheinen).
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  18. Hendra, R./ Riccio, J.A./ Dorsett, R./ Greenberg, D.H./ Knight, G./ Phillips, J./ Robins, P.K./ Vegeris, S. / Walter, J. mit Hill, A./ Ray, K./ Smith, J., 2011, Breaking the low-pay, no-pay cycle: Final evidence from the UK Employment Retention and Advancement (ERA) demonstration, Department for Work and Pensions Research Report no. 765, Corporate Document Services, Sheffield, UK.
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  19. Imbens, Guido / Wooldridge, Jeffrey, 2008, Recent Developments in the Econometrics of Program Evaluation, Journal of Economic Literature, 47, S. 5–86.

  20. Kauer, Lukas / Deuchert, Eva, 2012, Wage subsidies for people with a disability: Helping or hindering? Evidence from a field experiment, mimeo (vorläufige Version), Universität St. Gallen.
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  21. Krug, Gerhard / Stephan, Gesine, 2012, Is contracting-out intensified placement services more effective than in-house production? Evidence from a randomized field experiment, mimeo (vorläufige Version), IAB, Nürnberg.
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  22. List, John A. / Rasul, Imran, 2011, Field Experiments in Labor Economics, in: Orley Ashenfelter und David Card (Hrsg.), Handbook of Labor Economics, North Holland, Elsevier Science, Band 4A, S. 103228.

  23. Lutz, Peter F. / Sandner, Malte, 2010, Zur Effizienz Früher Hilfen: Forschungsdesign und erste Ergebnisse eines randomisierten kontrollierten Experiments, Vierteljahreshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung, 79 (3), S. 79-97.

  24. Müntnich, Michael / Schewe, Torben / Stephan, Gesine, 2010, Durch Zufall zum Erkenntnisgewinn – Emu trifft Pinguin, IAB Forum 2/2010, Nürnberg.
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  25. Meyer, Bruce D., 1995, Lessons from the U.S. Unemployment Insurance Experiments, Journal of Economic Literature, 33 (1), S. 91-131.

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  27. Rosholm, Michael, 2008, Experimental Evidence on the Nature of the Danish Employment Miracle, IZA Discussion Paper No. 3620.

  28. Rubin, Donald, 1974, Estimating the Causal Effects of Treatments in Randomized and NonRandomized Studies, Journal of Educational Psychology, 66, S. 688-701.
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  29. Rubin, Donald, 1977, Assignment to a Treatment Group on the Basis of a Covariate, Journal of Educational Statistics, 2, S. 1-26.

  30. Schneider, Hilmar / Uhlendorff, Arne / Zimmermann, Klaus F., 2011, Ökonometrie vs. Projektdesign: Lehren aus der Evaluation eines Modellprojekts zur Umsetzung des Workfare-Konzepts, IZA Discussion Paper No. 5599.

  31. Schwerdt, Guido / Messer, Dolores / Woessmann, Ludger / Wolter, Stefan C., 2012, Effects of Adult Education Vouchers on the Labor Market: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment, Journal of Public Economics, 2012, 96 (7-8), S. 569-583.

  32. U.S. Department of Education / Institute of Education Sciences / National Center for Education Evaluation and Regional Assistance, 2003, Identifying and Implementing Educational Practices Supported by Rigorous Evidence: A User Friendly Guide, Washington, D.C.
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  33. Van den Berg, Gerard J. / van der Klaauw, Bas, 2006, Counseling and monitoring of unemployed workers: theory and evidence from a controlled social experiment, International Economic Review, 47, S. 895–936.

  34. White, Howard, 2006, Impact Evaluation: The Experience of the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank, World Bank, Washington, D.C.

  35. Widmer, Thomas / de Rocchi, Thomas, 2012, Evaluation – Grundlagen, Ansätze und Anwendungen, Rüegger Verlag, Zürich.


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