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Modelling Small Economy Exports: The Case of Singapore. (2005). CHOY, KEEN MENG ; Abeysinghe, Tilak.
In: SCAPE Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  1. Abeysinghe, T. (1998) Forecasting Singapores quarterly GDP with monthly external trade, International Journal of Forecasting, 14, 505-5 13.

  2. Abeysinghe, T. (2001) Electronics and growth cycles in Singapore, Applied Economics, 32, 1657-1663.

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  4. Abeysinghe, T. and Tan, L.Y. (1998), Exchange rate appreciation and export competitiveness, Applied Economics, 30, 51-55.

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  21. Lloyd, P.J. and Sandilands, R.J. (1986) The trade sector in a very open re-export economy, in C.Y. Lim and P.J. Lloyd (eds.) Singapore: Resources and Growth, Singapore: Oxford University Press.
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  22. Maddala, G.S. and Kim, I.M. (1998) Unit Roots, Cointegration, and Structural Change, Cambridge University Press, UK.
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  23. Muscatelli, V.A. (1995a) NIE export performance revisited: The estimation of export demand elasticities and the role of product differentiation and growth, in D. Vines and D. Curie (eds.) North-South Linkages and International Macroeconomic Policy, New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  24. Muscatelli, V.A. (1995b) Demand and supply factors in the determination of NIE exports: A reply, Economic Journal, 104, 1415-1417.

  25. Muscatelli, V.A., Srinivasan, and Vines D. (1992) Demand and supply factors in the determination of NIE exports: A simultaneous error-correction model for Hong Kong, Economic Journal, 102, pp. 1467-1477.

  26. Muscatelli, V.A., Srinivasan, and Vines D. (1994) The empirical modeling of NIE exports: An evaluation of different approaches, Journal of Development Studies, 30, 279-302.

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  29. Orcutt, G. (1950) Measurement of price elasticities in international trade, Review of Economics and Statistics, 32, pp. 117-132.
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  30. Phillips, P.C.B. (1994) Some exact distribution theory for maximum likelihood estimators of cointegrating coefficients in error correction models, Econometrica, 62, 73-93.

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  33. Sims, C.A., Stock, J.H., and Watson, M.W. (1990) Inference in linear time series models with some unit roots, Econometrica, 58, pp. 113-144.


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