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Trade margins, transport cost thresholds and market areas: Municipal freight flows and urban hierarchy. (2013). Zofío, José ; Llano Verduras, Carlos ; Diaz-Lanchas, Jorge ; Zofio, Jose Luis.
In: Working Papers in Economic Theory.

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  1. Venting Out: Exports During a Domestic Slump. (2018). Antras, Pol ; Almunia, Miguel ; Morales, Eduardo ; Lopez-Rodriguez, David.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  2. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Intra-National Freight Transport: Measurement and Scenarios for Greater Sustainability in Spain. (2018). Perez Garcia, Julian ; Llano Verduras, Carlos ; Perez-Garcia, Julian ; Perez-Balsalobre, Santiago.
    In: Sustainability.

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  3. Venting Out: Exports During a Domestic Slump. (2018). Almunia, Miguel ; Morales, Eduardo ; Lopez-Rodriguez, David ; Antras, Pol.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  4. Venting out: exports during a domestic slump. (2018). Antras, Pol ; Almunia, Miguel ; Morales, Eduardo ; Lopez-Rodriguez, David.
    In: Working Papers.

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  5. Transport-mode competition in intra-national trade: An empirical investigation for the Spanish case. (2017). Gallego, Nuria ; Diaz-Lanchas, Jorge ; de la Mata, Tamara ; Llano, C.
    In: Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.

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  6. Domestic transport effects on regional export trade in Greece. (2017). Tsekeris, Theodore.
    In: Research in Transportation Economics.

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  7. Interregional trade network analysis for road freight transport in Greece. (2016). Tsekeris, Theodore.
    In: Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

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  8. Intranational Home Bias in the Presence of Wholesalers, Hub-spoke Structures and Multimodal Transport Deliveries. (2015). Llano Verduras, Carlos ; Gallego, Nuria ; Diaz-Lanchas, Jorge ; de la Mata, Tamara.
    In: Spatial Economic Analysis.

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  9. The Border Effect and the Non-Linear Relationship between Trade and Distance. (2014). Llano Verduras, Carlos ; Gallego, Nuria.
    In: Working Papers in Economic Theory.

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  10. The Border Effect and the Nonlinear Relationship between Trade and Distance. (2014). Llano Verduras, Carlos ; Gallego, Nuria.
    In: Review of International Economics.

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  11. Understanding interstate trade patterns. (2012). YILMAZKUDAY, HAKAN.
    In: Journal of International Economics.

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References cited by this document

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  4. Behrens, K., 2005. Market size and industry location: traded vs non-traded goods. Journal of Urban Economics 58 (1), 24–44.

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  25. Loffler, G., 1998. Market areas–a methodological reflection on their boundaries. GeoJournal 45 (4), 265–272.
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