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Interbank liquidity crunch and the firm credit crunch: Evidence from the 2007-2009 crisis. (2013). Schoar, Antoinette ; Peydro, Jose-Luis ; Da-Rocha Lopes, Samuel ; Samuel da-Rocha-Lopes, ; Iyer, Rajkamal.
In: Economics Working Papers.

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  1. Estimating conditional treatment effects of EIB lending to SMEs in Europe. (2022). Wolski, Marcin ; Gereben, Aron ; Barbera, Alessandro.
    In: EIB Working Papers.

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  2. Real interest rates, bank borrowing, and fragility. (2022). Ahnert, Toni ; Konig, Philipp Johann ; Anand, Kartik.
    In: Discussion Papers.

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  3. The impact of bank ownership on lending behavior: Evidence from the 2008–2009 financial crisis. (2022). Trachanas, Emmanouil ; Asteriou, Dimitrios ; Haldarov, Zamon.
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  4. Sovereign-bank diabolic loop: The government procurement channel. (2022). Zhao, Sujiao ; Queiro, Francisco ; Ferreira, Miguel A ; Bonfim, Diana.
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  5. Real effects of imperfect bank-firm matching. (2022). Farinha, Luisa ; Kokas, Sotirios ; Sette, Enrico ; Tsoukas, Serafeim.
    In: Working Papers.

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  6. Tracing Banks’ Credit Allocation to their Funding Costs. (2022). Saidi, Farzad ; Matray, Adrien ; Duquerroy, Anne.
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  7. Intermediation in the interbank lending market. (2022). Ma, Yiming ; Craig, Ben.
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  8. Why does structural change accelerate in recessions? The credit reallocation channel. (2022). Howes, Cooper.
    In: Journal of Financial Economics.

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  9. Estimating conditional treatment effects of EIB lending to SMEs in Europe. (2022). Wolski, Marcin ; Gereben, Aron ; Barbera, Alessandro.
    In: BIS Working Papers.

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  12. Monetary dynamics in a network economy. (2021). Mandel, Antoine ; Veetil, Vipin.
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  13. Monetary dynamics in a network economy. (2021). Mandel, Antoine ; Veetil, Vipin.
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  26. What influences a banks decision to go public?. (2019). Tsoukas, Serafeim ; Sermpinis, Georgios ; Zhang, Ping.
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  27. Winter is possibly not coming : mitigating financial instability in an agent-based model with interbank market. (2019). Roventini, Andrea ; Napoletano, Mauro ; Popoyan, Lilit.
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  28. Winter is possibly not coming: mitigating financial instability in an agent-based model with interbank market. (2019). Napoletano, Mauro ; Popoyan, Lilit ; Roventini, Andrea.
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  29. Winter is possibly not coming : mitigating financial instability in an agent-based model with interbank market. (2019). Roventini, Andrea ; Napoletano, Mauro ; Popoyan, Lilit.
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  30. Bank shocks and firm performance: New evidence from the sovereign debt crisis. (2019). Tsoukas, Serafeim ; Spaliara, Marina-Eliza ; Farinha, Luisa.
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  31. The price effects of monetary shocks in a network economy. (2019). Veetil, Vipin P ; Taghawi-Nejad, Davoud ; Mandel, Antoine.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

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  32. Bank shocks and firm performance: New evidence from the sovereign debt crisis. (2018). Tsoukas, Serafeim ; Farinha, Luisa ; Spaliara, Marina-Eliza.
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  33. The consequences of liquidity imbalance: When net lenders leave interbank markets. (2018). Hryckiewicz, Aneta ; Kozlowski, Lukasz.
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  34. Would macroprudential regulation have prevented the last crisis?. (2018). Siegert, Caspar ; Bridges, Jonathan ; Aikman, David ; Siergert, Caspar ; Kashyap, Anil.
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  36. Did the securitization market freeze affect bank lending during the financial crisis? Evidence from a credit register. (2016). Sette, Enrico ; di Patti, Emilia Bonaccorsi.
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  37. Capital Allocation Across Sectors: Evidence from a Boom in Agriculture. (2016). Ponticelli, Jacopo ; Garber, Gabriel ; Bustos, Paula .
    In: Working Papers Series.

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  38. What Caused the Great Recession?. (2015). Homburg, Stefan.
    In: Hannover Economic Papers (HEP).

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  39. How do banks respond to increased funding uncertainty?. (2015). Walther, Ansgar ; Ritz, Robert.
    In: Journal of Financial Intermediation.

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  41. Learning from the financial crisis to achieve a sustainable agricultural system. (2014). Manelli, Alberto ; Vallesi, Martina ; Domenichelli, Oscar .

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References cited by this document

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  2. Acharya, V., and O. Merrouche. 2012. Precautionary hoarding of liquidity and inter-bank markets: Evidence from the sub-prime crisis. CEPR Discussion Papers 8859.

  3. Acharya, V., and P. Schnabl. 2010. Do global banks spread global imbalances? The case of asset-backed commercial paper during the financial crisis of 2007-09. IMF Economic Review 58: 37-73.

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  5. Ashcraft, A., J. McAndrews, and D. Skeie. 2011. Precautionary reserves and the interbank market. Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 43: 311-48.

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  11. Brunnermeier, M. 2009. Deciphering the liquidity and credit crunch of 2007-08. Journal of Economic Perspectives 23:77-100.
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  12. Caballero, R. J., T. Hoshi, and A. K. Kashyap. 2008. Zombie lending and depressed restructuring in Japan. American Economic Review 98:1943-77. ! ##! Caballero, R. J., and A. Krishnamurthy. 2008. Collective risk management in a flight to quality episode. Journal of Finance 63: 2195-2230.

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  16. Diamond, D. and R. Rajan. 2011. Fear of fire sales, illiquidity seeking, and the credit freeze. Quarterly Journal of Economics 126: 557-91.

  17. ECB. 2009. Financial Integration Report, European Central Bank, April.
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  18. ECB. 2009. Financial Stability Review, European Central Bank, December.
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  19. Freixas, X. and J. C. Rochet. 2008. Microeconomics of Banking. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.

  20. Gan, J. 2007. The real effects of asset market bubbles: Loan- and firm-level evidence of a lending channel. Review of Financial Studies 20:1941-73.

  21. Holmstrom, B. and J. Tirole. 2011. Inside and Outside Liquidity. Cambridge MA: MIT Press.

  22. Ivashina, V., and D. S. Scharfstein. 2010. Bank lending during the financial crisis of 2008. Journal of Financial Economics 97: 319-338.

  23. Iyer, R., and J.-L. Peydró. 2011. Interbank contagion at work: Evidence from a natural experiment. Review of Financial Studies 24: 1337-77.

  24. Jiménez, G., A. Mian, J.-L. Peydró, and J. Saurina. 2012. Local versus aggregate lending channels: The effects of securitization on corporate credit supply. Barcelona GSE working paper. ! #$! Kashyap, A., and J. Stein, J. 2000. What do a million observations on banks say about the transmission of monetary policy? American Economic Review 90: 407-428.

  25. Jiménez, G., S. Ongena, J.-L. Peydró, and J. Saurina. 2012a. Credit supply and monetary policy: Identifying the bank balance-sheet channel with loan applications.

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  27. Khwaja, A., and A. Mian. 2008. Tracing the impact of bank liquidity shocks: Evidence from an emerging market. American Economic Review 98: 1413-42.

  28. Ongena, S., D. Smith, and D. Michalsen. 2003. Firms and their distressed banks: Lessons from the Norwegian banking crisis (1988–1991). Journal of Financial Economics 67:81–112.

  29. Paravisini, D. 2008. Local bank financial constraints and firm access to external finance. Journal of Finance 63: 2161-2193.

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  31. Puri, M., J. Rocholl, and S. Steffen. 2011. Global retail lending in the aftermath of the US financial crisis: Distinguishing between supply and demand effects. Journal of Financial Economics 100:556-78.

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  35. Upper, C. 2006. Contagion due to interbank credit exposures: What do we know, why do we know it, and what should we know? Mimeo, BIS.
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