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Further evidence on the link between finance and growth : an international analysis of community banking and economic performance. (2003). Klapper, Leora ; HASAN, IFTEKHAR ; Berger, Allen.
In: Policy Research Working Paper Series.

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  1. Life?Cycle Patterns of Interest?Rate Mark?Ups in Small?Firm Finance. (2012). Kim, Moshe ; Kristiansen, Eirik Gaard ; Vale, Bent .
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  2. How Competitive Is Croatias Banking System?. (2006). Kraft, Evan .
    In: Working Papers.

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  3. Strategies of foreign banks in transition economies. (2006). Haselmann, Rainer.
    In: Emerging Markets Review.

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  4. What determines banks’ market power? Akerlof versus Herfindahl. (2005). Vale, Bent ; Kim, Moshe ; Kristiansen, Eirik Gaard .
    In: Working Paper.

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  5. Further Evidence on the Link between Finance and Growth: An International Analysis of Community Banking and Economic Performance. (2004). Klapper, Leora ; HASAN, IFTEKHAR ; Berger, Allen.
    In: Journal of Financial Services Research.

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References cited by this document

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