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Financial Cycles in Credit, Housing and Capital Markets: Evidence from Systemic Economies. (2017). Adarov, Amat.
In: wiiw Working Papers.

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  1. Dynamic Interactions Between Financial and Macroeconomic Imbalances: A Panel VAR Analysis. (2019). Adarov, Amat.
    In: wiiw Working Papers.

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  2. Financial Cycles Around the World. (2018). Adarov, Amat.
    In: wiiw Working Papers.

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  3. Estimation of Aggregate and Segment-specific Financial Cycles for a Global Sample of Countries. (2018). Adarov, Amat.
    In: wiiw Statistical Reports.

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  4. ИТОГИ 2017 ГОДА: НЕКОТОРЫЕ ТЕНДЕНЦИИ В ДИНАМИКЕ РЯДА МИРОВЫХ И РОССИЙСКИХ ФИНАНСОВЫХ ИНДИКАТОРОВ // RESULTS OF 2017: SOME. (2018). Tanasova, A ; М. Ершов В., ; В. Татузов Ю., ; А. Танасова С., ; Yu, Tatuzov V ; Ershov, M.
    In: Финансы: теория и практика/Finance: Theory and Practice // Finance: Theory and Practice.

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References cited by this document

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  47. International Coordination and Precautionary Policies. (2015). Aizenman, Joshua.
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  48. Exchange Market Pressure in OECD and Emerging Economies: Domestic vs. External Factors and Capital Flows in the Old and New Normal. (2015). Binici, Mahir ; Aizenman, Joshua.
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  49. Beggar-thy-neighbor? The international effects of ECB unconventional monetary policy measures. (2015). Canova, Fabio ; Bluwstein, Kristina.
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  50. Monetary policy and financial spillovers: losing traction?. (2015). Rungcharoenkitkul, Phurichai ; Disyatat, Piti.
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