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Unemployment benefits and financial leverage in an agent based macroeconomic model. (2013). Russo, Alberto ; Gallegati, Mauro ; Ricetti, Luca .
In: Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal.

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  1. Labor and environment in global value chains: an evolutionary policy study with a three-sector and two-region agent-based macroeconomic model. (2022). Scholz-Wackerle, Manuel ; Rengs, Bernhard ; Gerdes, Lena.
    In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics.

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  2. Fiscal multipliers, expectations and learning in a macroeconomic agent?based model. (2022). Reissl, Severin.
    In: Economic Inquiry.

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  3. A Parsimonious Macroeconomic ABM for Labor Market Regulations. (2021). Maringer, Dietmar ; Ates, Caner.
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  4. Productivity and unemployment: an ABM approach. (2021). Vazquez, Francisco J ; Martinez, Juan Jose ; Fuentes, Matias ; Fernandez-Marquez, Carlos M.
    In: Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination.

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  5. Combining monetary policy and prudential regulation: an agent-based modeling approach. (2020). Lima, Gilberto ; Alexandre, Michel.
    In: Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination.

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  6. Firm-bank credit networks, business cycle and macroprudential policy. (2020). Russo, Alberto ; Riccetti, Luca ; Gallegati, Mauro.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  7. Probing the mechanism: lending rate setting in a data-driven agent-based model. (2020). Papadopoulos, Georgios.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  8. Firm-bank credit network, business cycle and macroprudential policy. (2020). Russo, Alberto ; Riccetti, Luca ; Gallegati, Mauro.
    In: Working Papers.

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  9. Evolutionary macroeconomic assessment of employment and innovation impacts of climate policy packages. (2020). Rengs, Bernhard ; van den Bergh, Jeroen ; Scholz-Wackerle, Manuel.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

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  10. Consumption & class in evolutionary macroeconomics. (2019). Scholz-Wackerle, Manuel ; Rengs, Bernhard.
    In: Journal of Evolutionary Economics.

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  11. How Many Agents are Rational in China’s Economy? Evidence from a Heterogeneous Agent-Based New Keynesian Model. (2019). Feng, Genfu ; Lu, YI ; Zhao, Wei.
    In: Computational Economics.

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  12. Monetary policy and large crises in a financial accelerator agent-based model. (2019). Russo, Alberto ; Riccetti, Luca ; Giri, Federico ; Gallegati, Mauro.
    In: Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

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  13. Income inequality, consumption, credit and credit risk in a data-driven agent-based model. (2019). Papadopoulos, Georgios.
    In: Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control.

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  14. Income inequality, consumption, credit and credit risk in a data-driven agent-based model. (2018). Papadopoulos, Georgios.
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    In: Journal of Economic Surveys.

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  16. Agent-Based Macroeconomics and Classical Political Economy: Some Italian Roots. (2017). Roventini, Andrea ; Dosi, Giovanni.
    In: LEM Papers Series.

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  17. Agent-Based Macroeconomics and Classical Political Economy: Some Italian Roots. (2017). Roventini, Andrea ; Dosi, Giovanni.
    In: Italian Economic Journal: A Continuation of Rivista Italiana degli Economisti and Giornale degli Economisti.

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  18. An Agent Based Macroeconomic Model with Social Classes and Endogenous Crises. (2017). Russo, Alberto.
    In: Italian Economic Journal: A Continuation of Rivista Italiana degli Economisti and Giornale degli Economisti.

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  19. Consumption & Class in Evolutionary Macroeconomics. (2017). Rengs, Bernhard ; Scholz-Waeckerle, Manuel .
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  20. Macroeconomic Policy in DSGE and Agent-Based Models Redux: New Developments and Challenges Ahead. (2016). Roventini, Andrea ; Fagiolo, Giorgio.
    In: LEM Papers Series.

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  21. Macroeconomic Policy in DGSE and Agent-Based Models Redux: New Developments and Challenges Ahead. (2016). Roventini, Andrea ; Fagiolo, Giorgio.
    In: Sciences Po publications.

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  22. An Agent Based Macroeconomic Model with Social Classes and Endogenous Crises. (2016). Russo, Alberto.
    In: MPRA Paper.

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  23. Macroeconomic policy in DGSE and agent based models redux : new developments and challenges ahead. (2016). Roventini, Andrea ; Fagiolo, Giorgio.
    In: Documents de Travail de l'OFCE.

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  24. Thematic Report: Macroeconomic Models Including Specifically Social and Environmental Aspects. WWWforEurope Deliverable No. 8. (2015). Kratena, Kurt.
    In: WIFO Studies.

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  25. Testing Innovation, Employment and Distributional Impacts of Climate Policy Packages in a Macro-evolutionary Systems Setting. WWWforEurope Working Paper No. 83. (2015). Rengs, Bernhard ; Antal, Miklos ; Gazheli, Ardjan ; Scholz-Wackerle, Manuel .
    In: WIFO Studies.

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  17. Geographic Mobility in the European Union: Optimising its Economic and Social Benefits. (2008). Zimmermann, Klaus ; Tatsiramos, Konstantinos ; Stuhler, Jan ; Eichhorst, Werner ; Florman, Christer ; Hansen, Mette Okkels ; Skiold, Lena ; Bonin, Holger ; Thomasen, Henrik .
    In: IZA Research Reports.

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  18. The Long-Term Effects of Job Search Requirements: Evidence from the UK JSA Reform. (2008). Petrongolo, Barbara.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  19. The Impacts of Labor Market Policies on Job Search Behavior and Post-Unemployment Job Quality. (2008). Røed, Knut ; Gaure, Simen ; Roed, Knut ; Westlie, Lars .
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  20. Do Unemployment Benefits Promote or Hinder Structural Change?. (2008). Macis, Mario ; Boeri, Tito.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  21. The Impacts of Labor Market Policies on Job Search Behavior and Post-Unemployment Job Quality. (2008). Røed, Knut ; Gaure, Simen ; Westlie, Lars .
    In: Memorandum.

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  22. The long-term effects of job search requirements: Evidence from the UK JSA reform.. (2008). Petrongolo, Barbara.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  23. The Role of Labour Market Changes in the Slowdown of European Productivity Growth. (2008). Dew-Becker, Ian ; Gordon, Robert J.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  24. Employment Protection versus Flexicurity: On Technology Adoption in Unionised Firms. (2008). Straume, Odd Rune ; Lommerud, Kjell.
    In: CESifo Working Paper Series.

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  25. Technology resistance and globalisation with trade unions: the choice between employment protection and flexicurity. (2007). Straume, Odd Rune ; Lommerud, Kjell.
    In: NIPE Working Papers.

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  26. Welfare State, Market Imperfections, and International Trade. (2007). Molana, Hassan ; Montagna, Catia.
    In: Open Economies Review.

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  27. The Joint Design of Unemployment Insurance and Employment Protection. A First Pass. (2007). Tirole, Jean ; Blanchard, Olivier.
    In: CEPR Discussion Papers.

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  28. Labor-Market Matching with Precautionary Savings and Aggregate Fluctuations. (2007). Sahin, Aysegul ; Mukoyama, Toshihiko ; Krusell, Per.
    In: Levine's Bibliography.

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  29. What Are the Long-Term Effects of UI? Evidence from the UK JSA Reform. (2007). Petrongolo, Barbara.
    In: CEP Discussion Papers.

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  30. The Impact of Unemployment Insurance on the Job Match Quality: A Quantile Regression Approach. (2006). Novo, Álvaro ; Centeno, Mário.
    In: Empirical Economics.

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  31. The Relationship between Output and Unemployment with Efficiency Wages. (2006). Molana, Hassan ; Malley, Jim.
    In: CDMA Conference Paper Series.

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  32. Was spricht eigentlich gegen eine private Arbeitslosenversicherung?. (2006). Lutz, Roman .
    In: IAB Discussion Paper.

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  33. Gains de productivité et contrôle de la recherche demploi. (2006). Tanguy, Solenne.
    In: Université Paris1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (Post-Print and Working Papers).

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  34. The Political Economy of Flexicurity. (2006). Galasso, Vincenzo ; Conde-Ruiz, J. Ignacio ; Boeri, Tito.
    In: Working Papers.

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  35. Aggregate Scale Economies, Market Integration, and Optimal Welfare State Policy. (2005). Molana, Hassan ; Montagna, Catia.
    In: International Trade.

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  36. Aggregate Scale Economies, Market Integration and Optimal Welfare State Policy. (2005). Molana, Hassan ; Montagna, Catia.
    In: International Trade.

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  37. Expansionary Effects of the Welfare State in a Small Open Economy. (2005). Molana, Hassan ; Montagna, Catia.
    In: CDMA Conference Paper Series.

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  38. Gains de productivité et contrôle de la recherche demploi.. (2005). Tanguy, Solenne.
    In: Cahiers de la Maison des Sciences Economiques.

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  39. R&D, International Trade and Creative Destruction—Empirical Findings from Finnish Manufacturing Industries*. (2005). Maliranta, Mika.
    In: Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade.

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  40. The Optimal Design of Unemployment Insurance and Employment Protection. A First Pass. (2004). Tirole, Jean ; Blanchard, Olivier.
    In: NBER Working Papers.

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  41. Cross-Skill Redistribution and the Tradeoff between Unemployment Benefits and Employment Protection. (2004). Galasso, Vincenzo ; Conde-Ruiz, J. Ignacio ; Boeri, Tito.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  42. Cross-skill Redistribution and the Tradeoff between Unemployment Benefits and Employment Protection. (2004). Galasso, Vincenzo ; Conde-Ruiz, J. Ignacio ; Boeri, Tito.
    In: Working Papers.

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  43. Cross-skill Redistribution and the Tradeoff between Unemployment Benefits and Employment Protection. (2004). Galasso, Vincenzo ; Conde-Ruiz, J. Ignacio ; Boeri, Tito.
    In: Working Papers.

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  44. Labour Market Frictions, Social Policies, and Barriers to Technology Adoption. (2004). Jesus Enrique Morales Pi, .
    In: UFAE and IAE Working Papers.

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  45. Evolution of Worker-Employer Networks and Behaviors Under Alternative Non-Employment Benefits: An Agent-Based Computational Study. (2003). Tesfatsion, Leigh ; Pingle, Mark.
    In: Computing in Economics and Finance 2003.

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  46. Optimal Unemployment Insurance: Transitional Dynamics vs. Steady State. (2003). Weitzenblum, Thomas ; Joseph, Gilles.
    In: Review of Economic Dynamics.

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    In: Department of Economics - Working Papers Series.

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  48. Institutions in the Economic Fitness Landscape: What Impact Do Welfare State Institutions Have on Economic Performance?. (2003). Schettkat, Ronald.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  49. Evolution of Worker-Employer Networks and Behaviors Under Alternative Non-Employment Benefits: An Agent-Based Computational Approach. (2003). Tesfatsion, Leigh ; Pingle, Mark.
    In: Staff General Research Papers Archive.

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  50. Unemployment Insurance and the Role of Self-Insurance. (2002). Sahin, Aysegul ; Kuruscu, Burhanettin ; Abdulkadiroglu, Atila.
    In: Review of Economic Dynamics.

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