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The view from space: Theory-based time-varying distances in the gravity model. (2017). Hinz, Julian.
In: Annual Conference 2017 (Vienna): Alternative Structures for Money and Banking.

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  1. Exchange Rate Pass-Around. (2024). Crozet, Matthieu ; Jinz, Julien ; Trionfetti, Federico.
    In: AMSE Working Papers.

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  2. Exchange rate pass-around. (2023). Trionfetti, Federico ; Hinz, Julian ; Crozet, Matthieu.
    In: Kiel Working Papers.

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  3. Social ties and home bias in mergers and acquisitions. (2023). Minondo, Asier ; Garmendia-Lazcano, Aitor ; Carril-Caccia, Federico.
    In: Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv).

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  4. Exchange Rate Pass-Around. (2023). Trionfetti, Federico ; Hinz, Julian ; Crozet, Matthieu.
    In: Working Papers.

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  5. Trade and Infrastructure Integration in Africa. (2023). Santoni, Gianluca ; Ruta, Michele ; Murray, Siobhan ; Lebrand, Mathilde ; Fontagne, Lionel.
    In: Working Papers.

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  6. Estimating road transport costs between and within European Union regions. (2022). Persyn, Damiaan ; Barbero, Javier ; Diaz-Lanchas, Jorge.
    In: Transport Policy.

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  7. The United States of Europe: A Gravity Model Evaluation of the Four Freedoms. (2021). mayer, thierry ; Head, Keith.
    In: Journal of Economic Perspectives.

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  8. Disentangling the impact of infrastructure on trade using a new index of infrastructure. (2018). Nunnenkamp, Peter ; Meyer, Birgit ; Donaubauer, Julian ; Glas, Alexander.
    In: Review of World Economics (Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv).

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  9. Politics of Global Value Chains. (2016). Hinz, Julian ; Leromain, Elsa.
    In: Working Papers.

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References cited by this document

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  4. B Processing of satellite imagery The United States Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) has satellites circling the planet about 14 times in 24h, image captured between 8:30pm and 10pm local time. The results are digitally available since 1992, pre-processed by NOAA (cloud-free, no fires). The resolution is 30 arc-seconds or about 860m at the equator, where the recorded data is a so-called digital number (DN), an integer between 0 and 63. The number is not necessarily true radiance, it is what the sensor picks up. In total there are about 60,000,000 illuminated cells, with variation over time.
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  5. Baldwin, R. and D. Taglioni (2006, September). Gravity for Dummies and Dummies for Gravity Equations. Working Paper 12516, National Bureau of Economic Research.

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  19. Head, K. and T. Mayer (2013). What separates us? Sources of resistance to globalization. Technical report, Centre for Economic Policy Research.

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  26. Hugot, J. and C. U. Dajud (2014, November). Who Benefited from the Suez and Panama Canals? Mimeo.
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  27. I rasterize the raw satellite images and remove artefacts (gas flares and aurora borealis), boats, etc. I reduce the sample to illuminated landmasses by detecting borders with georeferenced border shapefiles from Weidmann et al. (2010). In line with the literature I intercalibrate across years following Elvidge et al. (2014) with: DN = c0 + c1DN + c2DN2 A number of years have observations from two satellites. For these years I average the intercalibrated data by cell. Using this processed data I calculate great circle distances between each illuminated cell and calculate the generalized mean as discussed above.
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  28. Ishise, H. and M. Matsuo (2015). Trade in polarized America: The border effect between red states and blue states. Economic Inquiry 53(3), 1647–1670.

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  36. Santos Silva, J. M. and S. Tenreyro (2006). The Log of Gravity. The Review of Economics and Statistics 88(4), 641–658.

  37. See also Ramondo et al. (2012), whose aggregation over regions yields a similar country-level price index.
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  38. Tinbergen, J. et al. (1962). Shaping the world economy; suggestions for an international economic policy. Books (Jan Tinbergen).
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  39. To reduce the size of the distance matrix to be calculated while maintaining general validity, I randomly draw 100 times 1 percent and a minimum of 1000 from each country’s illuminated cells.
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