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Comparing Investment and Employment Specialisation Patterns of EU Regions. (2004). Stirboeck, Claudia ; Stirbock, Claudia .
In: ZEW Discussion Papers.

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  1. Dezentralisierung in den EU-Staaten und räumliche Verteilung wirtschaftlicher Aktivitäten. (2007). Wrede, Matthias ; Stierle-von Schuetz, Ulrike ; Bähr, Cornelius ; Bahr, Cornelius ; Schutz, Ulrike Stierle-von.
    In: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik.

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  2. Institutionelle Gestaltung föderaler Systeme: Theorie und Empirie. (2007). von Hagen, Juergen.
    In: Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik.

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  3. Fiscal Design and the Location of Economic Activity. (2005). Stierle-von Schuetz, Ulrike ; Schutz, Ulrike Stierle-von.
    In: ERSA conference papers.

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References cited by this document

  1. AMITI, M. (1999): Specialization Patterns in Europe, Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv 135 (4), 573-593.

  2. BALASSA, B. (1989): Comparative advantage, trade policy and economic development, Hasvester Wheatsheaf, Hestfordshire, 18-79.
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  3. BRULHART, M. (1998): Trading Places: Industrial Specialisation in the European Union, Journal of Common Market Studies 36(3), 319-346.

  4. BRULHART, M. AND TORSTENSSON, J. (1996): Regional Integration, Scale Economies and Industry Location in the European Union, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 1435.
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  5. CAVES, R.E. (1974): Causes of Direct Investment: Foreign Firms Shares in Canadian and United Kingdom Manufacturing Industries, The Review of Economics and Statistics LVI, 279-293.

  6. EUROPEAN COMMISSION (1997): Trade Patterns inside the Single Market, The Single Market Review - Impact on Trade and Investment, Subseries IV (2):.
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  7. EUROSTAT (1999): Statistik kurzgefaBt, Allgemeine Statistik 1-3/1 999, Luxembourg.
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  8. GREENAWAY, D., AND R.C. HINE (1991): Intra-industry Specialization, Trade Expansion and Adjustment in the European Economic Space, Journal of Common Market Studies 29(6), 389-403.

  9. KALEMLI-OZCAN S., B.E. SORENSEN AND 0. YOSHA (2003): Risk Sharing and Industrial Specialization: Regional and International Evidence, American Economic Review 93 (3), 903-918.

  10. KRIEGER-BODEN, C. (1999): Nationale und regionale Spezialisierungsmuster im europaischen Integrationsprozel3, Die Weltwirtschaft (2), 234-254.

  11. KRUGMAN, P. (1991): Geography and Trade, Cambridge/Massachusetts.
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  12. LALL, S. AND N.S. SIDDHARTHAN (1982): The Monopolistic Advantages of Multinationals: Lessons from Foreign Investment in the U.S., The Economic Journal, 92, 668-683.

  13. PALUZIE, E., PONS, J. AND A. TIRADO (2001): Regional Integration and Specialization Patterns in Spain, Regional Studies (35), 285-296.

  14. QUINN, D. (1997): The Correlates of Change in International Financial Regulation, American Political Science Review, 91(3), 53 1-551.

  15. SAUNDERS, R. 5. (1982): The determinants of interindustry variation of foreign ownership in Canadian manufacturing, Canadian Journal of Economics, XV (1), 77-84.

  16. STIRBOECK, C. (2002A): Relative Specialisation of EU Regions: An Econometric Analysis of Sectoral Gross Fixed Capital Formation, ZEWDiscussion Paper No.02-36.

  17. STIRBOECK, C. (2002B): Explaining the Level of Relative Investment Specialisation: A Spatial Econometric Analysis of EU Regions, ZEWDiscussion Paper No.02-49.

  18. STIRBOECK, C. (2004A): What Determines Relative Sectoral Investment Patterns in EU Regions?, in Bradley, J., G. Petrakos and I. Traistaru (2004): Integration, Growth, and Cohesion in an Enlarged European Union, Boston, Kluwer, 87-130.
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