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Wage Differences According to Workers Origin: The Role of Working More Upstream in GVCs. (2021). Rycx, Francois ; Mahy, Benoit ; Fays, Valentine.
In: GLO Discussion Paper Series.

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  56. L’union fait la force? Evidence for wage discrimination in firms with high diversity. (2018). Rycx, Francois ; Kampelmann, Stephan ; Grinza, Elena.
    In: Working Papers CEB.

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  57. Lunion fait la force? Evidence for Wage Discrimination in Firms with High Diversity. (2018). Rycx, Francois ; Kampelmann, Stephan ; Grinza, Elena.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  58. Ethnic gaps in educational attainment and labor-market outcomes : evidence from France. (2018). Peterle, Emmanuel ; MOIZEAU, Fabien ; Masclet, David ; Langevin, Gabin.
    In: Working Papers.

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  59. Ethnic Gaps in Educational Attainment and Labor-Market Outcomes: Evidence from France. (2017). Peterle, Emmanuel ; MOIZEAU, Fabien ; Masclet, David ; Langevin, Gabin.
    In: TEPP Working Paper.

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  60. Wage discrimination against immigrants: Measurement with firm-level productivity data. (2016). Rycx, Francois ; Kampelmann, Stephan.
    In: Working Papers CEB.

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  61. Wage Discrimination against Immigrants: Measurement with Firm-Level Productivity Data. (2016). Rycx, Francois ; Kampelmann, Stephan.
    In: IZA Discussion Papers.

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  62. Ethnic gaps in educational attainment and labor-market outcomes : evidence from France. (2016). MOIZEAU, Fabien ; Peterle, Emmanuel ; Masclet, David ; Langevin, Gabin.
    In: Post-Print.

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  63. L’adresse contribue-t-elle à expliquer les écarts de salaires ? Le cas de jeunes sortant du système scolaire. (2015). ENE JONES, Emilia ; Sari, Florent.
    In: TEPP Research Report.

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  64. L’adresse contribue-t-elle à expliquer les écarts de salaires ? Le cas de jeunes sortant du système scolaire. (2015). ENE JONES, Emilia ; Sari, Florent.
    In: Working Papers.

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  65. Educational Attainment, Wages and Employment of Second-Generation Immigrants in France. (2013). Peterle, Emmanuel ; MOIZEAU, Fabien ; Masclet, David ; Langevin, Gabin.
    In: Economics Working Paper Archive (University of Rennes 1 & University of Caen).

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  66. Educational Attainment, Wages and Employment of Second-Generation Immigrants in France. (2013). Peterle, Emmanuel ; MOIZEAU, Fabien ; Masclet, David ; Langevin, Gabin.
    In: CIRANO Working Papers.

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