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EGMR, 26.08.2003 - 59493/00 - dejure.org

   EGMR, 26.08.2003 - 59493/00   

EGMR, 26.08.2003 - 59493/00 (https://dejure.org/2003,30001)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 26.08.2003 - 59493/00 (https://dejure.org/2003,30001)
EGMR, Entscheidung vom 26. August 2003 - 59493/00 (https://dejure.org/2003,30001)
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  • EGMR, 15.07.1982 - 8130/78

    Eckle ./. Deutschland

    Auszug aus EGMR, 26.08.2003 - 59493/00
    Accordingly, criminal proceedings are said to have begun with "the official notification given to an individual by the competent authority of an allegation that he has committed a criminal offence", a definition that also corresponds to the test of whether "the situation of the [suspect] has been substantially affected" (Eckle v. Germany, judgment of 15 July 1982, Series A no. 51, § 73).
  • EGMR, 27.02.1980 - 6903/75


    Auszug aus EGMR, 26.08.2003 - 59493/00
    It considers that the applicant's wife has a legitimate and sufficient interest to pursue the application (for example, Deweer v. Belgium, judgment of 27 February 1980, Series A no. 35, § 37; X v. France, judgment of 31 March 1992, Series A no. 234-C, §§ 26 and 27).
  • EGMR, 10.11.1969 - 1602/62

    Stögmüller ./. Österreich

    Auszug aus EGMR, 26.08.2003 - 59493/00
    The Court recalls that one of the purposes of the right to trial within a reasonable period of time is to protect individuals from "remaining too long in a state of uncertainty about their fate" (Stögmüller v. Austria, judgment of 10 November 1969, Series A no. 9, § 5).
  • EGMR, 05.11.1981 - 7215/75


    Auszug aus EGMR, 26.08.2003 - 59493/00
    For the reasons of convenience, the present decision will continue to refer to Mr Withey as "the applicant", although his wife is today to be regarded as having this status (X v. the United Kingdom, judgment of 5 November 1981, Series A no. 46, § 32).
  • EGMR, 31.03.1992 - 18020/91

    X c. FRANCE

    Auszug aus EGMR, 26.08.2003 - 59493/00
    It considers that the applicant's wife has a legitimate and sufficient interest to pursue the application (for example, Deweer v. Belgium, judgment of 27 February 1980, Series A no. 35, § 37; X v. France, judgment of 31 March 1992, Series A no. 234-C, §§ 26 and 27).
  • EGMR, 13.05.2003 - 62960/00


    Auszug aus EGMR, 26.08.2003 - 59493/00
    More recently, the Court has found that criminal proceedings ended when the prosecution informed the accused that it had discontinued the proceedings against him (Slezevicius v. Lithuania, no. 55479/00, § 27, 13 November 2001, unreported) and when a domestic court found that an accused was unfit to stand trial by reason of his psychiatric condition (Antoine v. the United Kingdom, (dec.) no. 62960/00, ECHR 2003-...), even though in both cases there remained a theoretical possibility that the accused could one day be proceeded against on the relevant charges.
  • EKMR, 03.10.1979 - 8233/78

    X. v. the UNITED KINGDOM

    Auszug aus EGMR, 26.08.2003 - 59493/00
    Conversely, it is also the case that such proceedings would end with an official notification to the accused that he or she was no longer to be pursued on those charges such as would allow a conclusion that the situation of that person could no longer be considered to be substantially affected (X v. the United Kingdom, no. 8233/78, Commission decision of 3 October 1979, §§ 64 and 65, unreported).
  • BGH, 14.10.2015 - 1 StR 56/15

    Fall Mollath: Revision des Angeklagten als unzulässig verworfen

    Art. 6 MRK garantiert bereits nicht das Recht auf ein bestimmtes Ergebnis eines Strafverfahrens, etwa nicht auf Verurteilung oder Freispruch wegen einer angeklagten Straftat (vgl. EGMR, Urteil vom 26. August 2003 - 59493/00 - Withey/Vereinigtes Königreich; Urteil vom 3. Dezember 2009 ? 8917/05 ? Kart/Türkei, NJOZ 2011, 619, 621).
  • EGMR, 05.07.2016 - 44898/10


    He reiterated that in the present case the reopening of the criminal proceedings based on sections 655 to 657 of the Criminal Procedure Law was not to be regarded as "an extraordinary remedy" (he referred to Withey v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 59493/00, ECHR 2003-X), but in fact appeared to be the only remedy available to him by which to obtain redress for the breach of his rights enshrined in Article 3 of the Convention.

    The Court also reiterates that, according to its established case-law, an application for the reopening of proceedings or the use of similar extraordinary remedies cannot, as a general rule, be taken into account for the purposes of Article 35 § 1 of the Convention (see, for instance, Withey v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 59493/00, ECHR 2003-X, and H. v. Iceland, cited above, with further references).

    "The Court also reiterates that, according to its established case-law, an application for the reopening of proceedings or the use of similar extraordinary remedies cannot, as a general rule, be taken into account for the purposes of Article 35 § 1 of the Convention (see, for instance, Withey v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 59493/00, ECHR 2003-X, and H. v. Iceland, cited above, with further references).

  • EGMR, 20.10.2020 - 71591/17

    Prozess gegen SS-Mann Gröning dauerte nicht zu lang

    Elsewhere, a trial judge's order to leave the charges on the file was considered to have ended the criminal proceedings for the purposes of Article 6 of the Convention (see Withey v. the United Kingdom (dec.), no. 59493/00, ECHR 2003-X).
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