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uf \ μみゅーforth, microforth \
Designed by Total Vacuum
Appeared in 2019
Memory system stack-based
Computational class Turing complete
Major implementations uf[1]
File extension(s) .uf
  " "   string
  %     include
  ' '   char
  num   number
  ID    ID
  \ \   comment
  ` `   asm
  id    id
  ( )   while
  : ;   function
  [ ]   loop
  { ~ } if
  !     store (word)
  #     dup
  $     swap
  &     and
  *     mul
  +     add
  ,     load (byte)
  -     sub
  .     store (byte)
  /     div
  <     lt
  =     eq
  >     gt
  ?     pick
  @     load (word)
  ^     xor
  _     drop
  |     or

under construction ...