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Wiwa is a stack-based, array-oriented esolang inspired by Uiua and BQN.

It operates on a stack of arrays. Each array can only contain other arrays, meaning there are no values in Wiwa.

You can find the interpreter here


There are a total of 58 operations in Wiwa. The code is read char-by-char. Comments can be specified by surrounding them in square brackets ([]).


Using these constants will push it onto the stack

Symbol Description
Ø An empty array
An array of 1-10 empty subarrays

Stack Operations

Operations with the stack

Symbol Name Description
swap Swap the two arrays on top of the stack
clone Duplicate the array on top of the stack
over Duplicate the array below the top of the stack
\ drop Delete array on top of the stack
inner Go into the array on top of the stack (use the array as a new stack)
outer Go out of the array
new Create an empty array and use it as the new stack (same as Ø↶)
rotate Reverses the stack
bottom Duplicates the element on the bottom of the stack to the top of the stack

Multiple Array Operations

Operations on multiple arrays, usually two arrays on top of the stack

Symbol Name Description
concatenate Concatenate two arrays on top of the stack
unpack Move all subarrays from the array on top of the stack onto the stack
shrink Make both arrays be the same length by removing the last elements from the array on top of the stack
interleave Merge both arrays by alternating between the elements of the first array (bottom) and second (top)
move Move the array on top of the stack onto the array below the top of the stack
take Take the last element from the array on top of the stack to the stack
exclude Remove subarrays from the array below the top of the stack whose length occurs in the array on top of the stack
intersect Remove subarrays from the array below the top of the stack whose length does not occur in the array on top of the stack
length Creates a new array with the same length as the array on top of the stack
depth Creates a new array with the same length as the greatest level of nesting in the array on top of the stack
× repeat Repeats subarrays in the array below the top of the stack by the length of the array on top of the stack
÷ split Split the array on top of the stack into two halfs (the second half is smaller if the amount of elements is odd)

Single Array Operations

Operations on a single array that is on top of the stack

Symbol Name Description
flatten Flatten all sub-arrays in the array (same as □↶∪↷, or Ø∥∈↶∪↷)
deduplicate Removes subarrays with duplicated length from the array
nest Nests the array in an empty array (same as Ø∥∈)
reverse Reverses the array (same as ↶⇅↷)
maximum Move the longest subarray of the array to the last element
minimum Move the smallest subarray of the array to the last element
flip Swap the first element of the array with the last element
ascending Sort the subarrays by their length ascending
descending Sort the subarrays by their length descending
random Sort the subarrays randomly
¤ increment Add one empty subarray to the array (same as ↶Ø↷)
decrement Remove the last subarray from the array (same as ↶\↷)
double Repeat the subarrays in the array the length of the array (same as •×)

Control Flow

The lambda is started with λらむだ and ended with .. The lambda can be executed using the operations from the table below.

Symbol Name Description
λらむだ lambda Start the lambda
. end End the lambda
both Execute the lambda on both arrays on top of the stack
each Execute the lambda on each sub-array of the array on top of the stack (starting from the first; same as ↶∷↷)
all Execute the lambda on all arrays on the stack (starting from the bottom)
until Execute the lambda until the array on top of the stack is empty
matches Execute the lambda if both arrays on top of the stack have the same length (doesn't pop them)
execute Execute the lambda

You can have only one lambda, and creating another will override the previously defined one, but you can execute it multiple times without needing to re-define it.

You can also define or execute lambdas inside of lambdas, and this won't override the lambda globally.


This will do (move) twice despite the new lambda being overwritten inside of the lambda, since the override affects only the inside of the lambda.


This, however, will execute (move) and (take).


Symbol Name Description
output Output a line to stdout using the length of subarrays of the array as charcodes
input Read a line from stdin and push an array with the length of subarrays being the charcodes
write Write a character to stdout with the charcode of the length of the array on top of the stack
read Read a character from stdin and push an array with the length of the charcode onto the stack
keypress Same as , but keeps executing the lambda until a character has been inputted
? dump Output the current stack


Hello, World!


Truth Machine


Cat program
