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Welcome to the Araceae Project home page. The initial stage of this project dealt with the largest genus of the Araceae family, Anthurium, comprising more than 1000 species. The addition of information corresponding to additional Araceae genera, starting with the genus Philodendron, is underway. 

This page provides a complete checklist of Anthurium species, followed by a partial, but growing, list of Philodendron species. By clicking on an Anthurium species name in the checklist, a user may view the sectional name of that species.  Also available is a sectional key for Anthurium.

Once the Philodendron species checklist is complete, sectional names for these species will be added to the project, along with subgenus, subsection, and series names.

Project Background and Goals

The primary objective of the Araceae Project is to facilitate the determination of new species. Providing quick access, in a single location, to existing protologues and digital images of herbarium materials and living plants will prove useful to researchers for this purpose. Supporting this project effort is the digitization of a large repository of type data and images collected by Dr. Thomas Croat over a period of more than forty years, currently stored in the Aroids Research Department.

Questions, corrections, contributions, and comments should be sent to Thomas.Croat@mobot.org.

© 2024 Missouri Botanical Garden - 4344 Shaw Boulevard - Saint Louis, Missouri 63110