(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
Battle of Dresden 1813 : Schlacht : Bataille : Battaglia : Batalla
Campaign in Germany in 1813
and the
Battle of Dresden
One of Napoleon's greatest victories


The average casualties suffered by the French army during
Napoleon's invasion of Russia in 1812 were 2,000 - 3,000 men per day.
During Napoleon's campaign in Germany in 1813 the average casualties
were up to 3,570 per day (or 25,000 men per week by Scotty Bowden)

"... the French forces in the Peninsula lost 100 men per day" (- David Gates)
In the American Civil War 1861-1865 the average casualties for the
Union were 400 per day.


"When an army of 120,000 men, in the presence of 180,000 enemies
deploys from a bridge-head, then surrounds the enemy on both wings
and seriously damages both, when it compels a whole division to
lay down its arms in the open field, when it brings in immediately
from the battlefield 13,000 prisoners, 15 standards, and 26 guns,
that is a quite undeniable victory." Caemmerer - "Die Befreuingskrieg"


Schlacht bei Dresden.
Bitwa pod Dreznem.
Battle of Dresden 1813, by Bovinet Edme.


Map of campaign in August 1813
In 1813 Napoleon's forces occupied central position. The Allies were to the north (Bernadotte's army), east (Bennigsen's army, and to the south (Schwarzenberg's army). Taking the central position gave Napoleon some important advantages. He could concentrate his armies much easier than the allies. Things could go wrong, of course. (Like for example the marshals could be defeated by Allies' generals.) This strategy necessitated bold leadership, careful timing, and aggressive movement.


Map of battle of Dresden.
Schlacht bei Dresden, karte, plan.
Mapa bitwy pod Dreznem 1813.
Map of Battle of Dresden, the second largest battle of the Napoleonic Wars.
The first phase: Allies' attacks.
In the very beginning only St.Cyr's XIV Army Corps of four divisions (Claparede, Berthezene, Razout and Pajol) defended Dresden. During the first day of battle St.Cyr was joined by Napoleon, four divisions of Young Guard led by Marshals Ney and Mortier, Latour-Maubourg's I Cavalry Corps, and part of Guard Cavalry. In the night arrived Marmont's and Victor's corps, part of reserve cavalry and part of Guard Cavalry. The Allies were joined by the Russian and Prussian Reserves and were hoping that Austrian Klenau's army corps will also arrive.
For map of battle of Dresden , day two (Napoleon's offensive), click here .


Introduction: Campaign in Germany in 1813.

Napoleon's victories in 1813.

Napoleon agrees to armistice.
(In exile he admitted that it was one
of the worst decisions of his life.)

Allies' masterful plan
(or "a pack of hounds bringing down a stag.")

The war resumes, on to Dresden !

The city of Dresden and the fortifications.

French army and order of battle

Allies army and order of battle.




















Day One

The battle begins.

Three-hour lull in battle.

Napoleon arrives with reinforcements.

The battle restarts at 3 PM.

Fighting along the Elbe River.

Battle for the Grand Garden.

Fighting in the center.

On the flank.

Cavalry battle.

Before the storm.

The Young Guard.

In the night after the battle.

Plans and errors.


Day Two + Map

Left flank:
The French Young Guard routed
Prussians and Russians.

Right flank:
French cavalry slaughtered
Austrian infantry.

"In the center the battle was
limited to an artillery duel."
Death of General Moreau.


Allies' retreat in the evening.

French pursuit on the next day.

Aftermath and casualties.
"Wagons carried the corpses, which
were thrown into the graves made by
teams of peasants."

I n t r o d u c t i o n
Campaign in Germany in 1813


Kutuzov's pursuit of Napoleon
in winter 1812 Napoleon's retreat from Russia in 1812 After the campaign in Russia in 1812 Napoleon could not believe himself invincible. His enemies were suggesting that since his good genius had failed him once, it might again.

The Russian victory was a huge blow to Napoleon's ambitions of European dominance. Seeing an opportunity in Napoleon's historic defeat, some Prussian troops re-entered the war. Public demonstrations in Berlin and elsewhere against the French persuaded the king of Prussia, Frederick William, to change sides.

Napoleon's new army of 1813. With amazing speed, Napoleon concentrated fresh forces and attempted to reorganize the wreck that was emerging from Russia. He quickly built up his forces in the east from 50,000 to 150,000 and eventually to 450,000 (although only 250,000 were under his direct command).
The Confederation of the Rhine furnished Napoleon with thousands of German soldiers, with Saxony and Bavaria as principal contributors. In addition, to the south Murat's Kingdom of Naples and Eugene's Kingdom of Italy had a combined total of 100,000 men under arms.



Napoleon's victories : Lutzen and Bautzen.
Lützen could well have become a second Austerlitz.
After Bautzen the Allies asked for armistice.

Russians and Prussians at Lutzen 1813,
by Oleg Parkhaiev Napoleon, having his army at hand, defeated the Prussians and Russians at Lutzen (2 May) and Bautzen (20-21 May).
At Lutzen Napoleon had organized the march of Bertrand's corps in such a way that he could strike Allies' left flank, while MacDonald's corps could strike the Allies' right in order to encircle the enemy. Ney would be fixing the Allies in front. Lützen could well have become a second Austerlitz. Napoleon concentrated powerful artillery and unleashed a devastating barrage towards allied center. Then he led the Young Guard into a massive assault breaking the enemy lines. Unfortunately the young French infantrymen were too exhausted and could not follow through. And the lack of cavalry meant there would be no pursuit. This allowed Wittgenstein and Blucher to retreat in good order. At Lützen Prussian General von Scharnhorst was wounded. Then an infection set in and he died as a result. Scharnhorst was one of the brightest Allied generals and well known organizer and reformer of the Prussian army.

French Marshal Ney The operational manoeuvres at Bautzen came even closer to encircling and annihilating the Russo-Prussian army, when the Emperor ordered Ney to attack Allies' flank and rear with three corps. Faulty exqecution by Ney left the line of retreat open. (Ney became distracted and decided to seize the village of Preititz, and thus lost sight of the strategic importance of cutting off the allies.) To make matters worse, Napoleon's close friend, General Geraud Duroc, was mortally wounded by a cannonball and died shortly after the battle. Following Bautzen, Napoleon agreed to a seven-week truce with the Coalition, requested by the Allies on 2 June.



Napoleon agreed to an armistice.
In exile he admitted that it was one
of the worst decisions of his life.

In a surprise move, Napoleon agreed to an armistice from 4 June through 20 July, later extended to 10 August. During this time both sides attempted to recover from heavy losses since April. What were the causes that led to the armistice ?
Napoleon has indicated several:
1 - lack of cavalry
2 - to win back Austria
1 - to get Austria and Sweden on their side
2 - after two defeats they needed time to recover

Klaus Metternich,
Austrian diplomat Very talented Austrian diplomat, Klemens Metternich, attended a personal meeting with Napoleon. At this meeting Metternich stated that Austria was free of "engagements" and Napoleon sought to obtain a full commitment to his cause by Austria.
Metternich wrote: "Our conference consisted of the oddest mixture of heterogeneous subjects, characterized now by extreme friendliness, now by the most violent outbursts of fury". Napoleon occasionally raged or threatened but Metternich remained calm.
Napoleon and Metternich
on Dresden in 1813 At one stage Napoleon let his hat, which he was holding under his arm, drop to the floor. Although an Emperor had dropped his hat Metternich did not stoop to pick it up. (According to Metternich, Napoleon threw it into a corner of the room in a rage.) Napoleon made various offers for Austria's neutrality, but Metternich declined all bargaining, and Napoleon's oft repeated threat, "We shall meet in Vienna" (Vienna was Austria's capital Napoleon captured in 1809) was his ominous farewell to Metternich.

Metternich had asked General Schwarzenberg whether a prolongation of the armistice would be of advantage to the Allies, and if so, how long a prolongation would be required. Schwarzenberg had replied that in 20 days the army would be increased by 75,000 men and that, if the armistice was prolonged until then, that would be sufficient. It was one of the reasons the armistice was extended to 10 August.

In exile Napoleon admitted that agreeing to armistice in 1813 was one of the worst decisions of his life.
The anti-French coalition was born during this time. Britain signed treaties with Russia and Prussia and pledged strong financial support. Allies had the time to recover from the shock of two defeats. Sweden and Austria joined the Allies.



Allies' masterful plan (or "a pack of hounds bringing down a stag.")
Allies' plan advocated avoiding direct engagement with Napoleon.
Consequently the Allies planned to defeat his marshals separately,
and thus weaken his army.

Lutzen and Bautzen were the last opportunities for Napoleon to defeat the Allies in one battle.
After the armistice they operated in three large armies:
- Army of the North under Bernadotte (it protected Berlin, capital of Prussia)
- Army of Silesia under Blucher (shielded Russian communication and supply lines)
- Army of Bohemia under Schwarzenberg (guarded the approaches to Vienna, capital of Austria)

Austrian General  Radetzky, 
author of the Trachenberg Plan Allies' new plan (called the Trachenberg Plan) advocated avoiding direct engagement with Napoleon. This resulted from fear of the Emperor's legendary prowess in battle. The plan was the work of the Austrian chief of staff, General Radetzky (picture -->). Consequently the Allies planned to engage and defeat his marshals separately, and thus weaken his army. It was decided upon after a series of defeats and near disasters by the Coalition at Napoleon's hands at the battles of Lutzen and Bautzen.

The Trachenberg Plan had exasperated Napoleon.
His young soldiers marched and countermarched across Germany, exhausting their meager resources. He looked like a tiger surrounded by hunters, he was half bewildered, and unable to make up his mind to do more than make short dashes, first on one part, then on another, of the circle that was steadily closing in on him.



The war resumes, on to Dresden !
Rapid marches were the order of the day,
and skirmishes were of almost continuous

Russian army The strategic situation after armistice was as follow: Bernadotte's Army of the North (100,000-120,000 Russians, Prussians, and Swedes) stood near Berlin, Blucher's Army of Silesia (100,000 Russians and Prussians) was in the east, in Silesia. Meanwhile the main Russian army moved into Bohemia and joined the Austrian army where they formed the powerful Army of Bohemia (240,000 men). The Russian army called the Army of Poland (60,000 men) was moving west from the Grand Duchy of Warsaw.

Napoleon was in Gorlitz and planned to seize the initiative. He sent 60,000-80,000 men under Marshal Oudiont to the north to attack Bernadotte and take Berlin. Marshal Macdonald's 120,000 men was to attack Blucher. Napoleon planned to concentrate the remaining 120,000 men in the south, as he expected the Army of Bohemia to cross the mountains, enter Saxony, and move on Dresden and Leipzig.

French Marshal Oudinot Prussian General Bulow Marshal Oudinot was unable to reach Berlin. On 23 August 1813 he was defeated at Gross-Beeren by Prussian General Bulow of Bernadotte's Army of the North. (See map below.)

Napoleon was furious with Oudinot for his withdrawal to Wittenberg fortress instead of back to Luckau. He fumed, "It is truly difficult to have fewer brains than the duke of Reggio !". Napoleon then appointed Marshal Michel Ney to lead a second drive on Berlin with the same three, now reduced and demoralized, corps and the ailing Oudinot as Ney's subordinate. The result would be the battle of Dennewitz. At Dennewitz General Bulow recorded his second great win.

French Marshal Macdonald Prussian General Blucher Although his orders were to defend the flank of Napoleon's main force from the aggressive Prussian General Blücher, Marshal Macdonald decided to attack. On 26 August in the midst of heavy rain, the two armies stumbled upon one another, taking both by surprise. The battle of Katzbach (after y.1945 polish Kaczawa River) was a great victory for Blucher. Macdonald's losses numbered 15,000 killed, wounded or captured, Blücher's some 5,000. In Prussia was born saying Der geht ran, wie Blücher an der Katzbach ! ("He goes forward like Blücher at Katzbach !"), referring to Blücher's actions at Katzbach. One of the highlights of the battle was the charge of Russian cavalry.

On hearing that the Army of Bohemia under Schwarzenberg (240,000 men) , had emerged on the 22nd from the mountains and was heading for Dresden, Napoleon, taking 120,000 men hastened by forced marches to that city, where Marshal St.Cyr had shut himself in with the troops he had hurriedly withdrawn from the camp at Pirna.
Rapid marches were the order of the day, and skirmishes were of almost continuous occurrence. Poniatowski's tiny corps aggressively pushed on Zittau while the Imperial Guard was directed on Dresden.


The city and the fortifications.
In Dresden the French and Westphalian soldiers had barricades erected
on various major streets and redoubts outside the suburbs. The bridges
were raised every night and all the boats on the river were locked up.
The gates to the suburbs were blocked up.


Dresden in the end of 19th century. The city of Dresden, where the Emperor stayed, was the pivot for his army.
In that times it was one of the largest (30,000 inhabitants) and wealthiest cities in Europe. Dresden was the capital and residence for the Kings of Saxony who for centuries furnished it with cultural and artistic splendor.

The Old City was enclosed by the wall but the suburbs had already extended beyond it. The walls of the Old City had by 1813 been partially dismantled. The New City, on the other hand, was in a better condition for defence. Napoleon ordered that the Pirna Gate be reinforced by a ditch filled with water. The bridges were raised every night and all the boats on the river were locked up. The seven gates to the suburbs and all the gates in the garden walls were blocked up.
The French and Westphalian soldiers had barricades erected on various major streets and 13 redoubts of various size and strength outside the suburbs. Five redoubts stood on the left and eight on the right bank of the Elbe River. Each redoubt had 1 gun and an unit of infantry. All trees around the redoubts were cut down.
Unfortunately the Redoubts I, II, III were out of sight of one another and incapable of mutual support. Approx. 300 paces in front of Redbout IV there was a large building, in which the Allies could take cover. This building was not destroyed and it was a serious mistake made by the French engineers.

The beautiful Grand Garden (ext. link , photos) stretched for some 2,000 paces on a level ground. It was on the flank of any advance against the city. For this reason it can be considered as the key to Dresden. The large wood near Blasewitz was on the edge of the battlefield and thus of little tactical importance. Within 1,000 paces of the southern suburb the ground begins to rise to the line of hills.

Dresden was both an important garrison as well as a centre of military industry during the Second World War. The controversial Allied (Anglo-American) bombing of Dresden, plus 40 years in the Soviet bloc state of East Germany, changed the face of the city. Dresden has undergone significant reconstruction in recent years . In 2005, Dresden was host to the largest Neo-Nazi demonstration (8,000 participants !) in the post-war history of Germany mourning what they call the "Allied bomb-holocaust". (ext.link)


French army at Dresden in August 1813.
French order of battle (ordre de bataille)


The commander of the French army at Dresden was Napoleon. According to Delderfield, during the disastrous campaign in Russia in 1812, Napoleon's health deteriorated "to a degree that clouded his judgement." He was suffering from dysuria and a dry cough and loss of voice. His personal physician, Mestivier, described Napoleon as having a "persistant dry cough, difficult irregular breathing, his urine came only in drops and with pain and was thick with sediment." Napoleon also gained weight. This however had no impact on his energy. Napoleon had never been more energetic than in 1813 and 1814.

Marshal Bertier, 
chief of staff of
the French Army Marshal Berthier was the chief of staff of the French army. The staff had several sections and departments, each dealing with a well defined area of responsibility, such as troop movements and intelligence, personnel and records, and legal affairs, plus special staffs for each arm of service. Berthier's incredible accuracy combined with his mastery of detail made him the ideal chief of staff to commander like Napoleon. Marshal Bertheir and Prussian General Gneisenau were arguably the best (and very different !) chiefs of staff in Europe in that time.

The reconstruction of the infantry in 1813 was not a simple task. One cannot just strike the earth and expect legions, armed, clothed and trained. Napoleon used everything he had. In 1813 the young soldiers were called "infants of the Emperor." So poor were they in physique that the Minister of Police protests against their being drilled in the Champs Elysees during the hour of promenade, on account of the scoffing and jeering they gave rise to. Camille Rousset gives the following as a common type of report on inspection: "Some of the men are of rather weak appearance. The battalion had no idea of manouveruring; but 9/10 of the men can manage and load their muskets passably."
According to Digby-Smith "The strength and physical stamina of the young conscripts, and consequently the quality of their regiments, left much to be desired; they could not march like the veterans, fell easy prey to sickness, and the standard of their training when they left the depots in the spring 1813 was frighteningly low. The ability of battalions to manoeuvre was poor, and many recruits could not even load their muskets. When the reinforcements drafts marched to the front, carts had to follow them to pick up the footsore and the exhausted."
The best part of French infantry was the Old Guard. Next in quality were the Young Guard and the Polish and German infantry. The quality of French infantry of Marmont's VI Army Corps was also pretty good. Jean Barres writes, "On the 10th August the army corps was united in a wide plain and reviewed by its commander, Marshal the Duc de Ragusa, who, in full uniform, cloak, and hat in the style of (King) Henri IV, with his marshal's truncheon in his hand, passed before the front line of each corps. After this review there were some large maneuvres and a general march past. The army corps, composed of three divisions [Compans, Bonnet, Friederich] was remarkably fine and full of enthusiasm." The flower of Marmont's infantry were the regiments of naval, or marine, infantry called Regiments d'Infanterie de Marine.

After the disastrous campaign in Russia the quality and the quantity of Freench cavalry was low. There were too many young soldiers, hastily trained, and hardly 10-20 % of the officers were classed as capable. Retired officers had been recalled, many old NCOs had been promoted lieutenants. Nearly 80 % of the new cavalrymen had never ridden a horse.
In 1813 the cavalry was the weakest link of the French army.
Only the Old Guard was made of veterans, with some of them being survivors of the disastrous retreat from Russia in 1812. Their faces evoked the grim business of war. In terms of quality these veterans were followed closely by the Polish light cavalry and Saxon heavies.

During the retreat from Russia in 1812, only Napoleon's V Army Corps (Poniatowski's) brought back 30 pieces. The tiny Baden troop brought most of theirs, but many of the French guns, caissons, wagons and field forges had to be abandoned. All gunners and horses were weakened by overwork and poor feeding. After 1812 the quality of French artillery began gradually decreasing, de Gaulle acurately described it: "1,200 cannon had been left behind in Russia and almost as many at Kulm, on the Katzbach and at Leipzig, without counting those that were abandoned by the roadside in Germany, Spain and Italy, and even France. For the wood of which the gun-carriages and wheels were made, instead of being seasoned, as formerly, for 10, 20 or 30 years, now came from newly cut timber; as a result it warped, split and bent." Napoleon rebuild his artillery in the beginning of 1813. Its numerous pieces left the young cavalrymen and infantrymen feeling a great deal of confidence. In 1813 artillery was the best part of the French army.

French amry The young infantrymen and cavalrymen were united in the belief that under the eye of their Emperor they were invincible. Officer Jean Barres, writes, "Our young conscripts behaved very well (at the battle of Lutzen); not one left the ranks; on the contrary, some that we had left behind, sick, came to take their places. One of our buglers, a boy of 16, was of the number. He had a thigh carried away by a ball and died at the rear of the company. These poor children, when they were wounded but still able to walk, used to come to me to ask to leave the company to get their wounds dressed;... My company was disorganized; it had lost half its sergeants and corporals ... (but) we were confident in the genius of the Emperor ... And this presumption, which nothing could overturn, reassured us as to the issue of this war." (Barres - "Memoirs of a French napoleonic officer ..." )
Especially the esprit de corps of the gunners was excellent "Aster tells a curious story of a battery [in the battle of Dresden] which received orders to be ready to move into the fighting line. The men were dust-stained and untidy after their long march. The moment they heard the order, each man began to get out of his haversack his parade uniform, which it was thought suitable to don on such an occassion. Comical scenes ensued, as men, in the act of changing their trousers, had to skip off as they might to avoid a shell about to burst. All were laughing and cheery, as if about to go to some fete. Such was the spirit of Napoleon's soldiers." (Petre - "Napoleon at War" p 226, publ.1984)


Old and Young Guard Artillery
Old Guard Infantry Division - General Friant [10 battalions , 8 guns]
Guard Cavalry Corps - General Nansouty
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1st Guard Cavalry Division - General Ornano [10 Red Lancers, 5 Berg Lancers, 2 Young Guard sq. , 6 guns]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2nd Guard Cavalry Division - General Lefebvre-Desnouettes [10 Young Guard squadrons , 6 guns]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3rd Guard Cavalry Division - General Walther [18 Old Guard and 4 Young Guard squadrons , 12 guns]
I Young Guard Corps - Marshal Mortier "The Mortar"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1st Young Guard Infantry Division - General Dumoustier [12 battalions , 24 guns]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2nd Young Guard Infantry Division - General Barrois [12 battalions , 24 guns]
II Young Guard Corps - Marshal Ney "The Bravest of the Brave"
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3rd Young Guard Infantry Division - General Decouz [12 battalions , 24 guns]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4th Young Guard Infantry Division - General Roguet [12 battalions , 24 guns]
XIV Army Corps - Marshal St.Cyr "The Owl" [21,000 men]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 43rd Infantry Division - General Claparede [13 battalions , 16 guns]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 44th Infantry Division - General Berthezene [12 battalions , 16 guns]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 45th Infantry Division - General Razout [12 battalions , 8 guns]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10th Light Cavalry Division - General Pajol [4 Vistula Uhlans, 4 French and 4 Italian squadrons]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Artillery Reserve
I Cavalry Corps - General Latour-Maubourg
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1st Light Cavalry Division - General Berkheim [8 lancer, 8 hussar, and 6 horse chasseur squadrons, + 6 guns]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - NOTE : Berkheim's division probably arrived late on the first day. On the second day they took part in the grand cavalry charge.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3rd Light Cavalry Division - General Chastel [13 horse chasseur squadrons]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1st Heavy Cavalry Division - General Bordesoulle [14 cuirassiers and 8 Saxon cuirassiers squadrons]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3rd Heavy Cavalry Division - General Doumerc [6 cuirassiers, 9 dragoons, and 4 Italian dragoons sq.]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Horse Artillery [24 French, 5 Saxon, and 6 Westphalian guns]
Other troops - - - - - - - Infantry Division - General Teste [12 battalions , 8 guns]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Garrison of Dresden - General Durosnel [4 Young Guard, 3 Westphalian and 1 Saxon battalions]

Late arrivals :

II Army Corps - Marshal Victor [25,000 men]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4th Infantry Division - General Dubreton
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5th Infantry Division - General Dufour
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6th Infantry Division - General Vial
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cavalry Reserve
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Artillery Reserve
VI Army Corps - Marshal Marmont [27,00 men]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20th Infantry Division - General Compans
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 21st Infantry Division - General Lagrande
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 22nd Infantry Division - General Frederichs
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Cavalry Reserve
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Artillery Reserve
V Cavalry Corps - General L'Heritier
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 9th Light Cavalry Division - General Klicki [4 horse chasseur squadrons]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5th Dragoon Division - General Collaert [7 dragoon squadrons]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6th Dragoon Division - General Lamotte [5 dragoon squadrons]
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Horse Artillery [6 guns]


Allies army at Dresden in August 1813.
Allies order of battle (ordre de bataille)


Three emperors and one king participated in this epic conflict
Alexander I, Emperor of Russia. Francis II, Emperor of Austria. Frederick William III, 
King of Prussia - Emperor of France, Napoleon
- Emperor of Russia, Alexander I (Tzar Aleksandr I Pavlovich)
- Emperor of Austria, Francis II (Kaiser Franz II)
- King of Prussia, Frederick William III (König Friedrich Wilhelm III). He was close to the Tzar of Russia.

Austrian General Schwarzenberg
- commander in chief at Dresden The commander-in-chief of the allied armies at Dresden was Austrian Field Marshal Schwarzenberg. He had a great political tact and was able to command a multinational army with 3 monarchs present in his headquarters. "As the commander of a great alliance he faced major problems, but managed to maintain the common cause through bad times as well as good." (- David Chandler)
Schwarzenberg wrote, "It is really inhuman what I must tolerate and bear, surrounded as I am by fools, eccentric projectors, intriguers, asses, babblers, and niggling critics. Vermin in countless number gnaw at me and torment me to the very marrow of my bones."

Austrian infantry in 1813 At Dresden Allies troops were divided into three parts:

  • - left wing
  • - right wing
  • - reserves
    The left consisted of Austrians and was commanded by Schwarzenberg himself. The right was formed by the Russians and Prussians. They were under Russian General Wittgenstein. The reserves consisted of the best troops (Russian and Prussian foot and horse guards, grenadiers and cuirassiers) were commanded by Russian General Barclay de Tolly. The monarchs stayed with the reserves.
    The allied staff was directed by talented Austrian General Graf Radetzky. He had considerable influence on the councils of the Allied sovereigns and generals.



    Three monarchs: Tzar Alexander, Kaiser Franz, and King Frederick William III
    Commander-in-Chief of Allied Troops - Schwarzenberg
    Chief-of-Staff of Allied Troops - Graf Radetzky
    Austrian General Quartermaster - Langenau
    Russian General Quartermaster - Toll
    General Quartermaster - Trapp

    Commander-in-Chief of Russian and Prussian troops - Barclay de Tolly
    Chief-of-Staff of Russian and Prussian troops - Sabaneyev
    General Quartermaster - Diebitsch
    Chief-of-Artillery - Jachvill
    Chief-of-Engineers - Sievers
    First Line - Wittgenstein
    Reserves - Barclay de Tolly
    Attached to Russian Headquarters - 4 Cossack regiments
    Transporting Prisoners - 2 Bashkir regiments

    Commander-in-Chief of Austrian troops - Schwarzenberg
    Chief-of-Staff of Austrian troops - Graf Radetzky
    General Quartermaster of Austrian troops - Langenau


    L E F T (Austrians)
    R I G H T (Russians and Prussians)

    III Corps - Giulay
    - - - 1st Light Division - Crenneville . . . . . . . . [5 btns, 12 sq, 6 guns] 1a
    - - - 1st Infantry Division - Weissenwolf . . . . [12 btns , 18 guns]
    - - - 2nd Infantry Division - A. Liechtenstein [12 btns , 18 guns]
    - - - Cavalry Division - Lederer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[18 sq.] 1b

    IV Corps - Klenau
    - - - Light Division - Mesko . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [3 btns, 12 sq, 6 guns] 2

    Reserve Corps - Hessen Homburg
    - - - 1st Light Division - M.Liechtenstein . . . .[4 btns, 12 sq, 14 guns] 3
    - - - 1st Infantry Division - Colloredo . . . . . . . [12 btns , 18 guns]
    - - - 2nd Infantry Division - Civalarth . . . . . . [12 btns , 18 guns]
    - - - Reserve Division - Bianchi . . . . . . . . . . . . .[12 btns , 18 guns]
    - - - Grenadier Division - Chasteler . . . . . . . . .[8 btns , 12 guns]
    - - - Cavalry Division - Schneller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[16 sq.] 4
    - - - Cuirassier Division - Nostitz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [16 sq.] 5

    Reserve Artillery - Anton v.Reisner or Riese [36 guns] 6











    - - - (Russian) Advance Guard Division - Roth [12 btns , 12 guns] 7

    I (Russian) Corps - Prince Gorchakov
    - - - 5th Infantry Division - Mesentzov . . . . . . . . [10 btns , 24 guns] 8

    II (Prussian) Corps - von Kleist
    - - - 9th Brigade - Klux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [10 btns, 4 sq, 8 guns] 9
    - - - 10th Brigade - Pirch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[10 btns, 4 sq, 8 guns] 10
    - - - 11th Brigade - Ziethen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .[10 btns, 6 sq, 8 guns] 11
    - - - 12th Brigade - Prinz v.Preussen . . . . . . . . . . [10 btns, 2 sq, 8 guns] 12
    - - - Reserve Cavalry - Roeder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [28 sq, 16 guns] 13
    - - - Reserve Artillery - Mjr. Lehmann . . . . . . . . . [64 guns] 14

    Arrived on the second day:
    part of (Russian) Cavalry Corps - Pahlen
    - - - 1st Hussar Division [Grodno, Soumy and Loubny Hussars]


    RESERVES (Russians and Prussians)
    Barclay de Tolly

    (Russian) Grenadiers Corps - Raievski
    - - - - - 1st Grenadier Division - Choglokov

    (Russian) Guard Infantry Corps GL Yermolov
    - - - - - 2nd Guard Infantry Division - Udom

    (Russian) Guard Cavalry Corps - Prince Galitzin
    - - - - - 1st 'Guard' Cuirassier Division
    - - - - - 2nd Cuirassier Division
    - - - - - 3rd Cuirassier Division
    - - - - - Guard Light Cavalry Division

    (Prussian) Royal Guard
    - - - - - Infantry Brigade
    - - - - - Cavalry Brigade

    1a. 5 Grenzer battalions, 12 chevaulegere squadrons, 6 light 3pdrs cannons
    1b. 14 dragoon and 4 cuirassier squadrons
    2. 3 Grenzer and 3 line battalions, 12 hussar squadrons, 6 light 3pdrs cannons
    3. 1 Grenzer and 3 jager battalions, 12 chevaulegere squadrons, and 14 guns
    4. 8 chevaulegere and 8 hussar squadrons
    5. 16 cuirassier squadrons
    6. 18 heavy 12pdrs and 18 medium 6pdrs
    Russians & Prussians:
    7. 10 jager and 2 infantry battalions, 12 medium guns
    8. 2 jager and 8 infantry battalions, 12 medium and 12 heavy guns
    9. 6 infantry and 4 Landwehr battalions, 8 guns, 2 coys Schutzen, 4 dragoon squadrons
    10. 6 infantry and 4 Landwehr battalions, 8 guns
    11. 6 infantry and 4 Landwehr battalions, 8 guns, 2 coys Schutzen, 4 hussar and 2 Landwehr squadrons
    12. 6 infantry and 4 Landwehr battalions, 8 guns, 2 Landwehr squadrons
    13. 12 cuirassier, 4 uhlan, 2 hussar, 6 national and 4 Landwehr squadrons, 16 guns
    14. 16 12pdr cannons, 40 6pdr cannons, 8 howitzers

  • ~

    Day One.
    Allies received news of Napoleon's arrival, and they
    again changed their minds and ordered withdrawal.
    It was too late however, their troops were already
    engaged along the entire front line.


    Prussian infantry in 1812-13 Schwarzenberg planned to attack Dresden on 26 August, but he was plagued by hesitation. The French three divisions under Sty.Cyr had not stood out on the plain before the city, as anticipated. The French took cover behind the redoubts and city-wall.

    Tzar Alexander and General Jomini advocated a withdrawal and menace Napoleon's line of communications. The King of Prussia however strongly argued for an attack on Dresden. So it was decided that the battle was to begin at 3 AM in early morning.

    However when the Allies received news of Napoleon's arrival to Dresden they again changed their minds and ordered withdrawal. It was too late however, in early morning the Allies and French pickets exchanged their first shots.


    The battle begins.
    The early attacks spread the greatest alarm
    among the inhabitants "on account of alleged
    ill-treatment of Russian and Prussian prisoners."

    The first allies attack was against the nearest part of the Grand Garden (Grosser Garten). The French had evacuated Strehlen at 4 AM, an hour before Ziethen's Prussians, supported by Pirch, moved from it against the Grand Garden. The Prussians made but slow progress, and it was only as Roth, with the Russian advanced guard, came to their assistance, by attacking the north-eastern corner of the garden, that they were able to push slowly forward.

    Russian jagers At 7:30 AM Russian jagers under Roth and Mesentzev have attacked between the Grand Garden and the Elbe River. The French artillery (on the right bank) however inflicted on Mesentzev heavy casualties and forced him to fall back. After 2-3 hours of fighting the Prussians and Roth's Russians had mastered half of the Grand Garden and took the palace in its centre. Then the Russians deployed a strong battery near the Windmill Hill. They were however unable to make further progress due to the stubborness of the French defenders.

    At 6 AM the Austrian Grenzer battalions attacked sheep pens, customs house, and the powder mill. At 9 AM Austrian Beaulieu Infantry Regiment (Mesko's division) and two foot batteries moved forward to take Friedrichstadt, but had to retire after fired off all their ammunition.


    Three hour lull in battle.

    The Tzar of Russia and King of Prussia stood, about 11 AM on a hill in company with Generals Jomini and Moreau, and their staff. (The Swiss general, Jomini, had been Ney's chief of staff before deserting to the Russians just before the end of the armistice.) They saw the stream of French troops hurrying to Dresden and discussed what to do next.

    At 11 AM eight companies of Austrian Grenzers then moved against Redoubt IV in skirmish order. The advance against the redoubt failed due to artillery fire. The Austrians however captured the large building in front of the redoubt, while the French artillery failed to set it on fire.

    No further attempts were made by the Allies before the general lull in the battle, which began about noon. The situation was this; on Allies right the Russians and Prussians held more than half of the Grand Garden. In the centre no progress was made against the three redoubts (III, IV, V). On the left, Meszko's division had met with little opposition and had succeeded in getting as far as the Elbe River.


    Napoleon arrives with reinforcements.
    "There is Napoleon. Things will soon be very different."

    Leaving Stolpem in his carriage at 5 AM, the Emperor had mounted his horse as soon as he came in sight of Dresden from the hills above. He stopped near the city to watch the advance of Mesentzev's and Roth's Russians and to direct more cannons on them. Then he galloped into Dresden, paid a visit to the King of Saxony and hurried off to inspect the fortifications.

    Napoleon arrives in Dresden Napoleon appeared in the city between 9 and 10 AM. As he passed, the infantry of St.Cyr's corps (three infantry divisions) and the city garrison greeted him with mounting enthusiasm. Everyone made an effort to get close enough to see HIM, for many young soldiers, it was their first sight of the commander in chief since the last battle. The soldiers began to say "There is Napoleon. Things will soon be very different." The people no longer talked about abandoning their homes and escaping across the Elbe River.

    The Emperor met Marshal St.Cyr between 11 and 12 AM, on the French left flank. Napoleon then rode along the defences towards the right to survey the Russian, Prussian and Austrian positions. Napoleon was unhappy with the fact that the large building in front of Redoubt IV was captured by the Allies. He ordered St.Cyr to retake it. The battalion sent for the purpose suceeded for a moment, but was driven out again.

    Napoleon then took his position at near the stone bridge, watching the arrival of his troops and directing them to their posts in the line. Infantry division under Teste arrived first, and was sent to Friedrichstadt. All the redoubts were reinforced with artillery. For example Redoubt IV was equipped with a heavy 12pdr battery. The battle-hardened veterans of the Old Guard were chaffing at their inaction and longing for the time when they might come to close quarters with the enemy. Seeing this Napoleon sent small detachments of the Old Guard (25 men each) to defend the street barricades.

    French Marshal Murat At 2 PM arrived Marshal Murat with the powerful I Cavalry Corps under Latour-Maubourg. Napoleon directed him on the French right where stood Teste's infantry and Pajol's cavalry divisions. Murat took command over Teste, Pajol (46 squadrons), and Latour-Maubourg (78 squadrons).

    French Marshal Ney After 3 PM came Marshals Mortier and Ney with the I and II Infantry Corps of Young Guard. Mortier was sent to the the Pirna suburb on the left, while Ney took position behind the Redoubt IV in the center.

    The regiments of Old Guard infantry were distributed as follow: one or two remained in the city as the last reserve, one was sent to Pirna suburb on the left, one in the centre, and one to Freiberg suburb on the right. The Old Guard and the Young Guard were physically exhausted after long marches in the last 72 hours (!). Napoleon kept the roads for his artillery and the heavy ammunition wagons while the infantry and cavalry marched alongside of them, on a broad front across the country.


    The battle restarts at 3 PM.
    The Austrians captured Redoubt III.
    Their attacks on Redoubts IV and V
    were less successful.

    Russian artillery At 3 P.M. the three prearanged signal guns were fired. The grand roar followed from the numerous guns of both armies. Pillars of milky smoke drifted in clouds over the fields. After a gun discharged and recoiled, the crew grabbed hold of the wheels, and pushed it back to its previous spot. It was hard work; the guns and the ammunition were heavy. As a spectacle, the fire from the several kilometers of batteries, stretching from one flank to anorther, was appalling; but practically the fire was too high, and most of the damage was done behind the first line.
    Once the shells began to burst in all directions in the suburb the citizens became very alarmed and rushed for safety in the cellars. Many houses were in flames.

    Napoleon was informed that the Allies appeared to be preparing for a general attack. He mounted his charger, left the city, and rode to the front.

    Austrian infantry The Austrian infantry columns began their attack in the center. They were accompanied by cannons. As some of the columns advanced against the Moszczynski Garden and Redoubt III, they found their movement facilitated by a ditch. They were then decimated by the French artillery positioned in the redoubt and on either side of it. The whitecoats (the Austrians wore white uniforms) first wavered and then halted.
    Then out of a sudden the redoubt was silent. The supply of ammunition had given out. Seizing their opportunity, the whitecoats dashed forward, mounting the parapet of the redoubt and engaging in a bayonet fight with the French, who were nearly all killed or wounded before the remains at last retreated and sought shelter in the garden behind. The Austrians followed them and nearly got possession of the little garden.

    The French reserves positioned some distance behind the redoubt and in the suburbs counterattacked. The infantry was led by officers wielding their sabers and crying "En avant !" (Forward!).

    Austrian infantry at Dresden Several hundred whitecoats, "hemmed in against the walls by the French reserves, were compelled to surrender. So desperate was the fighting in this part that it is said that in Redoubt III alone 180 French and 344 Austrian dead were found in the evening, after its recapture." (Loraine Petre - "Napoleon's Last Campaign in Germany 1813")

    Allies's artillery fire wrought such havoc on the defenders of Redoubt IV that 96 of its garrison were either killed or wounded. As the whitecoats rushed forward from the large building in front of the redoubt, the French reserves left the city and drove them back to their starting point. The two attacks from the tiny Kohlers Garden on Redoubt V likewise failed before the fire of the French.

    French artillery Beyond Weisseritz River General Bianchi was met by fire from the French batteries deployed in front of Friedrichstadt and by flanking fire from Redoubt V.

    Meszko's (Austrian) Light Division reached the Elbe but then fell back to avoid being cut off by French, Polish and Italian cavalry.


    Fighting along the Elbe River.
    The attacking Russian infantry suffered from
    30 French guns situated on the right bank.
    One battery of Old Guard Horse Artillery
    almost annihilated the leading jager unit.

    French Marshal St.Cyr Russian General Wittgenstein At 4 PM Wittgenstein began his advance from the Blasewitz Wood against St.Cyr's left flank. Ludwig Adolph Peter, Prince Wittgenstein commanded Prince Gorchakov's Russian I Corps and Kleist's II Prussian Corps.
    By the way, Wittgenstein and St.Cyr locked horns in 1812, during Napoleon's invasion of Russia. For his victory in campaign against Oudinot and St.Cyr Wittgenstein was nicknamed "the saviour of St.Petersburg." Tzar Alexander I awarded him the Order of St. George. However the battle of Polotsk was won by General Gouvion Saint Cyr. When he heard of the victory Napoleon sent him the marshal baton. In January 1813 Wittgenstein took over the command of the Russian army after Kutuzov's death. Napoleon however defeated him at Lützen and Bautzen. After that Wittgenstein laid down this command and led two allied corps at Dresden.

    Russian infantry The Russians got little beyond the Windmill Hill and pushed close to Redoubt II. They suffered however from 30 French guns situated on the right bank and those in the Redoubt I. Mezentzov's 5th Infantry Division (7,350 men and 24 guns) was then thrown back by a horse battery of Old Guard and the infantry of Young Guard. The battery was deployed near the redoubt and almost annihilated the leading jager unit. Wittgenstein then counterattacked with 6 battalions (he led them personally) but the Young Guard inflicted heavy casualties on them. The greencoats were pursued until Striesen. Artillery duel set the village afire.

    Prussian infantry in 1813 Kleist's Prussians advanced against the Moszczynski Garden, situated near the center of French positions, but gave way before the artillery and musket fire. The French 44th Infantry Division broke out from the suburb compelling Kleist to rapidly fall back.


    Battle for the Grand Garden.
    The Russians and Prussians passed through Grand Garden
    and stormed Redoubt #2. Then the sound of military music
    came out of the city. The cheerful Young Guard was coming.
    The French counterattacked and recaptured half of the garden.

    The center of the Great Garden, 
or Grand Garden, in Dresden The beautiful Great Garden, or Grand Garden, was an oblong area and covered about 1,5 km² and has been established in 1676. Ways and avenues were styled in symmetric muster. For pictures of the garden and the palace in its center click here (ext. link)

    The Grand Garden was defended by one division (43rd) under General Claparede. It consisted of 13 infantry battalions and two artillery batteries of 8 guns each. These troops were deployed as follow:

  • - 7 battalions were in the garden itself. They were formed in narrow columns and occupied strategic points (ways, avenues, intersections, and the palace). Numerous skirmishers took cover behind bushes and trees along the edge of the garden.
  • - 6 battalions stood behind the garden, and not far from Redoubt II.

    Prussian infantry General Kleist's Prussians attacked the Grand Garden. Two heavy batteries and one howitzer battery were pushed forward a few hundred paces. The infantry advanced in good formation, drums beating, skirmishers extended. The daylight sparkled on metal. Instinct told their leading echelons that the quicker they moved towards the enemy, the less time the French would have to fire. With the support of artillery three infantry brigades (total of 30 battalions) stormed the garden and reached Redoubt II.

    In about the same time the Austrians began their own assault, on the other flank, against Redoubt III.

    As the Prussian attack rolled forward the sound of military music came out of the city suburbs. It was a division of the Young Guard (12 battalions). The French cannons boomed. Seeing some of the Prussians falling back, the young soldiers ran, trampling the dead and wounded. The French attacked Pirch's Brigade and threw it back with heavy losses.

    At 4 PM Roth's Russian Advance Guard again attacked the Grand Garden. Roth had 20th, 21st, 24th, 25th, and 26th Jager Regiments, and the Selenguinsk Infantry Regiment. The spearheading unit was the 24th Jagers. Roth's force (7,450 men) passed through the Grand Garden and at 5 PM stormed the Redoubt II.

    The Young Guard led by Marshal Mortier (Dumoustier's and Barrois' divisions, total of 24 battalions) moved out of the Pirna Suburb and counterattacked. Two battalions of Old Guard followed them. Roth was violently pushed back and the French recaptured half of the garden. Despite having superiority in numbers (60 vs 40 battalions) the Allies were unable to capture the position, not to mention the redoubt.


    Fighting in the center.
    Austrian howitzers caused a lot of damage and the
    suburbs were in danger of bursting into flames.

    Austrian general and staff officers The center of Allied positions was occupied by the Austrian troops: Colloredo's infantry division, Liechtenstein's light division, Chasteler's grenadiers and Nostitz's cuirassiers.

    At 4 PM 72 Austrian guns opened intense fire. Their target were Redoubts III, IV, and V, and the city walls. Two French batteries couldn't take it, limbered up and withdrew. Especially Austrian howitzers caused a lot of damage and the suburbs were in danger of bursting into flames.

    Liechtenstein's 1st Light Division (4,600 men and 12 horse guns) and Colloredo's 1st Infantry Division (13,800 men and 6 guns) advanced forward. Although the 1st Light Division was numerically weak it consisted of fine troops: three jager and one Grenzer battalions, Vincent and Emperor's Chevauxlegeres, and two horse batteries. These light troops were greeted by French 27th Light Infantry with musket volleys.
    Austrian jagers captured French redoubt
at Dresden in 1813 "... the two battalions [1st and 2nd Jagers] moved through a hail of canister and musketry fire, leapt into the ditch, climbed over the palisades and into the breastworls, where they captured 6 cannons about 5 PM. By 5 PM, a heavy musketry battle had begun from the barricades to the city spitting fire into the advancing allies. The French had been obliged to evacuate Redoubt #3, after firing off all their cartridges and withdrew behind the Machzinsky Gardens and encountered an 8 foot high wall. The passage through the wall was defended by a ditch and palisade. The French stood in this strong position and fired volley after volley, into the advancing Austrians. The Austrians fell back, regrouped and advanced again to storm the wall. A position battery was placed 200 paces from the palisade and began firing. The jagers pushed into the French position, but were pushed out before too long." (- George Nafziger)

    The Austrians were unable to gain more ground and were repulsed by the Grenadiers of Old Guard and the Fusiliers of the Middle Guard.


    On the flank.
    Austrian howitzer shell landed in the redoubt
    and chased out the French infantry.

    Austrian infantry At 4 PM arrived Weissenwolf's [Austrian] 2nd Infantry Division and its artillery pounded Redoubt V. Austrian infantrymen, massed behind the artillery, could tell from the movement of the couriers that the moment was about to arrive when they would begin marching toward the French positions.

    Then the Austrian Grenzers were ordered to charge the Redoubt IV, which they did, and drove the French for some distance. Two Austrian heavy batteries were moved forward. Soon all the French gunners in the redoubt were killed and wounded. A howitzer shell landed in the redoubt and chased out the French infantry. The Austrians enetered the fieldwork before a single company of 2nd Chasseurs of Old Guard stromed into the redoubt and drove them out.

    Emperor's (Kaiser) Infantry Regiment of Weissenwolf's division, stormed Lobtau inflicting heavy losses on the French. The whitecoats also occupied the hill by the customs house.


    Cavalry battle.
    The French and Polish cavalry, with a shout
    as though pandemonium had broken loose,
    sprang forward to the charge.

    The French deployed 35 guns before Friedrichstadt. Behind them stood Murat's powerful cavalry and two divisions of the Young Guard. These forces were joined by Teste's 23rd Infantry Division, Razout's 45th Infantry Division, and Pajol's 10th Light Cavalry Division. Encouraged by such show of force the French 21st Line Infantry attempted to dislodge Emperor's (Kaiser) Infantry from Lobtau.

    There was a sharp artillery duel for about 10-20 minutes, when the French and Polish cavalry, with a shout as though pandemonium had broken loose on that part of the line, sprang forward to the charge. The horsemen passed Lobtau and struck the enemy with full force.

    The cavalry formation was led by 4 squadrons of the famous Vistula Uhlans. The Poles routed 2 squadrons of Palatinal Hussars, but during pursuit were counterattacked by Kienmayer Hussars (6 squadrons) and driven back. Kienmayer Hussars were then counterattacked by Italian and French squadrons.

    French dragoons The rest of Murat's cavalry hit Meszko's light division and Weissenwolf's infantry division. Some French cavalrymen reached the line of Austrian cannons when they were charged by enemy's cavalry, and a fight began, which lasted only a short time. While the infantry delivered musket volleys O'Reilly Chevauxlegeres charged and drove some French cavalry back.

    Meanwhile the magnificent Saxon heavy cavalry (see picture) unoppossed by any cavalry created havoc, they cut to pieces one battalion of the Manfredini Infantry Regiment, and then went after the gunners.


    Before the storm.
    "All (French) were laughing and cheery,
    as if about to get some fete ... "

    The suburbs were full of French infantry, ready to counterattack at a moment's notice. "Amongst these troops the bursting shells produced only a feeling of exhilaration and eagerness. They were to fight under the immediate command of a leader whom they still believed to be invincible. ... "Aster tells a curious story of a (French) battery which received orders to be ready to move into the fighting line. The men were dust-stained and untidy after their long march. The moment they heard of the order, each man began to get out of his haversack his parade uniform, which it was thought suitable to don on such an occasion. Comical scenes ensued as men, in the act of changing their trousers, had to skip off as they might to avoid a shell about to burst. All were laughing and cheery, as if about to get some fete. Such was the spirit of Napoleon's soldiers." (- Loraine Petre)
    Napoleon issued orders for the general advance and left his headquarters to watch their execution. Between 7 and 8 PM he returned to the king's palace, satisfied that everything was going as he wished.


    The Young Guard drove the enemy back.
    Their assault was halted by falling darkness.

    Napoleon was ready to attack. He had more than six infantry divisions (76 battalions !) available for this purpose.
    Three divisions against the Russians and Prussians on the flank:
    - - - - I Line: Mortier with 1st and 2nd Young Guard Division - 24 battalions
    - - - - II Line: Claparede's 43rd Divisions (from St.Cyr's XIV Corps) - 12 battalions
    - - - - Reserve: part of Old Guard - 2 battalions
    Three divisions against the Austrians in the centre
    - - - - I Line: Ney with 3rd and 4th Young Guard Division - 24 battalions
    - - - - II Line: Berthezene's 44th Division (from St.Cyr's XIV Corps) - 12 battalions
    - - - - Reserve: part of Old Guard - 2 battalions

    Young Guard in 1813 At that moment when the the Young Guard was leaving the suburb an ammunition wagon blew up and the artillery horses dashed wildly among the French infantry. It delayed the attack for several minutes.

    Between 7 and 8 PM the Russians were driven back on the Windmill Hill, which was taken by a bayonet charge, then into the Blasewitz Wood and Striesen. Part of the village was taken by the Young Guard. Hundreds of allied prisoners were captured. Wittgenstein personally rode over to Barclay de Tolly to ask for reinforcements. The French assault there was halted only by falling darkness at about 9 PM.

    French Marshal Mortier Marshal Mortier then moved to the right and hit the Prussians in Grand Garden. The Prussians were quickly driven back to the palace in the center of the garden. "Here the fight swayed backwards and forwards till, at 8 PM, the Prussians still holding the palace, were separated from their antagonists only by the width of the central cross avenue. At that hour the turmoil of the struggle gave place to a still more ghastly silence, broken only by the groans of the wounded." (- Loraine Petre)

    In the center the Redoubt III was counterattacked shortly after the Austrians were in possession of it. Large column of the Young Guard came out of the Moszczynski Garden and struck the whitecoats in the flank. The first counterattack on the redoubt (III) failed, though 50 men got in through a gate in the gorge of the work, which, being closed behind them, left the little party isolated in the midst of about 500 Austrians.
    "Refusing the enemy's calls to surrender, the gallant band held firm against tenfold numbers. As no officer was with them the drum-major took command, brandishing his baton, with which he promptly felled the Austrian leader. Help was at hand, and this little band of heroes held their ground till what remained of them was rescued by a fresh irruption, through the pallisading, of their comrades, now reinforced by two regiments led by Berthezene. The redoubt was now recaptured, and some 400 Austrian prisoners were taken in it." (- Loraine Petre)

    French Marshal Ney Marshal Ney formed his Young Guard in two columns, one marched from the Paper Mill on Kohlers Garden, while the second column succeeded in capturing the large building in front of the Redoubt IV. Ney then attacked between Bianchi's and Colloredo's divisions.

    The Austrians now fell back in the center, with many of their troops moving towards the village of Plauen. One battalion of Hessen-Homburg Infantry Regiment was surrounded and taken prisoner. Other troops broke and fell back and only few bravely stood to the guns, which were in front; but these could not repel the irresistible onrush of the French. Giulay's corps was saved from destruction by falling darkness.

    Austrian grenadiers Schwarzenberg ordered the elite Austrian grenadiers to intervene. The brave warriors held on despite heavy casualties. The fighting now became severe at this part of the field. War ever devours the bravest and best, and here perished, unhappily and without glory, some of the choicest men in the Austrian service.


    In the night after the battle.
    "The rain fell in torrents all day. The road was covered with troops,
    likewise on their way to Dresden. The guns, which were loudly audible
    in that direction, the continual passing of aides and orderlies, the
    excitement to be remarked on all faces, foretold important events."
    - Jean Barres' line battalion arriving at Dresden

    The French were jubilant over their success which they had gained against superior numbers. They had regained all they had lost earlier in the day and they were amply supplied with food and drink in the midst of the resources of the large city. While their casualties so far were 2,000 killed and wounded, the Allies losses were much heavier. They suffered 4,000 killed and wounded while 2,000 were taken prisoner.

    Before 10 PM there were brought to Napoleon at the king's palace 700 Austrian prisoners, most of whom had been captured in or near Redoubt III. The Emperor distributed crosses to the battalion of Young Guard escorting them.

    French light infantry During the night there was a constant stream of reinforcements (Victor's II Army Corps, Marmont's VI Army Corps, and Lefebvre-Desnouettes' Guard Cavalry Division) pouring into the Old City over the bridges across the Elbe. Marshal Victor's troops were moved against Lobtau, facing the Austrians. Marmont's troops marched to Dippoldiswalde in the center. St.Cyr's troops were placed in Grand Garden. The rest of the night was consumed in waiting for other troops to arrive.

    According to Loraine Petre however, Lobtau was occupied by neither party during the night.
    The Austrians held Cotta, Nauslitz, Gorbitz, Wolfnitz and Rossthal. The Russians held Blasewitz.

    Towards midnight a torrential rain poured on the battlefield and the city and continued for the rest of the night and during the whole of the next day. Jean Barres of Marmont's corps writes, "In bivouac, 2 leagues before coming to Dresden. The rain fell in torrents all day. The road was covered with troops, likewise on their way to Dresden. The guns, which were loudly audible in that direction, the continual passing of aides and orderlies, the excitement to be remarked on all faces, foretold important events."

    The feelings in the allied camps was one of general despondency, as they had gained no ground as the result of the day's fighting. They were short on food and drink, owing to the confusion prevailing amongst the supply columns. All confidence had disappeared; and they were filled with the dread of Napoleon's presence. At the council of war there were again lengthy discussions, which ended in a decision to continue the battle.


        Plans and errors.

        French errors:
        - their engineers failed to destroy the large building in front of the Redoubt IV. It became the launchpad for Austrians attacks against that fortification and the center of French positions.

        French plans for the next day:
        - attack on both flanks, left and right, driving the enemy off their best roads to Bohemia (today Czech Rep.) on to the wretched roads through the mountains. Allies' mighty center was almost ignored by the Emperor.
        - to capture the village of Plauen on Allies left. Once they were in possession of Plauen, the Austrians would be cut off, by the gorge of the Weisseritz, from the powerful Russian reserves in the centre

        Allies' errors:
        - Schwarzenberg missed an opportunity for capturing Dresden
        before Napoleon's arrival with strong reinforcements
        - their right was too weak (Kleist and Gorchakov)
        - their left was too strong for a mere observation corps, and not strong enough to fight a serious battle. (Their 25,000 faced 35,000 French)
        - although in the centre they amassed 100,000 men on the hills, and on a strong position, against 40,000 French behind walls and redoubts, they made little use of this force. On the next day due to heavy rain the ground became muddy. It prevented the Allies from counterattacking in the center because if the counterattack failed, they would lose all their artillery, as it was virtually impossible to get the cannons up the hills again.

        Allies' plans for the next day:
        - to hold to the hills in the center and wait for reinforcements
        - not to be cut from the good roads (in case of defeat :-)

  • Map of the Battle of Dresden, 1813. Day 2.

    Map of battle of Desden
    Battle of Dresden, Day Two.
    The French offensive.
    Allies' right flank was driven back by the Young Guard led by Ney and Mortier .
    Their left was shattered by Victor's infantry and cut to pieces by Murat's cavalry.
    " One thing must be said in favour of the Allies's treatment of their l e f t wing ,
    namely,that they had good reason to believe Klenau would have joined it early
    in the morning, nearly doubling its strength. They had not reckoned on that
    commander's slowness , due doubtless to the terrible meteorogical conditions,
    a n d had been content to accept his assurance that he would be up in time. "
    - L Petre "Napoleon's last campaign in Germany" publ. 1977

    Day Two.
    Though Schwarzenberg was on the strategic offensive
    the first day of battle, his hesitation allowed
    the initiative to pass over to Napoleon.


    In the morning the rain was still descending in torrents, a depressing outlook for all the combatants. Some troops of Old Guard infantry (for example Barres's battalion) moved into Dresden and realized that the roads were so encumbered with infantry, cavalry, and artillery, that at noon they were in the streets without being able to debouch on to the plain. At 6 AM the Emperor rode to a post just behind Redoubt IV "where a great bonfire was lighted for him and a tent pitched. (Redoubt IV was in the very center of the French positions).
    Then Napoleon went to the bell tower and studied Allies' positions. He sent orders Murat's cavalry and Victor's II Army Corps to attack the Austrians, while the Young Guard led by Mortier and Ney was to attack the Russians and Prussians. The reserve was formed by Friant's Old Guard, and Nansouty's Guard Cavalry. Napoleon hoped to destroy the entire Allies army before Klenau's corps would arrive. At 6 AM Napoleon rode to a post just behind Redoubt IV "where a great bonfire was lighted for him and a tent pitched. Here he remained till 10 OM ... " (At 11 AM he rode to Seidnitz.)

    Austrian infantry in 1813 On the Allies side the roads were covered with troops, and above all with forage carts, ammunition wagons, and various supply vehicles. Schwarzenberg's army was joined by the powerful Russian and Prussian reserves. (The leading elements of the Reserves arrived already on the previous day.) Men and horses were bivouacked in the villages, the wagons of the artillery and the heaps of stores and equipment choked them; there was such a muddle that one hardly knew where one was.

    The first sign of activity on the French side came at 7 AM from the artillery. Then their skirmishers advanced against the enemy. Due to wet ground the gunners had problems with moving their cannons, howitzers, and ammunition wagons. For this reason Napoleon had "doubled up the teams of horses, using animals from the headquarters wagons, which remained safely in Dresden." (- Baron de Marbot)


    Left flank: French Young Guard routed
    Wittgenstein's Prussians and Russians.

    French infantry At 6 AM four divisions of the Young Guard led by Marshals Ney and Mortier had taken their positions. Behind them was deployed Nansouty's Guard Cavalry. At 7:30 AM Mortier, Ney, and Nansouty began their advance along the entire front. Boyer de Rebeval's 4th and 5th Tirailleurs moved along the Elbe River. The reminder swung over Striesen and moved to the right to strike Roth's advance guard and the Prussians.

    Between 7 and 8 AM Roguet's Young Guard Division had taken Blasowitz and was proceeding to clear the large wood. Roth's advance guard fell back to the position extending from Seidnitz to the Elbe where they made a stubborn resistance. Roth has repuled several French attacks before Wittgenstein ordered him to retire so as to join the right of the allied position.

    Several battalions of Young Guard got near to Leubnitz defended by the Prussians and Russians but were driven back by canister fire from 2 guns at the church and then charged with the bayonet by two Prussian battalions. A second attack on Leubnitz failed before it reached the village.
    The Emperor jus arrived on the scene and was furious, and ordered a third assault. It was to be supported with a horse battery. The Young Guard got into the north-east corner of the village, whence they were promptly ejected again. Napoleon was disappointed with the failure to capture Leubnitz and started his return journey to Redoubt IV.

    Russian hussars Meanwhile allied cavalry counterattacked. The Prussian 1st Silesian Hussars hit the 8th Voltigeurs of the Young Guard and drove them back. The Russian Grodno Hussars and Loubny Hussars attacked the 5th Voltigeurs already formed in square. The square was broken and 310 Frenchmen were killed, wounded and taken prisoner. The Young Guard felt vulnerable against the cavalry as many muskets were useless in the rain.

    Marshal St.Cyr advanced out of Strehlen with three columns. This attack threw back the two Prussian and two Russian battalions defending the village. Two French moved even deeper into Allies positions, and broke several Russian jager battalions. The French however were halted by Prussian two horse batteries and two squadrons of the 1st Silesian Hussars.

    The Russian and Prussian cavalry were driven off by artillery fire and the Young Guard resumed its advance. They took the villages of Klein-Dobritz and Gross-Dobritz and pushed towards Prohlis. Approx. 30 guns supported the advance, Nansouty's Guard Cavalry moved between Dobritz and Leuben. The Grodno Hussars again attacked the Young Guard and broke one square. The Russians drove the enemy back. Soon however the guns of Young Guard caused them precipitately to surrender the field.

    Unfortunately the cautious Nansouty made no attempt to attack the Russian and Prussian infantry as apparently he might have done, seeing that the infantry were unable to fire their muskets in the rain. The only excuse for him is that the Allies had available 60 squadrons against his 30.

    Russian light infantry Napoleon ordered to attack the village of Rieck, deep in allied positions, strongly protected on two sides by the Landgraben River and an embankment 12 feet high. Meeting the Russian infantry in front on the embankment, and charged in the flank by Russian and Prussian cavalry the French were driven off with heavy loss.
    The attack on Rieck was renewed with reinforcements but the Russian infantry would not yield till a French grenade fired part of the village. In the smoke the defenders failed to see that the French infantry had surrounded them.
    When the Russians attempted to flee they found themselves cut off. They sold their lives as dearly as they could in a fierce bayonet fight.

    So far the Young Guard led by Marshals Mortier (Nicknamed The Mortar. His mother was English.) and Ney (The Bravest of the Brave) made a huge territorial gain. The Prussians and Russiand were pushed back as far as the villages of Blasewitz, Prohlis and Torna.


    Right flank: French cavalry slaughtered
    Schwarzenberg's Austrian infantry

    Charge of French cavalry After 9 AM a huge formation of napoleonic cavalry moved against the Austrians on Allies' left. Three Austrian divisions were about to be tested: Weissenwolf's and Liechtenstein's infantry divisions of Giulay's III Army Corps, and Meszko's 3rd Light Division of IV Army Corps.

    The flamboyant Marshal Murat led the cavalry. He was wearing his extravagant uniform and was well seen across the battlefield. Georges Blond writes: "Murat was wearing a blue, Polish-style tunic, with a gilded belt from which was slung a light sabre with a straight blade, violet breeches with a gold stripe, yellow leather boots ..." Murat's escort was formed of squadron of Saxon cuirassiers.
    French marshal Murat Murat formed his cavalry in the following formation:

  • - in the first line, near the river: Chastel's 3rd Light Cavalry Division
    - - - [13 chasseur squadrons, 12 horse guns]
  • - in the first line, near Cotta: Doumerc's 3rd Heavy Cavalry Division
    - - - [6 French cuirassier, 9 French dragoons, and 4 Italian dragoon squadrons]
  • - in the second line: Bordesoulle's 1st Heavy Cavalry Division
    - - - [14 French cuirassier and 8 Saxon cuirassier squadrons]
    NOTE: several sources mention Berkheim's 1st Light Cavalry Division
    taking part in the charge. For example Berkheim's cavalrymen forced
    one large Austrian square to surrender. However we don't see this
    division in the formation given above.

    As soon as the Austrian gunners saw the cavalry through the fog they cannonaded it.
    Then five squadrons of Saxon heavies struck 2 squadrons of Austrian hussars and drove them back.

    French cuirassiers The French cuirassiers and dragoons advanced against Meszko's 3rd Light Division. Meszko chose to fight instead of withdrawing, due to the fact that its neighbours were still engaged. But after seeing the mass of cavalry and horse guns Meszko changed his mind. He formed his infantry in squares and began moving back. The French followed them and then charged. Meszko was captured by the men of 23rd Dragoon Regiment. Officer Hoditz attempted to rescue Meszko and was taken prisoner himself. Meszko's troops were without the leader and no one knew where to go and what to do now.

    The field in front of the Austrian 4th Infantry Division (Liechtenstein's) was covered with cuirassiers. The most forward of them attacked the corners of two battalion-size squares as the volley thundered out. The walls of the squares disappeared in smoke. Some of the cuirassiers arched from their mounts and landed on the ground.

    The cavalry was repulsed but then the French brought up horse battery and fired canister at close range. W.Colloredo Infantry Regiment was destroyed, with hundreds being killed, wounded and taken prisoner. Only few survived.

    The Saxon cuirassiers broke two Austrian squares, capturing them entirely! The French cuirassiers moved against Austrian battalion-squares standing near the Pennrich Height. One battalion surrendered without resistance.

    The Vacquant Infantry Regiment was attacked by French and Saxon Cuirassiers and after a short but fierce fight capitulated. Two companies of Austrian infantry kept falling back, with their muskets useless during rain. The French dragoons followed them, loaded their firearms under their capes and fired into the enemy ranks. The infantry surrendered to the dragoons.

    Murat then rallied his breathless men, and the wounded were taken to the rear. His cavalry although very successful was in disorder.

    The pause gave some Austrian troops a chance to disengage from the enemy.

    Charging uhlans At 3 PM Pajol's 10th Light Cavalry Division, with the Polish lancers (Vistula Uhlans) in the lead, passed by Gorbitz and followed the retiring enemy. Chastel's 3rd Light Cavalry Division moved past Pennrich. Berkheim's light cavalry attacked one Austrian square from all sides forcing it to surrender.

    Erzherzog Rainier Infantry Regiment lost 190 killed and wounded, and 900 prisoners. Lusignan and Beaulieu Infantry Regiments suffered similar fates, they were trapped and forced to surrender. The French also captured 16 guns and General Seezenny. Austrian heavy battery was also captured. The few squadrons of Hungarian hussars made several desperate charges but without much success.

    Battle in the rain.
French cavalry vs Austrian infantry
at Dresden in 1813. Picture by Naudet Loraine Petre explains why the Austrian squares were so easily defeated: "About noon the Austrians from Wolfnitz, and those now driven out of Ober Gorbitz, were in considerable disorder in the open space between the latter village and Neu Nimptsch. Victor's cavalry was preparing to charge them, so they formed themselves into 4 squares as far as possible. Their muskets, however, would not go off in the rain, and and they were ridden down by the French cavalry."

    Against cavalry the infantry was formed in battalion-mass as the square on 3-ranks deep was considered by them not strong enough. The battalion-mass was a closely packed column, one company wide and six companies deep. The mass could manoeuvre, if slowly, either in closed or open order. At Aspern-Essling and at Wagram the battalion-masses withstood repeated charges of Napoleon's heavy cavalry. But these very deep formations were very vulnerable to artillery fire. Another anti-cavalry formation was division-mass. Two companies broke into 4 half-companies, aligned themselves behind the other, and closed their ranks up to about 3 feet between the half-companies. (Austrian battalions were much stronger than the French units. Austrian battalion usually numbered 750-1000 men, while the French only 500-750.)


    "In the center the battle was
    limited to an artillery duel."
    Death of General Moreau.

    Allied troops in the center woke up at 4 AM and took their assigned positions. They faced Marmont's VI Army Corps. St.Cyr's XIV Army Corps was quickly recovering from the previous day's hard fighting and was moved to the Grand Garden.

    Artillery fire The French artillery in the center opened heavy fire forcing some Prussian troops to fall back. Napoleon ordered to deploy 32 heavy guns near Rachnitz and cannonaded Colloredo's and Chasteler's divisions. The village of Plauen had been set afire by French howitzer shells. Austrian battery then was silenced by French horse battery. The fighting on this part of the battlefield was limited to long range artillery fire. The cannon balls shattered the houses and ricocheted in the streets, the thatched roofs took fire and fell in; the conflagration burst out in several points at once. Many houses were scarcely habitable, their ceilings were smashed in and the furniture broken.

    Then an unusual thing happened. A "French ammunition caisson, with a team of 4 horses, was set on fire by the well directed fire of the Russian artillery. The caisson contained grenades, which exploded one at the time, killing 2 horses of its team. Both remaining horses shied; they bolted and ran back to the city with the burning caisson behind them. The advancing battalions backed out of the way of the bolting horses, and at the gate great disorder ensued. At the same moment, again several grenades exploded, killing a third horse of the team, in such a way that all three dead horses came free of the caisson. From the gate, muskets were fired at the unlucky fourth animal surviving this all, still pulling the burning volcano behind him. The animal, now wounded, again turned and pulled the caisson into the meadows close to the Elb river, not able to pull it any further. Few minutes later the whole caisson exploded into the air ..." (“Anekdote” in ‘Militair-Wochenblatt’ 1816)

    Napoleon ordered one of his batteries to fire on a group of Allies horsemen standing by Racknitz. The first shot fired fatally wounded General Moreau (see picture below), just in front of the Tzar. French infantry officer, Jean Barres, writes "... we learned of the death of General Moreau, who was killed in the ranks of the Russian army. It was a punishment from heaven." (Barres - "Memoirs of a French napoleonic officer ..." page 174)
    Death of General Moreau 
 by August Couder The cannonball tore through Moreau's thigh, passed thorugh his horse, and shattered the other leg also. (His legs were soon amputated by the Tzar's surgeon, Wylie. He died a week later and his body was embalmed and taken to St.Petersburg.) The propaganda would report that Napoleon had personally the gun that killed his revolutionary rival for power in France.


    Marshal Victor wisely chose to advance through the intervals
    between the stronly defended villages , and then , through a
    turning maneuver, to strike the flanks and rear of the garrissons.

    Captain of French 94th 
Line Infantry 1810-1812 Once Murat's cavalry moved forward and sufficient terrain for deployment became available, Marshal Victor's II Army Corps bursted forward. Victor chose to advance through the intervals between the stronly defended villages, and then, through a turning maneuver, to strike the flanks and rear of the garrissons.

    In the lead marched Estko's brigade: 26th Light and 93rd Line Regiment formed in columns and screened with skirmishers. (Syxtus Estko was a Polish general in French service.) The fog limited visibility to 100 paces. Austrian Weissenwolf's 2nd Infantry Division (12,600 men in 14 battalions, and 18 guns) was deployed near Lobtau. The Austrian infantry was behind the loopholed walls, and the streets were barricaded. Unfortunately the rain wetted the powder and prevented the use of many muskets.

    The French moved against the village of Nauslitz. With only few troops attacking frontally, they moved around both flanks and captured it. General Czollich's was horrified, he took his brigade and counterattacked. The French advance here was halted but the village was still in French hands.

    French light infantry The French attacked and captured the villages of Rossthal and Wolfnitz, the same way as they did at Nauslitz. The last Austrians were chased from Lobtau. One Austrian battalion (1,000 men) retook Rossthal and captured 20 prisoners, but it was too late and too little.

    Before 2 PM Gorbitz was also taken by the French. Estko's brigade was shortly stopped by a long garden wall defended by the whitecoats. The French outflanked the enemy and captured the wall, with the Horrenhous being set on fire. The Austrians fled in disorder.

    The village of Dolzschen was also taken by the French. "For some time they (Austrians) managed to keep the French off, but about 2 PM a shell (grenade) fired Dolzschen, and the village was rushed in the consequent confusion. Some of the defenders, pursued by the French fire, got away by the path or the road, and attempted to scale the opposite heights, which are in many places sheer precipices. Those who got so far narrowly escaped drowning in the swollen Weisseritz. ... Numerous (Austrian) prisoners were taken in Dolzschen." - Petre
    Drunk French soldiers The triumphant French infantry broke into the wine cellars in Dolzschen and indulged in what some calls a "Bacchus-feast". They rammed the wine barrels with the musket butts, shattering the barrels. Wine flowed profusely onto the floor and was soon knee deep. The young lads made a wild party out of their good fortune.

    Teste's 23rd Division chased the Austrian infantry out of Pennrich. With the Austrian infantry being driven back so far, the French artillery was pushed forward and deployed near Rossthal.

    Marshal Victor occupied Dolzschen with Dubreton's 4th Division, and Rossthal and Gorbitz with Vial's 6th Division. Dufour's 5th Division stood to the northwest of Rossthal and Gorbitz. While Victor had his headquarters established in Gorbitz, Murat's were in Wolfnitz.


    Allies' retreat in the evening.
    Napoleon thought that the Allies intended to resume the battle
    on the next day. He informed Ney that "everything leads to the
    belief there will be a great battle tomorrow, and that the enemy
    is numerous."

    At 4 PM Napoleon, wet to the skin, with the famous cocked hat reduced to pulp by the rain and hanging limply about his ears and down his neck, rode through the suburbs to the palace. Behind him marched quietly 1000 Austrian prisoners. Later on 12,000 more came in, including three generals and many officers. Captured allied standards were borne by the Old Guard Grenadiers.

    The crushed Austrians on the left flank could not be reinforced because of the intervening Weisseritz ravine. Some battalions perished, while others rushed to the rear. Some of the Russian and Prussian troops on the right were in disorder. The Allies' reserves however were in excellent shape. The King of Prussia advocated renewing the battle next day but Jomini, Schwarzenberg and others were for retreat. Schwarzenberg stated that the troops lacked ammunition and bread.

    At 5 PM Schwarzenberg issued an order to retreat.
    The roads were covered with mud and the troops moved slowly. Schwarzenberg had a very powerful reserve, almost 60 squadrons of cuirassiers and guardsmen, but for some unknown reason he choose not to use it.

    At 6 PM the French occupied the Russian, Prussian and Austrian morning positions. Napoleon thought that the Allies intended to resume the battle on the next day. He informed Ney that "everything leads to the belief there will be a great battle tomorrow, and that the enemy is numerous." Marmont however believed he heard the sounds of withdrawal.

    Before 7 PM the retiring Austrians from the crushed left wing encountered the lead elements of arriving Klenau's Corps.

    At 8 PM the Emperor was still making preparations for a renewal of the battle, even to prescribing the garrisons of the redoubts. Petre stated that "precisely when he came to the conclusion that the Allies would not renew the battle, and had begun their retreat, is not quite clear." Apparently he was not quite sure at daybreak on the 28th, when he returned to his old position near Redoubt IV.


    French pursuit on the next day.
    "Napoleon accompanied the French columns which were
    pursuing the vanquished enemy as far as Pirna ..." -
    Baron de Marbot

    French line infantry In the morning the rain had ceased, but for some time a thick mist obscured the view. Detailed instructions were received by Allies generals from Schwarzenberg as to the order of march.

    At 9 AM the last allied troops had dissapeared from the hills. The Russian and Prussian Guard, Russian I Infantry Corps (Gorchakov's) and the Prussian II Corps (Kleist's) were moving south from Dresden to Teplitz. The Allies moved along the muddy roads and through narrow valleys whose slopes were wooded. This difficult way, rendered doubly by heavy rain, was so blocked by wagons and carts as to render it very difficut to push ahead the artillery.

    "As Prince Schwartzenberg, the commander of the enemy troops defeated at Dresden, had given Teplice as the rallying point for the remains of his defeated armies, the Austrians retreated through the valley of Dippoldiswalde, the Russians and the Prussians on the Telnitz road and the remnants of Klenau's corps via Freiberg.
    Napoleon by Wojciech Kossak Napoleon accompanied the French columns which were pursuing the vanquished enemy as far as Pirna, but just before he arrived in that town, he was taken by a sudden indisposition, due perhaps to the fact that he had spent five days constantly on horseback, exposed to incessant rain." (- Baron de Marbot)

    During the pursuit the artillery and the prisoners were a hindrance to the French. The condition of many horses was as bad as possible, they were exhausted and starving for food. Not infrequently a large part of the marching column would halt in the narrow road due to mud. It required the utmost exertions of officers to keep the troops in motion. During this march the Prussian Guard reported losing 10 men per company. Now and then the Russian rear guard made of elite troops put up stiff resistance. French infantry officer, Jean Barres, writes, "We bivuacked on the farther side of the great forrest and near the small town of Dippoldwalde in the valley of Plauen. In general the Austrians made no resistance, but the Russians were obstinate than ever. The battle of Dresden had destroyed the Austrian army but had done very little to damage the other allies (Russians and Prussians)."

  • ~

    Aftermath and casualties.
    They had seen the teams of peasants, escorted by soldiers,
    digging huge graves. Wagons carried the corpses, which
    were thrown into the graves made by teams of peasants.


    The troops of both armies suffered dreadfully at Dresden. Some of the wounded had had their wounds dressed in those ambulances that happened to be close to the battlefield. They had seen the teams of peasants, escorted by soldiers, digging huge graves. Wagons carried the corpses, which were thrown into the graves.

    Wounded soldier.
Picture by Courcelle. The Austrians, Russians and Prussians had lost 15,000-40,000 (depending on sources) killed, wounded and prisoners. The French casualties were 7,500-10,000 killed and wounded.

    Murat wrote to Napoleon in his usual manner: "Your cavalry has made 15,000 prisoners and taken 12 cannons and 12 flags, one general-lieutenant, two generals, and a great number of senior officers and other grades are in our hands."
    This is what Loraine Petre has to say on the number of prisoners taken at Dresden
    "With regard to prisoners, the author found the following returns in the Paris records
    (1) one showing 1,407 prisoners received at headquarters up to midnight on the 26th, and 4,209 more up to 7 PM on the 27th.
    (2) Prisoners in Dresden on the 29th August, 12,535.
    These two returns give rise to a suspicion that the numbers taken at Dresden may have been exaggerated. But there is a later return showing the total number received up to the 8th October at 23,518 (over 15,000 Austrians). The greater part of these must have been taken at Dresden, for there were few other large captures of prisoners by the French."

    Why the battle was lost for Schwarzenberg ?
    Allies line was an enveloping semicircle, 7-8 km in development, and communication from flank to flank even by courier was difficult. "... the Allies had one trump card to play, their cavalry advantage, but they played it in an appalling manner. ... Heavy rains may have made the ground unsuitable for the use of cavalry, but then it doesn't seem to have bothered the French. ... as the day was marked by heavy rain and, as musketry was largely unavailable, the battle became one of cold steel (bayonets and sabers) and artillery.
    It was a day when cavalry could close on infantry, a day when the infantry could not fire back to defend itself, but had to depend only on those tiny bayonets to keep charging eastern hordes at bay. Certainly if there was a battle in which cavalry would have the moral ascendency over the infantry, it had to be this battle." (Nafziger - "Napoleon's Dresden Campaign" p 195)

    Sources and Links.
    Recommended Reading.

    Nafziger - "Napoleon's Dresden Campaign" (website)
    Petre - "Napoleon's last campaign in Germany" publ. 1977
    Marbot - "Memoirs of General Baron de Marbot"
    Macdonald - "Recollections of Marshal Macdonald"
    Chandler - "Dictionary of the Napoleonic Wars"
    Bowden - Napoleon's Grande Armee of 1813"
    Elting - "Swords Around a Throne"
    Barres - "Memoirs of a French napoleonic officer ..."
    The Department of History at the US Military Academy (atlas)
    Photos of Leipzig Diorama, courtesy of Wolfgang Meyer, Germany

    Russian cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars

    Napoleon, His Army and Enemies