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BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Songwriting recognition for Elton

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Last Updated: Monday, 12 July, 2004, 15:27 GMT 16:27 UK
Songwriting recognition for Elton
Sir Elton John
Sir Elton John's career has spanned five decades
Sir Elton John is to become a Fellow of the British Academy of Composers and Songwriters, with his induction marking 50 years of the Ivor Novello Awards.

The British Academy will appoint five Fellows to mark the anniversary, with Sir Elton as the first recipient.

"I am honoured and humbled by this recognition," said Sir Elton.

The presentation will be made during the TV show Elton John - An Ivor Novello Tribute to be screened by the BBC later in the year.

His accolade has been given for his commitment to music and songwriting throughout his career.

He joins Sir Paul McCartney, Sir Malcolm Arnold and John Barry as Fellows of the British Academy.

Sir Elton added: "The Ivor Novello Awards are all about the art of songwriting which has always been my passion."

The award marks the start of a partnership between the British Academy and the BBC.

Academy chairman David Ferguson said: "We are particularly pleased that Sir Elton has agreed to accept this fellowship and we are sure that this will be a very special evening."

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