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BBC NEWS | UK | England | Cambridgeshire | Village sign attracts Potter fans

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Last Updated: Tuesday, 12 July, 2005, 13:59 GMT 14:59 UK
Village sign attracts Potter fans
A road in a Cambridgeshire village has become a magnet for Harry Potter fans - because it is called Quidditch Lane.

JK Rowling fans have turned up at Cambourne village to have their picture taken by the road sign.

Residents in the street have even named their homes in honour of the schoolboy wizard, with houses called The Golden Snitch, The Quaffle and Muggles.

Quidditch, the name of a game played on broomsticks in the Harry Potter series, is also an old farming term for ditch.

Now the Cambourne residents are braced for more visitors with the release of the new book on Saturday.

'Thrill living here'

Many people in the street bought their homes before the street was named and was little more than a builder's plot.

Chris McKay, who lives at Muggles with his wife Su and three children, said: "We get people coming and having their pictures taken by the road sign.

"Most of us moved in at the same time and when we found out what the name of the street was we thought what a laugh it would be to have the houses named like this."

Julie Bignell, who lives in The Quaffle, said: "When we bought the house the children were younger and so it was quite a thrill to be living here and whenever a new book comes out it gets hyped up again."

Quidditch Lane was not named after the Harry Potter game. All the streets around Lower Cambourne are named after features of the local area.

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