Our hats are off to you, great PC games of 2012! The last 12 months have left us an outstanding crop of games to remember them by, and today we call out and recognize the very best of the best. These are the games we believe will be talked about whenever 2012 comes up in the future, and will influence the games of tomorrow to be better. It's a winners' list that contains sequels and original games, single-player and multiplayer, big-budget blockbusters and shoestring indies, and shoe-ins and surprises. We couldn't be happier.

So, where's our "shooter of the year" or "strategy game of the year?" Well, we live in interesting PC gaming times. It used to be that everything fit into a clearly defined category, but today most modern games don't fit into nice, neat little genres anymore. What's a shooter or an action game, and what's a third-person RPG? Is it meaningful to compare a first-person game to a third-person one? And what doesn't have a chunk of roleplaying game DNA mixed in these days? Rather than argue about it, we're taking a different approach this year: We're presenting the 10 PC games that have distinguished themselves the most in 2012, regardless of genre, and crowning one of them GameSpy's Game of The Year.