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166 questions in the Category: science careers.

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1: 1.Is there such a job that involves animals and no blood? 2.How long do you have to go to school to be a scientist? 3.How do you get a job as a scientist?
2: Who were the first people to know about science?
3: I am interested in oceanography. I am looking forward to learning first hand about this interesting career. Can anyone answer for me the question "What motivated you to go into oceanography?"
4: Is there still a need for an archeologist or paleontologist? Does it really matter if we find all the bones from extinct animals or know what animal evolved from what?
I am asking because I think it is fun digging out bones, but I am not sure if it is useful.

5: What is the difference between Chemistry and Chemical Engineering?
6: How long do you have to go to school for oceanography?
7: I understand that scientists first check out how old the bones are to make sure they found some old ones but how do they know what kind of animal it was, when they find only some bones?
8: I've heard that according to Darwin's theory of evolution Man and monkey have a common ancestor is this true and what is this ancestor?
9: Why do people have to work so hard for money?
10: How do chemists play a role in the medical field? What kind of research do chemists do that has an impact on the life of an everyday person (besides studying chemical reactivity,and discovering and creating new laboratory elements that many people do not ever hear or know about anyway)?
11: Hello, I am a high school student who was assigned a career investigation research project pertaining to a field of biology. I have chosen to research the lovely field of Marine Biology. The following is a list of questions that I am required to find out from someone with knowledge on Marine Biology. So please write back answering my questions to the best of your abilities. 1. A typical job description for a person in the profession field of marine biology. 2. Regions where there is a demand for this profession. 3. A typical pay scale for this profession when starting, after 5 yrs., after 10 yrs., after 20 yrs. 4. Any unique risk for persons in this profession.
12: What fundamental, basic science facts should all People know? In teaching science, especially at lower levels, teachers must make hard choices about what material to cover, and what we must reluctantly leave out. While I'd love to see educational and political forces pushing to increase emphasis on science education, instead, we see increasingly science taking a back seat to other subjects. Many students are reaching junior high without having had any formal science education, and often having critical misconceptions about the universe in which they live. I'm looking for the opinions of scientists on these questions. What basic ideas should all students know? What science skills should all students possess?
13: I am student that is very much interested in biology, especially in cells and DNA, and want to become a dentist or general practitioner (doctor).
I am e-mailing you to find out how scientific studies are done by real scientists. These questions are addressed to any scientist in the field of Biology (Molecular, Cell & Neurobiology).
1) How many research projects are you working on?
2) Can you please give me a brief description of each one and indicate the duration of each investigation?

14: I plan to take Biology in University then move onto medical school to become a doctor. I am doing a physics project in my class and I would like to ask you a few questions.
My questions are addressed to any scientist in the field of Biology.
My questions are:
1. How many projects are you working on?
2. Can you please give me a brief description of each one and indicate the duration of each investigation?

15: My science classes need more hands-on activities involving biochemistry. Although the are only 8th graders, the California State Standards are tested quite rigorously. Can you suggest any lab work that might address the following state standards: Standard #6 a)Carbon, because of its ability to combine in many ways with itself and other elements, has a central role in the chemistry of living organisms. b) Living organisms are made of molecules largely consisting of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, and sulfur. c) Living organisms have many different kinds of molecules including small ones such as water and salt, and very large ones such as carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and DNA. The labwork we do always gets into the chemical structure of the molecules and how they interact on a very basic level. Thank-You for any help you may offer.
16: I am interested in studying marine biology in college. Is it important to find a school with a strong marine bio department for my undergrad studies, or is marine bio really a graduate study (so I wouldn't really be taking any marine bio classes the first four years anyway)? Thanks a lot!
17: What does math have to do with an Air Quality Engineer?
18: Do you have full professors teaching freshman classes?
19: What do you call a scientist that studies monkeys?
20: Where can find out about Australian Scientists.
21: I would like to do a science fair project with my class on capturing wind for a source of energy. We take weekly hikes to Elings Park and have even flown kites. Do you have any suggestions for working models of wind mills that we can install along the hillside where we often watch paragliders/sailors? Do you have a formula we could use to determine wind velocity? Do you have/know of a chart for converting wind velocity into wind power/energy? Thank you.
22: How much do scientists get paid?
23: How much education do experienced senior physicists need?
24: I want to either be a vet for marine mammals or at least work with them. Is it better to major in marine biology or zoology? [Also, is there such a position/need for a marine vet/what would that entail?]
25: What are scientists who study fossils called?
26: For my career, I want to study marine mammals, but I don't know what to major in. I have heard that I can get my major in Zoology and my minor in Marine Biology or vise versa. I just wanted to ask you what you think I should do and if you knew of any good colleges in Florida that offer those programs.
27: Does life science always have to be about life or can it be about something else?
28: How many years are required to have a zoology major at UCSB? I have looked everywhere on your website and I still can not find how many years of schooling it is to obtain a zoology major including the required pre-biological sciences major. Thank you for your time!
29: Hi. i am currently a freshmen in high school. i am very interested in the veterinary field. i would like to major in veterinary internal medicine. so that would make my career choice as a veterinary technician specializing in internal medicine. i was wondering what courses i would have to take and if this UC offers them.
30: I want to be a vet that works with sea animals only, what would that be called? Could you email me some info on being a vet that only works with marine animals?
31: If you fell in love with UCSB but want to be a vet, is UCSB a good place to tranfer to? I know that UCD has an undergraduate program for animal science and a graduate program. Would it matter if I transferred to UCSB instead of UCD, even though UC Davis is known for their animal science major?
32: I am a dental hygienist that would like to transfer my skills to the doggie population. I am laser and ultrasonic trained. I am currently certified and an active hygienist working 2 days /week/. What additional training would I need to become a "doggie hygienist"?
33: How many years of schooling does it take to be a staff veterinarian?
34: How many gill movements (gills moving "in and out") should a comet golfish breathe/do in 1 minute?
35: What school is best to go to be a vet?
36: Why does different soils effect footprints/tracks? Why does mud shows good footprints/tracks compared to other soils? How does water change the footprint/track? How did you become a scientist in this criteria? How long did it take you to become a scientist?
37: How do you think the barrel length affects the accuracy and range of a projectile? Why do you think this happens? What is your field and how long have you been working in it? If you were to build a air cannon would you build a long medium or short barrel? What do you think would be the beast projectile for a air cannon?
38: I am kind of interested in science, but also interested in people. What made you decide to be a scientist?
39: I'm in high school right now and I have gotten really interested in the field of Oceanography. I wanted to know what I can focus on right now in order to get into oceanography when I first go into college and also what might be my percentage of being able to work somewhere when I finish my college degree. It would be great to know. Thanks!
40: What inspired you to become a scientist?
41: Why did you choose to teach at UCSB?
42: What are some possible careers in your field of science and what can we do to get started now?
43: Are you ever bored with what you are doing?
44: How long did it take you to become a scientist and is it difficult?
45: I'm interested in the solar system. I want to know about the things you are learning. I want to know about the special interests you have to share with me and what you are specifically learning about.
46: How can a little computer chip do all kinds of things? How can a little chip in a computer have that much information?
47: Who discovers chemicals and how are they discovered?
48: Who firstly discovered elements in your team at the MRL and what was your best experiment?
49: How has science helped animals?
50: I am testing the quality of a fingerprint lifted with different materials used. 1.What conclusions can I expect? 2.What are good materials I can use to test and what are the procedures that follow?3.Is there new technology that helps investigators find the best quality of a fingerprint lifted?4. What do you do on a daily basis for your job?
51: I am doing my science fair project which is: Does chewing gum improve memory? These are my questions:1. What section of the human brain holds memory 2. What techniques improve memory? 3. Can chewing gum improve your memory? 4. How does gum stimulate the brain? 5. How can I make my project the best it can be? 6. What is your profession? Thank you
52: How much soil will I need to grow one bean plant? What type of bean plant grows the fastest? What is the most common soil used by farmers/gardeners in Santa Barbara County? How much water will a bean plant need? How often should I water it? What is your field of expertise? THANK YOU!
53: I am working on a science project about how color affects taste and I was wondering if you could help me with advice. I would like to interview a scientist via email. I would be asking questions like: Are there any flaws in how I set up my experiment? What do you think is the most efficient way to test this hypothesis? I would also like to do some questions about the topic itself.

Thank you! What is your favorite part of life science? Least favorite?

Also, I was planning on conducting my project by:
1) having 15 test subjects throw 5 tennis balls each into a hoola hoop / bucket 10 meters away.
2) spinning 15 test subjects on a swing for 30 seconds and then having them immediately throw 5 tennis balls each into a hoola hoop/bucket 10 meters away.
3) once the subject gets off swing I will have a timer set to time how long they feel dizzy for and will stop the timer when they notify me they no longer feel dizzy
4) recording and comparing results

Do you have any suggestions to help make my experiment more accurate? precise? better in general?

thank you so much!


I am doing a science project on How smell affects memory and I am interested in finding someone to interview and answer my questions.Here are my questions, and I hope to hear back about someone I can interview. Thanks. Questions:

1. How are the brain and olfactory bulb connected?.
2. How does memory work?.
3. How much of the information one learns is remembered for the average person?
4. Are smells remembered?
5. Can perfumes be linked to memories?
6. How does the brain store memories?
7. Where does the brain store memories?
8. Are there certain smells proven to trigger memories?
9. What are some smells that have effects on the brain?


Hi, I am doing a science project on how sight and smell affect the taste of food. I am testing 5 sugars and I have five questions.

1. Have there been experiments done like mine? If so what were the results?
2. What do you think my results will be?
3. Do you know the connection between smell and taste?
4. Have you tested the connection between the two senses often?
5. What do you do daily while working?

57: What jobs did you have previously that led up to your career? I am testing how different surfaces affect the quality of a fingerprint lifted, what conclusions can I expect? Are there key surfaces I should use in my experiment? - What are the different types of fingerprints and is there a specific type of fingerprint that is more visible than others?

I am doing a Science experiment at La Colina Jr. High School. My experiment is with levitation. I have built my stand and have successfully levitated a magnet. I have thought up some questions for you.

1) About how strong is diamagnetism at it's strongest (how much would a magnet be repelled by a piece of the strongest diamagnetic material in the world, strongest meaning how strongly diamagnetic)?

2) Is everything diamagnetic at least to some extent (besides magnets)?

3) What is a Superconductor?

4) What is the strongest diamagnetic material besides superconductors?

5) What is the study of materials and what kind of job would that be?

6) What career does Diamagnetism/Levitation relate to?

7) Could you tell me about your career at UCSB? And what does it entail?


How has musical therapy been effectively used?

Is a heart rate monitor the best tool to monitor heart rate?

What background do you need to be a musical therapist?

Will the music someone is listening to change their resting heart rate?


1) Do Great White Sharks purposefully attack people?

2) Why are people so afraid of a shark that looks so fake in the movie?

3) Is there a possibility of overtaking fear in your mind?

4) How exactly does fear work in the human mind?

5) What is your current job and what do you have your credentials in?


My project is what is the fastest way to cool a beverage. The beverages I am using are coke, sprite, cow milk, and goat milk.I am going to put each beverage into 3 coolers. One cooler with ice, another with water and ice, and the last one with water, ice and salt. I have a few questions about my project and about you.

1. What is your career choice?

2. How would I find the starting temperature of the cooler?

3. What do you think will happen?


4. What do you have your crudentials in?

5. How does salt affect the freezing rate?


1) How are microwaves transmitted, and where do the waves come from?

2)How does a microwave oven heat up food?

3)How severe is the radiation from a microwave oven and what is its capable damage?

4)Is it true that if you stand in front of a functioning microwave, then you will get brain cancer?

5)Is there any evidence that the radiation from a microwave oven effected a person\'s brain?

6)What is your current profession and what was your major in college?


Dear Scientist,
Could you answer the following questions for me?

What is your major?

How does salt water affect freezing rate?

How does carbonation affect freezing rate?

How does carbonation, salt, and fresh (filtered) water affect the cooling rate in different environments?

64: 1) Have you ever done an experiment where you test the dissolve time of different pain relievers?
2) What are your learning credentials?
3) For my experiment, I am testing the dissolve time of: acetaminophen gel capsules, acetaminophen coated tablets, and non-coated tablets. What other types of pain relievers would you use for this experiment?
4) What is your prediction of conclusion for this experiment?

65: My science project is "Does changing the frequency of a whistle affect a goldfish's reaction time? I have 5 questions to ask:
1)Does time of day affect a fish\'s attention span?
2) What is your education background and career choice?
3) Is their anyway I could make my fish listen better?
4) What is your prediction of my conclusion will the high or low frequency whistle make the fish have a faster reaction time?
5)Is their any advice you can give me for future application? (i know this very short notice and i totally understand if its not possible, but if possible could you email me the answers by January 20th) thank you so much

66: My science project is about the conductivity of different metals (such as copper, aluminum, brass, etc.) Which of your topics relates to my question? What can you tell me about the conductivity of metals? How would you test this?
67: What is the most delicate animal?
68: How many people will have a marine biology job in the future?
69: How would the human body be affected without the process of mitosis?
70: Does the amount or intensity of light affect a plant's phenotype?
71: How fast or slow do coral reefs grow?
72: What color is our blood inside of our bodies?
73: Hello my question for you guys is how this website came to be and how you help kids on their science fair projects and etc... like me! Have a nice day and get back to me soon!
74: Can I become a scientist after graduating from the area of Commerce?
75: Hello. I am going to be a sophomore in this upcoming school year. I am very interested in marine biology and want to take courses for it in college. Which courses should I take in my high school years to help me prepare for that? Do you have any suggestions? Thank you so much for your help!
76: Why is a scientist important for the world?
77: How does a mitochondria in a cell get energy from food, water, protein, etc?
78: Do twins have the same DNA?
79: I want to become a scientist but I keep getting an F in Physics. However I am good in Biology, Chemistry and other Science subjects, I do not know what to do. Can you help me?
80: I am interested in Physics, Math, and Chemistry. I would like to become a Scientist, but I am equally interested in machines and computers. So, is there a course and a job in which both, pure Science and applied Science are included?
81: I'm a senior & I have decided for awhile that I would like to be a zoologist especially because wildlife animals have always seem to interest me. My mother believes I will make it nowhere & that it will be dead end. Please give me some guidance in some things that I could do to insure that this wouldn't happen.
82: Sir, I want to become a scientist in the field of Physics. So, in order to do that, what should I do? Which kind of college should I join? What kind of exams should I take? Please help me.
83: What does it take to be a scientist?
84: Hi there,
I have been interested in being a scientist for a while now. I was wondering if you could help me with this. I mean to become a scientist, I now this sounds weird, Evan knows I have just read some things about "how to become a scientist" but if you can add me on skype and you could help me.
Thanks anyway.

85: How can I become a scientist?
86: Does the amount of water change the color of the grass?
87: What exactly happens during meiosis?
88: Can insects spread plant seeds?
89: I want to be a Marine Vet Tech, is it the same schooling as becoming a vet tech or are there colleges and programs that focus on marine animals? I've looked at colleges with vet tech programs, but marine vet tech is hard to find when researching online. Should I take regular vet tech classes, then find a course that focuses on marine animals? I have seen that most vet tech programs have a (1) class that deals in marine/exotic/large animals, is that enough the be a marine vet tech? What should I look at to study for what I want to do?
90: I want to do my carrier in astronomy, please give me guidance for it.
91: I want to be a scientist, but Maths is hard for me. Is there any science not using complex Maths like Algebra and Geometry?
92: Can you engineer viruses that attack harmful bacteria in the same way that HIV attacks T Cells?
93: Do Scientist have a good life and rich?
94: How many years do you have to go to college?
95: How do seals mate?
96: I want to be a scientist especially in the field of Chemistry . Any suggestions? and I like General Chemistry the most .
97: Is there anyway to improve your Maths result and being great in Science subject?
98: By providing artificial light during nights when the sun does not shine, will it be possible to get crops faster?
99: I like inventing mechanical things, what kind of Scientist can I be?
100: Are plant cells rectangular or circular? I get confused on them. They aren't hard to understand, but they ARE definitely confusing. Thank You all who answer my question. Love sent out to all.
101: We all know that plants do respiration at night and give CO2 at night, but in the morning when they have just started photosynthesis and giving oxygen we go on a morning walk and we say that we are taking oxygen in the morning!Is not the concentration of CO2 going to be higher in the morning!!?
102: What is Life Science?
103: What classes do you have to take to be able to take Oceanography in College?
104: Do different colors of sponges absorb different amounts of water?
105: Which is the simplest way of explaining Science to me?
106: What would I do to be a marine scientist?
107: Does a plant cell work with other cells to be able to function?
108: I have a dream to become a scientist, I want to change the world and create antibiotics. I feel like I was made to do something on this earth. My questions:
Next year I am taking biology or should, I take Earth?
If we can make our DNA strand from keep dying, can we humans keep living at the age it stops replacing?

109: I know that chloroplasts require proteins coded for by the nucleus to reproduce. However, if chloroplasts were placed in a solution that had those proteins could they reproduce outside of a cell?
110: Do birds help plants grow?
111: Why are specialized cells needed in the human body?
112: In what parts of plants are seeds formed? In leaves and roots? In cones and leaves? In stems and flowers? In flowers and cones?
113: What classes should you take in high school for a major marine mammal veterinarian? Or Marine trainee?
114: I am going to enter my first year of college next year and am deciding between UC Davis and UC Santa Barbara. I loved UC Santa Barbara, but I will be entering the animal sciences to later become a veterinarian or zoologist and UC Davis has a great program for that. Can I please have details about UC Santa Barbara's zoology and pre-veterinarian programs? Please include how much hand-on experience students get with real animals, where UCSB students receive animal science internships, and statistics about where students from UCSB continue their animal science schooling after graduation. Thank you so much!
115: I am researching the field of marine biology for a research project. With my teacher's approval, I have a few questions for you you to answer. 1. What type of background is required and what personal qualities are required in marine biology? 2. What are the hours, typical day like, and what responsibilities are included? 3. What will the future look like for this job and what would the world be like without this job? Thank you for your time.
116: How do Venus fly trap digest insects and does it matter what type of insect?
117: What are fun things you do as a scientist?
118: Could a shark swallow anything without biting it?
119: What majors should I take to become a forensic scientist? What classes should I become more focused on in high school to help in college?
120: How does Science work?
121: Hello I am a junior in high school and the question of what I want to major in ,in college comes up on a basis. I find it really frustrating because I really want to work in the fields of Science yet I really want to work in the fields of History. I really enjoy Geology. I also really love weather and working with animals, I would really love to know more about Meteorology or Zoology. Please help me and suggest some majors I could possibly be in. I'm sorry if this is really confusing, I am just as confused.
122: What are your daily responsibilities as a scientist and what educational requirements do you have in order to become a scientist?
123: Hello. I'm doing a research paper on what career we are interested in. At first I researched Animal Biology/Zoology. But I noticed that Animal Biology isn't exactly what I want. What I want to do is be the person to take care of the wild animals, nurse sick animals back to health, take care of baby animals, and treat the injured animals. I want to work with wild animals, be in the field or in the office taking care of them.But I'm not sure exactly what career to research. Animal Biologist? Zoologist? Wildlife Veterinarian? What do I have to do to get there? Like what degrees? What does this career pay? What education would I need and what classes should I take? If you could please answer these questions and give me a lot of information about a Wildlife Veterinarian that would be great. Thank you.
124: Why does science matter?
125: What are the most things that the scientists use in order to do their work?
126: What is a scientist?
127: Why do earth worms come out when it rains?
128: I would like to know what causes the redness and a green flashing light in my mom's eyes.
129: Why do tortoises live so long ?
130: How is Science beneficial to the Nation?
131: Which are the names of scientists who study fossils?
132: Why the tail of house lizard can grow again and that of cow cannot?
133: How is it beneficial to humans if scientists find out more about the layers of the earth?
134: How can a fossil provide evidence that a certain animal existed?
135: My name is Charlotte and I am a biology student in 8th grade. We are doing an Independent Research Project, and my topic question is "What Enzyme causes gelatin to lose its setting properties and how, and what fruits contain this Enzyme in addition to pineapples?" I was wondering if you could provide me with more information on how you found out that the certain Enzyme that causes gelatin to stop working and how it does so. Thank you so much,
136: I have wanted to be a marine biologist for a long time and I want to work with marine animals but also I want to work with animals like elephants and pandas. Is there a way I could do both? Like major in marine biology and have a minor as zoology. Or would it be better to be a double major instead in something? I'm getting closer and closer to my senior year and I just need to figure this out so I can figure what else I need to do to get ready for it all.
137: Why does a leopard need its spotted coat?
138: When do cells duplicate their DNA?
139: I am doing a presentation, and I can't find anything on how color affects size. If I have a white object it will appear smaller than a black one, right? I tried but am not finding a reason!
140: How do materials scientists work in order to get new materials?
141: I really want to ask you a question, I am a student and I am confused if to study medicine or electrical engineering.
142: Why do you like doing this job?
143: how do you guys get new people?
144: What job do you guys have and how did you guys know how the sun helps plants grow?
145: What makes you yourself? How you are unique from others? Because of your body, mind or memory?
146: Why is science so hard?
147: Why is science important?
148: Is there a way to prove that crop circles are extraterrestrial?
149: What kind of science project about plants I can do an experiment on it?
150: What is the relationship between scientists and naturalists?
151: What's the best degree to get for Marine Biology?
152: Why do I exist?
153: How do you become a scientist? Can you teach me?
154: What is the study of matter?
155: Are the stuff on the website true or are they just stuff to make people just think it is true?
156: Are coyotes diurnal or nocturnal? Why do I sometimes see coyotes during day time around the place where I live?
157: What is science about?
158: What is the longest time it takes you to do an experiment and what is the frequency with which you perform experiments?
159: Has science solved any crimes?
160: What was the most important experiment that you had to do and you can't mess up?
161: Have you ever had to work with the police to solve a scientific crime?
162: What college do you go to and what do you do there?
163: STEM teaching resources
164: I am preparing my science project and I would like to know what would be the hypothesis for how fast a flavor of ice cream affects melting. Please help me.
165: What made you want to be a scientist?
166: How do I get good grades?
University of California, Santa Barbara Materials Research Laboratory National Science Foundation
This program is co-sponsored by the National Science Foundation and UCSB School-University Partnerships
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