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 Special Lecture Series by Prof. Colin Barnes (21-24 September, 2010)
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Special Lecture Series by Prof. Colin Barnes

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- Course Outline
- Course Schedule
- Suggested Reading Materials
- Related Materials - Books
- Related Materials - Articles
- Related Materials - Situations in Japan
- Useful Online Resources

Course Outline

◇Course Title: An Introduction to Disability Studies
◇Date: September 21st - 24th 2010
◇Credit: 2 Credits
◇Year of Eligibility: Graduate school
◇Instructor: Professor Colin Barnes and Dr. Alison Sheldon
◇Course Outline: Four two-hour lectures and accompanying seminars
◇Required Preparatory Study: Read recommended readings written in the
◇Attainment Objectives:
- Describe and critically evaluate contemporary definitions, theories and debates associated with impairment and disability.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the implications of western notions of disability within the ‘developing’ world.
- Demonstrate an awareness of the relationship between disability theory, policy and politics
- Critically reflect and evaluate the implications of a socio/political analysis of impairment/disability for both disabled and non-disabled people in the globalised world of the 21st century.

Course Schedule

1st Lecture
- Date and Time: 10.00 -12.00 Tuesday 21st September 2010
- Title: Defining and theorizing disability
- Key words: Individual model, social model, relational model, impairment, disability, social deviance, materialism, postmodernism
- Recommended readings: Chapters 2, 3, and 4 in Barnes and Mercer 2010: Exploring Disability (2nd Edition)

2nd Lecture
- Date and Time: 10.00 -12.00 Wednesday 22nd September 2010
- Title: Disability, policy and practice
- Key words: History, charity, welfare, professionals, care, work, mainstreaming, user led services
- Recommended readings: Chapters in 5 and 6 Barnes and Mercer 2010: Exploring Disability (2nd Edition)

3rd Lecture
- Date and Time: 10.00 -12.00 Thursday 23nd September 2010
- Title: Disability in global perspective
- Key words: Development, underdevelopment, Impairment, poverty, community based rehabilitation, inclusion
- Recommended readings: Chapters in 9 and 10 Barnes and Mercer 2010: Exploring Disability (2nd Edition)

4th Lecture
- Date and Time: 10.00 -12.00 Friday 24th September 2010
- Title: Disability, politics and disability politics and culture
- Key words: Democracy, participation, new social movements, independent living, disability culture and art
- Recommended readings: Chapters in 7 and 8 Barnes and Mercer 2010: Exploring Disability (2nd Edition)

* All lectures will be presented by Professor Colin Barnes (Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds, UK). Accompanying afternoon discussions and seminars will include contributions from Professor Barnes and Dr Alison Sheldon (Centre for Disability Studies, University of Leeds).

Suggested Reading Materials

Barnes, Colin and Mercer, Geof 201005 Exploring Disability (2nd Edition), Polity Press, 288p. ISBN-10:0745634869 ISBN-13:9780745634852 £ 17.99 [amazon][kinokuniya] * ds
Barnes, Colin, Oliver, Mike and Barton, Len 2002 Disability Studies Today Polity Press, 288p. ISBN-10: 0745626572 ISBN-13: 978-0745626574 £ 17.99 [amazon]* ds
◇Albert, Bill 2006 In or Out of The Mainstream? : Lessons from Research on Disability and Development Cooperation The Disability Press, x+210p. ISBN-10: 0954902629 * ds
◇Albrecht, Gary L., Seelman, Katherine D., Bury, Michael eds. 2001 Handbook of Disability Studies, Sage, 864p. ISBN-10:076192874X ISBN-13:9780761928744 $82.95 [amazon][kinokuniya] * ds
◇Davis, Lennard J. ed. 20060815 Disability Studies Reader, 2nd edition, Routledge 472p ISBN-10: 0415953340 ISBN-13: 978-0415953344 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] * ds
◇Oliver, Michael 1990 The Politics of Disablement, The Macmillan Press, 152p. ISBN-10:0333432932 ISBN-13:978-0333432938 $38.89 [amazon] * ds (Japanese Translation in 2006) http://www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies/archiveuk/Oliver/p%20of%20d%20Oliver%20contents.pdf
◇Finkelstein, Victor 1980 Attitudes and Disabled People, World Rehabilitation Fund, Inc. 64+viiip. ISBN-10:n.a. (out of print) http://www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies/archiveuk/finkelstein/attitudes.pdf * ds
Barnes, Colin and Mercer, Geof 1997 Doing Disability Research, The Disability Press, 236p. ISBN-10:0952845024 (out of print) http://www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies/books/book3.htm * ds
◇Stone, Emma 1999 Disability and Development: Learning from Action and Research on Disability in The Majority World, The Disability Press, 290p. ISBN-10: 0952845032 ISBN-13: 978-0952845034 [amazon] * ds (out of print) http://www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies/books/book3.htm
◇Barton, Len; Oliver, Mike 1997 Disability Studies: Past, Present and Future, The Disability Press, 294p. ISBN-10:0952845016 ISBN-13:9780952845010 (out of print) * ds
*PDF: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies/books/book2.htm

Related Materials - Books

HOSIKA Ryoji 20070225 What Is Disability: Towards A Social Theory of Disabilities [Japanese], Seikatsu Shoin, 360p. ISBN-10: 4903690040 ISBN-13: 978-4903690049 3,150yen [amazon][kinokuniya] * ds
TANAKA Koichiro 20051120 Movement by People with Disabilities and Formation of Values: Comparative Analysis of Japan and the U.K. [Japanese], Gendai Shokan, 331p. ISBN: 4768434509 3,360yen [amazon][kinokuniya] * ds
ISHIKAWA Jun; KURAMOTO Toshiaki eds. 20021031 Claims of Disability Studies [Japanese], Akashi Shoten, 294p. 2,730yen ISBN:4-7503-1635-0 [amazon][kinokuniya] * ds
ISHIKAWA Jun; NAGASE Osamu eds. 19990331 Introduction to Disability Studies: Society, Culture, and Disability [Japanese], Akashi Shoten, 321p. ISBN-10:4750311383 2,940yen [amazon][kinokuniya] * ds
Barnes, Colin ; Shakespeare, Tom ; Mercer, Geof 199905 Exploring Disability, Polity Press, 288p. ISBN-10:0745614787 ISBN-13:9780745614786 £14.95 [amazon][kinokuniya] (Japanese Translation in 2004) * ds

Related Materials - Articles

TATEIWA Shinya 20061225 Politics of Disability [Japanese] Journal of Nursing Education 47-11(2006-12)
HOTA Yoshitaro 200410 "On the Problem Raised by the Political Economy of Disability" [Japanese], Annals of the Japanese Association for Philosophical and Ethical Researches in Medicine No. 22, pp. 37-46 [abstract]
SUGINO Akihiro 19901018 On the theory of "Social Construction of Disability" by M. Oliver [Japanese]

Related Materials - Situations in Japan

TATEIWA Shinya 2010 Disability Movement / Studies in Japan
1: Beginning [Japanese, Korean]
2: The People [Japanese, Korean]
3: To Use Public Fund to Organize Services by Themselves [Japanese, Korean]
4: Note on Direct Payments [Japanese, Korean]
5: Disability Studies / Japan Society for Disability Studies [Japanese, Korean]
6: In Kyoto - "Ars Vivendi" [Japanese, Korean]
7: With People in South Korea [Japanese, Korean]
8: Relationship with "Bioethics" [Japanese, Korean]
9: Women [Japanese, Korean]

Useful Online Resources

Academic/academic related sites
◇Centre for Disability Studies: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies/
◇Centre for Disability Studies, Disability Archive UK: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies/archiveuk/
◇Centre for Studies on Inclusive Education: http://inclusion.uwe.ac.uk/csie/
◇Disability Equality in Education: http://www.diseed.org.uk/
◇Museum of DisABILITY History: http://www.museumofdisability.org/

Online publications
◇Disability Now: http://www.disabilitynow.org.uk/
◇Disability Studies Quarterly: http://www.dsq-sds.org/
◇Disability World: http://www.disabilityworld.org/
◇International Disability News Ticker (disability themed news from around the world): http://www.abilityinfo.com/ticker.html
◇The Review of Disability Studies: http://www.rds.hawaii.edu/
◇Ouch BBC online Disability Magazine: http://www.bbc.co.uk/ouch/
◇'Films Involving Disabilities': http://www.disabilityfilms.co.uk

Organisations of disabled people
◇Breakthrough UK: http://www.breakthrough-uk.com/gmeap.shtml
◇CHANGEpeople: http://www.changepeople.co.uk/
◇Disability Awareness in Action: http://www.daa.org.uk
◇Disabled People's International: http://www.dpi.org/

Other 'disability' organisations
◇Handicap International: http://www.handicap-international.org.uk/
◇Inclusion Europe: http://www.inclusion-europe.org/main.php?lang=EN&level=1&s=81&mode=section
◇RADAR: The Disability Network: http://www.radar.org.uk/radarwebsite/
◇Rehabilitation International: http://www.riglobal.org/
◇United Nations 'Enable': http://www.un.org/disabilities/
◇United Nations (DISTAT: Disability Statistics): http://unstats.un.org/unsd/Demographic/sconcerns/disability/disabmethodsDISTAT.aspx
◇World Bank and Disability: http://web.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/EXTSOCIALPROTECTION/EXTDISABILITY/0,,menuPK:282704~pagePK:149018~piPK:149093~theSitePK:282699,00.html
◇World Health Organisation's Disability and Rehabilitation Team (DAR): http://www.who.int/disabilities/en/

Comments from Prof.Barnes & Dr. Sheldon

Disability Studies at the Ritsumeikan University, Kyoto, Japan

This report covers our recent visit to the Research Center for Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University. It provides a background to the visit and an overview and commentary on the activities at the Center.

We were invited from the Centre for Disability Studies (CDS), University of Leeds, to provide a short course on disability studies to Japanese and Korean students, by Professor Shin’ya Tateiwa, the founder and director of the Research Center for Ars Vivendi at Ritsumeikan University, in February 2010. The invitation was due to a longstanding involvement in the development of disability studies and politics at both universities.

The course involved a series of lectures and seminars spread over four days ? 21st to the 24th September 2010. Topics covered in lectures included: definitions and theories of disability, disability policy and practice, disability in global perspective, and disability politics. Corresponding seminars focused on the relevance of these topic areas to the experience of disabled people in Japan and Korea and ‘developing’ countries. Following the first lecture, students were split into small groups and asked to discuss the relevance of the various definitions and theories of disability to the Japanese and Korean experience. A similar strategy was employed for the second and third sessions. In the second seminar students were invited to discuss and comment on Japanese and Korean social policy with reference to education, employment and independent living. Students were asked to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the spread of western influenced ideas such as ‘advanced’ medicine, formal education and individual rights to poor, ‘developing’ nations in the third seminar. Each seminar also provided an open forum for students to ask questions on any topic within the context of disability.

The classes were attended by 22 students from Japan and Korea. Their knowledge, understanding and enthusiasm for the subject area were outstanding and a credit to everyone involved in the organisation of this event. Students listened attentively to each of the lectures, participated enthusiastically in the seminars and asked a range of thoughtful and challenging questions. This was only possible because of the excellent support provided by Professor Tateiwa and colleagues: Minoru Kataoka, Midori Hiraga, Tetsu Hakoda, Hee Kyong Chong and Chihoko Aoki.

Like most westerners we are unable to speak Japanese so we sent several readings and power-point presentations for the classes to the staff prior to our visit - all of which had been translated into Japanese before our arrival. Also additional contributions to the lectures and question and answer sessions during the seminars were translated from Japanese into English and English into Japanese almost simultaneously by Midori and Tetsu.

In short the organisation of the event was truly exemplary. We learnt a great deal and were especially impressed by the vast archive of writings on health, Japanese disability policy and disability politics collected and archived by Professor Tateiwa and his team. There are over 7000 books and innumerable articles, pamphlets and magazines written by disabled activists and scholars catalogued and stored in the Ars Vivendi archive dating back to the 1950s; a veritable treasure trove of insights, knowledge and research which begs wider dissemination beyond Japan.

Our visit was made particularly memorable by the warmth and hospitality shown to us by everyone involved. In short, this was a truly unforgettable and enjoyable experience and we sincerely hope that our links with the Research Center for Ars Vivendi will continue in the foreseeable future.

Colin Barnes and Alison Sheldon: Centre for Disability Studies (CDS), University of Leeds, UK. (1st October 2010)

*This special lecture is introduced on the homepage of the Centre for Disability Studies at the University of Leeds. →http://www.leeds.ac.uk/disability-studies/

*Memorandum of Understanding about Academic and Research Collaboration between Research Center for Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University and Centre for Disability Studies of School of Sociology and Social Policy, The University of Leeds


Special Lecture Series by Prof. Colin Barnes 1

Special Lecture Series by Prof. Colin Barnes 2

Special Lecture Series by Prof. Colin Barnes 3

Special Lecture Series by Prof. Colin Barnes 4

UP: July 14, 2010; Update: August 20 & 26, and September 6, 9, 14 & 29, October 4, 5, 28, 2010, Feb 3, 9, 2011
Prepared by: HAKODA Tetsu
Events Hosted (or Co-hosted) by Global COE Program Ars Vivendi in 2010  ◇Disability Studies  ◇BARNES Colin  ◇Study Group on Disability Studies

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