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障害学国際セミナー 2020
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障害しょうがいがく国際こくさいセミナー 2020
East Asia Disability Studies Forum 2020
Webinar on COVID-19 and Persons with Disabilities in East Asia

14:00-16:30 (東京とうきょう, ソウル) / 13:00-15:30 (北京ぺきん台北たいぺい)
SKYPE Meet Now (Chrome/Edge)


last update: 20200731


日時にちじ(Date and Time)

2020ねん7がつ18にち) 14:00-16:30(東京とうきょう,ソウル)/ 13:00-15:30 (北京ぺきん台北たいぺい)
Saturday 18 July 2020, 14:00-16:30 (Tokyo, Seoul) / 13:00-15:30 (Beijing, Taipei)


SKYPE Meet Now (Chrome/Edge)


Organized by Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University

Co-organized by Korean Disability Studies Forum, Wuhan East Lake Institute for Social Advancement, Taiwan Association for Disability Studies, Japan Society for Disability Studies, JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 18K01981




East Asia Disability Studies Forum 2020 meets with the theme of COVID-19 and persons with disabilities in East Asia. At this Forum we discuss the implications of COVID-19 to persons with disabilities from the perspective of both ableism and new possibilities during this pandemic in East Asia, including Korea, China, Taiwan and Japan.

The Forum started in 2010 and has been meeting every year face to face, serving as the only standing forum on disability studies in East Asia. Its host has rotated among participating groups in East Asia. Last year we met in Wuhan in October. This year, Institute of Ars Vivendi of Ritsumeikan University was going to host the Forum in Kyoto in September. But the COVID-19 pandemic has forced the Forum to be postponed to 2021. As we meet on-line, the meeting language is limited to English. In order to be inclusive, the meeting languages has been Korean, Chinese and Japanese.


14:00 オープニング(Opening)

開会かいかい挨拶あいさつ“Opening and Welcome Address” [原稿げんこうEN]

松原まつばら 洋子ようこ立命館大学りつめいかんだいがくふく学長がくちょう
Matsubara Yoko (Vice-President, Ritsumeikan University)
松原洋子(Matsubara, Yoko)

来賓らいひん挨拶あいさつ“Special Address” [原稿げんこうEN]

石川いしかわ じゅん 国連こくれん障害しょうがいしゃ権利けんり委員いいんかいふく委員いいんちょう内閣ないかく障害しょうがいしゃ政策せいさく委員いいんかい委員いいんちょう
Professor Ishikawa Jun (Vice-Chair, UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
/Chairperson, Commission on Disability Policy, Cabinet Office
/Professor, University of Shizuoka/Project Professor, University of Tokyo)
[External Link:University of Tokyo
石川准氏(Ishikawa, Jun)

14:10 だい1セッション 韓国かんこく(Session 1 on Korea)

“The COVID-19 pandemic and persons with disabilities in Korea”[PDF]

きむ 基澤きとう韓国かんこく脊髄せきずい損傷そんしょうしゃ協会きょうかい障害しょうがい意識いしきセンターインストラクター)
Kim Ki Taec (Instructor, Korea Spinal Cord Injury Association education center
for Disabilities Awareness)
金基澤(Kim, Ki Taec)
In 1997, when I was a sophomore in University, I had a diving accident. Due to the accident, my cervical spine was broken so severely I became a quadriplegic. After that, I studied law in University. Since graduating from graduate school of law, I have lived independently working as an instructor at the Education Center for the awareness improvement of Disability in Seoul.

“Creating the First Global Website that consolidated COVID-19 guidelines for people with disabilities and how it works with Google to highlight disability and inclusion during a pandemic like COVID-19.”[PDF]

きむ たてひろし(インクルーシブテクノロジーズLLC取締役とりしまりやく社長しゃちょう、ハーバード大学だいがく同窓会どうそうかい
Kim Kun Ho (Managing Director of Inclusive Technologies LLC, Harvard University Alumni)
金建浩(Kim, Kun Ho)
While at Harvard, Kun Ho published a wheelchair travel guidebook after completing a cross-continental road trip in the United States. The book has been positively reviewed by Harvard Magazine, Huffington Post, and Lonely Planet. Moreover, He founded Muui, a prominent social enterprise in South Korea that promotes disability advocacy. Muui is currently working with the Seoul Metropolitan government to create a wheelchair accessible subway map. He also serves as a managing director of Inclusive Technologies LLC, which consults organizations and companies to embody diversity and inclusion in various ways.

14:30 だい2セッション 中国ちゅうごく(Session 2 on China)

“The Role of Disabled Persons’ Organizations and Other Social Organizations in China during COVID-19”[PDF]

Li Xuehui (Director of the Disability Research Center,
Zhejiang Normal University)
李学会(Li, Xuehui)
Xuehui Li earned his doctor of sociology degree from Fudan University. Dr. Li dabbled widely in the field of disability research. His past research has focused on education, employment, social support and policies for people with disabilities, focusing on the people with visual and intellectual (mainly autism) disability and their families. In recent years, he is committed to the development of databases in the field of disability research. And now, his research has focused on disability identity, gender inequality between and within the people with/ without disabilities, in addition to continuing previous research.

14:45 だい3セッション 台湾たいわん(Session 3 on Taiwan)

“The impact of COVID-19 and its policy responses on disabled people in Taiwan”[PDF][原稿げんこうEN]

はやし くんきよし台湾たいわん障害しょうがいしゃ自立じりつ生活せいかつ連盟れんめい会長かいちょう
Lin Chun-Chieh (President of Independent living Taiwan)
林君潔(Lin, Chun-Chieh)
Chun-Chieh Lin (はやしくんきよし) had been denied for her education rights and lived in a medicalized institution for eight months when she was a child. Later, she received a law degree from National Taipei University, and then involved in independent living (IL) training of the Duskin Leadership Training Program in Japan in 2005. She was one of main founders of Taiwan IL Center and an activist of IL and PA availability for disabled people in Taiwan since 2006.

“Impact of COVID-19 on mental health: a comparison between people with and without a disability”[PDF][原稿げんこうEN]

しゅう がつきよし国立こくりつ陽明ようめい大学だいがく教授きょうじゅ
Chou Yueh-Ching (Professor, Institute of Health & Welfare Policy,
National Yang-Ming University)
周月清(Chou, Yueh-Ching)
Yueh-Ching Chou (しゅうがつきよし)is Professor in the Institute of Health and Welfare Policy at the National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan. Her recent research focuses on disabled people’s independent living, older parental carers of people with intellectual/learning disability (ID/LD), life stories of people with ID/LD, and the impact of COVID-19 and its policy responses on disabled people.

15:05 だい4セッション 日本にっぽん(Session 4 on Japan)

“The Covid-19 Crisis and the Experience of Polio Survivors: Life Before and After a Pandemic”[PDF][原稿げんこうEN and JP]

大谷おおや いづみ立命館大学りつめいかんだいがく生存せいぞんがく研究所けんきゅうじょふく所長しょちょう立命館大学りつめいかんだいがく産業さんぎょう社会学部しゃかいがくぶ教授きょうじゅ
Otani Izumi (Vice-Director, Institute of Ars Vivendi/Professor,
College of Social Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
大谷いづみ(Otani, Izumi)

“Impact of the COVID-19 on Persons with Psychosocial Disabilities in Japan”[PDF][原稿げんこうEN]

伊東いとう 香純かすみ立命館大学りつめいかんだいがく先端せんたん学術がくじゅつ総合そうごう研究けんきゅう院生いんせい
Ito Kasumi (Ph.D. candidate, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences,
Ritsumeikan University)
伊東香純(Ito, Kasumi)
I'm a graduate student in Kyoto, Japan. My major is sociology and disability studies. I research on global movements of persons with psychosocial disabilities, focusing on their reasons and ways of developing solidarity despite great differences of their experiences and opinions.

15:25 質疑しつぎ応答おうとう・ディスカッション(Questions and Answers and Discussions)

ファシリテーター “Facilitator”
Zhang Wanhong (Professor, Wuhan University School of Law)
張万洪(Zhang Wanhong)

16:20 クロージング(Closing)

閉会へいかい挨拶あいさつ“Closing Address”"ReBuilding the World from COVID-19" / 「COVID-19から世界せかい構想こうそうする」

立岩たていわ しん立命館大学りつめいかんだいがく生存せいぞんがく研究所けんきゅうじょ所長しょちょう
Tateiwa Shinya (Director, Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University)
立岩真也(Tateiwa, Shinya)

総合そうごう司会しかい “Moderator”
長瀬ながせ おさむ立命館大学りつめいかんだいがく生存せいぞんがく研究所けんきゅうじょ教授きょうじゅ
*Nagase Osamu (Professor, Institute of Ars Vivendi, Ritsumeikan University)
is to serve as the moderator of this Webinar.
長瀬修(Nagase, Osamu)

写真しゃしんしゅう Photo gallery

「来賓挨拶、石川 准」

「Kim Ki Taec報告」
「Kim Kunho報告」
「季 学会報告」
「林 君潔報告」
「周 月清報告」
「大谷 いづみ報告」
「伊東 香純報告」
「立岩 真也、閉会挨拶」

■メディア Media


ほんセミナーは英語えいごおこなわれますが、日本語にほんご音声おんせい手話しゅわ文字もじへの同時どうじ通訳つうやくをZoom Proをつうじて配信はいしんすることにいたしました。


  1. 13:30〜 Zoom Proへの入室にゅうしつ開始かいし
  2. 13:55〜 配信はいしん開始かいしとう研究所けんきゅうじょ所長しょちょう立岩たていわしん也よりご挨拶あいさつ
  3. 14:00〜16:30 オンラインセミナーの傍聴ぼうちょう





生存せいぞんがく研究所けんきゅうじょオンライン運営うんえい事務じむきょく seizongakukikaku@arsvivendi.comgmail.com

作成さくせい小川おがわ 浩史こうじ *更新こうしん安田やすだ 智博ともひろ
UP: 20200622 REV: 20200623, 0626, 0630, 0704, 0705, 0708, 0709, 0715, 0718, 0722,0727, 30, 31
立岩たていわ しん  ◇長瀬ながせ おさむ  ◇大谷おおや いづみ  ◇伊東いとう 香純かすみ  ◇障害しょうがいがく国際こくさいセミナー  ◇障害しょうがいがく(Disability Studies)  ◇障害しょうがいがく(Disability Studies)2020  ◇台湾たいわん障害しょうがい学会がっかい  ◇感染かんせんしょう(Infectious Disease)  ◇オンライン交信こうしんじゅつ
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