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 Books (2)
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Books (2)

Published since 2007
[Partial Contribution/Translation]
Books Published by the End of 2006


*93Books (Under Construction) / Japanese
*Books authored, co-authored and edited by members of this Global COE for Ars Vivendi are listed here.


◆PARK Chan-kyong (Ed.) December 14, 2014 Ghosts, Spies, and Grandmothers: Modernities against Modernity,Seoul Museum of Art & Hyunsil Books Publishing, 208p. ISBN-978-89-6564-108-7(03900)

◆VANDERBORGHT Yannick & YAMAMORI Toru (Eds.) October 2014 Basic Income in Japan: Prospects for a Radical Idea in a Transforming Welfare State,>,Palgrave Macmillan., 275p. ISBN-10: 113735657X ISBN-13: 978-1137356574 [amazon][kinokuniya]

『Ghosts, Spies, and Grandmothers: Modernities against Modernity』 『Basic Income in Japan: Prospects for a Radical Idea in a Transforming Welfare State』


GOTOH Reiko & DUMOUCHEL Paul (Eds.) Translation Supervisor: GOTOH Reiko September 10, 2011 Against Injustice: The New Economics of Amartya Sen (Japanese Version), Koyo Shobo, 310p. ISBN-10: 4771022712 ISBN-13: 978-4771022713 3045 [amazon][kinokuniya]

『Against Injustice』


◆MIYAUCH Hiroshi & YOSHII Hiroaki (Eds.) Sociology of "Involved Persons": Through Encounters in Research, Kitaohji Shobo, 207+xvip. ISBN-10:4762827304 ISBN-13: 978-4762827303 2940 yen [amazon][kinokuniya]
 AMADA Josuke October 15, 2010 "Those who Are Touching the Bottom Lose Voices and Provides Voices: Cruel Knots of 'Aging and Frailty'"

◆Freeter’s Free, a Limited Liability Partnership (Eds.) Whose Feminism Is It?: Collection of Dialogues by Freeter’s Free, Jjimbun Shoin, ISBN-10:4409240862 ISBN-13: 9784409240861 1890 yen [amazon][kinokuniya]
 MURAKAMI Kiyoshi, KURITA Ryuko & IKUTA Takeshi April 20, 2010 "What Do 'Women' Mean for Labor?", pp.63-102

◆KOMATSU Yoshihiko & KAGAWA Chiaki (Eds.) Toward Construction of Meta-bioethics: Redefining Bioethics,NTT Publishing, ISBN-10: 4757160496 ISBN-13: 978-4757160491 3360 yen [amazon][kinokuniya]
 OTANI Izumi March 4, 2010 " Roots of Thoughts of 'Euthanasia'," pp.207-233
『Sociology of 『Whose Feminism Is It?: Collection of Dialogues by Freeter’s Free』 『Meta-bioethics』



◆VAN PARIJS Philippe 1995 Real Freedom for All-What (if Anything) Can Justify Capitalism? Oxford University Press= Translation by Gotoh Reiko & Saito, Taku June 10, 2009 Basic Income no Tetsugaku-Subete no Hito ni Riaru na Jiyu wo (Japanese), Keiso Shobo, 494p. ISBN-10: 4326101830 ISBN-13: 978-4326101832 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

◆ASANO Hirotake & OKAZAKI Nobuo (eds.) May 25, 2009 "Facing Suicide" (Japanese) Hihyosha, Mental Health Library 24: 197p, ISBN-10: 4826505043, ISBN-13: 978-4826505048, 1890 [amazon]/[kinokuniya](Japanese)
FUJIWARA Nobuyuki "Spread of Psychiatric Medical Knowledge as 'Narrative' to Prevent Suicide, and the Remained Family" pp.119-128 (Reprinted)
TATEIWA Shin'ya, Amamiya, Karin, Okazaki, Nobuo & Asano, Hirotake (Chairperson) "How should We See "Suicide"?" (Round Table Discussion in Japanese) pp.13-54 (Reprinted)

『ベーシック・インカムの哲学』 『自殺と向き合う』



◆AJISAKA Manabu & KOMATSU Hideo (eds.) October 20, 2008 Sociology of Kyoto Community, Sekai Shisousha, p.242 ISBN-10: 4790713660 ISBN-13: 978-4790713661 [amazon]
TAKENAKA Kiyohito "The Force Creating Maiko and Geigi in Kyoto: The Change in Koto's Hanamachi" pp.121-139

◆TAKEGAWA Shogo & NISHIHIRA Tadashi (eds.) July 11, 2008 Death and Life Studies No.3: Life cycle and Death, University of Tokyo Press, 256p. ISBN-10: 4130141236 ISBN-13: 978-4130141239 2940yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

◆SHIMAZONO Susumu & TAKEUCHI Seiichi (eds.) May 21, 2008 Death and Life Studies No.1: What Is Death and Life Studies? (Japanese), University of Tokyo Press, 257p. ISBN: 413014121X ISBN-13: 978-4130141215 2940yen [amazon]

◆UENO Chizuko, OKUMA Yukiko, OSAWA Mari, JINNO Naohiko & SOEDA Yoshiya (eds.) May 9, 2008 Care: Its Thoughts and Practice Volume 2, Iwanami Shoten, 256p. ISBN-10: 4000281224 ISBN-13: 978-4000281225 2310yen [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

◆UENO Chizuko, OKUMA Yukiko, OSAWA Mari, JINNO Naohiko & SOEDA Yoshiya (eds.) April 10, 2008 Thoughts of Care: its Thoughts and Practice No.1 (Japanese), Iwanami Shoten, 249p. ISBN-10: 4000281216 ISBN-13: 978-4000281218 2310yen pp.163-180 [amazon]/[kinokuniya] (Japanese)

◆KAWAGISHI Norikazu (ed.) March 2008 Political Economy of Constitutionalism Toyo Keizai Shinbunsha 243p. ISBN-10: 4492211748 ISBN-13: 978-4492211748 3990yen [amazon] / [kinokuniya] (Japanese)
GOTOH Reiko "Discrimination: Reformulation of Rawls' Difference Principle"

Gendai Shiso 36-03(2008-03) (Japanese) March 1, 2008 Special Topic: Study on Patients: Ars Vivendi, Seidosha, 246p. ISBN-10: 4791711777 ISBN-13: 978-4791711772 1300yen [amazon]

Gendai Shiso 36-02(2008-02) (Japanese) February 1, 2008 Special Topic: Fall of Medical Care: Economy over Life, Seidosha, 246p. ISBN-10: 4791711769 ISBN-13: 978-4791711765 1300yen [amazon]

◆KATO Hisatake et al. (eds.) January 15, 2008 Encyclopedia of Applied Ethics (Japanese), Maruzen, 1100p. ISBN-10: 4621079220 ISBN-13: 978-4621079225 [amazon]/[kinokuniya](Japanese)

『京都の「まち」の社会学』 『死生学3――ライフサイクルと死』 『死生学1――死生学とは何か』 『ケアすること――ケア その思想と実践2』 『ケアという思想――その思想と実践1』 『立憲主義の政治経済学』 『現代思想』36-3(2008-3) 特集:患者学――生存の技法 『現代思想』36-2(2008-2) 特集:医療崩壊――生命をめぐるエコノミー 『応用倫理学事典』



◆OKAMOTO Tamio et.al. December 6, 2007 Encyclopedia of Social Welfare Studies Chuo Hoki Shuppan 1400p. ISBN-10: 480582980X ISBN-13: 978-4805829806 26250yen [amazon] / [kinokuniya] (Japanese)
GOTOH Reiko "Development of Social Welfare in U.S. since 1990s"(pp.262-265) / "Ideals and Thoughts of Social Welfare: Social Justice" (pp.300-303)

◆WATANABE Yoshiyuki (ed) September 25, 2007 Methodology of Psychology, Asakura Shoten, 188p. ISBN:425452661X ISBN-13: 978-4254526615 3570yen [amazon]
SATO Tatsuya "Relations of Formation of Modern Psychology and Establishment of Methodology: Preface of Pre-history of "Methodology of Psychology"" pp.31-67

◆YAMADA Yoko (ed) September 15, 2007 Ways of Qualitative Psychology, Shinyosha, 305p. ISBN:4788510707 ISBN-13: 978-4788510708 2730yen [amazon]
SATO Tatsuya Chapter 2 "Research Design and Ethical Consideration"
YASUDA Yuko & SATO Tatsuya Chapter 14 "Instruction of Academic Papers on Qualitative Psychology"

YOKOTSUKA Koichi September 10, 2007 Mother! Don't Kill, Seikatsu Shoin, 432p. ISBN:9784903690148 ISBN:4903690148 2625yen [amazon]
TATEIWA Shin'ya "Commentary"

◆VALSINER J. and ROSA A. (Eds.) June 30, 2007 Cambridge Handbook of Socio-Cultural Psychology, Cambridge University Press. 750p. ISBN:0521670055 ISBN-13: 978-0521670050 6190yen [amazon]
SATO Tatsuya , YASUDA Yuko, KIDO Ayae, ARAKAWA Ayumu, MIZOGUCHI Hazime and VALSINER Jaan 2007 "Sampling Reconsidered: Idiographic Science and the Analyses of Personal Life Trajectories" Chapter 4, pp.82-106

◆OKITA Taketoshi, KUWAHARA Hideyuki & TAKAHASHI Aya (eds.) June 20, 2007 Ethics of Care through Cases, Medica Shuppan 158p. ISBN:4840420807 ISBN-13:978-4840420808 2310yen [amazon]
AMADA Josuke "Living with Rare Disease":89-94
HOTTA Yoshitaro "Transplantation from Living Donor":67, "Regeneration Medicine":68-69, "Being Healthy":110

◆TAKAHASHI Takao & ASAI Atsushi (eds.) March 31, 2007 Bioethics in Japan: Review and Vision (Japanese), Kyushu University Press, 394p. ISBN-10: 4873789435 ISBN-13: 978-4873789439 3990yen [amazon]/[boople] (Japanese)
TATEIWA Shin'ya "The Place of Disablity: for its History", pp.108-130

KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki May 1, 2007 ""The Opposite Side" of Basic Income" (Interview), VOL 2:pp.56-65

◆Cornell, Drucilla 1992 Philosophy of the Limit, Routledge=April 25, 2007 Translation Supervisor: Nakamasa, Masaki, Translation by SAWASATO Takeshi, HOTTA Yoshitaro, NISHIYAMA Yuji, HOSOMI Keiko, MIZUSHIMA Kazunori, OGUMI Yoshie & GIBSON Matsui Keiko Genkai no Tetsugaku, Ochanomizu Shobo, 372p. ISBN-10: 4275005252 ISBN-13: 978-4275005250 4725yen [amazon]/[boople] (Japanese)

◆OGOSHI Aiko & IGETA Midori (eds.) March 26, 2007 Matrix toward Non-violence: Postwar Era, Violence and Gender No.2 (Japanese), Seidosha, 314p. ISBN-10: 4787232711 ISBN-13: 978-4787232717 2940yen [amazon]/[boople] (Japanese)
Hotta, Yoshitaro "Eugenics and Gender: Liberalism, Family and Care", Ogoshi & Igeta (eds.)[2007:105-135]
Heonik Kwon, Translation by HOTTA Yoshitaro "The Ghosts of American War in Vietnam"

◆DOI Fumihiro, HAGIWARA Shuko & SAGA Ichiro (eds.) February 15, 2007 Introduction to Sociology: Conversation with the Thinkers, Minerva Shobo, 260p. ISBN-10: 4623047369 ISBN-13: 978-4623047369 2940yen [amazon]/[boople] (Japanese)
AMADA Josuke "Derrida", "Deleuze" http://www.josukeamada.com/bk/bp13.htm (Japanese)

◆DELEUZE Gilles Logique du sens=January 20, 2007 Translation by KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki, Imi no Rinrigaku Volume 2, Kawade Bunko, 286p. ISBN:9784309462868 (4309462863) 1050yen [amazon]/[boople] (Japanese)

◆DELEUZE Gilles Logique du sens=January 20, 2007 Translation by KOIZUMI Yoshiyuki, Imi no Rinrigaku Volume 1, Kawade Bunko, 307p. ISBN:9784309462851 (4309462855) 1050yen [amazon]/[boople] (Japanese)

『エンサイクロペディア社会福祉学』 『心理学方法論』 『質的心理学の方法』 『母よ!殺すな』 Cambridge Handbook of Socio-Cultural Psychology 『事例でまなぶケアの倫理』 『日本の生命倫理――回顧と展望』 『VOL』02 『限界の哲学』 『脱暴力へのマトリックス――戦後・暴力・ジェンダー・2』 『はじめて学ぶ社会学――思想家たちとの対話』 『意味の論理学・下』 『意味の論理学・上』

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