(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
 The 6th Annual Convention of Japan Society of Disability Studies

The 6th Annual Convention of Japan Society of Disability Studies

September 26 & 27, 2009
Suzaku Campus, Ritsumeikan University
Japanese Page

■September 26 & 27, 2009

■Suzaku Campus, Ritsumeikan University http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/eng/profile/visit_rits/index.shtml#suzaku


 Global COE Program: Ars Vivendi - Forms of Human Life and Survival
 Ritsumeikan University

■Program (Tentative)

□□September 26, 2009 (Sat.)□□

□12:00-13:40 General Presentation (Poster) (100 Minutes)

□13:40-15:45 General Presentation (Platform) (5 Presentations/ 25 Minutes per Presentation→125 Minutes)

◆HONDA Soshi "Correction of Juvenile Delinquents, Education of Mentally-retarded Children and Business of Temperannce of "the People""
◆KIM Jae-keun "Consideration of "Giving up" of People with Disabilities"
KATAYAMA Tomoya & YAMADA Yasukazu "Two Structual Pressures: Protecting the Significance of Existence of Autistic Culture against Dominance of Professionals and the Merit System"
HORI Tomohisa "Noticing of Depressor and Full Check of Affairs of Clinical Psychology: The Japanese Association of Clinical Psychology in 1960/70"
◆YAMADA Yasukazu "Inclusive Design of University Education Considered from the Existence of "Developmental Disabilities": Exposing "Invisible Barriers" through Activities of Network of Partnership of Students with Disabilities"

□15:55-17:55 Symposium 1 (4 Symposists 120 Minutes)

●Theme: "Talking about Support of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education"

◆HIRAI Yusuke (Student, Wako University) "Episodes on Relationship of the Involved Persons over Interactions of Difficulties of Attending Lectures, Counseling and Asking Thoughtful Consideration"
◆KURATA Mizuho (Student, Nihon Fukushi University)
◆KIRIHARA Naoyuki(Japan National Group of Mentally Disabled People/Visiting Researcher of Planning Network Tohoku) "Mental Disability and Support for Students with Disabilities"
GOTO Yoshihiko (Coordinator, Students with Disabilities Services, Ferris University) ""Support for People with Disabilities" and "Support for Students with Disabilities": Can Disability Studies Connect these?"

◆Plan & Chairperson: AOKI Shintaro (Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University) & YASUDA Masayuki (Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University)
◆Address: TATEIWA Shin'ya (Professor, Graduate School of Core Ethics and Frontier Sciences, Ritsumeikan University) "On the Occasion of Symposium "Talking about Support of Students with Disabilities in Higher Education": What We Are Doing Here"

 It is said that about half of colleges and universities in Japan have students with some disabilities today. The practices and studies on supporting disabled students in higher education have attracted attentions. Especially, a lot of researches have been conducted across universities on supports of "Information Security" which include sign language interpretation, note taking and braille translation.
 On the other hand, it is also true that existing "support for disabled students", which mainly focuses on visual or auditory disorders or physical disabilities, has created a category of disabled students as the support target in arbitrary and selective limitations. As a result, it has made many disabled students which cannnot receive the support. Some efforts and studies have been made on supporting students with such disabilities as developmental disorders recently. However, concerning "disabilities" or "support" which are the foundation of supporting disabled students, discussion has not been made enough.
 Quite many studies or supporting efforts also seem to have overlooked the actual situation of disabled students' facing problems or their demands while most of the studies on supporting disabled students have been conducted by academic scholars or "professional" researchers.
 In this symposium, students with internal impediments, developmental disorders, or mental disorders are asked to talk about their experiences in their own college or university life and what they think. After that, disucussions are held together with these students, and academic scholars who are involved in supporting disabled students in universities on the way of support of disabled students who have been excluded from the existing support system. Then, we would like to discuss what disability studies can do to contribute to the practices and studies on supporting the disabled students. (Written by AOKI Shintaro & YASUDA Masayuki)

◇Newspaper Article September 27, 2009 "How should we support students with disabilities?: Symposium at Ritsumeikan University", The Kyoto Shimbun Morning Edition:26

□18:00-18:40 General Assembly

□19:00- Convivial Party
 7F Suzaku Campus "TAWAWA Nijo Branch" http://www.kyo-tawawa.co.jp/shop/shop-nijyo.html (Japanese)

□□September 27, 2009 (Sun.)□□

□9:00-11:05 General Presentation (Platform)(5 Presentations/ 25 Minutes per Presentation→125 Minutes)

◆TAKAGI Akinari "Challenges of Policy/System of Disabled People's Exertion of Eligibility: Legal Regulations and "Information Guarantee""
◆ASAGIRI Yu "Breaking the Barrier!!: Seeking New Forms of Users/Persons who Assist Others and Reevaluation"
◆SUGISAKI Takashi "Various Forms of Sexuality Seen from of the Involved Persons with Intellectual Disabilities: What Is of Living with Intellectual Disabilities?"
◆TANAKA Miwako "Political Cooperativity between Disability Art and Disability Culture in UK: Focusing on the Body of Performance"

□11:05-12:55 General Presentation (Poster) (110 Minutes)

□12:55-14:35 General Presentation (Platform)(4 Presentations/ 25 Minutes per Presentation→100 Minutes)

NOZAKI Yasunobu "Disability as Diaspora: One Viewpoint of "It is better not to have disability, isn't it?""
◆NIIZEKI Yoshio "Traial of Introduction of Knowledge Management in the Area of Disability: SbKM in APCDⅡ Project"
MORI Soya "Survey of Livelihood of People with Disabilities in the Metro Area of Manila (Phillipines) which Includes Researchers of the Involved Persons with Disabilities"
◆TAKAMORI Akira & KONDO Takeo "Development Disability and Poverty: Focusing on the Invloved Persons with Asperger Disorder"

□14:45-16:45 Symposium 2 (3 Symposists 120 Minutes)

●Theme: "Disability and Poverty: What can Be Seen from the Viewpoint of Gender"

◆YUZAWA Naomi (College of Community & Human Service, Rikkyo University) "Modern Poverty Viewed from Gender"
SEYAMA Noriko (Graduate School of Economics, The University of Tokyo) "Women with Disabilities and Poverty" (Tentative)
◆SASAKI Aya (Karintou) "Over Care" (Tentative)
◆Discusser: IINO Yuriko (Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo) "Comment"
◆Coordinator: TSUCHIYA You (Aichi University)

  *43 Poster Presentations

AOKI Shintaro & YASUDA Masayuki "Challenges in Support of Research of Graduate Students with Visual Disabilities: What can Be Seen from the Course of Computer at Graduate School of Ritsumeikan University"
◆AOKI Chihoko & ATSUMI Tomohide "An Anthropological Attempt on Exchange in a Place of Labor of People with Disabilities"
◆AKIKAZE Chie "Disability and Gender: The Narrow Space between Glorified Stories and the Reality"
ABE Akane "Impact of "Antipsychiatry" Made on Reform of Japanese Psychiatric Treatments in 1970s"
◆IKARI Megumi "Achievement and Limitation of Act on Employment Promotion etc. of Persons with Disabilities: Focusing on Varieties of Persons with Disabilities and Companies"
◆ISONO Hiroshi "Consideration of Sheltered Employment in Employment of People with Disabilities: Way of Income Security of People with Disabilities"
ITO Kayoko, KAWAGUCHI Yumiko, KAWASHIMA Koichiro & NOZAKI Yasunobu "ALS: Affirmation of Ars Vivendi that Precedes People's Acceptance"
UEMURA Kaname, YAMAGUCHI Maki, SAKURAI Satoshi & KASHIMA Moeko "Cost of Making Text Database of Books"
◆USUI Kumiko "Seeking "Working together": Focusing on Disabled People's Movements in Osaka Area in 1980-1990s"
◆OTA Keiko "Possibilities of Job of People with Disabilities in Inclusive Design"
◆ONO Mayuko "What is "Disability"?: Current Condition and Challenges of the Welfare System for People with Disabilities over People with Intractable Diseases (Nanbyo)"
◆OYAMA Ryoko, ITO Kayoko, KAWAHARA Hitoshi, TAKASAKA Shizuko, HAYASHI Noriko & TANAKA Tamaki "Examination of the Way of Support of Relocation of Severely Disabled People under Long-term Care: Focusing on Patients with Muscular Dystrophy"
◆OGAWA Yoshimichi "Organization of Challenges of Discussions of Direct Payment in Japan: Through Activities of Frances Hasler in UK"
◆OKIYAMA Wakako "Issues of Employment of Poeple with Visual Disabilities Viewed from Occupational Difficulties: Gap among Kinds of Disabilities"
◆KIRIHARA Naoyuki "Challenges of Disabled People's Movements in Discussion on Legal Capacity and Supported Decision Making"
◆KAMIKUBO Mariko "Acceptance of Role of Care by Fathers who Have Children with Intellectual Disabilities"
◆KAWAMURA Machiko "Brothers/Sisters of Persons with Disability who Live between Disability and Non-disability: Cultural/Social Adaption"
KITAMURA Kentaro "Formation of "National Network of Hemophilia Association""
SAKAMOTO Norihito, SATO Hiroko & WATANABE Aiko "Consideration on Information Access of People with Hearing Difficulties and Sign Language Interpret: Field Survey of Three Local Governments"
SAKURAI Satoshi, KASHIMA Moeko & IKEDA Masahiro "Framework for Security of the Right to Study Using the Voice-recognition Software"
SATO Hiroko, NOZAKI Yasunobu & KAWAGUCHI Yumiko "Comprehensive Support of Severely Disabled People etc.: Comparison between Individual System and Comprehensive System"
◆JISHU Akihiro "Disability of Meaning/Meaning of Disability: The Place of "Mind" and Disability Studies"
◆SHIBUYA Tomoko "Child-raising of Unheard Parents"
SHIBUYA Terumi "Consideration on Background of Making the Home Help System the National Policy"
HEE KYONG Chong "Movements for Change and Movements by People with Disabilities: Over South Korea's Act on Employment Promotion of Persons with Disabilities in 1989 and Militant Movements for Welfare Law for People with Disabilities"
◆SHIRASUGI Makoto "The Way of Support of Center for Independent Living in Support of Independence of Severely Disabled People: Focusing on Activities for Protection of Rights in Center for Independent Living"
SUGINO Akihiro "Administrative Responsibility of Illegal DM and Corporate Development of Discount Postage System for Groups of People with Disabilities"
◆SUGIMURA Naomi "Examination of Effectiveness of Self-completed Questionnaire for Understanding Developmental Disabilities: Culture of School and Special Needs Education"
◆TAIRA Naoko "Particiaption of Users of Psychiatric Care into Health and Human Service of Psychiatric Treatment"
TAJIMA Akiko "Process of Transformation/Organization over Support of the Aged with Dementia in Occupational Therapy: Examination of Rehabilitation Journals in 1980s and 1990s"
NISHIDA Miki "Challenges toward a Single Life at Home for Progressive Severely Disabled People who Need Medical Care" (Japanese)
HASEGAWA Yui "Examination of Cases of the Support System for Severely Disabled People who Live at Home"
HAN Sung-Min, TENBATA Daisuke & KAWAGUCHI Yumiko "Infomation Communication and Classification of Disabilities"
◆HOSHIKA Setsuo "Research on Working Life of Severely Disabled People who Have Difficulty Moving"
◆MASHITA Yayoi "Trial of an Educational Program for Children with Disabilities in South Pacific Islands"
MATSUEDA Akiko "Process of Regulation of Psychotropic Drugs and its Ground for Argument: A Case of Tranquilizer"
MINO Koji "Research on Equality at Disabled Facilities for "the Involved Persons with Mental Disability and their Supporters: Trial of Change of Support Relationship through Research of a Club House Model"
YASUDA Masayuki "Challenges of Support of Disabled Students in Higher Education Mainly by Student Volunteers: Focusing on Support of Disabled Students at Nihon Fukushi University"
◆YASUHARA Soichi "Report of "Traditional Psychiatric Treatment" in Africa (Kenya): Seeking a Possibility of "Alternative Therapy" to Modern Psychiatric Treatment"
YAMAGUCHI Maki "What is an Issue over Diagnosis of the Disease Name?: Asking the Name of Diagnosis and Considering from Telling Voices"
YAMAMOTO Shinsuke "The Actual Condition and Challenges of Severely Disabled People who Live at Home by themselves"
YOSHIDA Sachie "Strategies for People with to Live in the Society: Life History of People with Disabilities"
WATANABE Aiko "Disabled People and Generation and Development of Performing Arts: From 1970s to the Present"

UP: August 26, 2009 REV:August 27, 2009/August 28, 2009/September 1, 2009/September 16, 2009/September 24, 2009/September 30, 2009/October 6, 2009/May 27, 2010
Disability Studies