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■Current Position:

◆Associate Professor, Osaka City University

■Areas of Interest:

◆Ethics/Medical Ethics
Disability Studies

■Academic Association Memberships

Japan Association for Bioethics (administrator), Japanese Association for Philosophical and Ethical Researches in Medicine (boardman), International Association of Bioethics, Japan Society for Disability Studies, Japanese Society for British Philosophy (accounting autidor)

■Academic Achievements

◆Tsuchiya, T. (2000) "Why Japanese doctors performed human experiments in China 1933-1945", Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, 10 (6): pp.179-180

◆Tsuchiya, T. (2002) "Iryo ni Taisuru Minshuteki Tosei" (On Democratic Control of Medicine), Rinrigaku Kenkyu (Annals of Ethical Studies), Kansai Society for Ethics, 32: pp.13-23 (in Japanese)

◆Tsuchiya, T. (2002) "'Baioeshikkusu' to 'Semeirinri': Jintai Jikken Ron wo Chushin ni" ('Bioethcs' and 'Seimeirinri': In the Issues of Human Experimentation), Seiyo Shiso Juyo Kenkyukai (The Society for the Studies of Japanese Acceptance of Western Thoughts) (ed.), Seiyo Shiso no Nihonteki Tenkai (Japanese Development of Western Thoughts). Keio University Press, Part 3, Chapter 3, pp.154-174 (in Japanese)

◆Tsuchiya, T. (2003) "In the Shadow of the Past Atrocities: Research Ethics with Human Subjects in Contemporary Japan", Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics,13 (3): pp.100-101

◆Tsuchiya, T. (2003) "Provisions for Review of Genetic Research in Japan", Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics, 13 (4): pp.127-130

◆Tsuchiya, T. (2004) "Beikoku no Bioethics Iinkai no Keifu: Daitoryo Iinkai made (A Genealogy of the U.S. Bioethics Commissions: From the Beginning to the President's Commission), Jimbun Kenkyu: The Bulletin of the Faculty of Literature of Human Sciences, Osaka City University, 55 (1): pp.33-52 (in Japanese)

◆?Tsuchiya, T. (2004) "Iryo Shakaigaku to Iryo Rinrigaku"(Medical Sociology and Medical Ethics), Hoken Iryo Shakaigaku Ronshu (The Japanese Journal of Health and Medical Sociology), 14 (2): pp.1-8 (in Japanese)

◆Nie, J., Tsuchiya, T., Li, L. (forthcoming) "Japanese Doctors' Experimentation, 1932-1945, and Medical Ethics", Baker, R. B. & McCullough, L. B. (eds.), The Cambridge World History of Medical Ethics, Cambridge University Press, Chapter 53 ?Tsuchiya, T. (forthcoming) "The Imperial Japanese Experiments in China", Ezekiel J. Emmanuel, E. J. et al. (eds.), The Oxford Textbook of Clinical Research Ethics, Oxford University Press, Chapter 3

◆1997 "Eugenic Sterilizations in Japan and Recent Demands for Apology: A Report", Newsletter of the Network on Ethics and Intellectual Disability Vol.3, No.1, Fall 1997,pp.1-4.

UP:August 3, 2008 REV:October 22, 2009
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