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1st Belsen Trial

War Crimes Trials - Vol. II The Belsen Trial. 'The Trial of Josef Kramer and Forty Four Others'


Title Pages
Title Pages
Comparative Ranks in the Wehrmacht, S.S., and British Army
The Court and Counsel
List of the Accused and Defending Officers


First Day - Monday, 17th September, 1945
Request by Defence for the services of an expert on International Law
Application by Defence for charges to be heard separately
Application by Defence for separate trials
Opening Speech for the Prosecution
Second Day - Tuesday, 18th September, 1945


Brigadier Hugh Llewelyn Glyn Hughes
Third Day - Wednesday, 19th September, 194
Brigadier Glyn Hughes (continued)
Deposition of Lieut.-Colonel J. A. D. Johnston
Captain Derek A. Sington
Fourth Day - Thursday, 20th. September, 1945
Major A. L. Berney
Film of Belsen Camp shown
Harold Osmond Le Druillenec
Fifth Day - Friday, 21st September, 1945
Dr. Ada Bimko
Visit by Court to Belsen Camp
Sixth Day - Saturday, 22nd September, 1945
Dr. Ada Bimko (continued)
Seventh Day - Monday, 24th September, 1945
Sophia Litwinska
Cecilia Frommer
Anni Jonas
Dora Szafran
Eighth Day - Tuesday, 25th September, 1945
Dora Szafran (continued)
Helen Hammermasch
Ninth Day - Wednesday, 26th September, 1945


Major G. A. J. Smallwood
Ilona Stein
Abraham Glinowieski
Tenth Day - Thursday, 27th September, 1945
Application by the Defence for Colonel H. A. Smith to be admitted as an additional Defending Officer
Abraham Glinowieski (continued)
Hanka Rozenwayg
Eleventh Day - Friday, 28th September, 1945
Lieut.-Colonel S. G. Champion
Lidia Sunschein
Dr. Fritz Leo
Twelfth Day - Saturday, 29th September, 1945
Estera Guterman
Paula Singer
Ruchla Koppel
Helen Klein
Thirteenth Day - Monday, 1st October, 1945
Dr. Charles Sigsmund Bendel
Roman Sompolinski
Anita Lasker
Geria Zylberdukaten
Syncha Zamoski
Fourteenth to Eighteenth Days - Tuesday, 2nd October, 1945, to Saturday, 6th October, 1945
Ester Wohlgruth
Marcel Tuchmann
Ewa Gryka
C.S.M. John Liddle
Sergeant C. A. Scamans
Sergeant E. Dinsdale
Sergeant L. W. Higgs
Sergeant H. Aitchison
Captain Saville Malcolm Stewart
Affidavit by Heinz Masseth
Affidavit by Sergeant Trip
Affidavit by Sergeant Rothschild

Objection by Defence to affidavits
Reading of affidavits by the Prosecution (see also Appendix III)
Nineteenth Day - Monday, 8th October, 1945
Opening Speech for the Defendant Kramer
Josef Kramer
Twentieth Day - Tuesday, 9th October, 1945
Josef Kramer (continued)
Twenty-first Day - Wednesday, 10th October, 1945
Josef Kramer (continued)
Mrs. Rosina Kramer
Dr. Fritz Klein
Peter Weingartner
George Kraft
Twenty-second Day - Thursday, 11th October, 1945
George Kraft (continued)
Franz Hoessler
Postcard written by Erika Schopf
Twenty-third Day - Friday, 12th October, 1945
Juana Bormann
Elisabeth Volkenrath
Twenty-fourth Day - Saturday, 13th October, 1945
Prosecution request to use Soviet film
Elisabeth Volkenrath (continued)
Erika Schopf (for the Defendant Franz Hoessler)
Herta Ehlert
Twenty-fifth Day - Monday, 15th October, 1945
Soviet film of Auschwitz shown
Herta Ehlert (continued)
Jutta Madlung
Inga Madlung
Twenty-sixth Day - Tuesday, 16th October, 1945
Opening Speech for Grese, Lothe, Lohbauer and Klippel
Helene Grese
Irma Grese
Twenty-seventh Day - Wednesday, 17th October, 1945
Irma Grese (continued)
Argument on admissibility of affidavits by witnesses
Ilse Lothe
Twenty-eighth Day - Thursday, 18th October, 1945
Hilde Lohbauer
Josef Klippel
Paul Kreutzer
Emmi Sochtig
Emile Kltscho
Twenty-ninth Day - Friday, 19th October, 1945
Stefan Hermann
Oscar Schmitz
Karl Francioh
Thirtieth Day - Saturday, 20th October, 1945
Affidavit by Raymond Dujeu
Ladislaw Gura
Fritz Mathes
Gisela Koblischek
Thirty-first Day - Monday, 22nd October, 1945
Otto Kulessa
Karl Egersdorf
Ansgar Pichen
Walter Otto
Thirty-second Day - Tuesday, 23rd October, 1945
Franz Stofel
Defendant Gura admitted to hospital
Franz Stofel (continued)
Heinrich Schreirer
Maria Schreirer
Wilhelm Dorr
Thirty-third Day - Wednesday, 24th October, 1945
Wilhelm Dorr (continued)
Gertrud Neumann
Erika Ceconi
Thirty-fourth Day - Thursday, 25th October, 1945
Ilse Steinbusch
Statement for Barsch
Dr. Ernst Heinrich Schmidt
Dr. Alfred Kurzke
Erich Zoddel
Thirty-Fifth Day - Friday, 26th October, 1945
Erich Zoddel (continued)
Ignatz Schlomoivicz
Siegmund Freund
Deposition of Daniel Blickblau
Ilse Forster
Thirty-sixth Day - Saturday, 27th October, 1945
Ida Forster
Klara Opitz
Charlotte Klein
Thirty-seventh Day - Monday, 29th October, 1945
Plan of Belsen Camp accepted in evidence
Charlotte Klein (continued)
Herta Bothe
Gertrud Rheinholdt
Freida Walter
Irene Haschke
Thirty-eighth Day - Tuesday, 30 October, 1945
Agreement with regard to the taking over of Belsen Camp
Oscar Schmitz continued
John Mallon
Gertrud Fiest
Gertrud Sauer
Hilde Lisiewitz
Johanne Roth
Thirty-ninth Day - Wednesday, 31st October, 1945
Anna Hempel
Statement on behalf of Hildegard Hahnel
Opening Speech by Lieut. Jedrzejowicz
Stanislawa Starostka
Fortieth Day - Thursday, 1st November, 1945
Stanislawa Starostka (continued)
Anna Wojciechowska
Krystyna Agnieszka Janicka
Maria Chudzik
Stanislawa Komsta
Sofia Nowogrodzka
Anton Polanski
Siegmund Krajewski
Forty-first Day - Friday, 2nd November, 1945
Wladislaw Rakoczy
Marian Tatarczuk
Helena Koper
Forty-second Day - Saturday, 3rd November, 1945
Helena Koper (continued)
Forty-third Day - Monday, 5th November, 1945
Vladislav Ostrowski
D. Saloman
Affidavit by Rumauld Weber
Medislaw Burgraf
Josef Trzos
Forty-fourth Day - Tuesday, 6th November, 1945
Antoni Aurdzieg
Medislav Andrzejewski
Hermann Müller
Forty-fifth Day - Wednesday, 7th November, 1945
Affidavit by Brigadier Glyn Hughes
Letter by Johanna Therese Kurd
Heinrich Brammer
Albert Tusch
Heinrich Schreirer (recalled)
Captain David Hubert James Williams
Legal Argument for the Defence by Colonel Smith
Forty-sixth Day - Thursday, 8th November, 1945
Closing Speech for Kramer, Fritz Klein, Weingartner and Kraft
Closing Speech for Hoessler, Bormann, Volkenrath and Ehlert
Closing Speech for Klippel, Grese, Lothe and Lohbauer
Forty-Seventh Day - Friday 9th November, 1945
Closing Speech for Klippel, Grese, Lothe and Lohbauer (continued)
Closing Speech for Schmitz and Francioh
Closing Speech for Mathes, Kulessa and Egersdorf
Closing Speech for Pichen, Otto and Stofel
Closing Speech for Schreirer, Dorr, Barsch and Zoddel
Forty-eighth Day - Saturday, 10th November, 1945
Closing Speech for Schreirer, Dorr, Barsch and Zoddel (continued)
Closing Speech for Schlomoivicz, Ilse Forster, Ida Forster and Opitz
Closing Speech for Charlotte Klein, Bothe, Walter and Haschke
Forty-ninth Day - Monday, 12th November, 1945
Closing Speech for Fiest, Sauer and Lisiewitz
Closing Speech for Roth, Hempel and Hahnel
Closing Speech for Starostka, Polanski, Koper, Ostrowski, Burgraf and Aurdzieg
Fiftieth Day - Tuesday, 13th November, 1945
Closing Speech for the Prosecution
Fifty-first to Fifty-third Days - Wednesday, 14th November, 1945, to Friday, 16th November, 1945
Findings by the Court
Fifty-fourth Day - Saturday, 17th November, 1945
Pleas in mitigation of Sentences


I - Royal Warrant of 18th June, 1945
II - List of Exhibits
III - Affidavits and Statements - Index