(Translated by https://www.hiragana.jp/)
The villa of Cruptorix - megaliths - statues-menhirs - F, Balaguier-sur-Rance, Aveyron, Midi-Pyrénées - Puech du Lac (Canteloup) - Maillé p. 418


id: F135
names: Puech du Lac (Canteloup)
reference: Maillé p. 418
type: statue-menhir
other references:
place: Balaguier-sur-Rance, Aveyron, Midi-Pyrénées
country: F
date(s) of visit: 13-05-2012
remarks: the original menhir is in the Musée des Statues Menhirs in Saint-Crépin, the copy is situated near Puech du Lac (though it cannot be found on the designated spot anymore)
impression: 'female' stone