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Stuckism GFDL
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Index of material released under dual licence GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0.
Text of GFDL licence here


PAINTINGS : Selected paintings Individual artists


TEXT : Editorial text Artist statements

GRAPHICS : Selected graphics Screen shots

OTHER SITES : Heyoka 3am

Permission as indicated below. For each artist there is a URL, which should be linked to.
More material will be released under GFDL and Creative Commons licences in due course and listed here.
Specific requests should be emailed to this site.


Individual images released under dual licence GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0 are on the pages below. Permission is under each image.
Philip AbsolonJohn BourneBilly Childish Mark D Elsa Dax Michael Dickinson (collage) Eamon Everall Ella Guru Paul Harvey Stephen "SP" Howarth Wolf Howard Abby Jackson Jane Kelly Bill Lewis Terry Marks Peter McArdle Joe Machine Charles Thomson

All images of paintings and drawings on this site up to 500 pixels maximum dimension, width or height by the following artists are released under dual licence of GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0. Access images via artist links on Paintings List.

Mark D. Permission (please link to URL given for artist):
[Name of painting] by Mark D http://www.stuckism.com/MarkD/index.html Copyright © Mark D, stuckism.com. This file is licensed under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0. Apply for other permission or higher file size
. The moral right of the creator is asserted.

Paul Harvey. (also images up to 575 pixels here). Permission (please link to URL given for artist):
[Name of painting] by Paul Harvey http://www.stuckism.com/Harvey/Index.html Copyright © Paul Harvey, stuckism.com. This file is licensed under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0. Apply for other permission or higher file size
. The moral right of the creator is asserted.

Bill Lewis. Permission (please link to URL given for artist):
[Name of painting] by Bill Lewis http://www.stuckism.com/lewis/index.html Copyright © Bill Lewis, stuckism.com. Released under GFDL. This file is licensed under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0. Apply for other permission or higher file size
. The moral right of the creator is asserted.

Joe Machine. Permission (please link to URL given for artist):
[Name of painting] by Joe Machine http://www.stuckism.com/machine/index.html Copyright © Joe Machine, stuckism.com. Released under GFDL. This file is licensed under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0. Apply for other permission or higher file size
. The moral right of the creator is asserted.

Charles Thomson. Permission (please link to URL given for artist):
[Name of painting] by Charles Thomson http://www.stuckism.com/thomson/index.html Copyright © Charles Thomson, stuckism.com. Released under GFDL. This file is licensed under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0. Apply for other permission or higher file size
. The moral right of the creator is asserted.

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People: ArtistsCurators etc Stella Vine The Medway Poets

Demos: Various At the Turner Prize

Shows: Various The Stuckists Punk Victorian At the Stuckism International Gallery

Galleries: Stuckism International Gallery London galleries and art

By: Charles Thomson Wolf Howard

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All editorial text on this site, www.stuckism.com, is released under the GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0 licences. Editorial text is that which is not attributed to a specific author or source. It includes descriptions of artists and their CVs on individual artist pages, except material in quotes from artists (unless indicated below in the section "Artists' statements").
Permission (please link to URL given for artist):

Copyright © Stuckism web site: http://www.stuckism.com. Released under GFDL. The moral right of the creator is asserted.

Charles Thomson
Text of any statements by Charles Thomson which are 300 words or less embedded in editorial text, as defined above.
Permission (please link to URL given for artist):
Charles Thomson http://www.stuckism.com/thomson/index.html Copyright © Charles Thomson, stuckism.com. Released under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0. The moral right of the creator is asserted.

Access statements via artist links on Paintings List.

Statements on their individual pages by the following artists are released under GFDL:
Philip Absolon, John Bourne, Mark D, Elsa Dax, Eamon Everall, Ella Guru, Paul Harvey, Wolf Howard, Abby Jackson, Jane Kelly, Bill Lewis, Joe Machine, Peter McArdle, Charles Thomson.
Permission (please link to URL given for artist):
[Name of artist] [URL of artist's index page] Copyright © [Name of artist], stuckism.com. Licensed under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0.
The moral right of the creator is asserted.

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Screen shots of this site are released under GFDL up to a maximum width of two-thirds of the original size. The site is designed for a screen of 800 pixels width. Screen shots are therefore released when reduced to 600 pixels width or less. Note that some individual content on a page may not be released under GFDL.
Permission (please link to URL given for artist):

Copyright © Stuckism web site: http://www.stuckism.com. Released under GFDL. This file is licensed under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0, not the original image. Apply for other permission or higher file size. The moral right of the creator is asserted.

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Gina Bold article
Statements made by Mark D and Charles Thomson are
released under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0 (note the GFDL and CC licences do not apply to images, unless separately released, and do not apply to quoted material from other people). Permission (please link to URL given for artist):
Mark D http://www.stuckism.com/MarkD/index.html Copyright © Mark D, stuckism.com. Released under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0.
The moral right of the creator is asserted.
Charles Thomson http://www.stuckism.com/thomson/index.html Copyright © Charles Thomson, stuckism.com. Released under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0. The moral right of the creator is asserted.

Stuck Inn II: Gina - getting into the gallery and Stuck Inn III: Gina - seeing the work
Text by Charles Thomson is released under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0 (note the GFDL and CC licences do not apply to images, unless separately released, and do not apply to quoted material from other people). Permission (please link to URL given for artist):
Charles Thomson http://www.stuckism.com/thomson/index.html Copyright © Charles Thomson, stuckism.com. Released under GFDL and CC-BY-SA-3.0. The moral right of the creator is asserted.

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