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Damien Hirst the excellent painter - here
Damien Hirst and Reactionary Critics Damien Hirst Reviewed by Stuckists Damien Hirst the Stuckist

The critics said Damien Hirst's paintings are rubbish. They have been praised as "an outstanding achievement"
..... by a Stuckist .... in the Daily Mail. Now there's some irony for you.
23.11.09 (under the photo of Boris).

See more coverage in Culture 24 and on Spoonfed
Spoonfed on Wallace Collection 110th anniversary with Stuckist support for Hirst (22.6.10).
What is Damien Hirst playing at? Charles Thomson writes for Counterpunch, 22.10.09.

Facebook group, "Supporters of Damien Hirst's paintings" here

"The Turner Prize award ceremony always attracts protest — usually in the shape of the Stuckists, a group of bedraggled, eccentric-looking artists who gather outside Tate Britain in funny hats and bemoan the death of representational painting."
The Spectator (22.1.11.)

Jonathan Jones disapproves of the Stuckists again on his Guardian blog (16.9.10). And on his blog (28.9.10): "The Stuckists are right about a lot (just wrong about everything that matters)."

Jonathan Jones on the Stuckists + pic of 2001 Turner demo. See his Guardian blog 25.11.10

Transparency in the art world by Charles Thomson on Counterpunch (2.3.11)

Katherine Rose, director of Flow Education and Culture Consultants, in a talk, Dimensions in British contemporary art 1990 to 2010, at the British Library, Hyberabad, India (3.2.11): "Stuckism, founded in 1999, is one of the many major movements that influenced the art scene in Britain." Report on Indian Express (4.2.11)

Stella Vine's finest moment in The Independent (24.5.10)

Guy Denning, Stuckist artist, in The Independent (5.8.10)

This site is one of Spoonfed's Top 10 London Art Blogs - though "Not strictly speaking a blog". (27.7.10)

Jane Kelly is being treated for ovarian cancer. See her blog icantbelieveitsreallycancer , and her article in The Daily Telegraph (19.7.10)

In debate with art critic Richard Cork, Stuckist co-founder Charles Thomson talked about the
Saatchi Gallery bequest (describing it as "a kind of cultural equivalent of Legoland) on BBC Radio 4 PM programme (2.7.10). Some of the discussion was broadcast on PRI's The World (1.7.10)

Charles Thomson writes on the future of art in FAD (19.6.10).

Hugh Muir in The Guardian (5th item), 15.6.10, on Stuckism, Billy Childish, Edgeworth Johnstone, Eileen Cooper RA, Mark D (aka Randall) and Stella "go fuck yourself" Vine. Mark D exhibits an "ominous" work (image left) in the Royal Academy Summer Show 2010. See here.

, Polish edition (6.6.10), runs a feature on Stuckism. It includes a photo of the Stuckist shark, and starts with a description of Darren Udaiyan's painting The Enemies of Art (Google translation): "Easily identify traitors. Among them is the UK's biggest collector Charles Saatchi, his wife, the famous cook Nigella Lawson and popular critic of the Guardian by Jonathan Jones."

Brisbane Gallery of Remodernism announced. Info here.

Michael Dickinson guilty of insulting the Turkish Prime Minister with a collage, sentenced to 14 months jail, commuted to a fine. (9.3.10). Michael Dickinson interview on BBC World Service Europe Today 9.3.10. Listen online here (item starts at 13.50). Reports on BBC here and here, and Hurriyet (9.3.10). Background here. Photos here.

It's the start of Turner Prize purgatory 2010: Evening Standard Londoner's Diary (5.5.10)

Martin Creed generously donates instructions for an empty room with a light going on an off to the Tate: Independent (23.4.10)

The Irish Times (22.4.10) lists the Paxman Stuckism video as its first Youtube "arts gem". Watch here.

Ben Davis on Artnet (April 2010) reviews Billy Childish's show at White Columns in New York and his connection with Stuckism.

Chris Yates gives work for Haiti charity: Bury Times (20.3.10)
Paul Harvey donates work to cancer charity: The Journal (17.3.10)

Conflict of interest as defined by a Turner Prize winner: Sunday Times 31.1.10

A. Forster bitches about the Stuckists in Sacramento News & Review (7.1.10)

And Adrian Searle rants about the Stuckists in The Guardian (1.2.10)

How to pronounce Stuckism - BBC guide

Interview in The Leader (Wrexham) 12.1.10. with Ana Ribeiro of Wrexham Stuckists.
See also photos of Ana at the 2009 Turner Demo here.

Billy Childish, co-founder of the Stuckists in 1999 (he left in 2001)
on BBC Radio 4 Midweek, 30.12.09. Listen again here.

Stuckists mentioned: 00.30, 01.02 and 16.18.
Libby Purves: "The Stuckists who defied
the fashion for conceptual and craftless art"

Charles Thomson predictions for 2011 on Spoonfed (16.12.10) (4th item)

Charles Thomson's predictions for 2010 on Spoonfed 22.12.09

M.E. Murphy changes artistic direction through Stuckism. Read it here 22.12.09

Stuckism in Belgian magazine (H)Art 12.11.09 in an article on current UK art by Tom Jeffreys (Culture Editor of Spoonfed Media)

Spanish Hartista Stuckists one year anniversary paint demo

Turner Prize judge, Jonathan Jones: "The Stuckists are enemies of art", The Guardian, 2.10.09.

New article on Turner Prize with Stuckists in New Europe, 18.10.09

Ebay Stuckist painting bargains from Edgeworth Johnstone and Daniel Pincham-Phipps. Search all Stuckists items.

"The Stuckists are a group of postmodern figurative painters who hate mainstream postmodernist art, but whose reaction against it also falls within postmodernism." Momus 13.10.08

Jesse Richards writes on Remodernist Film in Mungbeing (Oct 2009).

Jonathan Jones blogs on anti-art and Stuckism in The Guardian 29.9.09.

Stuckism was in the London Big Issue article last week (14.9.09) in the manifesto article.

Read about Stuckism in Farsi, Greek, Chinese and other languages here.


Edgeworth Johnstone (Other Muswell Hill Stuckists) quoted in The Sunday Times (9.8.09) on fake African artist.

Two new trustees at the Tate, but no new brooms. Conflicts of interest continue.
Unreported in the national press. Read about it on Counterpunch (22.7.09). Also reported by Artnet (4th item).

Meanwhile the Caversham Stuckists like beer and art.

Michael Dickinson's talk on "Turkish jail hell": The Journal (31.7.09). See also: Michael Dickinson flees Turkey to avoid prosecution for his Good Boy collage after last September's acquittal is overturned. The collages were exhibited at the Stuckist show, Not the Groucho Club.

Alan Watkins in The Independent (mis)uses the term Stuckists (29.7.09)

National Art Hate week (now over): Ed Winkleman comments on Billy Childish and Stuckism (20.7.09).
Also see The Guardian (13.7.09) (Stuckism response in comment no. 10) and Artnet (16.7.09). National Art Hate site here.

The fake Facebook Serota: The Independent (last item) and The Guardian (last item) (21.7.09). See also Herr Von Stuck. We regret to announce the fake Facebook Serota is no more.

Jasper Winn's letter in The Guardian (13.7.09) sums up recent art history as "Decorative. Avant-garde. Landscape. Photo-realist. Capriccio. Modern. Figurative. Deco. Video. Stuckist. And, now, the art formerly known as Plinth."

Turner Prize 2009: The Flatline Prize here.

Stuckism is perfect decoration for your home says Jessica Ackerman.

Art critic, David Lee, appeared on TV show Big Brother on 2 July 2009 to rate 3 paintings, 2 by house residents and one (unknown to him) by a 6 year old, which he placed 3rd. Actually, it was the best one. Report on Mypark mag, video here.

Find out where the Tate money goes.

Press cuttings

Futurism show at the Tate and the Stuckist manifesto. See here

The Daily Telegraph (12.6.09): satire on "Germaine Greer here.

Ella Guru show (now finished) in The Guardian Pick of the Week. Show details here.
"dark fantasy works drawn from the underbelly of London life by the Stuckist painter"

On other sites
Jane Kelly's new book Inside - read the review on 3ammagazine.com
Asim Butt, Karachi Stuckist, exhibits in Islamabad, till 7 May 2009: Daily Times (Lahore, Pakistan, 29.4.09)

What art movement are we in now? Google search 25,000,000 results. No. 1 is Stuckism (that was before we put "What art movement are we in now?" on this page...)

Futurism and Stuckism on BBC site (20.2.09)
Listen to the Stuckist manifesto here
Read The Other Muswell Hill Stuckists manifesto here - issued 100 years after the Futurist manifesto.
Satisfaction at artwordstea.blogspot (20.2.09)
Discussion at metafilter.com (20.2.09)
Coxsoft comments (23.2.09)

Ben Lewis mentions Stuckists in The Observer (19.4.09)

Spoonfed quotes Stuckists on Gormley's gormless idea for the stupid plinth. See here (16.3.09).

Paul Myners, ex Tate Chairman, all change, no difference: Independent (3.3.09) (bottom story)

YBAs: Lucky Kunst or Lucky Cunts? Review on 3ammagazine.com (24.2.09)

Renowned triavialist Paul Paquet on punk poets, including the Medway Poets. See Trivia Bits (23.2.09)

Tate Cruises: hoist the Unjolly Roger on Counterpunch (13.2.09)


Shows recently ended: Five Female Stuckists, Stuck in Wood Green, Stuck on Painting (Female Stuckists). See here.
Stuckists AN ANTIDOTE TO THE GHASTLY TURNER PRIZE (2008) + Prague Stuckists in the Czech Republic

James Cauty of KLF, Jamie Reid (Sex Pistols graphics) and Billy Childish on redragtoabull.com wave a red rag at Damien Hirst, who threatened legal action against a 16 year old for using his jewel skull in collages. Please send images as JPGs at 72dpi and no more than 650 pixels wide to myart@redragtoabull.com Cartrain gets the first Heyokamagazine Award. See where Hirst gets his ideas from John LeKay here and here.
Coverage on bloomberg.com (10.2.09), myartspace (11.2.09) and artinfo (11.2.09).
Also The Independent (13.2.09) with pics and Deborah Orr (bottom of page).

Waldemar catches up at last.
In the 19th century, the art establishment was sure of its greatness. Critics, artists, collectors and curators agreed that the standards they proclaimed were of great art and would endure. They were wrong. The current art establishment is likewise sure of its greatness. Critics, artists, collectors and curators agree that the standards they proclaim are of great art and will endure. They are also wrong ... we find a direct equivalent to Victorian academia.
- Billy Childish and Charles Thomson in December 2000

What we have here today is a situation that parallels events in France in the 1860s, when the Paris salon became too powerful ... The Tate is the salon of today: pompous, arrogant, all-powerful and utterly convinced of its superiority ... Just as the Paris salon favoured the conceptual over the actual — pretentious history painting over vivid snapshots of everyday life — so the Tate supports art that imagines it is on a higher plane than the everyday.
- Waldemar Januszczak in January 2009

Vicki is in the 6th form and explains: "I spent the morning in History of Art class learning that some people believe that pickling animals is a form of art. The Stuckists disagree, apparently. I am so concerned that I actually have to write an essay on this for an exam: it seems a little unrealistic." Blog here. (Now closed after 15 seconds of fame.)

What's in store for 1999? Read on spoonfed 19.12.08 - Stuckist prediction at bottom of the page

Abby Jackson interview on Heyokamagazine 18.12.08

What is wrong with Sir Nicholas Serota? 3ammagazine, part two here 10.10.08.
Also on heyokamagazine.com
What is wrong with Sir Nicholas Serota? 3ammagazine, part one here 6.10.08.
Serota attacks Stuckists in Varsity, Cambridge Student newspaper, 3.10.08 online or pdf.
Letter in Varsity 17.10.08 pdf (page 2) replying to Serota

Charles Thomson, Stuckist co-founder, was on BBC London radio 94.9 FM on Christmas Day, 7.15 - 10.00 pm, Tessa Dunlop show.

Bad photos of drawings by Laura Mathews on her blog 18.12.08 (see above for her in demo pics)

Charles Thomson and Stuckism on Bloomberg (19.11.08)

Why does David Ross, Deputy Chairman of Carphone Warehouse, have his photo in the National Portrait Gallery collection? Evening Standard 11.12.08.

Kari Seid, recent founder of the first Stuckist group in South Africa says: "Stuckism has freed me from the bounds of the conceptual gallery centred power-seat which predominates in contemporary art today. Before i stumbled upon the "Stuckist Manifesto" in a bookstore in an arbitrary place in Lakeside Cape Town, I had been in the throws of a severe Artist's Block for more that two years, and ready to hang up my paintbrush in disillusionment forever. I identified with the Manifesto in every way. It breathed life into my tired soul, gave me hope and a new reason to paint again. I am NO LONGER stuckstuckSTUCK, and am inspired to call myself a STUCKIST as all that matters to me now is painting paintingPainting!"

Charles Thomson, Stuckist co-founder, was on a panel discussing "Will the recession be good
for art?" at the Art Festival at Hay, 5.30 pm, Sat 29 November 2008.

Georgina Hall paints portraits of Stuckists as a homage to the movement, Leeds Met Uni here.

"savage satires by Mark D, Nottingham's own Stuckist who's sticking a rigid digit up at celebrity culture" - Nottingham Evening Post (24.10.08) reviewing Open at The Art Organisation gallery, Nottingham.

Meanwhile take the Stuckism quiz.

Billy Childish in The Sunday Times 12.10.08 + "influential" Stuckists.

Polly Toynbee decides "stuckist" is a handy world in political commentary and Robert Philpot answers back - Etymology 8.10.08

Stella Vine, Rupert Mallin, Cathy Lomax, Billy Childish, Gina Bold: Herr Von Stuck's Hot Gossip

Spain speaks out - International News 6.10.08

Germaine Greer thinks Robert Hughes is a stuckist in The Guardian 22.9.08
Response to Germaine Greer in Guardian Letters 27.9.08

Pietro Psaier hoax Daily Telegraph 17.9.08 Also NY Sun 18.9.08

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Damien Hirst auction. See here

Stuckist artist Michael Dickinson acquitted in Turkish court case collage (25.9.08). More here.

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Stuckism article in Summer 2008 The Oldie magazine, p.12. Read it here.
Available from newsagents. Get three issues for £1 with this special offer, or a sample issue from 0845 357 3613.

Take the Eamon Everall quiz on quizmoz

Read about Karachi Stuckist, Asim Butt (who recently visited London), on pakistaniat.com 16.7.08

Steve Bell, cartoonist of The Guardian If... comic signs the Michael Dickinson protest petition on mungbeing.com 17.7.08

Jane Kelly's paintings indicate the taste of Daily Mail boss, Paul Dacre, potential Tate trustee. The Guardian 1.7.08 See her painting of him here.


Photos of the Stuckist Poets reading at the Sun and Doves, Brixton, (14.4.08) on flickr (first 8 photos)

"Get Stuck on Art" in the Waltham Forest Guardian 25.6.08

Stuckist artist Paul Harvey's work follows in the footsteps of Alphonse Mucha in new poster campaign for Job cigarette papers. See Crain's (16.6.08) and newswire, and Paul's work on the Job site. A poster in situ here.

Eye on Art: What is Stuckism? with the Stella Vine connection by editor Ryan Slade on AlrightLondon (2008)

If Hitler had been a hippy ... and if the Chapmans had grown up. Counterpunch (31.5.08) Also on Heyokamagazine + comment by Mark Vallen

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"The Stuckist Revolt" by Stacey Allison in ArtShow magazine (1.1.08)

Left: part of ArtShow magazine's timeline. Click image to go to the whole timeline.
Image courtesy of ArtShow magazine.



Nigella Lawson
by Paul Harvey

Lara speaks
The ideal Stuckist pinup
Abby Jackson
Stuck in the future
Pola speaks!
Stuckist paintings here Artist interviews here
See the Paxman video
Stuckism articles on Wikipedia

Top artists websites: 1) White Cube 2) Saatchi Gallery 3) Stuckism 4) Tracey Emin 5) Damien Hirst -The Times
"One of the largest, most international and most active art sites on the internet" - Edward Lucie-Smith Art Review
"Stuckism art is beautiful, fierce and awkward at times but ultimately it repressents passionate, political, unafraid artists. It is absolute, true, uncontrived art."