Journal of the Association for Information Systems
Editor-in-Chief: Monideepa Tarafdar, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Congratulations to Anuragini Shirish, Shirish C. Srivastava, and Imed Boughzala for receiving the JAIS Best Paper Award for 2023 for their paper "Contextualizing Team Adaptation for Fostering Outcomes in Multicultural Virtual Teams: A Mixed Methods Approach"! The paper can be found here.

Congratulations to Mareike Möhlmann, Carolina Alves de Lima Salge, and Marco Marabelli for receiving the JAIS Best Paper Runner-Up Award for 2023 for their paper "Algorithm Sensemaking: How Platform Workers Make Sense of Algorithmic Management"! The paper can be found here.

JAIS is pleased to announce the Call for Papers: Digital Sustainability and Information Systems Research - Article Submission Deadline: October 2, 2024 - Co-editors of this special issue – Julia Kotlarsky, Jacqueline Corbett, Juliana Sutanto, Yenni Tim and Thomas Kude will be running two information sessions on 19 and 20 February 2024 aiming to address any questions that colleagues might have about the special issue.

Current Issue: Volume 25, Issue 5 (2024)

