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Westsǣ on Aranīegena stāðum bēateþ
Westsǣ landscīte

Westsǣ is Eorðan mǣsta gārsecg æfter þæm Sericus Gārsecge. His ēasternum rim is wiþ Breten and Īrlande, Europe and Affrica. His westernum rim is wiþ America and hiere īega.

Brād is þes sǣ mid ymbe fēower þūsenda þūsenda mīlum þæs fēowerscyte and oferwrieð se fifta dāl of eallum Ēorþan andwlitan and nēan 29 hundtēontigoðena dǣla þæs wæteres andwlitan þǣre Eorðan.

Þes sǣ hæfþ missenlice naman in manigum gereordan. Rōmƿarum nemnedon hine Oceanus Atlanticus and þes nama is of Athlans þǣm beorgum þā sind on Affrican be ƿestan Ƿendelsǣs mūþan and hiera hliðu standaþ ofer þǣm Ƿestsǣ. Ealda bēc on Englum giefað þone naman Ƿestsǣ forþǣm þe hē is be ƿestan Bretene and Europan oþþe Gārsecg būtan geīcendlicum ƿorde. Bretēalas in hiera sprǣc hine hēt Cefnfor yr Iwerydd se is 'Īra Gārsecg'.

Beēastan þissum gārsecge sind Europe and Affrica þā land, and beƿestan him sind Norðamerica and Sūðamerica. Se Indisca Gārsecg is beēastan him begeondan Affrice, and se Sericus Gārsecg is beƿestan him begeondan Ƿīnland. Benorðan him is Īshæf, and besūðan him is se Suþgarsecg - hīe ne sind ƿel bedǣlde fram him.

Þǣre Eorðan sēo middle mearc bedǣleþ hine on tƿegen dǣlas - se Norðerna Atlantisca Gārsecg, and se Sūðerna Atlantisca Gārsecg.

Manigfealda īega licgaþ in þǣm Westsǣ. His mǣstan īegland sind Bryten and Īraland æt his ēasthealf and Nīwgefundenland æt his westhealf be Norþamerica, and Īsland and Grēneland in his norþdǣle.

Īega in gārsecges heorte sind:

- and eall þās īega belimpaþ Bretware.

Ēac in Portugalwara rīce onmiddan Westsǣ sind:

Fortunatus iegland sind Spēonisce īega ðā licgað bewesten Affrican.

Þā Bahamas, ðā sindon hiera agen rice licgað nēah Norðamerican ecg.

Se Caribisca Sǣ is garsecges earm and in þissum brime sind ealfela īega and rīca.

Ūtwearda hlencas

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