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Soft Yandere Hawks X Pregnant Reader


Hawks returns home one night, to no welcome from you. Where did you go? What could possibly be keeping you away from you domestic duties.

Work Text:

Warnings: 18+ content, Kidnapping, Yandere themes, stockholm syndrome

Soft Yandere Keigo X Pregnant Y/N

It had been nearly 3 months since Keigo had snatched you from your bed. You started out being horrified to find out that the national hero you adored had such a twisted dark side to him. You spent most of your time avoiding him and trying to hide, but despite your evasive attitude Keigo never really treated you badly or demonstrated any violence towards you. If anything, you noticed a hint of sadness every time you cast your gaze downward to avoid eye contact. He continued with small shows of affection and giving you time to slowly warm up to the idea of having him around you constantly. Eventually you broke and started falling for him. It became harder and harder for you to think of life outside these walls or any kind of life that Keigo wasn’t a part of. But you stayed wary still, worried that if you cling too closely to him, he would discard you. So you had fallen into a rhythm of doing whatever he instructed without pause but never pushed the limits to seek out attention on your own.

Keigo arrived home a little later than usual to find the doorway empty. He gritted his teeth, y/n had been doing so well lately with greeting him once home and performing domestic acts. He couldn’t suppress his disappointment, but took an extra moment to breathe and calm himself down before trudging through the home to find you. But the farther we walked in the more upset he got, dinner hadn’t been started yet, laundry was sitting out, what had you been doing all day. He stretched his head back covering his eyes and sighed loudly. He hated having to discipline you, especially with how well you had been doing lately.

Maybe you fell asleep early, he wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt. He sauntered into the living room, expecting you to be passed out on the couch to find no one. His eyebrows furrowed, he quickly turned to move toward his bedroom. It was out of character for you to ever go into his room without him. His pace quickened as he got closer to his room, swinging the door open to find the room empty, the bed cold and bedding untouched. His heart dropped, his nerves becoming panicked. How did y/n manage to get out? His wings dispersed, sending nearly all of his feathers to scan the rest of the home room by room.

Just when he was about to throw his coat back on to go outside to look for you, his feather detected you in the bathroom. He let out a huge sigh of relief knowing you never left. Through his feather he could feel how distressed you were, groaning and barely moving. He ran to the bathroom, opening the door and finding you practically passed out on the floor with your head resting against the cold toilet seat. Keigo gets down on his knees and wraps his now full wings around you. He focuses his feathers to scan you taking in all your vitals when something catches his attention. A very small second heartbeat coming from you.

He chokes on his next breath, unable to get any words past his lips. His arms tremble as he reaches out for you. His chest vibrates in content with you in his embrace. His wings protectively tighten around you. Keigo whispers his apologies for leaving you alone and promises to start taking more time off to help care for you.

It was hard for you to hear anything he was saying, the nausea having passed but leaving exhaustion in its wake. The heat radiating from his wings was a pleasant contrast to the cold tile floor.

Keigo slowly stands with you cradled in his arm, careful to not upset your stomach. He is so proud of his soon to be mama bird. “Come on Birdie, let’s get you to bed.”

“No!” You weakly struggle against him trying to get back onto the floor. “I don’t wanna get sick in bed. Just leave me here.” Keigo slowly lowers you back down but keeps his hold on your shoulders. Your abrupt movements cause you to dry heave into the toilet, your stomach empty from your previous vomiting episodes. Tears sting your eyes, your stomach felt like it was constantly trying to contract. But nothing was left to bring up, you felt utterly defeated.

Keigo left you there but only for a moment before he returned with a large fluffy blanket. He basically rolled you into it, the compression felt good. Your body sagged against his as he lifted you once again. “Don’t worry Birdie, I have everything ready for you in our room, water, trash can, whatever you need I will get for you. Now and always.”