
Work Header

Proper Handling


Sexually frustrated. Unable to cum no matter what you did. Fingers, toys, porn, a combination of all three, but still, no luck.

You went to work anyway despite your bad mood, and it seems a certain nosey sun-themed animatronic might be willing to lend a hand to help with your… predicament.


I'm backkkk! (I never left)

Here's a little one shot I've had sitting on the back burner for like a year and finally decided to finish as a break from poking at my longer stories.

It's short and to the smutty point!

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Hah ah nngh f-fuck.” You moaned. The low hum of the vibrator held against your clit barely muffled your moans in the silence of your bedroom.

You were wound up like a spring, ready to snap at any moment. You squeezed your breast with your free hand and rolled your hips against the sweet stimulation. It felt like hours of teetering on the edge of climax but never quite making it over. Honestly, it probably has been with how sweaty and flushed you were. A slick sheen of perspiration clung to your skin, your breathing labored, heart pounding in your chest. You were so close! Just a little more and—

Then, the vibrations suddenly stopped.

You looked down to see the light on your final trusty vibrator give a few fading flashes before dying entirely and going limp in your hands. You stared at it, expression blank before rage overcame you. “God damn it!” You yelled with a growl as you ripped yet another failed toy from between your thighs. You let it drop next to the small pile of fallen warriors on your quest to cum and sag against your damp sheets, letting out a frustrated sigh.

You’ve been painstakingly trying to cum for days now, but no matter what you did, nothing seemed to work. By now, you’re beyond pent up, desperately in need of the release you’ve been chasing, but you tried your fingers, porn, toys, hell, even a combination of all three, and yet all you had to show for your efforts were sore hands, dead batteries, and a pissy attitude.

You glared daggers at the ceiling, cursing your body for tormenting you like this. With a begrudging groan, you rolled off the bed—sticky lube stuck to your thighs and the throbbing taste of denial still bitter on your tongue as you shuffled to your bathroom to clean yourself up for the day.

You eyed the detachable shower head once you stepped into the hot stream of water, debating using it, but you scrapped that idea. Not only did you not have the time, the dread of work looming over you, but you were also tired and didn’t want to deal with the idea of another possible failure. So, you washed yourself down like usual, hoping the hot water would help relax your muscles and soothe your aggravation, and it had, a little bit, though not as much as you’d been hoping.

You dried yourself off and threw on your uniform, already more than ready to get the day over with as you trudged out to your car.

It was only a few short miles before you half dragged yourself into the daycare and immediately noticed the tall animatronic fiddling with a stack of drums. You could already feel some of your lingering sour mood dissipating as soon as you met the sunny animatronics blank-eyed stare when he turned around.

Sun perked up, and you could see him almost glow with happiness, rays quivering when he registered who was inside the daycare. “Sunshine!” He squealed as he skipped over, faster than anyone who wasn’t used to his antics would be comfortable with, and scooped you into his arms, “Oh, I’m so happy to see you! So, so, very happy!”

“Hey, Sunny…” You sighed and returned the hug, melting into his warm embrace. The affection helped to dampen some of the lingering annoyance burning in your chest.

“Oh?” Sun asked, immediately noticing your less-than-chipper attitude. “What’s got that thunderstorm floating over your head?”

“It’s nothin’.” You murmured, trying to ease the sunny robot’s concerns, “Just some personal stuff getting on my nerves. Nothing you need to worry about, honestly.” You gave him what you hoped was a reassuring pat on his back, though it lacked your usual energy.

Sun's rays spun in worry as he gently set you down, those blank eyes staring at you with concern. You didn’t know how a robot with a static faceplate could emote so well, though it could be because you’ve spent so much time together that reading how he was feeling has become second nature to you. Or maybe it was because you had a bad habit of watching him, studying how he moved, how his tone changed, the subtle twitch of his rays and fingers when he was annoyed, and how excited he’d get over the smallest things. It was to the point that you’d caught yourself nearly swooning in the middle of your shift on more than one occasion, not that you’d ever admit it out loud.

“My, my! What a shame! Is there anything I can possibly do to help?” Sun eagerly asked as he swayed in place, bells gently chiming with the rhythmic motions.

The thought of Sun, of all things, helping with your pent-up sexual frustration was almost comical, even while a surge of heat warmed your belly from the fantasy. Still, you managed to suppress a snicker with a not-so-subtle clearing of your throat, “While I appreciate the offer, it’s not anything you could help with, but thank you, though.” You stepped past him towards the security desk, more than ready to sink your teeth into your work so you didn’t have to dwell on the deep ache that’s settled between your thighs.

Sun jumped, rays sinking into his head as he worried at his hands, “Y-You you, you don’t know that for sure!” He said frantically, bells jingling as he followed you close behind.

You chuckled and set your bag on the other side of the desk, “Oh, I think I do, Sun.” You said, primarily to yourself, but that didn’t stop Sun from huffing as he stood outside his authorized zone.

“If someone is bothering you, I’ll take them to time out.” Sun did a few air jabs and then puffed out his chest, making you giggle. His comically long legs and thin arms may look scrawny, but you know he is vastly stronger than the average human.

“No, it’s not that.” You said as you unceremoniously dropped into the rolling chair with a tired sigh.

“Hmmmm…” Sun drummed his fingers against his faceplate in thought. He was still intent on piecing together the reason for your bad mood despite your clear wanting-to-move-past-it disposition. He watched, scanning for any possible injuries or changes. You seemed more tired than usual, the slight dark circles under your eyes and slumped posture obvious. You also shifted in your chair, squirming, uncomfortable, and slightly irritable as you typed at the computer in front of you.

Sun’s rays sprung from his faceplate in an ‘aha!’ moment. A lightbulb almost appeared above his head, and he snapped his fingers, “I’ve got it! You’re menstruating!” He couldn’t have said something so embarrassing any louder, so pleased with himself, like a cat who caught the canary.

You choked, a wild blush blooming on your cheeks. You whirled towards him, eyes wide and temper hot, “I am not!” You shouted. Some of your prior annoyance was returning, and the once-warm coals were aflame again.

Sun deflated, so sure he’d been correct. He let out a long noise of defeat and slumped across the security desk beside you, “Tell me, tell me, tell me! Pleaseeeee!” He begged, hands slotting together as he lay across the security desk and whined. He shook his clasped hands back and forth, ringing the bells attached to his wrists frantically.

Usually, you’d have the patience of a saint for Sun’s childish antics, but today was not it. The long-drawn-out noise and constant ringing grated on your frayed nerves, and you could feel your patience snap. You grit your teeth, sexual frustration and regular frustration mixing in a dark cocktail of misguided confidence as you throw your hands up in exasperation, “You know what?! Fine! The issue is that I have been trying to make myself cum for days, but no matter what I do, nothing helps, and I’m so sexually frustrated, I’m ready to rip my hair out!” You yelled, voice nearly echoing around the empty daycare.

Your shoulders heaved with your heavy breaths as you finally vented your frustrations. Sun’s usual blank-eyed stare didn’t give you a hint as to what he was thinking at the moment, but his uncharacteristic silence spoke volumes.

You sighed and slumped against the table before burying your flushed face in your arms. All the prior anger dissipated from your body, only to be quickly replaced by the inevitable embarrassment of spouting your bedroom troubles to your robot coworker, “There. I said it. Are you happy now?” You muttered quietly.

You only received silence for an answer, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look back up to see his reaction. No doubt he’d lost all respect for you with your childish temper tantrum if he had any for you to begin with. What the hell was wrong with you? You could have told him literally anything else just to appease him. Lied out your ass and saved yourself the embarrassment, but noooo. It seems even in a fit of hormone-induced rage, you couldn’t bring yourself to lie to Sun.

“Whaaaat if I helped?” Sun teasingly prodded suddenly, his fingers tapping against the counter rhythmically. His blank-eyed stare bore into your head, never leaving you for a moment.

You scoffed but didn’t lift your head from your arms, “Sunny, that's sweet of you and all, but I don’t think you understand what I’m talking about.” There was no way it was happening. Sure, you’ve had your fair share of fantasies of your robotic coworker and, maaaybe even the tiniest of crushes. He was always excited to see you, listened to your every word, always helped and doted on you. An absolute sweetheart in every shape and form. What kind of touch-starved individual wouldn’t adore that kind of attention?

Sun giggled and hopped up, vibrating with a different kind of excitement from usual, “Oh, you silly, silly, precious little thing.” He cooed, his fingers tapping across the counter as you finally mustered the courage to look up from your arms, “I know exactly what you’re talking about.~” He booped you on the nose when you stared up at him, flabbergasted.

How? Why? Your mind might have broken with that statement with how your thoughts came to a standstill. “W-What?!” You managed to squeak out as Sun chuckled and pushed himself away from the security desk to saunter around, that bubbly energy he always had replaced with something else, something much darker.

“Silly, silly, silly. We know more than we would ever let on. It’s all in the game.” Sun teased as he stepped up to the threshold of the security desk, only stopping for a moment before smoothly stepping across. You stared at him, wide-eyed and mouth hanging open as he hummed and trailed up behind you.

“What’s wrong, Sunshine? Surprised to see innocent little Sunny breaking the rules?” Sun pressed two fingers under your chin, smoothly closing your mouth as you sat there frozen, “Careful keeping that pretty little mouth open like that. Someone might make use of it.~” He says, voice singsong and eager to do just that.

A blush rose to your cheeks, unbidden. The compliments and commanding tone you’d never known Sun could use before sent heat straight to your clit. You swore you saw dim eyelights staring down at you, heated in their intensity, but the thought disappeared as he dropped his hands on your shoulders, easily engulfing them. You always forget just how big they are, and with his thumbs lightly brushing against the fluttering pulse of your throat, you couldn’t help but swallow heavily. “S-Sunny….” You trailed off, finding concentrating hard, but he was already shushing you.

“Worry, worry, worry!” Sun chastised and stepped back to drag your chair away from the desk, rolling you with it, “No thinking right now, alright? Just let ol’ Sunny take care of you! Now up and at ‘em!”

You were so bewildered by everything going on that you didn’t stop to think and just stood as he commanded. Not that he would have let you ignore his instructions either way. You could only watch as he quickly rolled the chair out of the way, barely taking his focus away from you. You were weary of where this was going, and the possibility of losing your job hung in the air if you got caught, but a small part of you was curious… maybe even a little excited about what he was planning. Not that you’d ever admit that to Sun; he already had enough of an ego.

Sun’s large hands suddenly engulfed your hips, and you sputtered as he crowded you against the security desk. However, without the chair, nothing prevented him from pressing flush against your back this time. “A-Are you sure you know w-what you’re doing?” You stuttered out, but then you yelped as Sun placed one hand between your shoulders and pressed you flat against the security desk. In this position, your toes barely touched the ground, and you were no match to his monstrous strength, “Sunny! We're in the middle of the daycare!” You squeaked as he pressed his hips against your ass, nimble fingers already fiddling with the zipper on your pants.

Sun giggled as he grabbed your pants and slid them, along with your underwear, down to your ankles, exposing your pussy to the cool air. If you weren’t already burning up before, you are now. You buried your face into your arms, drowning in mortification as Sun spread your ass with an attentive hum, “I am more than aware of where we are, Sunshine, but if getting in trouble is what you’re worried about, thennn…” He leaned down, chest flush against your back, nimble fingers trailing over your hips as his faceplate pressed against your ear, “I suggest you be quiet.” That last word was a low growl, and you sputtered, blush spreading down your chest as your mind raced a mile a minute, but then one large finger pressed against your slit, effectively silencing your panicked thoughts.

You’d think an animatronic made of metal, plastic, and silicone would be cold. Yet, the finger was surprisingly warm as it slid back and forth, lightly teasing your folds and trying to coax your body to heat up and produce the slick it needed to help smooth the motions. The soft silicone felt similar to your toys at home, though much warmer, and your breath stuttered as he pressed against your clit, lightly circling it a few times before dipping back down, repeating this motion and coaxing the slick to coat his finger.

Fuck. You’d forgotten how much better it felt to have another person touching you. Screw toys and your imagination. That deliberate swirling of your clit and groping of your thigh, keeping you spread so he could watch his fingers slide between your folds, was better than anything you could possibly do on your own.

“Yes, yes, yes! Good girl.” Sun cooed as you mewled and went limp in his hold, “Just let me help! I’m so good at helping, you know. I was literally made for it.” He giggled, though you were too out of it to laugh at his attempt at humor. Your earlier annoyance has long since fled your body, each firm swipe of his finger against your clit assuring that.

“Gotta help you get all nice and ready! I can’t risk hurting my little star, no siree!” Sun spoke as if he was discussing the workload for the day and not mapping every inch of his pretty human coworkers’ pussy. Already, he could feel slick cling to his fingertips, coating them in your warm arousal. Poor little thing, so pent up and needy, but you were doing so, so well, giving yourself to him like this! He could feel his wires warm and hum, eager to please you— excited at the prospect of giving you the one thing no one else could.

“Is there anything you’d like me to do? Something special? Something specific? Hm, hm, hmm?” He hopped in place, insistent, eager to know your desires. Your silence was driving him insane. Patience was surprisingly not a strong suit for the daycare attendant, and he made that abundantly clear as he stopped moving his hand when you failed to give him an answer fast enough for this liking.

“Yes, yes, please just… do whatever, anything you want, just– make me cum.” You murmured, hardly listening. You squirmed, barely managing to grind against his fingers still pressed against your clit. You don’t care what he did to you at this point, so lost in your lust that the only thing you needed him to do was keep going.

Sun had gone eerily still. The mechanics in his chest clicked and whirred, his face plate twisting halfway and stopping. Thinking. That static Cheshire grin was seemingly wider than it had been before, and you couldn’t hold back a whorish moan as he suddenly cupped your pussy and ground his palm against your swollen clit.

“Sooooo good.” Sun praised, voice rough with heavy static, his faceplate stiffly moving back into place. Whatever you said seemed to be the correct answer because he sounded ravenous, as if you had just offered the sweetest meal on a silver platter to a starving man who hadn’t had a proper meal in a lifetime, “Whatever IIIIIII want? My, my, such a good girl. I wonder what other pretty little noises you can make if I doooo this?” His hand trailed up your shirt, thumb hooking on the middle of your bra and sliding it up. The soft material dragged against your nipples, teasing the sensitive buds before your breasts fell free. Nothing was in the way of Sun’s greedy grasp now, and he wasted no time cupping your breast, giving it a firm squeeze.

“Mmhm, just like that. Please, keep doing more of that.” You moaned softly, pressing your chest closer to his hand. Any prior uncertainty you’d had was thrown out the window. You just wanted those ridiculously nimble hands everywhere they could possibly go.

Sun giggled, rays shrinking and rising with his excitement. He squeezed and massaged your breast, relishing how the flesh melded to his fingers. It was soft—so incredibly soft—that it was hard to believe such a feeling could exist. He wished to bury his face between your breasts, feel how warm you were, and ingrain your smell into his memory. Oh, how he wanted to taste you, do more, and feel more than he could with this limited body.

“Feeling good? Well, are ya? Are yaaaa?” Sun dragged out, voice laced with static, teasing your ears like a mechanical purr. He moved his palm, deliberately sliding his fingertips through your folds to rub your clit and letting his thumb teasingly sink into your pussy.

You nodded, teeth digging into your bottom lip to contain your moans. You puffed a shaky breath as Sun pinched and rolled the sensitive nipple, sending heat straight to your throbbing clit. You were so turned on that it was almost painful, but it didn’t make you feel any less… ashamed. You were still at work, out in the open, where anyone could walk in and see you with your coworker’s fingers between your thighs—your animatronic coworker, no less. Sun shouldn’t even know how to do any of this! His programming and the ability to learn and expand his knowledge surely hadn’t been intended with this in mind. But, the way his other hand swirled against your clit before teasingly dipping to your aching hole, prodding and sinking a hair within, only to pull away with a static-laced giggle at your needy whine as he kneaded and pulled at your breast, you were inclined to search his creator down and demand they receive a raise.

“More… please, more.” You begged, tears of frustration beading in the corners of your eyes. You were trembling in desperation, but you could barely do more than squirm against his light touch, pressing yourself closer to his hands, silently pleading with him to take what he wanted, entirely at his mercy.

“Hmmm, not enough for you?” Sun hummed quizzically, his fingers still toying with your sensitive nipple and clit, almost absentmindedly, “And you said please! Such good, good, good manners! I supposeeee I can help.” His voice was chipper, happy, but then he suddenly pulled you back against his chest, then finally, finally sunk a finger into your pussy, so painfully slow that you would have thrust your hips back to impale yourself if you had the leverage to do so. His faceplate spun, enticed by the velvety feeling of your walls encompassing his finger. He could feel every clench and pulse, your body adjusting to his intrusion, and it brought heat to his wires he’d never felt before.

“Yes, yes… help. I can take care of you, no worries. No, no, no! You have nothing to worry about, my precious little thing.” Sun rambled, his hand only stopping when it reached the base, and you nearly melted into the security desk with a shaky sigh. Already, his one finger was deeper than any toy you’d taken before, and you mewled when he pulled back, making you feel every joint and ridge before sinking back inside with a second finger, faster than before. His long fingers scissor against the sensitive, spongy tissue hidden at the top of your pussy. Massaging, prodding, and caressing the moaning notes and broken words from your lips.

Sun nuzzled his faceplate into your hair, whispering sweet praises. How good you felt. How pretty you were. So warm and soft and wet. He wished to keep you spread out and dripping for him like this, with your walls kissing his fingers so sweetly he wanted to devour you.

You mewled into your arms, trying and failing to hide the burning blush that grew hotter anytime he spoke. You felt so impossibly full. You’d never experienced something like this before. You couldn’t even bring yourself to care about the hard desk digging into your hips or the threat of discovery. Not with someone so attentive and eager to please, handling you with the kind of care that could only be honed from years of practice.

Sun’s fans hummed, pleased to feel you relaxing. He could break you so, so easily. Imagine how much prettier you’d be begging his name from those plump lips, unable to say anything else as he fucked every other thought out of your mind. Truthfully, it would not be hard at all. But he couldn’t do that to his little star. No, no, he had to be careful, even if the temptation to do just that clawed at the back of his mind. Eager. Dark. Desperate.

Sun kept a steady pace until your arousal was all but dripping from his joints. He quickly added a third finger, making you cry out. You were so wet, yet the stretch still burned, but you couldn’t care less. Sun had already ruined you for anything else— leaving you as nothing but a melting mess of pure pleasurable bliss. His palm made an audible slap against your ass, and the bells around his wrists jingled each time he sunk back inside. Your thighs shook, walls clenching, trying to draw him in further, deeper, harder. Your nails ached to dig into something, anything, but you could only weakly claw at the hard plastic desktop, letting out a high, pathetic whine.

Sunny…!” His name fell from your lips in a breathy whisper.

Sun’s entire face spun before he pressed it against your neck with a low groan, the raised metal and silicone scraping against your skin in the semblance of a kiss, “If only I had lips to kiss you.” He whispered, pulling his fingers out of your dripping pussy to press two against your swollen clit, rubbing slow but firm circles against it, “A tongue to taste every inch of you like no one has before.”

You whimpered as you listened to him whisper sinful wishes into your ear, grinding your hips against his hand to quietly beg for more. The steady build-up you've desperately needed made tears bead at the corners of your eyes, and your breathing grew shaky with your building orgasm.

“Teeth to mark this soft skin forever… showing my claim over you to the world.” Sun continued as he pulled his fingers away from your clit, ripping a pitiful whine from your lips. He pressed his faceplate between your shoulder blades, pinning you against the table as he moved his hips closer with a low staticky growl, his fingers pressing against your dripping entrance, “And a cock to fuck this pretty little pussy with and claim it as mine.”

The whine you let out was downright pathetic. You could almost feel the smug glee oozing from Sun’s static smile. You’d do anything, give anything so that he’d just fuck you already.

“Fuck!” You cried out as he quickly plunged four fingers into your walls, stretching you more than any cock you’ve taken before. You heard Sun grumble a chastising “language,” but you didn’t care. It felt amazing. You could feel every notch and joint caress your walls, the bumpy texture massaging you from the inside out. It was almost too much to bear, but you wanted, no, needed more.

Sun watched his fingers disappear deep within and come out covered in glistening arousal. You were so pretty, so soft, so sweet. He was transfixed, captivated by the way your body molded to his fingers. Oh, how he craved to feel you fall apart beneath him, allowing him, and only him, to give you this pleasure— touch you like no other has before or after. You were his pretty little toy now, and he would never let you go.

You were just so interesting… and pretty. Many assistants came before you, none garnering his attention for long before another took their place shortly after. But then you came along. You. So small and shy the first day you’d started. He wanted to scoop you up and hide you away the moment his eyes landed on you. You’d been so attentive and eager to learn, hanging on to his every word, and not once did you ignore his instructions. His perfect, kind, adorable little star.

A sweet treat after so long, he hadn’t realized just how starved he was.

“S-Sunny! Please, please, please!” You begged, nearly sobbing as you chased that tightening coil with desperation, nails scratching against the smooth counter, “I need to cum!”

“Soooo, so needy, aren’t you?” Sun tuts, flicking your bruising nipple before moving to give the other one equal attention. He couldn’t leave you marked imperfectly. No, no, no! You had to be the perfect little canvas for him to play with as he pleased. You’d said so so nicely earlier, and he intended to do just that.

“Yesyesyes!” You chanted, “Fu– mmph hah, please! I-I am! Stars, please don’t stop!” Your desire dripped down your thighs, pooling on the ground, splashing from his hand as you shoved yourself back against his thrusts as much as you could, bouncing on his fingers like a cock, chasing the high you craved, wanting more.

“Who’s helping such a needy toy get what she wants?” Sun demanded as he released your abused breasts and tangled his long fingers into your hair, pulling you back to look at him.

You moaned from the rough treatment, scalp tingling, teetering on the edge of cumming. You stared at those intense, blank eyes and saw your teary-eyed, drooling, flushed reflection. You were so delirious with pleasure that you’d nearly forgotten Sun had asked you a question. His pace slowed, and your heart leaped in your chest. Nonono, he couldn’t stop now! You were so close!

“Y-You!” You quickly squeaked, praying he wouldn’t stop. You were trembling, muscles tightening, heart racing as you reached back to grab his wrist, moving his arm to sink back into you, “Only you can, so p-please, please don’t stop!” You begged, nearly sobbing as he slid back against that hidden bundle of nerves.

Sun gave a pleased mechanical purr. “Good toys deserve rewards, and you’ve been such a perfect little toy!” He forced you entirely onto his fingers, picking up the pace, fucking you with earnest.

You nearly saw stars. Sun’s fingers are impossibly deep, curling and pressing against that hidden spot that has your hips jerking. It was almost too much.

Come on. Come on. Come on.” Sun urged, words frantic, desperate, crazed. The wet slapping rang in his audio ports, drowning out every other thought than making you cum. Your fucked out expression and repeated pleas of his name in your cute little breathless voice is driving him insane. He needed to see you cum, see the moment he forced you over the edge and finally broke.

“I-I can’t– I’m nngh mmph I’m gonna—!” You nearly sobbed. Then finally, after what felt like an eternity of being unable to cum, you got that sweet, sweet relief you so desperately craved.

You threw your head back, mouth open to scream as your orgasm washed over you, but a large hand clamped over your mouth, quickly silencing your cries with two fingers slipping past your lips.

“I can’t have you giving us away. No, no, no. I can’t have them take my precious toy.” Sun chided, primarily to himself, as he forced your back to arch against him, your unfocused gaze overflowing with tears as you twitched and quivered in his grasp. “Not when she looks so very, very pretty dripping all over my fingers.”

You let out a garbled moan against his fingers, trying to blink away the tears blurring your vision. Sun’s static faceplate hovered over you, tall enough that he could easily bend over to see your face. You knew those blank white eyes were staring at you, the look so intense that you couldn’t stop your walls from clenching around his fingers.

Yessss.” Sun hissed, thrusting slowly into your still fluttering walls, dragging your orgasm out for as long as possible, “Don’t you think that was so, so, so much fun? Isn’t it a relief to finally go over the edgeeee? To get the pleasure you so desperately craved?” His voice was oozing with sickly sweet honey, but the way he hovered over you, casting a shadow as that static faceplate stared at your drooling flushed face, betrayed his words.

You nodded through overstimulated tears. It was such a sweet relief to finally get the pleasurable satisfaction you’d been craving and desperately trying to achieve for days. There was a pleasant warmth in your stomach, and your bones felt like jello, leaving Sun’s hold on you as the only thing preventing you from sagging limply against the desk.

“Good, good, gooood!” Sun’s cheerful voice rang in your ears as he nuzzled your hair like a good little obedient pet, “Now… let’s do it again.” His voice morphed into a low growl as his fingers suddenly plunged into your walls so fast you saw stars.

Your muffled cries barely carried over the obscenely wet sounds his hand ripped from your sensitive pussy. “T-Too… much.” You managed to gurgle out around his fingers, drool dripping down your chin, and your mind too hazy with pleasure to care about the mess. Fuck. How much could your fragile human body take? He was playing you like a damn piano, expertly pressing and stroking the exact keys that had your back arching and walls spasming around his fingers as if they were a real cock plunging deep inside your drooling pussy.

Not enough.” Sun snarled, voice laced with static. His hips twitched and ground against his hand, forcing his fingers impossibly deeper. You cried out, and something seemed to snap inside of him because he suddenly yanked his fingers from your mouth and pussy, barely giving you a chance to catch your breath before he gripped your hips and flipped you over onto your back.

You laid splayed out for him. Face flushed and eyes glassy with tears. Your pants had long since fallen onto the floor, but your panties still hung around your ankle. Your breasts shook with every frantic rise and fall of your chest, breathless from your orgasm but so desperate for more.

So pretty, pretty, pretty. Good enough to eat.

Sun watched your head flop to the side, those pretty eyes closing and no longer looking at him. Now, now, now. That won’t do. He wrapped his hand around the front of your throat and forced you to look up, his blank gaze only inches away from yours, “Want to watch, watch, watch! Let me see that pretty face when you cum again and again and again!” He sounded on the edge, his thumb pressing against your swollen clit with every frantic thrust of his fingers. He gave your throat a light squeeze anytime your moans got a little too loud for his liking, not that he didn’t want to listen and ingrain your adorable noises to memory, no, no, of course not! He just didn’t want to get caught! They’d take his pretty little toy away forever, and he wouldn’t let them do that.

Sun’s possessive hold on you sent a new bolt of arousal to your clit. The lack of blood made you light-headed, heightening your senses and making each touch all the more intense. You went over the edge again, almost embarrassingly fast. A hot squirt of cum coated Sun's hand, dripping steadily onto the floor. Your scream caught in your throat, and your eyes nearly rolled into the back of your head, but you were too far gone to feel any shame by the mess you’d made.

“More, more, more!” Sun chanted. Your thighs closed around his hand, still thrusting into you, and he Just. Doesn’t. Stop. He quickly coaxes a third orgasm out of your already overstimulated pussy, greedily taking everything he could until you lay limply against the desk, a well fucked puddle of exhaustion.

You trembled and panted, thanking the stars when he finally slowed. Three orgasms back to back was more than you’d been bargaining for, and if you still wanted to walk out of the daycare today on your own two feet, then… you sadly had to wave the white flag of surrender. Your dry spell was officially over, with the damn near waterfall of cum dripping onto the desk and forming a puddle in the floor a testament to that fact.

Sun hummed in satisfaction as he watched you try to collect yourself. It seems he may have gone just a teensy weensy bit… overboard. Not too, too much, though. He didn’t want to break you. Well… not entirely, and not so soon. There was still so much more fun to be had! Later.

He giggled, face plate clicking to the side and rays fluttering as he silently watched you. You both basked in the quiet, your heart slowing with each calming breath and a pleasant ache settling into your bones.

Sun leaned down and nuzzled against you, making small kissy noises each time his face plate pressed against your cheek. You giggled tiredly from the ticklish affection and reached up to gently rub at his rays, mumbling a quiet ‘thank you.’

Sun hummed and whispered gentle praises as he held you close. You did so well. My perfect star. Pretty, pretty star. He may not have gotten off per se, not in a human way, at least, but you could see the satisfaction in how he handled you, the hand not still buried in your fluttering walls, gently smoothing the sweaty strands of hair away from your forehead.

Your heart ached from the tender affection. You wanted to drown in it, let it consume you until nothing was left. It was somehow more embarrassing than sitting half-naked on the security desk with an animatronics fingers still buried in you. It made you want to hide to collect your feelings for a moment, so you wrapped your arms around Sun’s shoulders and buried your face into the soft, vibrant ruffles lining his neck.

Sun made a curious noise but said nothing, to which you were grateful. You just needed this, having him close, basking in his presence. His hand nearly engulfed your back as he rubbed soothing circles into your sore muscles. It felt… nice, especially after being forced against a rigid tabletop for so long.

“Hey, Sunny?” You whispered, nuzzling further into his ruffles.


You squirmed a bit, feeling his fingers flex inside of you, “You can move your hand now.”

Sun whined in dismay as you gave a tired chuckle. He didn’t want to move his hand. He hadn’t yet had enough time to map every inch of you to his memory! He yearned to stay a part of you for hours if you so much as allowed him. He knew he’d miss the snug warmth, but seeing your thighs twitch and warm tears still flowing down your flushed cheeks, he knew you were at your limit.

So, he sighed longingly and reluctantly pulled out of your swollen pussy. You whimpered, too overstimulated to enjoy the feeling as a few more slick drops dribbled from his fingers.

Sun pulled away from your embrace and stared at his drenched hand with a longing hum. He had no tongue nor mouth to taste your very essence. Such a waste it was. But he was still satisfied. A once over of your still dazed form draped over the desk ensured that, and he was pleased with his handiwork. He reached for the tissues on the desk to wipe the cum off, reminding himself to wash his hands later.

Speaking of. Sun eyed the mess between your thighs and grabbed a few more tissues. He gently wiped away most of the slick, enough so that you could at least put your pants back on with minimal discomfort. He tossed the soiled tissues into the trash and reached down to help you sit up.

“Feeling alright, Sunlight?” His voice was oddly quiet for the usually energetic bot.

You let out a content sigh and smiled, “Yeah, more than alright, actually.”

Sun nodded, and a slight air of awkward silence floated between you. You cleared your throat and looked away from those piercing white eyes, “Was it… good? For you?” You asked, suddenly feeling shy. You weren’t sure why, really. It wasn’t like he hadn’t just finished finger fucking the life out of you only moments before, “I-I mean… I know I didn’t do anything to you, but you know…” You gestured vaguely to the space between you, insinuating Sun’s lack of intimate parts.

Sun giggled, rays spinning around his head, “Oh, my precious Sunbeam! I had the best time! Yes, yes, such fun!” No, he hadn’t ‘gotten off,’ but he’d taken something so much better. “If you ever need help again, don’t hesitate to ask! We're always willing to do anything for you!” He was nearly glowing with happiness, and it felt like a weight had been lifted from your shoulders.

Sun then suddenly looked bashful, his rays slowly sinking in and out of his faceplate as he shyly fiddled with his fingers, the ones that had just been inside of you, coaxing orgasms from your well fucked pussy, “Maybeeee when work is finished.” He started hesitantly, shuffling in place as he slowly reached over and slid his hand up your thigh to grip your hip, giving it a light squeeze, “We could… play… some more?” He sounded hopeful but unsure, and you couldn’t help but giggle.

With your legs still weak with the lingering traces of your orgasms, you’ll take him up on that offer, and you reach up, pulling his face to yours, “I’d be more than happy to play with you again, my Sun.” You cooed and pressed a lingering kiss to his static smile.

Sun made a noise of surprise, hot steam puffing from his joints as his rays shrank back into his faceplate. You smiled at the sound and gently stroked his cute, bumpy cheeks as he cupped the back of your head with trembling hands and pulled you closer, a low whine from him sparking a new flame of heat between your thighs.

You had a feeling you’d be having a lot more of these play sessions together in the future.


Biting the daycare attendant and shaking my head like a feral dog.

The grip is still nearly 3 years strong.


Thanks for reading! 💛