
Work Header

Plush Making


The origins of the beloved Sun Plush.



(This one-shot can be read as a stand-alone, but for those curious it would have happened between chapters 12 and 13 of The Deal, and yes this is canon to the story.)

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

Claws scratched at Lunar's door, accompanied by whimpering and whining. It wasn’t hard to guess who it was.


"Bloodmoon? Are you okay? What's up, buddy?" Lunar asked, peeking out from his Nintendo Switch. The twins continued to whine.


"We hate it when he is busy." 


"And away." 

"Away from us."


Lunar snickered. It had only been an hour since the animatronic left for work, and they already missed him.


"It isn't funny." 

"No, no." 

"Not funny." 

"We miss Sunman." 

"So much."


"Why don't you help out in the daycare so you could see him more?" Lunar suggested.



"Risky, risky."

“Sunman would not approve.”


"Hm. . .  fair." Lunar hummed, tapping his fingers against the back of his switch in thought. He glanced around his room, trying to find a distraction for the twins for the time being. Finding nothing, he sighed, "Come here."


The twins scrambled into the room, too fast to slow down and Lunar yelped as they crashed into him, knocking him back against the bean bag with a grunt of pain. They paid it no mind, curling up in his lap with an unhappy whine and staring at the door as if expecting Sun to waltz through to save them from their perceived misery. 


"I'll talk to Solar about a solution later," Lunar promised, watching them light up at the prospect.




"Talk to the false eclipse now!" They demanded, hopping off him and staring pointedly as if that would make him listen faster.


"Later." Lunar reaffirmed, picking his switch back up and scooting over a bit so they could drag themselves back and plop themselves next to him with a disappointed huff. At least they weren't biting him this time for refusing them.


✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


"Heyyyy Solar?" Lunar called out, poking around the mechanic's shop, looking for the burnt and golden animatronic. "You in here?"


"Yeah, what's up?" The eclipse asked, pushing himself up from under a mess of wires and tangled metal on the desk. 


"What's that?" Lunar asked, attention momentarily snatched.




"That's a kart?!" Lunar said, doing a double take at the hunk of metal.






"Anyways, what did you need?" The mechanic asked, wiping his gloves off on his jeans.


"The twins are constantly missing Sun, like. . . "


Solar snickered. "Oh yeah? When are they not?" He placed his hands on his hips as the nighttime model spoke.


"It's getting out of hand, dude. They keep scratching on my doors—it would be nice if they didn't! And the constant whining—oh my stars, dude."


"They're like little puppies wanting their mom."


"Stars- Yes. Ugh. I mean, as much as I like the twins, they're awfully clingy."


Solar nodded, listening to his poor old friend rant about these wild creatures. "Can't blame them, though. Sun's their first positive experience, right?"


Lunar nodded. "Yes, but. . . ugh. It gets a little annoying sometimes—and sad. They look so stressed when he is gone. It's like a kid missing his plush or something."


Solar leaned back against the desk, rays popping slightly. "That's a thought."


"What?" Lunar asked, hopping on the desk next to them.


"A plush."


"What?" Lunar tilted his head, not following. "Yeah, they're like a kid missing their plush but-"


"We could make them a Sun plush." Solar interrupted, tapping his gloved fingertips against the top of the desk. "It wouldn't be too hard."


"I can't sew."


"I can."


"Since when?" Lunar demanded, the knowledge new to him.


Solar laughed, shrugging his shoulders as he pushed himself off of the edge. "Earth got me a machine. We'd have to plan it out, materials, blueprints. . ." He muttered, starting to pace as he talked the process over to himself. He paused, pulling a notebook off the shelf and looking around for a pen.


Lunar tossed him one on impulse, watching the mechanic catch it easily, pulling off the cap with his teeth. He muttered a thanks and leaned down over the table to start scribbling out a list. Lunar watched inquisitively until the mechanic-turned-seamster tore it out and handed it to him. 


"There's a fabric store downtown. Could you pick up these materials for me?"


Grabbing the list, Lunar asked, "Do you think Bloodmoon would even like a plush?"


"I think it's worth a shot. If he misses him that badly, it could be a good way to cope for the time being," Solar explained. "Plus, I've seen a lot of kids do the same when they miss their parents—a plushie."


"Hmm, okay then. But if he doesn't like it—"


"It's fine, I could always give it to some kid."


"If you say so. I guess I’ll go get those fabrics now."


✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


Lunar peeked over Solar's shoulder, eyeing what he was doing. He was mapping out the pattern for the cute little doll. It was just big enough for Bloodmoon to hug and bring around. . .  and what’s this? Clothes?


"Are you seriously giving him Sun's wardrobe?"


"He wants Sun, right? I should at least let it dress like him too."


"Hmm, fair, fair."


"I'm hoping you're back because you got me what I asked for, and not because you got lost trying to find the store," Solar teased, not looking up from his tablet.


"Nope!" Lunar grinned, popping the 'p' as he slung up the bags laden with fabrics, stuffing, and other materials. "This was your whole list. Cost a fortune."


"Well, I appreciate it." The mechanic gruffed, glancing around his workplace and frowning. "We should bring these up to the tower."


"Like, in the daycare?"


"Yeah." Solar picked up a handful of bags, iPad in his other hand. "After Moon and Sun got their own place I've kinda. . . moved in?"


Lunar nodded in understanding, "Right. You didn't really have your own space. . . for a bit there."




Lunar coughed, breaking the silence and picking up his bags. "Let's go then! Time's awasting!" He huffed, marching out of Parts and Service to the service elevator.


Solar helped out, grabbing the remaining bags and his tablets before they went. Walking through the halls, they happened to pass by Sun, who was making his way to Parts and Service, Bloodmoon by his side.


"Heya!" Sun chirped happily.


"Oh, hey man," Lunar greeted.


"What are you two doing?"


"Yesss, with the bags."

"Large bags."

"Body bags?"

"That is out of character, Harvey."

"My bad." The twins circled around Solar, eyeing the bags and Lunar.


Not wanting to reveal the surprise, Solar lied, "Just taking some stuff into my new room."


"Ohh? You're moving into our old rooms so soon?" asked Sun, unaware.


"Mhm, and Lunar's helping me a bit. What about you? What are you and Bloodmoon doing down here?"


"Fetching bolt-corn."


"For who?"

"For Moon."


"Ahhh. Just know I moved it to the left side corner of the room—I needed the space," Solar noted.


"Ahh, alright. Thanks, Solar! C'mon, Bloodmoon, let's go." Sun offered his hand to the twins, which they took.


"Before the moonman gets hormonal."

"That his snacks are in delay."


"Gluttonous he is."



They left out of sight, much to Solar's relief. "Hoo. . .  let's not reveal our plans, eh? I want this to be a surprise," Solar told Lunar. The smaller bot made a zipping motion over his lips and tossed the air behind him.


Reaching the rooms, they laid the bags down. The mechanic took his patterns and spread them across the floor. He put his hands on his hips as he observed the pattern, eyeing the measurements to make sure everything was alright.


"Do you need—or want—my help? I wouldn't mind, just saying."


"Hm. . .  actually, yeah. Could you help me cut out all these patterns?"


"Yeah, dude, I don't mind. Want me to organize it a bit too?"


"Yeah. That way I won't get confused. Thanks, Lunar."


"Just give me a bit of credit, kay?" Lunar smiled.


Solar playfully rolled his eyes, "Yes, I'll make sure to let people know you did so much work, organizing the fabric." He teased, dropping to the floor and sitting cross-legged. He groaned, realizing he had forgotten something. "Can you toss me that chalk over there? I need to mark out the actual patterns on the fabric so we don't try to do it by eye."


Lunar huffed about how Solar should have got it before he sat down if he wanted it that much but fetched the stick of chalk anyways, crouching down next to the mechanic and watching with curious eyes as he mapped out the lines for cutting. "Why does it look like that."


"Because that's the shape it needs to be in order to sew them together in the right shape. Do you not listen to Earth when she sews?"


Lunar chuckled sheepishly, rocking on his heels. "Earth gets distracted easily. And. . . so do I."


Solar sighed, elbowing Lunar lightly out of the way so he could lean over the fabric more, and drew another line on the silky gold fabric. "Of course you do. I've never seen you sit still for more than five minutes."


Lunar huffed, then was immediately distracted by Solar handing him a piece of chalk. “Follow the blueprints on the notebook. Start outlining the fabric for the clothes.”


“Not even a please or thank you. Wow.” The attendant muttered, scooting over to the pile of fabric and sitting in front of it. That’s fine, he could wait.


He could feel bright optics on the back of his head, and smirked, waiting. 


“. . . please. ” Solar growled lowly, mildly irritated.


“I didn’t hear a thank you.”


“You’ll get a thank you after you do the job!” The mechanic snapped, hitting Lunar with a piece of fabric. 


Lunar laughed, ducking out of the way before Solar could slap him with the cloth again and dragging over the first swatch of fabric.


Lunar traced and drew the patterns, making sure the measurements were right and the sides of the pattern were correct. "Y'know, it's pretty nice you'd do this for them—thought you didn't like them that much."


Solar shrugged. "Grew on me, I guess."


"Pffft, they grew on you?"


"I mean, yeah?"


Lunar passed a pattern to Solar. He took fabric scissors and got to work, snipping away the excess as he explained. "Bloodmoon has been improving these past few weeks ever since that deal," he stated. "He helps around, tries to get along with everyone—maybe for Sun, but he's trying regardless."


Lunar hummed. "And me."


"And you."


“Also you.”


Solar snorted. "Sure, I guess he's been friendlier to me than usual."


Lunar knew the twins could be a bit hostile to Solar at times. "Oh?"


"You don't know how many burritos I had to buy for him."


Lunar snickered. "Burritos?!"


"You don't know how much that guy loves his burritos, man. I dunno. I give him some, and it's like an unspoken peace treaty between us." Solar started to organize the cloth, pairing each piece with its designated pair. "But yeah, I suppose they did grow on me a bit. What can I say? They're pleasant to be around if you try hard enough."


Finishing his organizing, he walked over to a trunk and plopped a sewing machine onto the table, grunting with the effort. His joints creaked alarmingly.


"Careful, Solar, we don't want to break your old man back now," Lunar joked.


"Haha, very funny," Solar replied as he started to set up the machine.


Lunar hummed, “It was only half a joke. You really need to confess to Moon that you need a new frame.”


Solar scoffed, but there wasn’t any heat to it, “Moon’s busy.”


“Moon is always busy,” Lunar muttered, pulling himself on the edge of the table and swinging his feet. “You know he’d drop everything in a heartbeat to help you.”


“I don’t want him to. He already has too much on his plate.”


“Not too much for you. You’re his best friend. Fuck, if he wasn’t aroace I’d think he had a crush on you.” Lunar huffed, plopping his face in his hand.


“You’re my best friend, first off, and he is aroace, second off. He doesn’t have a crush on me.” Solar replied, a tad snippy.


Lunar raised his brow, sensing a weakness and poking it curiously. “Do you want him to have a crush on you?”


The mechanic snorted, finishing threading the machine, “No. I’m not interested in Moon like that. He, Sun, and Earth are like family to me. Nothing more, nothing less.”


“What about me?”


“What about you?”


“Am I not like family to you?” Lunar prodded, frowning.


Solar sighed, starting the machine instead of answering. Lunar waited, watching the mechanic weigh his next words. “You’re my best friend.” Solar eventually said, and while it wasn’t the answer Lunar was looking for. . . It was acceptable.


“Yeah I’m pretty great aren’t I?” He joked, trying to hide his slight disappointment. 


“Not with that ego.” Solar snorted, pushing Lunar off the table.


The attendant was unphased, “So if you don’t have a crush on Moon who do you have a crush on?”


“Does it really matter?”


“Well, no. But I’m curious. It’s not like you don’t know mine already.”


Solar rolled his eyes, “Yours is just asking for trouble. And the fact that he hasn’t caught on by now is borderline ridiculous considering how often you put him in awkward situations with your flirting.”


Lunar sighed, “Yeahhhh.” He stuck out his tongue playfully, “That’s okay. It’s not like it’s anything serious after all.”


Solar just rolled his eyes again, starting to sew the fabric together for the base of the doll. “If you want to be useful you could go get me something from the cafe. You can use my card.”


“On it!” The smaller animatronic hopped off the table and did a little salute, scampering off.


Finally . Solar let out a sigh of relief at the quiet, pestering friend gone and no longer trying to prod at his mind. Now he could actually focus.


Solar took the yellow triangle pieces for Sun's rays. He began to meticulously work on each piece, making sure to sew them correctly, straight, and neat. It took him a few minutes, as they were quite small parts.


He looked at his finished work with a satisfied hum. Putting aside the several rays, Solar started with the head. Now, what design should he go for the head? Button eyes? Sure. Green button eyes as to not creep Bloodmoon out. Yeah.


He began to work on the face, sewing the eyes, grabbing some red cloth to make his cheeks, and sewing them in. Stitching the rest of his face—oh, the doll was looking so cute so far!


He sewed the sun headpiece together and worked on putting the rays on his head. Solar looked at the piece and smiled. It was cute.


"HELLO!" Lunar slammed the door open. In one hand, he had a sugary sweet iced latte, and in the other, a large black americano for Solar—just how he liked it.


"Jesus Christ, Lunar—"


"Hot black americano for youuu," Lunar sang, giving Solar his drink. Taking a seat, Lunar also pulled out a treat—doughnuts! "Life is sweet when you get free stuff."


Solar blinked. He spent his money on everything, huh? Pfft, typical. He didn't mind.


Lunar smiled, smug about the doughnuts he got free of charge. Solar rolled his eyes, taking his share of the snacks. Taking a mini break from the plush-making, he relaxed a bit.


Lunar looked at the progress, humming. "You should add his freckles too. The twins love his freckles," suggested Lunar.


“Freckles?” Solar snorted, “Sun doesn’t have freckles.”


“I meant his fucking- the swirly things on the posters?” Lunar groaned, tossing himself on a beanbag in the corner of the room. He almost spilled his coffee and sat up, alarmed, before relaxing again. “Freckles was the first word that came to mind.”


Solar hummed, “I guess I could embroider them in before I sew the two halves together. . .” He pushed himself away from the machine, pulling out a spool of golden thread from the desk and falling into a rhythm.


Lunar made some attempts at small talk, but after getting noncommittal hums in response he huffed and pulled out his phone. Skimming through the notifications he paused at Eclipse, but swiped it away. If it was important then Eclipse would have called.


It’s not like Lunar really wanted to talk to him anyway right now.


He eventually zoned out, then dozed off, blinking awake a few hours later at the daycare lights switching off and Solar turning on the room lights instead.


“Mmn, are you done yet?” The tired animatronic asked, doing a small stretch.


“I’ve been done with the plush for a while,” Solar muttered, tossing it to him. “I’m just working on the outfits.”


Lunar took a look at the doll. "GOOD GRIEF, HE'S NAKED!"


Solar snorted. "I said I was doing the goddamn clothes, Lunar."




"Now, why the fuck would I make that for a doll?!" Solar laughed.


"Because it's funny!"


As soon as the laughter died down, Solar kicked back in his chair, leaning back and staring at the smaller animatronic sideways. "Anyways, dude, give me some ideas. Sun is kind of fashionable—or whatever—and I know nothing about it, to be honest. What stuff do you think he'd wear?"


"Femboy shit."




Lunar took out his phone and scanned for some photos they had taken together. "You wanna look at some references maybe? I got some pictures."


"Ohh, that's good."


✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


Well, it was time for the moment of truth, Lunar thought the next morning as he stepped through the teleporter into Sun and Moon's house, bags in hand. Oh perfect timing, they haven't left yet.


"Morning lil bro." Moon drawled, voice still heavy with sleep. He rubbed at his optics as if that would clear the notifications popping up telling him that he was late. Which he wasn't, they never opened up this early and the daycare was already clean. Stupid Fazbear.


"Hi!" Lunar said, barely dodging an uncoordinated hand reaching over to ruffle his hat. "Is Sun still here?"


"Somehow." Moon frowned, "I haven't seen him at all today, I think he's still sleeping."


"Cool, thanks!" He sprinted up the stairs, not bothering to knock before opening the door. He whistled appreciatively at the sight of a metal ass, and Sun shot up like a rod, whipping around face burning. 


"Lunar!" He scolded, throwing a slipper at him.


The younger animatronic laughed, ducking to avoid the projectile shoe and slinking into the bedroom more, dropping the bags at the foot of the bed. "Good morning to you too."


Sun glared at him, but it lacked any heat, almost folding when Lunar snaked his arms around his hips for a hug. "Yeah yeah, morning. Now off, I'm getting dressed."


"Yes, I saw." Lunar purred, causing the solar attendant's fans to kick up a notch and he shoved Lunar away. Lunar watched the conflict of interest on Sun's face, amused, until it turned into a huffy pout.


"There's this thing called knocking."


"It's nothing I haven't seen before. I've helped you with repairs before." Lunar hopped on the bed instead, only to be dragged into the nest by red and white claws. He succumbed to his fate as a pillow, idly watching Sun go through the motions of getting dressed, wrapping his ribbons around his arms and securing them with bells. 


"What brings you here this early anyways?" Sun finally asked, walking across the room for his misplaced slipper.


"I got something for the twins."


They immediately perked up at that, optics bright and alert. "Is it burritos?"


"Ice cream?"



Lunar snickered. "Fat asses—no, I got something better, but you need to let me get it from the bag."


The twins immediately let go of him. "C’MON WE LET YOU GO! GIVE US GIVE US!"


Lunar rolled his eyes playfully, smiling a little. Getting up from the bed, he dragged the bag and plopped it on top of the bed.


Sun was also curious. Sitting beside the twins, they watched as Lunar happily raised a. . . 


"SUN PLUSHIE!" Lunar screamed.


And it wasn't the ugly ones you can buy in the plex—it was handmade! It looked like it was made with a lot of thought, care, and detail. The twins' eyes widened as Lunar gave them the toy.


"Jesus Christ, Lunar," Sun said, rubbing the side of his faceplate is if it could sooth his ringing audials.


"Do you like it, Bloodmoon?" Lunar pressed, ignoring Sun.


Bloodmoon looked at the plush, staring at every detail. It looked so much like Sun—so pretty, so delicate—and it was even smiling. Oh, how cute!


But. . .  dolls were for kids. Why would Lunar give them this? Or. . .  why would someone make this for them? They weren't a kid. . . 


"Bloodmoon? You've been staring at the doll for a few minutes. Are you okay, buddy?" Sun patted his head, rubbing it slightly, which seemed to snap them out of it.


"Uhhhh. . . "


To be honest, Bloodmoon was a little embarrassed. They loved it, adored it. But dolls were for kids, from what they understood at least. They didn't want to weird Sun or Lunar out. Although it was for them. . . 


"This is. . .  an acceptable gift," they said politely, desperately hiding the smile they had. They loved it to bits.


Sun raised a brow at their reserve; Lunar was amused.


"There's more."


"More?" Sun and Bloodmoon repeated.




Sun was astounded at the details. . .  and a bit creeped out by how accurate the outfits were—


A strange sound escaped through Bloodmoon's voice box—something they hadn't heard before, staticy and high pitched—wait. . .  was he. . .  was he giggling?!


Bloodmoon was rummaging through the doll's clothes. Each piece was Sun's—it felt like Sun's, looked like Sun's—stars, they loved it! The smile on their face grew wider and wider each time, failing to contain their excitement.


Lunar only gave them a smug smile, and Sun was confused yet amused by their simple joy.


"It is so cute."

"So cute-”

“So so cute."

"It—" They cleared their throat. "Will s-suffice."

"Yes." Finally, they hugged the doll, squeezing it. They couldn't contain it anymore, reserve failing them. "IT LOOKS SO MUCH LIKE HIM."


"NO NO—"



Lunar snickered at their outburst. "Of course. Don't forget to thank Solar too; he was the one who actually made it."


Bloodmoon nodded, clutching the large plush to their chest.


"Wait, why in the first place?" Sun asked.


"Well. . .  Bloodmoon kind of misses you loads when you're gone, so. . . "


"Ahh, I see."







"HE LOOKS JUST LIKE SUNNY!" The twins sprung up, smiling, bouncing off the bed, barreling to the door, prize still clutched tightly in their clawed hands.


"Welp, there they go."


✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦


"SOLAR!" The twins pounced onto the animatronic, smiling widely and waving the doll in his face.


"HEY HEY, GET OFF ME—YOU TWO WEIGH A TON!" He protested, feeling pain spark along his ass and back where he hit the floor, one wrist joint complained from trying to catch his fall, the bolt feeling dangerously loose.


They hopped off and proudly showed him the doll he had made them, huge smiles on their faces. "You made us little Sun?!"



"But why?"

"Yes, why?"


"Well, you two act up when Sun's not around," Solar explained, stretching his back. "So, to cope, I've made you a Sun plush—" Solar was cut off as the twins hugged him tightly. He looked down at them, smiling, until he felt their hands on his backside, trying to pull his pants down. "OIOIOI—HEY, WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING?"


Confused, the twins stopped. "We wanted to show our gratitude."

"Yes, yes, yes!"


Solar flushed, gently pushing their hands away and kneeling down to their level. "No, absolutely not."



"We like it!"

"We want to show it!"

“Our gratitude?”

“Yes, our gratitude.”


"Well, do anything but that .”


The twins thought for a moment. What else could they do?


"Look, it's fine, really, you don't have to do—" Solar started seeing their puzzled expression.




They kissed him on the nose.




"If we can't do it , then we will kiss you."

"Yes, yes."

"Sun kisses a lot when he is happy."


"Oh, so he does now?"


"Yes, YES."


"Okay, uhm. . .  that's alright—"


Red arms wrapped around his neck as they giggled, attacking him with kisses on his forehead, lips, cheeks, and nose. There was no stopping Bloodmoon. Solar was overwhelmed by the affectionate assault.






It turned into a playful tussle between the three. Solar helplessly tried to push them away, but he was much weaker and eventually gave in, waiting it out until the twins were satisfied.


"We like you now."

"Yes, yes."


"Well, I'm glad," Solar snorted.


Hey guys thank you so much for reading! For those new, welcome welcome! If you want to check out the rest of the series feel free, just a word of warning the story is meant for mature audiences (18+).

If you liked the fic, as always leave us a comment! We love reading them (and replying)!

Now onto more personal things, you may have noticed that we seem to have gone silent. Turbo is moving, and Alex just got kicked out of his parent's house. So, understandably both of us are exceedingly busy, which means that we've had to take a break from writing. Once Turbo is done moving we will go back to our normal schedule, until then Alex is working on fics in the background that don't pertain to this narrative. Alex is currently out of a job, so she doesn't have much to do other than sell art on Twitter and write and clean. (Turbo is also doing her own fair share of cleaning). Thank you so much for all of your support with this series, it means more than we can express.