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While he had been doing a strategic retreat for the plan, the constellations have been striking up a tantrum at quietness. Truly, the sudden barrage of notifications was quite an efficient source for a headache.

[Several constellations are complaining about the lack of action.]

[Some constellations threaten to unsubscribe from the channel.]

Kim Dokja tried to ignore the message for the umpteenth time, but it was steadily getting difficult. Taking care of an infant, trying to find the conditions for the end of this suspiciously difficult sub-scenario all while entertaining these constellations was quite the hard task.

On hearing his huff, Athanasia looked at him with wide and innocent eyes, which were surprisingly understanding. Which was also why she remained still as he checked around the mansion for any related item. 

He found nothing. Sighing, he sat down on the carpeted floor, where Athanasia played with her rattle.

Thinking about all possibilities, there was one place where useful items could be found.

A very tricky place that held a lot of dangers or a completely innocuous place were usually the areas where he could get even a single remotely useful item. 

Since Ruby palace belonged to the latter category, he searched every nook and cranny for at least a hint. Except for Athanasia, nothing here was much of a clue.

He supposed he got a little too confident on discovering Athanasia’s situation. 

That brought him to the next problem. There were other places that were left to be checked.

But the issue wasn't permission to get inside those places. These places could be infiltrated under the guise of a servant

The problem was about how to reach them without making it look too suspicious.

He was already failing at directions in such a big place, and trying to go to a different palace was just asking to be getting lost.

[The constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ awaits your next action.]

A sigh left his lips, gently rubbing the sides of his temples with his fingers.

“I'll go get some flowers for you, alright?” He told Athanasia once his turn ended. She looked at him with confusion, but went back to her toys after a moment.

A different maid came to the room, obviously unhappy about her baby-sitting duty. 

Oh well, not his problem.

Kim Dokja got up and stretched, bones cracking with the action. His hands tugged at the lower ends of his black blazer in an effort to look a little more presentable and walked to the main entrance.

[Some constellations are expressing their curiosity.]

“Ricardo!” A maid called him. A quick glance at her profile gave him an idea about her name.

“Hannah.” Kim Dokja greeted her with a polite smile.

“Are you going outside?”

“Wanted to collect some flowers.” He answered. She looked confused, hence he added. “For the princess. She liked the roses in the garden.”

Hannah's smile faltered. Probably since none of the servants here were particularly fond of Athanasia, except for Lillian.

“I see.” 

She nodded, with a conflicted expression on her face. Kim Dokja paid it no mind, opting to go past her and outside into the gardens. He turned behind once or twice, before wandering further towards the outskirts of the garden.

[Constellation ‘Demon-like judge of fire’ advises you to pluck some flowers.]

Kim Dokja stopped next to a rose bush. Indeed, if he was going to get caught around a place he didn't know, he could still use the excuse of getting lost while collecting flowers.

Convinced, he hooked his fingers under a particularly pretty looking rose.


The tender green stem gave under the pressure. After searching a bit more in the bush, he found another flower.


His clumsy fingers were scratched by the thorns, but he chose to ignore it. He walked for quite some time, inspecting the roses, plucking the ones he thought were good enough.

It was a calming activity, he had to admit. Calming enough to make him lose the sense of time.

It was not surprising when the never-ending bushes thinned to an opening. His feet halted when the rose hedges finally ended into grass. He raised his eyes, looking curiously at the lackluster palace in front of him.

Kim Dokja looked around the bare gardens, inspecting it. There were no guards, no servants. The palace itself was devoid of unnecessary decorations, a sight so plain that he couldn't help but think that the person living here was really abandoned.

Even the Ruby palace was more decorated, which was a miracle in itself. Which also meant that starting his hunt for items and clues here would be the best choice.

Kim Dokja stepped into the hallways, his eyes wandering all over the place. 

[Some constellations are expressing their anticipation.]

Nothing noteworthy here.

He turned, ending up in a small enclosure. Gold statues of little angels were artistically all over the place. 

He approached the statues, looking around them.

“Who are you?”

A cold voice startled him. He turned around to find a blonde man,with a red-head right behind him. Both of them looked at him with frowns, but the blond’s stare was particularly menacing.


“Answer me before I kill you.”

He stared right into those blue jewel eyes.

Claude de Alger Obelia, the emperor's eyes.

[The constellation 'Abysmal Black Flame Dragon’ thinks you are particularly unlucky.]

Kim Dokja actually couldn't agree more, as much as he wanted to refute him.

[The fourth wall is strengthening.]

Kim Dokja’s mind cleared, the panic settling down as soon as it came.

“Greetings to the Sun of the Obelia Empire.” He bowed low, an amicable smile on his lips. “I apologize for trespassing. I got lost while collecting flowers.”


The skepticism in those words was obvious. Kim Dokja raised the sizable bunch of roses he had collected.

“Yes, your majesty.”

“Hm.” Even that single syllable was as terrifying as a threat. “You may go.”

Kim Dokja bowed again, turning back towards the rose hedges. He hadn't walked ten steps when a zap of mana hurtled towards his body. The attack was hardly surprising, considering how pissed the Emperor looked, and his instinctual reaction was to jump out of harm's way. He turned around to look at the Emperor, when a hand wrapped itself around his throat.

[Many constellations are expressing their delight.]

[500 coins are sponsored!]

“A normal servant wouldn't be able to dodge that spell and anyone with a killing intent would've been ripped to pieces.” Claude answered, unfazed. “You must be a spy. Who sent you? Was it that old dog from Monteberke? Or that mad man from Rahel?”

“I really am a servant.” Kim Dokja gritted out. He wrapped his hands around the wrist that held him up to loosen the grip, even by just a fraction.

He could feel his vision blur from the lack of air, the pressure digging into his windpipe.

 He couldn't breathe.

“Please put me down, your majesty.”


The fingers tightened around Kim Dokja's neck. Kim Dokja spluttered, scratching the hand.

[Some constellations wish for your death.]

[Constellation 'Demon-like judge of fire' does not wish for your death!]

[Constellation 'Prisoner of the Constructive Headband’ awaits your retaliation.]

“You dare order me?”

Kim Dokja huffed, gulping down mouthfuls of air. His throat burned with the action, and he could feel his vision spinning.

Four minutes. That's exactly how long he'd be able to hold up. 

He wasn't left with much choice anymore, neither did he have the luxury of time. Killing Claude was out of question because he was essential to the clearance for this scenario. Nor could he let Claude kill him and waste the limited number of lives that he had.

Two minutes more before he passes out.

[Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter' urges you to hurry.]

Kim Dokja found this new side of the Secretive Plotter a bit odd. But he didn't have the time to contemplate.

Claude scowled at the lack of answer. His fingers tightened up even more.

“Urgh-!” He gurgled, feet kicking in the air.

He had to act now. 

[Bookmark number 5 has been activated!]

[Skill level has been adjusted.]

[Personal skill ‘Electrification’ lvl 10 has been activated!]

The sudden flash of electricity stung Claude’s eyes, and he let go of Kim Dokja's neck. Kim Dokja's knees buckled as he was suddenly dropped to the ground.

The red-haired knight drew his sword out, but sheathed it once Claude gestured with his hand.
