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Thunder Saga


Part two!!!!

Rewriting EPICs to rescue Polities and shipping Polisseus

dont like dont read


Yay the next one! (:


(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

They notice the empty ship at night.

They've been sailing for three days now, through eerily still and misty waters.

Noises seem to deaden in the thick but cool air and no-one talks above a whisper.

It's Polities who spots the husk first.
His call- "Ship to starboard!"- is unnaturally loud in the deathly silence.

As they sail closer, Odysseus becomes uneasy.

The ship is silent.
No sign of life.
Too silent for there to be no suspicion.

As they draw up to the ship, Odysseus' suspicions are confirmed.
There's no-one there.

Add the silence, the unnatural darkness and mist, and no evidence of a fight.
There's only one plausible reason.

Odysseus calls the crew together, telling them his suspicions.
Idea's bounce around- turning around, killing the sirens.

Polities, as always, suggests peace.

"Plug your ears with beeswax. I'll talk to them"

Cries of protest.
They've just gotten Polities back, he can't lip-read, so how will he evade the sirens songs?

Polities waits for silence.

"They- sirens- don't affect me. Be-because- I-"
He flushes red and doesn’t continue.

Silence rings loud, so fucking loud, and Odysseus can't take it
"Fine. Yes, Polities, you can try. But tie yourself to the mast and have someone with you. In fact, I'll come with you. I can lip-read."

The crew murmur.
But no-one protests, so that's a win.

They reach the sirens in what feels like forever and no time at all.
Odysseus gives the signal for the crew to plug their ears with beeswax, make their way below deck.
They do.

Not even Eurylochus protests, but simply follows orders and climbs down with the rest of the crew.

Leaving Odysseus and Polities on deck.

Before he plugs his ears, he has to ask.

"Are you sure you can do this?"

Polities looks back, smiles, but doesn’t say anything.
Odysseus plugs his ears, taking a deep breath that hitches as he feels Polities' hand take his own.
He looks up, but Polities is resolutely facing the ocean.
Odysseus doesn't protest, just grips Polities' hand back as the first siren breaks the surface.

Polities could probably see who it turned into, but without the siren song, Odysseus can see the siren, all sharp edges and slits for eyes.

There's an exchange, Polities and the siren, the siren swimming back and forth, calling Polities into the water, Polities periodically squeezing Odysseus' hand, glancing back- scared?

There's a few minutes, then Polities smiles.
Bright, optimistic, and Odysseus wants to tackle him and kiss him silly- wait, NO. he has a WIFE.
Polities turns, gestures to take the earplugs out.

Odysseus does, hesitantly, after checking that the sirens mouth is firmly shut.

Polities smiles brighter, somehow.
"They said they can help us!"
Odysseus stares in shock.
"They said they have this friend- Scylla, and Posiden won't go into her lair- the sirens can convince her- safe passage- all the way- Ithaca!"
"Woah, woah, slow down. Scylla? Polities, are you insane? Don't you remember the legends?"
Polities rubs the back of his head, smile diminishing slightly, but it's still there
"Yeah, who wouldn’t? But if the sirens can get us safe passage- isn't it worth a shot?"
"I'll- ask the crew"

"Absolutely NOT!"
"Aw, c'mon Lochus!"
"No, Pol! Do you understand how ludicrous this idea is?!"
"They're offering a way home! Our situation is ludicrous as it is!"
"Well they're still sirens!"
"Then do something to make yourself feel better! Bargain for a hostage or something!"
"No! Your crazy! Your both crazy!"

They do end up taking the sirens deal, despite Eurylochus' protests.
He ends up standing at the prow of the boat, arms crossed in silent frustration.
The encounter with Scylla goes- well- it goes well.
Depending on who you ask

The sirens dive underwater, then resurface with grins
The water ripples, a shadow passing under the boat.
The unprepared brace themselves, but nothing happens, the water going still and clear once again

The crew is silent, no-one daring to break the silence in fear that Scylla will change her mind and kill them all.

She doesn't.

And then they're out.
They're out and Odysseus can see his island, finally, after 10 years of sailing.
Polities is right there and on instinct Odysseus reaches out and grabs him by the waist, spinning him into the air as they both whoop in excitement and relief.
And Polities is so close when Odysseus sets him down and their both high on adrenaline so Odysseus leans down and kisses him right on the mouth.

To Polities' credit, he only hesitates for a millisecond before kissing back, flinging his arms around Odysseus' neck.
His lips are chapped yet soft, and they taste of something sweet, Odysseus doesn't know what it is, but he loves it.

Suddenly behind them theres cheers and catcalls and the clink of money changing hands.

Odysseus breaks the kiss to whip his head round, only to see everyone laughing and smiling.

"Took you two long enough!"
Eurylochus stands there, hands on hips, smirking
"Cost me 3 denarii, you two did!"

He feels as Polities bursts out laughing, both of them still being pressed chest to chest, Polities' arms still wrapped around Odysseus neck loosely.
Odysseus fakes indignacy
"You were betting on us? I should have you killed!"

But Eurylochus merely laughs again, slapping Odysseus' back as he turns his attention to Polities

"Now this goes for both of you, but you hurt him and if he doesn't kill you, your gonna wish he did by the time I get to you, hear?"

Polities laughs again, and Odysseus mock gasps, having fun with it all, high on adrenaline and excitement and love, pure and sweet.

They sail on, laughter and merriment ringing out as they sail ever closer to the island.
To Ithaca.
To home.


One more to go!

This is literally the only fluffy thing I have ever written. Take a good look, my friends, because that will never happen again 😀

Kudos and comments are a gals best friends

please come say hi on tumblr!