
Work Header

A Little Deal Of Mine


Gier's plan goes into action.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

The Ransom City real estate office doors flung open with a loud crash. The receptionist at the front desk was so startled that she fell out of her chair, half expecting gunshots or yelling to follow. However, the sound of metal clanking against the floor was arguably worse to hear. As she pulled herself up, she was greeted by the princess of Greed staring down at her with a malicious grin.


“Hello there. Is your boss in today? I want to have… a little chat with him about something.” Gier as she rested her chin on her hand as she leaned on the counter on the desk. 


“Uhh… Y… Yes, your majesty! Let me notify him you're here!” The receptionist answered nervously as she sent a message to her boss.


As they waited for him to arrive at the front, G began to walk around the lobby and look at the interior. Just as the imp was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the receptionist stopped at the sound of light tapping in front of her. She slowly looked up and saw Jolt and Volt staring down at her with mischievous grins. As the pair were about to pounce, the sound of a door opening stopped them.


“Good evening, Your Highness! Please forgive me for the wait!” The beetle demon explained as he walked over to the princess with a smile.


Gier looked over her shoulder and smiled wider as he walked closer.


“I will let it slide. I was just admiring your lobby design! It’s… interesting...” G said smugly as she turned to face him.


“I appreciate your kind words, Your Majesty! Please follow me this way to my office! I hope my services will provide what you need!” He said with enthusiasm as he began to lead her toward his office.


“Oh, I am sure of that.” Gier responded with a grin as she followed.


As they began to pass the reception desk, G snapped her bottom right fingers. Leading to Jolt and Volt jumping on her back and crawling to her shoulders. She continued to glance around the hallway; Gier couldn’t help but smile wider as she reached up to scratch Jolt and Volt under their chins. When they reached the office door, the beetle opened it for her with a smile and a slight bow. Once inside, G sat on the chair in front of the desk, reached up to her shoulders with her top pair of arms, and sat her pets on her lap.


“How can I help you today, Your Highness? Did the king send you with a specific idea he wanted?” The beetle asked as he sat down in his chair.


“Not exactly… This is for me.” G responded as she stroked Jolt and Volt’s backs slowly. 


“Oh, I see! Well, Um… aren't you a bit young… to do that?” The beetle asked as he was taken aback.


“Is that a problem?” G asked with a glare.


“OH, NO, NO, NO! Not at all, your majesty! I don’t get many 14-year-olds coming in! So what were you looking for today?” He asked while trying to get back on the princess' good side.   


“Well, I was wanting this whole street.” She responded as a smile grew back on her face.


“Oh really!” He asked with blatant shock.


“Yes! I was walking my babies and I stumbled upon a building that I absolutely fell in love with! I have been looking for a location to start a passion project of mine, though I do want some room for expansions and extra stores. From the looks of everything, you have been trying to sell these off for a while. So, it shouldn’t be hard for me to gain ownership. Should it?” Gier asked as she glared at him, daring him to say no.


“Not at all! I am happy that you have taken an interest in my property and business! All we need to do is negotiate a price and sign some paperwork! Usually, the transfer processing time is a few weeks. But due to your royal status, I am sure approval will be instant!”


“Excellent! So we have a deal then?” G asked as she stuck out her top right hand for a handshake.


“Deal.” The beetle said as he shook the princess’ hand. 


“Now, how about we negotiate a-” 


He was cut off by Gier blowing a small cloud of green spores in his face. She laughed as they began to take effect and morph the beetle into something more useful for her needs. Gier’s malicious smile grew as she watched the spores work their magic. She found it entertaining how they destroyed the insect from the inside out. It was glorious to see the mushrooms bursting from his skin as he screamed and held his head in pain. Once the spores corroded his brain and left him in a zombie-like state for her to control, G stood up with Jolt and Volt, and walked around the desk.


“Now… this is what I want you to do…” G said in a hushed tone.  


A few hours later, the princess of Greed was the proud owner of Ransom Skandale Street. Now that she had complete control, G went into action. She made a few of her zombie-like minions tear down the front of the ballroom building that sealed this project. As much as she loved the buildings' layout, she wanted a longer entryway. The rest were made to work on other parts of the building. After all, they did try to hold her for ransom there. Luckily for Gier, due to the amount of demons under her control, her passion project would take a week to start and finish. With that, G felt no hesitation in posting her fliers and advertisements. 




Always thought you had talent? Always thought you were a star? Always wanted to show it?


NOW YOU CAN! :0!!!!!


Be a part of the next Successful and Famous entertainment group in Hell! (You know you want to!)


Audiences will be observed by yours truly, the PRINCESS OF GREED, GIER!! :0000!!!! (WHAT!?!?!?! AMAZING!!!!!! WOAH!!!!!)


Grand opening of Champiñón Studio, on October 15th, at 8 AM!


Entrance Fee: 14$ (OMS, WHAT A STEAL!!!!!!! :00000!!!!) 




Despite what many would believe, Gier’s announcements caused quite a stir. Even though most of Hell had a grudge against anything regarding the Greed family, demons were desperate. So naturally, word blew up and spread across Hell like wildfire. Many demons took an interest in what the princess was offering.


Especially one man in particular. 


Thank you so much for reading!

*Go to my profile and use the Unvale link to see character designs. :)*

Series this work belongs to: