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Operation Ragnarök

Chapter 3: Incompetence!


Thank you for reading. And have better day than Sara.

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

(Heaven, council chambers of the heavenly city)

The attack was going well. The canibal district had been taken within an hour and a half. The other points of the outer city had also fallen in good time. All in all... it went as expected, he dindt say better than, because fuck chance! Below him the holographic map showd another factory complex taken. Around him the members of his commandstaff rushed past. Dozens of communicators deliver orders and reports to his officers. A look to the casualty board told him what he needed to know. Dead: 0, Equipment lost: 0, Wounded: 0 The door to the hall opend and some one stepped inside. The person stooped just a few meters behind him, Michael turned to face him or her, his grim expression changed in too a smile as he greated the new comer. "Sara!" Before the woman could answer he had placed a hand on her shoulder and showed her into the nearest broom clossed, soon followed by him.

Michael closed the door behind him. He sighed. Sara opend her mouth to say something. "You fuking imbecile! When i allowed you to enter my storages to create an army, i thought you meant an ARMY! And not a company and a half! He pulled out a folder "460! 460 soldiers to control hell? Realy?" Sara gullped "And leed by whom? A general? No. A Colonel? No. NO! A ROCK STAR AND A SELFPROMOTED SARGENT! May he rest in peace. But Adam was never supposed or abel to lead any kind of army!" The foolder slapped against the closset wall "And that not eaven the worst of it! When Lucifers litle shitstain came knoking with her idea, what did you do? Inform me or any of my siblings? NO! You held a court case with your underlings and the rest whom run your little wellness facility." Finaly Sara was abbel to reply "What else should i have done?" "What you should have done was either call me and my men to deal with that or you should have tried to actually deescalate the situation! When you find an angry hornets nest you eather crush it or you calm it down! And not throw pebbels at it!" Sara shrunk in on herself under the words “You damn idiot! NEVER give civilians command over soldiers! Never again!” he was now talking more to himself than her "When I first heard of your idea 400 years ago, I thought, 'Yes, that will surely bring the little bastard to his senses! And what awaits me after my leave? 260 soldiers lost! Adam dead! Hell thinking it can rebel without consequences." He turned his gaze back on her"And it's all because you were unwilling to inform anyone above you!" Sara wanted to defend herself but was cut of again "NO! This ends her! Your stripped of any command over soldiers!" Sara turned palle, Michael opend the closset door again and held out an arm. "Leav now!From the thing Emeliy told me you have a new anomaly to keep an eye on!" Sara followd his command and went to the door, before turning around one last time "What are you going to do now Michael?"

He stood back over his map, the light of the holografic flames flikerd in his eyes. His voice calm and at the same time dangerous.

"Im going to teach hell how you really fight a war! And im going to pay back every drop of angelic blood lost, in tons!"

The door fell shut.


GOD! How i wanted to say those words for 9 months!