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A Chance Encounter


Demon Ciel and Sebastian meet with a familiar face from the past.

Part of the Phantom P.I. series.



Our detective duo is back! This is just a oneshot, an interlude, if you will, but this will help set things up for the next installment of this series. I know it's been ages since I've last updated this series, but fear not, I haven't forgotten about it!

This has been sitting in my hard drive for a while now and I wasn't sure if I should post it, but in the end I decided to post it anyway.

This is set a couple of weeks after the last part, 'An Unlikely Alliance'.

For those who are new to this series, please read the previous installments before reading this one, or else, you'd be very confused. Thank you!

Work Text:

It had been two weeks since the fiasco with the demon serial killers and Ciel had spent the past couple of weeks focusing on getting his manor back and hadn’t taken any case.

“What’s so amusing?” Ciel asked from his place curling up in the armchair. He was reading and had felt Sebastian’s amusement through their bond, which had developed even more ever since that night when Sebastian had proposed to him. Not only could they sense each other’s general moods, but they could also ‘send’ emotions to each other deliberately. Neither of them knew how this could have happened, but they didn’t know whom to ask either. So, they just went with it.

Somewhere behind him, Sebastian was organizing the safe box, rearranging the documents and valuables, cataloguing them for easy retrieval.

“Pardon me, my lord. I was just thinking about the other night.” Sebastian said.

Ciel bristled. They could understand each other so well, he didn’t need to ask which particular incident his butler was talking about. A couple of nights ago, Ciel had enthusiastically jumped onto their bed and had broken the bedframe.

“Must you keep reminding me of that?” The former earl grumbled.

“You have to admit, Young Master, it was quite amusing.” Sebastian chuckled.

Ciel turned around and saw his butler covering his mouth with his hand as his shoulders shook. “Stop laughing at me!”

“Apologies.” Sebastian said, not looking nor sounding apologetic at all.

Ciel pointedly turned his attention back to his book and chose to ignore his butler.

Ten minutes later, Sebastian was done. He locked the safe and replaced the key in the desk drawer. Then he left to go to the library to do his daily cleaning. He dusted the bookshelves and tidied up the room. He didn’t know when it started, but he had developed this strange obsession with cleanliness and order. At first, it was part of his butler aesthetic, but after a while, it became a habit and he found the routine to be soothing.

The telephone rang and Sebastian went to answer it. The person told him that the documents that Ciel had submitted had been approved and were ready for collection at the city hall.

“Let’s go then.” Ciel said, putting his book down and stretching his limbs like a cat.

“Certainly.” Sebastian went to retrieve Ciel’s coat and helped the boy into it.

“By the end of today, the manor will be mine legally and officially.” Ciel said as he pushed his arms through the sleeves. “Then we can finally go home.”

“Indeed, Young Master.” Sebastian straightened up the coat and buttoned it up.

Sebastian held the door open and Ciel stepped out of the door and waited for Sebastian to lock the door. It was still quite early in the morning, so they decided to walk to city hall, which was about fifteen minutes away by foot.

When they walked past a sweet shop, Ciel wanted some sweet, so they made a quick stop and he bought a large chocolate bar. He wanted to eat it right away, but his butler wouldn’t let him eat while walking.

They arrived at the city hall and were directed to the appropriate department. They had to wait for a while until a man was available to meet them. After some final reviews, some papers were signed and now Ciel only needed to wait for the official record to be registered in the system. He was very pleased at the smooth process and he was in good spirit when they left the building.

Until they ran into something, or rather, someone totally unexpected.

Ciel froze and he could feel his butler tensing up too as they both stared at the blonde woman standing just a few metres in front of them. It had been years – decades, even – since they had met face to face, but Ciel would never forget her.

No!’ Ciel thought, panicking. ‘No, no, no!

For her part, Elizabeth Lowell (nee Midford) stood there in shock as she stared at the pair whom she thought she would never see again because one of them was supposed to be dead and the other one had disappeared shortly after the supposedly ‘death’. But here they were, alive and well, and not a day older than they were thirty years ago.

“Is it too late to run?” Ciel asked in a whisper.

“Afraid so, my lord.” Sebastian murmured.

“What... You... You...” Elizabeth was at loss of words. It felt like she was seeing things, but it was in the middle of the day and she wasn’t even drunk.

Finally, Ciel decided that there was no point to run. Worst case scenario, they’d have to leave the city and go into hiding.

“Good morning, Lady Lowell.” Ciel greeted her politely with a bow.

“You... You really are...?” Elizabeth couldn’t bring herself to say his name, afraid that if she did, then he would disappear. It had been years since she’d uttered his name and she could feel it, just at the tip of her tongue, but she swallowed it, refusing to say it.

“Yes.” Ciel said, nodding.

“How...?” Elizabeth asked. “And... How...?” Her eyes moving between the pair.

“I will explain, but not here. We can talk at my place.” Ciel said. He was very much aware that he had to crane his neck to look at her face. When she didn’t say anything, he added, “Please, Elizabeth…”

It took Elizabeth a few seconds to compose herself, but then she nodded. “Where is it?”

“It’s quite far. About fifteen minutes from here by foot.” Ciel said.

“I have a car.” Elizabeth said.

“Very well.” Ciel nodded after a brief consideration.

Elizabeth was trembling, her mind was all jumbled up together with questions, but all she could do was to turn around and led them back to where her car was waiting.

“You should’ve let me eat that damn chocolate...” Ciel muttered to his butler.

They reached the car and the chauffeur opened the backdoor. She climbed in and then looked expectantly at Ciel, who silently climbed in after her.

“You can sit at the front, Sebastian.” Elizabeth said and was actually quite amazed that she could keep her voice steady.

“Yes, my lady.” Sebastian bowed slightly in a gesture that was still familiar to Elizabeth, although it was a distant memory now.

Sebastian gave their address to the chauffeur and the car started moving.

The whole thing was so surreal that she almost expected herself to wake up at any moment. Throughout the journey, she kept glancing at the… boy beside her, still in disbelief. How was he still a boy? He looked like he did thirty years ago. His hair was cut shorter, but other than that, nothing had changed. He still wore the eyepatch, he was the same boy whom Elizabeth had mourned decades ago. There were so many questions, but she didn’t even know where to start.

Ciel could feel panic started to engulf him as the shock wore off. He could feel his butler trying to soothe him through their bond. He regulated his breathing and focused on their bond and gradually calmed down.

It took them less than ten minutes to reach their flat, during which they had somewhat composed themselves.

Elizabeth looked around. “This is where you live?”

“For now.” Ciel said.

“Have you been living here for, uh...” Elizabeth didn’t even know what to say. Had he been here all along?

“No, only for the past two years or so.” Ciel said. “Inside, Elizabeth.” He led her to the door. Sebastian had unlocked it and held it open for them.

Elizabeth paused when she saw the sign. “Phantom Investigation?”

“I’m a private detective.” Ciel said and shrugged off his coat. Sebastian took it from him before he helped Elizabeth with her coat.

Elizabeth looked at the interior of the house. It was very simple, a far cry from that of the Phantomhive manor. There was a staircase leading upstairs, a door on the left, and a hallway beside the stairs.

“This is...” Elizabeth started.

“Smaller than the manor, yes, but it serves its purpose. This way.” Ciel led her to his office. “Please take a seat.” He gestured at the sofa.

Elizabeth sat down and looked around the room. It looked like an office. A simple office, but tastefully decorated, clean, and organised.

Ciel sat down in the armchair across from Elizabeth.

“I know you have questions...” Ciel started.

Elizabeth looked at him. “I have a million questions and I don’t even know where to start.”

“Then please let me start by saying you look well, Elizabeth. I’m glad.”

“And you look... You look...”

“I look like I was thirty years ago, yes.” Ciel said.

“I was going to say, you look well for a dead man.” Elizabeth said, her voice breaking. Then she burst into tears. “Ciel, I...” Saying his name had broken the dam completely as emotions flooded her, overwhelming her. “You were dead! I mourned you!”

“I know and I am very sorry for hurting you. But I had no other choice.” Ciel said and leaned over to offer her his handkerchief.

“What happened? Why did you... Why did you do that?! And how... How are you... still looking like this?!” Elizabeth asked as she dabbed at her tears with the white cloth.

“Elizabeth, before I tell you, I want you to know that I did what I did to protect you, Edward, your mother, and in some ways, even Soma.”

“From what?!” Elizabeth asked. She wanted to scream, to yell, to demand for explanation, but she forced herself to keep calm and let him tell his story.

“From me.” Ciel said.

Elizabeth stared at the boy sitting in front of her as she tried to understand, but no matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t wrap her head around it.

Sebastian arrived with a teacart and Elizabeth watched as the butler served them two cups of tea and some refreshment before standing by his master’s side, using the time to compose herself.

“Why do we need protection from you?” Elizabeth asked.

“I suppose, I will have to tell you from the beginning.” Ciel said. Even before he started, he knew he’d have nightmares about this, from rehashing this again. Unconsciously, he glanced at his butler, who gave him a mix of concern and encouraging look. Ciel made a small gesture with his hand and the older demon moved closer to him.

Elizabeth nodded. “That seems like a good place to start, yes.”

“It all started that night when the Phantomhive manor was burned and my parents were killed.” Ciel said. He wanted to drink some tea, but didn’t trust himself not to spill any. “That night, as the old Phantomhive manor burned to the ground, I was taken by a group of people, and I was sold.”

“Sold?” Elizabeth asked in shock.

Ciel tried his best to detach himself from the experience and forced himself to continue, “They sold me, along with some other children to this... cultist group. I will spare you the details of what exactly happened during that month, but I went through something that will scar me for life.” He’d spare her, and himself.

“What did they do to you?” Elizabeth asked, unaware of his turmoil.

“It’s better if you don’t know.” Ciel said.

“I’m not a child, Ciel! Tell me!” Elizabeth demanded.

Sebastian considered stepping in as he could see Ciel’s distress, but he held back. Instead, he tried to soothe his master through their bond.

“They did things that I’m not comfortable with saying in front of a lady.” Ciel said, hoping that Elizabeth would leave it at that. It had been more than thirty years now, but he had never told this to anyone and talking about this brought back memories. Memories that he’d rather bury in the deepest, darkest place of his mind.

“Tell me!” Elizabeth insisted.

“They put us in cages like animals, violated us, and branded us like cattle! They killed every other children and I was the only one left!” Ciel finally shouted.

Elizabeth looked absolutely horrified.

Sebastian actually flinched and moved even closer, instinctively wanting to comfort his young master.

Ciel noticed. “I’m okay.” He whispered barely audibly. Then he continued talking to Elizabeth, “What happened that month, losing my parents, my home, my childhood, and almost, my life, it was all too much for me. I prayed and prayed for someone to help us, to save us. I prayed to God, to the angels, just like what they told us to do in church. But nobody answered my prayers. Well, almost nobody.”

Elizabeth looked confused. “Someone did?”

“Sebastian did.” Ciel said.

Elizabeth turned her attention to the butler. “Sebastian, are you... are you an angel?”

“Most certainly not, my lady.” Sebastian replied.

“Then... Who… What are you?” Elizabeth asked. Seeing him now, not a day older than he was thirty years ago, there was no doubt in her mind that this skillful butler wasn’t even human.

Sebastian glanced at his master and Ciel nodded. There was no point in hiding anything now. “I’m a demon, my lady.”

Elizabeth gasped and covered her mouth in surprise. “A... demon?”

“Yes.” Ciel said. “It wasn’t an angel nor a god who saved me that day, it was a demon.”

Elizabeth was quiet as she contemplated this. “But... Oh God...”

The two demons waited until Elizabeth calmed down.

“What happened next?” Elizabeth asked after a minute.

“Sebastian saved me and brought me back. He also helped me to rebuild my life and to take my revenge against those who had wronged me.” Ciel said.

“Oh... Did you, did you get them?” Elizabeth asked.

“I did. But then something else happened, something bad,” Ciel said. “We had to deal with a few other demons and in the end, I was turned.”

“Turned?” Elizabeth asked. “Turned into what?”

“Into this.” Ciel gestured at himself. “To a demon.”

Elizabeth knew that he wasn’t human, not anymore. No human would remain the same after three decades, and yet, hearing it from him had felt so… unreal. “You’re a...”

“A demon.” Ciel said. “That’s why I still look like this.”

“Oh God...” Elizabeth didn’t know what to think, what to say.

It took another two minutes before Elizabeth finally composed herself enough to start speaking again, “Why did you leave? Why didn’t you say anything?!”

“Back then, things were very complicated. I couldn’t stay. If I had, people would notice that I don’t age. And on top of that, I was newly turned and there were some other things that I needed to figure out.” Ciel told her.

“What kind of things? At least you could’ve told me!”

“And how would you react? Tell me, Lizzie, what would you do if you knew?” Ciel asked.

The use of her nickname had rendered her speechless. Back then, he had been so adamant of not calling her that, and hearing it spoken in that voice had brought back memories. “I... I don’t know...”

“That’s why I had to leave.” Ciel said.

Elizabeth turned to Sebastian. “How about you?”

“I went with the young master, my lady.” Sebastian said.

“Where did you two go?” Elizabeth asked next. There were so many questions still, and her head felt like it was going to explode, but she pressed on, wanting to find out as much as she possibly could.

“Nowhere and everywhere. We travelled for almost thirty years and came back here two years ago.” Ciel said.

Elizabeth took a few deep breaths, but she said nothing.

“Elizabeth, I must make a request that you keep this to yourself. If anyone finds out about us, about what we are, we’d be forced to leave. As you could probably imagine, people wouldn’t take kindly to our kind being here.” Ciel said after a long pause.

Elizabeth stared at her folded hands, clenching the white handkerchief tightly as she considered her next words. Finally, she raised her head to look at Ciel. “On one condition.”

“What would that be?” Ciel asked, a little warily.

“I want us to meet regularly.” Elizabeth said. “I want you to keep in touch with me from now on. Don’t go disappear on me again. If you have to leave, for whatever reason, you have to let me know.”

Ciel smiled faintly. “Agreed. And thank you. I know it’s a lot to take in.”

“It is. I’m going to need some time to process everything.” Elizabeth said.

“Understandable.” Ciel nodded and finally reached for his tea.

Elizabeth took a sip of her own tea and smiled. “I really missed your tea, Sebastian. Thirty years later and it’s still the best tea that I’ve ever tasted.”

“Thank you, my lady. You are too kind.” Sebastian said with a bow.

“So, a private investigator, huh?” Elizabeth was more relaxed now.

“Yes. I go by Ciel Dalles now, after my mother and Aunt An...” Ciel said.

Elizabeth nodded. “I suppose that makes sense, seeing that you can’t use your family name anymore. How about the manor?”

“Actually, I just managed to get the manor back. That’s why we went to city hall earlier.”

“That’s wonderful!” Elizabeth said. “I sometimes visit the manor, just to... you know...”

“I know. A few months ago, I was there when you were visiting with your daughter.” Ciel confessed.

“Oh!” Elizabeth said. “Well, I suppose you couldn’t say hello back then.”

“No.” Ciel agreed.

“You actually have a nice place here. It’s quite cozy...” Elizabeth said, looking around. “Is it just the two of you?”

“Yes. It’s just the two of us.” Ciel said.

“I’m glad that at least, you still have each other.” Elizabeth said.

There would be time for her to process this, later, in the privacy of her own bedroom, but for now, she’d drink the tea, eat the biscuits, and took in the boy whom she thought had been lost to her forever.

“That went better than expected, although I have a headache now.” Ciel said after Elizabeth had left an hour later.

“It did, my lord. She seemed to take it quite well.” Sebastian said. Then he smiled. “Even until now, you are still trying to protect her.”

“What are you talking about?” Ciel asked, leaning back against the back of his chair.

“Is that not why you did not tell her anything about our contract? To protect her from the knowledge that you almost died by my hands?” Sebastian asked.

Ciel looked at his butler lazily. “No. I’m protecting you.”

Sebastian was surprised. “Me?”

“Like you said, I almost died by your hands. If she knew about our contract, even though in the end it didn’t happen, once the reality set in, who knows what she’d think of you, what she’d try to do. I want to make sure that she will never ever put any blame on you and create unnecessary problem for the both of us.” Ciel explained.

Sebastian was stunned.

“Besides, to be frank, it’s none of her business anyway. Let her think that this is a story with a happy ending.” Ciel continued. “It’s too early to tell or predict the outcome of this particular encounter, although I hope that it wouldn’t end badly. I’d hate to have to leave after all those troubles that I needed to go through to get the manor back.”

“Of course, my lord.” Sebastian agreed.

“And those blasted nightmares will come tonight. I’m sure of it. Maybe I should skip sleep tonight.” Ciel mused.

“You did not sleep last night, my lord.” Sebastian reminded him. Ciel had spent the whole night binge-reading a new book series.

“It’s only past noon and it’s already a long day...” Ciel sighed. “Where’s my chocolate?”

Sebastian handed him the large chocolate and Ciel ate it.

As predicted, Ciel had a nightmare that night, about the fire and the cages. He woke up in the middle of the night, screaming.

Sebastian was ready for it too. He showed up with warm milk and honey.

“Stay with me.” Ciel said as Sebastian tucked him in.

“Always, my lord.” Sebastian slipped his shoes off and took off his jacket before climbing into bed. Ciel immediately moved to snuggle up to his demon. In turn, Sebastian wrapped an arm around his master and his free hand moved to stroke the boy’s hair, just as usual.

Within minutes, Ciel fell back asleep and there was no nightmare.

Series this work belongs to: