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Some the distant future


2winkcest Week 2024

Day 1: Future :p

Hi happy 2winkcest week 2024 woo hoo


Yuuta somehow ended up in the future..


(A/N: there's not really a plot i am sorry)


DAY 1: C̶h̶i̶l̶d̶h̶o̶o̶d̶ / Future #2winkcestWeek2024

Work Text:

"Sore." That's exactly how Yuuta feels – his whole body aches from the intense dancing training all day. He kept feeling a dull, persistent ache all over his body after a long day of intense dance training. His muscles throb and quiver, yearning for rest. Each step he takes is a reminder of the effort he put into perfecting his moves, and he can't help but wince as he feels the lactic acid building up in his legs. With a weary sigh, he collapses onto a nearby bench, fully aware of how sore he'll be tomorrow.


“Uh, damn it! Damnit! No matter how hard I try, or how much effort I put in, Aniki's still better than me - he shines brilliantly. Am I doomed to be in his shadow forever? What will our future as 2wink be like? How can I ever measure up?” he sighs and looks around the area, it's late as he basks in the moon’s radiance, sitting on a bench and contemplating his life.

Yuuta continued to let out a frustrated sigh, his body still aching from the day's intense dancing training. As he reflects on his performance, he can't help but feel discouraged. Despite his best efforts, his twin brother Hinata is always ahead of him, shining with an effortless charisma that seems to come naturally to him. 'Sigh.. no matter how hard I try, he always shines brighter than me,' Yuuta mutters to himself, feeling a little jealous as he's tinged by insecurity about himself.

Would it be better if he.. No, Hinata would have lost it. He doesn't want to think of that right now. He's drained, very much drained… Yuuta's exhaustion finally gets the better of him, and he dozes off on the bench, his body craving the rest it needs to recover from the day's training. He closes his eyes and drifts into a light sleep, hoping to forget the soreness in his muscles and the heavy feeling in his heart. Maybe if he took a nap here, on a random bench for a few minutes he'd feel better..

…or so he thought.

As Yuuta slept on the bench, he found himself slipping into a dream world. In his dream, he saw images of his past, present, and future, all swirling together in a haze of emotions. He found himself reliving moments of triumph and failure, joy and disappointment, all blending together in a confusing kaleidoscope of memories.
But as he slept, Yuuta's mind seemed to wander, and the dream slowly shifted into something more intimate and personal. He found himself reliving moments with Hinata, moments that he had tried to bury deep within himself.
Even in Yuuta's dreams, Hinata was always the first person on his mind. As he slept, he saw images of Hinata's shining smile, heard his cheerful laugh, and felt the warmth of his presence. He felt a strange mixture of admiration and jealousy, and a pang of longing in his heart. He couldn't help but wonder how things might have been different if he could shine as brightly as his twin brother. He is his twin afterall, he's capable of shining as bright as him.


A few hours passed and Yuuta's eyes flicker open, and he finds himself in a completely unfamiliar place. He looks around, taking in his surroundings — a cozy apartment, with comfortable furniture and a sense of homeliness. He realizes that he's lying on a soft sofa, and he sits up, feeling slightly disoriented as he tries to recall how he ended up here.

“ Honey, I am home~★”


Yuuta's eyes widen as he sees a young man open and enter the apartment . At first glance, the man looked eerily similar to his own brother, Hinata, but there was something distinctly different about him. He seemed slightly older, more mature, and had a more worldly air about him.
Yuuta sat up straighter on the sofa, feeling a mixture of surprise and confusion. Who was this man, and how did he look so much like Hinata? The man looked a bit perplexed, scanning him from top to bottom like he's an alien from outer space or something, he wonders if he is doing the same too in the man's eyes.


Yuuta's voice comes out as a strangled gasp, his eyes wide with surprise as he looks at the young man who had entered the room. "H-Hinata?" he stuttered, his mind racing to make sense of the bizarre situation. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, the man looked so much like his twin brother, but how could that be possible? The young man standing in the doorway looks at Yuuta, his expression turning as calm as a clam as his eyes and overall countenance is composed. "You're in my apartment," he replies, his voice reminding him of his brother’s warm timbre , there's no doubt— this is Hinata. "And as for why I'm taller and older... Well, that's a bit of a long story.”

The young man's lips curled into a slight smile as he looked at Yuuta again, his eyes flickering up and down as he took in his appearance. "You, on the other hand, look like your cute teen self," he says, his tone carrying a hint of amusement.
Yuuta became visibly annoyed and started to roll his eyes. To be frank. he's actually scared. He doesn't know what's happening— is he still dreaming? Did he die? what is all this…

The older man seemed to pick up the queue that he was uncomfortable and came closer to him, leaning against the sofa as he studied Yuuta’s fearful intently. "You seem confused," he observes, his tone nonchalant. "Perhaps it's because you've found yourself in the future. Let me guess, you're a younger version of yourself, correct?”

“Huh?!” ‘What nonsense is this?’, Yuuta thought. Did Hinata pull an elaborate prank on him ? The future.. really? Aha, that's funny. “ Haha, very funny. Okay, did Hinata-kun hire a whole team to prank me? Be honest.” The young man raises an eyebrow at Yuuta's questions. "I take it you didn't realize you'd time-traveled," he muses, his voice tinged with a hint of amusement. "You're currently experiencing a glimpse of the future, where we're a bit older, Yuuta-kun.” Yuuta shakes his head in denial , he feels himself panicking.


Yuuta's eyes began to scan the ambience around the apartment — removing his eye contact from the.. older Hinata. It's calming and expensive looking, a stark difference from what they grew up with.


"I am a professional idol," Hinata says with a shy smile, his expression a mix of excitement and nervousness.
He looks around his apartment, his eyes shining with pride. "Although things have changed, and I've gotten older, I'm still the same brother and idol that I was before, albeit a little more seasoned and successful.” Yuuta’s jaw dropped, what? professional idol??.
Hinata looks a little amused by Yuuta's reaction, unable to hold back a small chuckle at the sight of his stunned expression. "Speechless, aren't you?" he says, his voice still carrying a hint of playfulness.

“Hinata-kun.. I-”
"Oh my god! So it's true! I am right!!!" he exclaims, grabbing Yuuta’'s hands. "Welcome to the future, Yuuta-kun! You have no idea how much you've grown! You're even taller than me now, haha!”

Hinata grins as he leads Yuuta to another room in his APPARENTLY penthouse-apartment. The building is pretty new and fancy! The inside looks like a high-end bachelor pad, with Hinata's signature bright color scheme everywhere, definitely what he thought Hinata's house would look like in the future. "Come in, come in~!" Hinata exclaims cheerfully as he leads him into a room that looks like a house office with a cupboard behind it, home to what seems to Yuuta as music awards. "What do you think, Yuuta-kun? Isn't it incredible?” “Wow.. are these all yours?” He asked.. admiring everything in the glass case.
Hinata laughs proudly as he nods. "Yes, Yuuta-kun! I won all of these!" He points to a shelf, filled with golden award trophies that gleam in the warm light of the room.“ Isn't it incredible? The future is bright, and you're living it! I'm so proud of you, Yuuta-kun~"" ..and I am proud of you too, Hinata-kun” he says, his voice filled with genuine affection.

Hinata smiles back at him with equal warmth, nodding. "Thank you, Yuuta-kun! I couldn't have done any of this without you~" He pauses for a moment, then adds, "Come on, let's go get dinner! You must be starved!”
Yuuta pauses for a moment, his thoughts swirling around a new question. "Where is the current me, aniki?" he says, his voice tinged with curiosity.
Hinata chuckles softly, as if expecting the question. "You're worried about our current selves, huh?" he replies, his tone still light and cheerful.
Hinata tilts his head, a curious look plastered on his face as he laughs slightly. "I have no idea! But I'm sure he's doing just fine! Maybe we could try finding him later, but first, let's go eat. Your stomach's not the only one growling, you know~★ I just came back from work!" With that, he claps his hands together, and makes for the door.


Yuuta once again rolls his eyes at his brother's shenanigans, “Yeah.. you're definitely Hinata-kun.. Act your age can't you? What are you..10? What did I do to have you as a brother..” he snides a remark.


Hinata looks over his shoulder, a slight smirk on his face. "Who, me? I'm only 28, mind you! You'll never get rid of me, Yuuta-kun~” "I love you too much~”

Yuuta's eyes softened. “You seem more individualistic than the Hinata of my times” he uttered. Hinata raises an eyebrow, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "Individualistic, you say? Hmm...I suppose I have become a bit more confident in myself, and I'm not as glued to you as I used to be, but..." His expression softens slightly, and he chuckles. "I'll always need you, Yuuta-kun~ You're my other half, after all~”

“Other..half, huh? But you got a ring wrapped around your finger,” Yuuta mentioned. Indeed there's a diamond ring fitting snugly on the man's left finger.


Hinata's eyes widen momentarily, and his gaze falls to his finger where a ring sits. He chuckles sheepishly, a bashful expression crossing his face. "Ah, you noticed..about that... I suppose I should've told you sooner," he says with a laugh.
"Yes, I got hitched," he admits, a mix of happiness and nervousness flickering in his eyes as he glances down at his ring.As the conversation continues, Yuuta's mind begins to wonder. He can't help but question if his future self is married in this timeline. He glances over at Hinata, his eyes darting down to the ring on his finger. "Hey, aniki..." Yuuta begins, his tone hesitant. "Can I ask you something?”

Yuuta hesitates for a moment, the words catching in his throat. "I, uh..." he begins, his gaze darting to the side. "I was just wondering.. if my future married?”


Hinata's expression grows pensive at Yuuta's question. He seems to be contemplating how to respond, weighing his words carefully. "It's...a bit complicated," he eventually replies, his voice laced with a touch of hesitance. Realizing that the conversation has taken a heavy turn, Hinata quickly changes the topic, hoping to lighten the mood. "How about we focus on the important things, like finding a place to eat? We wouldn't want you to starve, now would we?" he says, his tone lighthearted and teasing.

Yuuta groans as Hinata brushes his curiosity about his future. Annoyed, he said “ Ugh, aniki don't push my question under a rug, I'm not a kid anymore.. don't talk me down like i am 3”.

Hinata laughs at Yuuta's protest, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Oh, are you really not a kid anymore?" he teases, his tone slightly mocking. "Even though you're still younger than me, and you're technically still a teen, that makes you a kid, right?” he says, patting Yuuta's head.

As Hinata and Yuuta walked to the restaurant, the cool evening air rustling their hair and clothes lightly, they continued their conversation, their easy banter filling the air.
The restaurant they found themselves standing in front of was a charming little place, with a cozy atmosphere and the faint scent of delicious food wafting through the air. Yuuta felt his stomach grumble once again, a reminder of their hungry state. Hinata leads Yuuta inside, the two of them heading straight to a corner table that's reserved for them. As they take their seats, Hinata begins to tell Yuuta all about his past adventures as an idol. His stories are full of excitement, drama, and emotion, and the two of them soon find themselves laughing together, their bond growing even stronger as a result of the journey they're on.

Yuuta gazes at Hinata, taking in the familiar features of his face and body, the way he carried himself, and the easy smile that played on his lips. Despite the years that have passed and the changes that have occurred, one thought stood out to him.
"You really haven't changed at all, have you, Aniki?" Yuuta says, his voice tinged with a mix of awe and nostalgia.

Hinata grins widely as he reaches over to ruffle Yuuta's hair, his voice full of warmth and love.
"Of course not, Yuuta-kun! I am still me, after all~", he chuckles softly, the sound echoing in the warm atmosphere of the restaurant.

As they eat, the conversation turns to happier, lighter topics. Hinata tells Yuuta about all the good times he's had since he last saw him, and before long, the two of them are laughing and joking as if they were still kids. It's as if no time has passed at all. Yuuta too felt more familiar and better about himself , they're doing alright after all.. he was overthinking before.


Yuuta's eyes widened, a mixture of relief and excitement glimmering in the depths. He leaned forward slightly, his eagerness to know the answer apparent in his features.“Aniki, did I pass Yumenosaki and not repeat a year?”
Hinata grins, leaning back in his chair, and tilts his head to the side. "Ah, what does it matter?" he replies, amusement dancing in his eyes. "All that's important is that we're here, together again, just the two of us. Let's forget about the past and enjoy the present, make the best of what time we have.”

What does that mean? Yuuta thought—Hinata notices the furrowed expression on Yuuta's face and can sense his confusion in his answer. He smiles at his younger brother's question. “Do we get times like this often Hinata?”
"Well, I do get times like this with the future you," Hinata responds, his tone gentle. "But he can get busy with his own responsibilities and commitments, just like anyone else, I mean.. adults, right?” He suddenly chuckled softly, his eyes glittering with affection. "But none of that matters right now! Let's just be happy and enjoy this moment, Yuuta-kun~”


Yuuta's attention is immediately drawn to the sparkling ring on Hinata's finger. He can't help but feel curious about who Hinata has chosen to spend his life with. Looking up at his brother, he asks with a mix of excitement and concern
"I see your ring... who is your wife? Is it Anzu-san?” Hinata's expression softens as he shakes his head. "I'm actually gay, Yuuta-kun. I was never in love with a woman~ I met the love of my life recently, and he's made me happier than I ever thought possible. So no, it's definitely not Anzu~" He reaches across the table to take Yuuta's hand, squeezing it gently. "But enough about that! Let's focus on us right now. What do you say we head back to my place and chill? We've got a lot of catching up to do~★”

Yuuta's eyes widened in surprise, his jaw dropping for the nth time in shock at Hinata's revelation. The unexpected news takes him by surprise, and he struggles to find words for a moment.

HUH? GAY? HINATA?? Yuuta's definitely losing his mind but also maybe he actually thought of this for Hinata. Hinata laughs softly as he nods, a warm smile on his face. "That's right, Yuuta-kun! I am! Does it bother you?" He pauses for a moment, tilting his head to the side. "But regardless, that doesn't matter right now! Come on, let's go have some fun! I've got plenty of things to show you at my place. We can chat and have a blast just like old times!”

..Old times huh.. oh it's more of the past for this future Hinata definitely.

Hinata's voice suddenly becomes shy, his cheeks tinged with a soft blush as he turns to Yuuta. "Ah, well, there's one other tiny detail I should tell you..." There's a brief pause, and then the words rush out, breathless. "Yuuta-kun, I'll be honest with you. I'm actually married to future you…" He looks away, fidgeting and nervous, his fingers twisting in his lap."I know it's quite a surprise, but that's the truth. I love you, Yuuta-kun. I've always loved you, and I always will.”.

Yuuta's mind immediately reels with the revelation that future Hinata has just confessed to him. He hadn't expected to hear such a declaration, especially not from his own future self. His own sexuality is something he'd been grappling with, but as he sits across from Hinata, he finds a strange comfort in knowing that his future self had already figured out his feelings towards Hinata. Yuuta's reaction is immediate and intense. He repeats the sound "aaa-" in a state of utter shock, as if his mind is unable to process the information he has just received. His voice becomes strained and repetitive, like a broken record, echoing the single syllable over and over...


Hinata chuckles softly, his cheeks still tinged with a hint of embarrassment. "It's true, Yuuta-kun. You're my everything." His voice is sincere, though a small blush still dusts his cheeks."I was surprised too, but it goes to show how much we love each other, doesn’t it?" He squeezes Yuuta's hand gently, a soft smile on his lips. “Let's head back to my apartment.. It's getting late”. The two of them headed back to Hinata's penthouse apartment, their conversation continuing throughout the walk. Hinata is clearly happy and content, and he even finds himself blushing slightly as he steals glances at Yuuta. He's clearly relieved that his confession has gone well, and he seems content to spend the evening catching up and reminiscing with his future husband.


As they head back, Yuuta glances around, his eyes darting about as if he expects his future self to suddenly appear. The thought of his future self possibly returning fills his mind, and he can't help but wonder what kind of person he'll turn out to be.
“Hey, is the Yuuta of the future gonna come back soon?”

Hinata nods slowly, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "Well, he will eventually... but who knows when? The time stream works in mysterious ways. The future is ever-changing,Yuuta-kun~ and we have to embrace whatever fate has in store for us." He pauses, then adds gently, "But you know, I think we'll be just fine. We've faced so many challenges together, and we've always come out stronger for it. No matter what life throws at us, I'll be here for you, Yuuta-kun.”


Yuuta's voice is soft and vulnerable, a hint of uncertainty in his words. "I guess I truly can't seem to get away from you... I need to be honest... I've developed feelings for the Hinata of my time as well..." He hesitates for a moment, his vulnerability becoming more apparent, before he continues in a quieter tone. "But I'm afraid to admit it... It scares me.”

Hinata smiles warmly, placing his hand on Yuuta's shoulder. "It's okay, Yuuta-kun. I understand. I was scared too, once upon a time. But you have to face those fears and tell the ones you love how you feel. Otherwise, you'll regret it for the rest of your life. If you're brave enough to admit it to a version of me from the future, why can't you be brave enough to tell me now? I'm here, and I'm listening.”

“Aniki…”, Yuuta muttered under his breath.

Hinata quirks an eyebrow, a slight smile on his face. One that Yuuta knows oh too well
.."Yes, Yuuta-kun? What is it? You know you can tell me anything~”

“Thank you, onii-chan… you.. you..” Yuuta stutters, afraid of what Hinata would think..but he digressed, “You're my number one idol, thank you.. for always staying by my side”.

Hinata smiles warmly, feeling a wave of emotion wash over him at the compliment. He reaches out to take Yuuta's hand in his own, squeezing it tightly. "Thank you too, Yuuta-kun. That means more to me than you could ever know. You are, and always will be, my number one supporter." His voice is soft and sincere as he continues. "No matter what, I'll always be there for you. You know that, right?”

In an impulsive display of emotion, Yuuta lunges towards Hinata, enveloping him in a tight, affectionate embrace. The force of his action catches both of them off guard, but it's clear that the intensity of Yuuta's feelings has compelled him to seek comfort and closeness in the moment.Hinata blinks, surprised for a moment by the sudden hug. But after a few seconds, he wraps his arms around Yuuta, pulling him into a tight embrace. "Of course, Yuuta-kun," he murmurs softly, his voice thick with swirling emotions of love. "You're my beloved brother, my partner in this crazy crazy life. I'll never let you down. I would do anything for you," He pauses, looking down at Yuuta with a gentle smile. "Anything.”

Yuuta tightens the embrace, his voice carrying a note of teasing affection as he speaks into Hinata's shoulder. "You're so much more mature now... I guess when I get back, I'll have to deal with your clingy teen self, huh? You're still as annoyingly adorable as ever, aren't you?”

Hinata lets out a soft, mock protest, his voice laced with playful disbelief. "Hey, hey, hold up!" he exclaims, mock outrage coloring his words. "I can't believe you just called me adorable! You never used to say that to me when we were younger!” Hinata continues to giggle softly at Yuuta's words, giving him a playful grin. "Haha, yeah, I guess I do get pretty clingy at times. But that's just how I express my love, you know?" He gives Yuuta a quick peck on his nose, giggling as he does so. "Don't worry, Yuuta-kun. When you get back, I'll still be that same clingy teen, and I'll probably even be more possessive than ever," he jokes playfully, winking at Yuuta.

“...and the current Yuuta is fine with that?”

Hinata grins, nodding as he answers Yuuta's question. "Oh, absolutely. I mean, let's face it, Yuuta-kun, I'm the perfect boyfriend. Who wouldn't want to be with me?" He winks playfully, then adds in a softer tone, "But seriously, Yuuta-kun, you don't have to worry about anything. Current you and future you are on the same page when it comes to our relationship. We're all just as happy as ever, and that's not changing any time soon.”

“ this is .. a secret relationship…?” Yuuta asks

Hinata nods, a sly smile on his face. "Yeah, it's pretty hush-hush right now. We figured it's best to keep it quiet for the time being, but don't worry, Yuuta-kun. When the time comes, we'll be able to shout our love to the world. I'm not ashamed of our relationship, and you shouldn't be either. I love you, and that's all that matters.”

Yuuta's curiosity takes over, and he pipes up with a direct question. "Hey, this might be a bit selfish, but... does the current teen Hinata have any feelings for me?" His voice carries a touch of vulnerability, his eyes searching Hinata's face as he waits for the answer.


Hinata grins, reaching over to ruffle Yuuta's hair affectionately. "Oh, you silly thing, of course younger me loves you too! You're just as blind as ever, aren't you, Yuuta-kun?" He chuckles softly, his eyes sparkling with amusement as he continues. "Honestly, you're adorable. You always have been. It's one of the things I love most about you.”


Yuuta's words come out a bit more accusatory this time, his voice filled with a mix of surprise and mild shock. "Wait a second... Are you flirting with your younger brother's younger self right now?!”


Hinata laughs lightly, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Perhaps I am, Yuuta-kun. But hey, can you blame me? You look like a cute version of the man I love, so why not have a little fun with it?”. The unexpectedness of Hinata's admission causes Yuuta to cough on air, his surprise evident. He recovers quickly, but his shock is obvious.

" did NOT just admit that," he manages to sputter out, his voice tinged with a mix of disbelief and flustered embarrassment.
Hinata snickers softly, reaching out to pat Yuuta on the back. "Easy there, Yuuta-kun. Don't choke on air. I'm just teasing you, you know. It's always fun to rile you up.”


Yuuta can't help but chime in with a teasing retort. "You're such a dumb onii-chan," he echoes, a hint of playful banter in his voice. "Admitting that you're flirting with your younger brother's younger self... What kind of big brother does that make you?”
Hinata laughs, a sparkle in his eyes as he responds playfully. "Oh, I'm pretty sure you mean 'adorable' rather than 'dumb'. But I guess that's all a matter of perspective, now isn't it?" He grins, clearly enjoying their banter.

Yuuta's voice carries a note of genuine happiness and relief as he responds. "It's actually pretty reassuring to know that our future self is doing better. It gives me hope that things can turn out well for us, you know?”

“You've been my rock throughout it all, and I can't imagine my life without you. I love you with all my heart.”

“..Even when I am... being mean to you .. and i don't know when to stop the mean bone?”


Hinata's expression softens further, and an understanding look crosses his face as he speaks again. "Of course, Yuuta-kun. Even when you're acting stubborn, I still love you. That's just part of who you are, and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I know that you always mean well, even when you come across as mean. And that's what love is all about, isn't it? Accepting each other, faults and all." Hinata smiles sweetly, his voice full of warmth.

Suddenly as the door swings open and the current Yuuta enters, Hinata's head swivels around to greet him. But as he gazes at his younger self, Hinata suddenly catches a glimpse of the mysterious figure disappearing. His eyes widen momentarily before he quickly composes himself, turning his attention back to the present Yuuta. "Ah, you're home early," he says, trying to hide any hint of confusion in his voice.

Hinata takes a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. He takes a step closer to Yuuta, his eyes locked onto his husband. "Yuuta-kun.." He pauses, then continues in a softer tone. "I missed you." He reaches out, wrapping his arms around Yuuta's neck and pulling him close, their bodies pressed tightly together into a hug as they kiss.

Yuuta grins, a slight hint of playfulness in his voice as he speaks. "Is that my welcome home kiss?"

Hinata responds with a soft chuckle and a nod, his voice warm and affectionate. "Of course, Yuuta. I'll always greet you with a kiss.”


Yuuta jolts awake, his eyes fluttering open as he finds himself on a random bench. Confusion and surprise wash over his face as he takes in his surroundings, realizipng that he's back in his original timeline. The events of the dream or vision he had are still fresh in his mind, leaving him perplexed and puzzled by what he just experienced. Yuuta walks back to the dorm where he's staying, his steps a bit lighter than usual. A small smile dances across his lips as he replays the strange but vivid dream he just had. Thoughts swirl through his mind about the future version of himself and Hinata, but he tries to focus on the present. As he enters the dorm, he takes a moment to collect himself, still feeling the lingering impact of the dream on him…