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Accidental proposal


Suddenly, the alpha looks away, Tanjirou notices that the water hashira is blushing and he worries for a moment, but he pushes the thought aside when Giyuu says, almost in a whisper: "Can I scent you?"

This time, the omega doesn't get surprised. Giyuu seems to be a lonely and sad alpha who doesn't talk that much with the other Pillars, but he does get along with Tanjirou and enjoys spending time with him.


(See the end of the work for notes.)

Work Text:

Tanjirou is completely healed now and he doesn't have any missions at the moment, according to his crow; he decides that it's time to pay a visit to Giyuu.

Lately, the alpha is the one who goes to the butterfly estate every time Tanjirou finds himself there, but the omega thinks it'll be good if he surprises him this time.

Ever since he met him and decided to spare his sister's life, the water hashira has been nothing but kind to the omega and Nezuko.

So Tanjirou is determined to do something for him in return; he just doesn't know what yet.

When he arrives at the water estate, he finds the alpha at the entrance of the place, ready to leave; the water hashira gets surprised to see the omega there.

"Do you have a mission, Giyuu-san?" The redhead asks. "I wouldn't want to make you waste time then! I can leave–"

"No!" The alpha cuts him off, grabbing Tanjirou's arm gently, almost like he's afraid the omega will start running away from him if he doesn't. "Sorry! I meant to say that I don't have any missions right now. Please, stay."

"Of course!" Tanjirou says immediately, beaming.

Then, looking a little bit shy, Giyuu stares right into his eyes:

"I was going to pay you a visit," he mumbles quietly, but Tanjirou hears it anyway and smiles in return. "Please, come in."

Giyuu himself makes them both tea and brings a few rice balls. They sit outside, enjoying the sun.

Suddenly, the alpha looks away, Tanjirou notices that the water hashira is blushing and he worries for a moment, but he pushes the thought aside when Giyuu says, almost in a whisper: "Can I scent you?"

This time, the omega doesn't get surprised. Giyuu seems to be a lonely and sad alpha who doesn't talk that much with the other Pillars, but he does get along with Tanjirou and enjoys spending time with him.

It's not the first time this happens; the first was right after Nezuko's trial, when Giyuu paid him a visit in one of the recovery rooms.

He was even more flustered then, when he asked to scent the omega, but Tanjirou didn't mind then and he certainly doesn't now.

Then, not knowing why he says it, he whispers back: "You don't have to ask."

Giyuu smiles, relieved, and pulls the omega into his arms.

Tanjirou is almost certain the alpha just wants comfort, even after Aoi said that's not the case at all. She perceived the alpha's scent all over Tanjirou the first time and told him she was glad he found a good alpha for himself.

"No!" Tanjirou blushed to the tip of his ears then, shaking his head. "We're just friends! It's only for comfort."

However, Aoi insisted that couldn't possibly be the only reason. She said he should ask the alpha to stop if Tanjirou didn't want him as mate.

Tanjirou thought she was wrong then and still thinks it now. There's no way a hashira would ever want him as mate.

They're just friends.

However, Tanjirou's inner omega always purrs in delight when Giyuu nuzzles against his cheeks and neck in order to properly scent him.

When he's done, he cradles Tanjirou's face in his hands and smiles softly at him, like Giyuu doesn't want to stop looking at him.

"You're the most important person in my life, Tanjirou."

The omega's cheeks turn pink and he tries not to gasp, but he's surprised nonetheless.

"You're really important to me too, Giyuu-san," he admits and it's really easy to say it because it's completely true.

They sit next to each other for a while in silence, and it's not uncomfortable but peaceful; they enjoy each other's company so much they don't need to talk all the time.

At some point, the alpha moves closer until their shoulders are touching.

Then, Tanjirou starts thinking that he'd like to have a good time with Giyuu, but he's a shy alpha who doesn't talk that much.

Maybe a cold soba eating contest? Yeah, that sounds good enough.

"Giyuu-san, I've been thinking about this for a while... I'd like to spend more time with you and since we're close, I thought we could–"

Suddenly, the alpha pulls Tanjirou into his arms and starts purring.

"I'd like to be your mate too, Tanjirou. You're everything I... I mean I love you completely." Giyuu cuts him off, nervous, but looking determined and content. "When would you like to get married?"

The omega blushes; this is a misunderstanding, but the alpha looks so full of joy and Tanjirou's inner omega is definitely not opposed to the idea.

Still, he doesn't know what to do. This is very sudden.

Giyuu must've seen something on his face, because he smiles and kisses Tanjirou's cheek.

"Maybe we should go slow," he says, chuckling. Tanjirou is sure he hasn't heard him chuckle before. He must be really happy then. "Would you like me to court you first?"

That's a great idea. That way they'll have time to think about the next step, because Tanjirou has decided he won't tell him he misunderstood the situation... ever.

"Yes, I'd like that," he says sincerely because he has realized that he wants Giyuu to court him.

This time, the alpha leans to give him a kiss on the lips and Tanjirou melts into it immediately.

They're going to be fine. They're a good match.

"I'll let Ubuyashiki know in the next hashira meeting," Giyuu whispers into the omega's lips before kissing him again.


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