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What's The Wind Resistance On Those Blowjob Handles?


Logan wants Wade to use the blowjob handles and Wade is so into it.


I had this idea whilst sat at the very back of the cinema tweaking with excitement during my second time watching it. Spoiler alert, I've since watched it another three times.

(See the end of the work for more notes.)

Work Text:

“What’s the wind resistance on those blowjob handles?”

Logan couldn’t get that comment out of his head. Not during the fight. Not during the whole saving the world business. Not after Wade invited him back to his grimy little one-bedroom apartment. And especially not after he ended up agreeing to live there for some unknown reason that he couldn’t quite work out. 

It had been three days since they had saved their universe… and all the others. Three days he hadn’t been able to make those eight words leave his mind. And it certainly didn’t help that the merc with the mouth would not stop his stupid little flirtatious comments, topped with a very large side of blowing kisses, rubbing thighs, and winking dramatically whenever they made eye contact. As if Wade wasn’t annoying enough. 

Even something as little as a glance from Wade from across the room drove Logan insane, he hated to admit. Or the touch of a knee against his whilst sat on the couch together watching some dumb show Wade had decided he was going to force Logan to watch. More often than not it was that same, mindless cartoon with the colourful ponies that Logan most definitely did not enjoy watching. 

Which was what they had been occupied with for the past hour or so, after having a more than eventful morning of killing and fighting, and then, a bit more killing. Al had been out of the apartment when they had returned home, leaving the place relatively quiet, aside from the faint pitter-patter of paws as Mary Puppins came to greet them.

They had collapsed onto the couch without taking off their suits, masks ripped off and chucked away aimlessly. Logan found he couldn't have a moment of peace with this guy as very quickly, Wade had begun to rattle on about what was happening on the TV, throwing in a handful of half-witted jokes. 

At one point, Wade reached over to pat Logan on the thigh, followed by some irrelevant comment being spoken over whatever was being said on the TV. Wade’s hand never left Logan’s thigh. Instead, he let it rest there making Logan tense up slightly.

Wade noticed almost immediately, and paused on whatever nonsense he was rambling on about. He turned to face Logan, giving him a quizzical look, and raised his eyebrow, or what would have been his eyebrow. 

“What’s the matter peanut? You’ve been more of a miserable grump than usual.” Wade barked out a laugh.

“Nothing. Just an off-day is all,” Logan grumbled in response.

He was foolish to think that Wade would simply leave it at that.

Wade gasped theatrically as he clutched his chest, dramatically holding a hand to his heart, and another to his forehead. “Was it something I said?” 

After recovering from his feigned agony, Wade wiggled a finger at Logan, right under his nose, with another exaggerated huff. 

Apparently not convinced, Wade questioned Logan again, “Was it about the blowjob handles on your super duper cool mask?” He was grinning so wide that it actually looked quite painful. Maybe his face would rip apart and then something would go wrong with his healing factor - something along the lines of his entire mouth being healed shut, finally shutting him the fuck up. Logan could only hope.

He tried his very hardest to ignore Wade, instead attempting to stay focused on the TV that continued to play in the background. His eyes bored holes through the screen, glaring so hard you’d think he was trying to use some unexplored mutant willpower to make it explode. 

After approximately seventeen very long, awkward seconds of Wade inspecting Logan’s facial expression, or lack of, he leaned back against the couch again. In doing so, his fingers brushed against Logan’s thigh. It had Logan tensing up again, while simultaneously making something inside Wade’s head click, as he suddenly gasped loudly. 

“Oh, it was. You dirty little slut.” Wade narrowed his eyes at Logan as he over-pronounced every single word.

Logan forced out a sharp, “No,” through gritted teeth. Heat blazed through his entire body and instantly rushed south. 

Ignoring the stupid smirk that Wade’s face still held, Logan shifted slightly in his position on the couch. This proved to be a mistake, as that slight adjustment caused Wade’s hand to also shift along his thigh and brush against his crotch.

The feather-light touch had Logan’s breath catching in his throat, sparks of electricity shooting up his spine. He could feel himself straining in the confined space of his already tight suit. 

He felt Wade pause, glaring at the side of his face. Logan tried to keep his facial expression unreadable as he continued to stare straight ahead. 

He allowed the silence to drag on for half a minute longer before slowly turning to face Wade with a steady gaze. They held eye contact for only a short moment before Wade started talking again.

“Lo-” Before he could get a single word out, Logan was on him.

Logan crashed their lips together into a bruising kiss, startling Wade. It only took a few seconds for him to kiss back with equal ferocity. Wade grabbed the back of Logan’s neck, pulling him closer as they fought for dominance. 

They kissed frantically, fulfilling a hunger neither of them knew they had. They kissed as if their lives depended on it, as if the breath they were sharing was their last one. 

Wade’s hips bucked up involuntarily, searching for any kind of friction against his painfully aching cock. Logan pushed Wade’s hips back down, pinning him in place as he fucked his tongue into Wade’s mouth. 

It was rough and intimate, pure lust and passion burning through their veins. Hands roamed across each other. Wade’s tangled in Logan’s hair, whilst Logan’s wandered to Wade’s waist, calloused fingers gripping his hips. He bit down on Wade’s bottom lip, drawing both blood and a moan from the merc’s mouth. His tongue darted out, swiping across Wade’s lip, the metallic taste lingering in the midst of the kiss.

Their tongues rolled together as Logan began working on Wade’s belt and zipper. Wade lifted his hips to allow Logan to slide his pants off, leaving him in just the top half of his suit, and his boxers. Wade’s hips once again jerked up helplessly into nothing, searching for something, anything, to relieve him of the torturous agony of his untouched cock. 

Wade’s hands flew down to his clothed erection, in a desperate, and largely unsuccessful, attempt to find a source of friction. Logan’s hands moved to pin Wade’s own above his head, pushing him back against the couch as he swung one leg over Wade’s waist, straddling him.

Logan pulled back to allow a moment to breathe for both of them, pressing their foreheads together, breath wavering.

Wade laughed breathlessly. “Thank Marvel Christ, this suit is two pieces.” 

“Shut up,” Logan said breathlessly, leaning back in to brush their lips together briefly, before moving to kiss at Wade’s jaw, grazing over his sensitive, scarred skin. A series of whimpers and breathy whines left the other’s mouth. He then made his way down Wade’s neck, nipping at his earlobe as he went. He sucked and licked and kissed, watching as the marks he made on Wade’s skin healed and disappeared instantaneously. 

Logan pulled away, holding Wade’s gaze, pupils blown wide and eyes burning with desire, as he rose from his position above Wade, coming to stand in front of him instead.

“Take them off,” Logan instructed in an almost possessive tone, gesturing to Wade’s underwear that had somehow remained on the entire time.

Wade wasted no time obeying Logan’s demand, shimmying out of his boxers and almost falling off the couch in a hurry to do so.

“Wow. I can’t believe this is actually happening. I’m about to be sucked off by the Wolverine.” Wade grinned, receiving an irritated look from Logan in return. 

“Shut the fuck up,” Logan growled, sinking to his knees in front of where Wade was sat. He reached behind him and grabbed his mask, pulling it up and over his head to cover the top half of his face.

And I get to use the blowjob handles? This is the best day of my li-” The end of Wade’s comment broke off into a strangled noise, breath hitching, as Logan took the tip of Wade’s leaking cock into his mouth. He could taste the precum as he swirled his tongue around the head, earning a high pitched whine from Wade.

“Damn, peanut, can’t a man finish his sentence around here?” Wade choked out.

Logan let out an animalistic growl. “Shut your goddamn mouth before I bite it off.” 

Before Wade could retort back, Logan moved back in to lick a long stripe up the underside of Wade’s dick, tongue pressing flat against a vein running all the way along. Wade bit back a moan as Logan swiped his tongue across the slit before taking him fully into his mouth.

Wade wasn’t small, by any means, so it took Logan a bit of adjusting to set a comfortable and steady pace, wrapping his hand around what he couldn’t fit in his mouth. 

Lips darkened and wet with saliva, Logan hollowed his cheeks as he bobbed his head up and down Wade’s length, pumping his fist at the base. 

Logan’s own cock was excruciatingly hard. He moved the hand that wasn’t gripping the base of Wade’s dick, to put pressure on his own, squeezing himself through his painfully tight suit. He let out a low groan at his own pleasure, sending vibrations up Wade’s dick. The dizzying sensation caused Wade to cry out as his back arched up from the couch.

Fuck- Logan, go faster- please-” Wade could barely form words, let alone sentences, as the pleasure became increasingly overwhelming by the second. Who knew it only took a blowjob to shut the merc up. 

Logan pulled off with a loud pop, lips swollen and red as he looked up at Wade. “Fuck my mouth,” He said through heavy pants. 

“Are you sure?” Wade questioned tenderly. He turned his head, looking off at something. “Consent is sexy, nerds.” He winked at seemingly nothing at all before turning back to face Logan.

From the short time that Logan had known Wade, he had learned to ignore the weird and abnormal things Wade said and did, this time being no different from the rest.

Logan nodded up at him, positioning himself even closer to Wade to show he was ready. 

“Tap my thigh twice if you wanna stop, okay? We can’t exactly establish a safe word if my dick is blocking the word from coming out,” Wade rattled on.

“Just shut the fuck up and get on with it, would you?” Logan grumbled in return, before having Wade’s throbbing cock shoved into his mouth all at once. The sudden action caused him to choke slightly, before adjusting to Wade’s size.

“Shit, sorry, dick too big for the old man?” Wade stuttered out in between a series of gasps and moans. 

Logan just groaned in response, sending another wave of electrifying vibrations along Wade’s length.

Wade reached forward and gripped onto the so-called ‘blowjob handles’ on Logan’s mask, and bucked his hips, fucking up into Logan’s mouth. 

Logan moved his jaw ever so slightly, causing his teeth to gently scrape across Wade’s cock, eliciting a lengthy moan and a particularly harsh thrust of his hips.

The sounds filling the room were utterly pornographic. Thank fuck Al had gone out, not that either of them would have cared in such a heated moment. It was more for her sake. Everything else in the world was forgotten as both mutants drowned in the pleasure. 

It didn’t take long before Wade could feel the familiar tightening sensation, heat pooling low in his abdomen. He gripped Logan’s mask even tighter, as his hips began moving at an uneven pace, thrusts becoming sloppy and out of rhythm. “Fuck- peanut, I’m gonna-” Wade didn’t get a chance to continue, as Logan groaned, sending Wade over the edge. 

A string of profanities stuttered out of Wade’s mouth as his thighs tensed up, hips jerking as he came. A series of shockwaves rippled through his body as he threw his head back, eyes squeezed shut. 

Logan relaxed his throat as he felt Wade’s hot release sputtering into his mouth, his dick pulsing with each spurt. He swallowed as much as he could, the remainder of the warm liquid seeping out of the corners of his mouth and dribbling down his chin.

Logan languidly bobbed his head, coaxing Wade through his orgasm. After coming down from his high, and regaining his senses, Wade finally pulled out, leaving them both breathless. 

Wade leans forward to grab Logan’s mask, removing it to allow him to look into Logan’s eyes, hair dishevelled and pupils blown wide. Wade grasped Logan’s chin, tilting it up towards him as he swiped his thumb over his bottom lip, collecting his own cum from what Logan couldn’t swallow. They held eye contact, eyes burning with lust, as Wade brought his thumb up and sucked it into his mouth, earning a low groan from Logan.

“Come on then, sugar pie, your turn. Can’t leave the Wolverpeen unseen,” Wade snickered. 

“Don’t fucking call it that,” Logan grunted in response.

“What would you rather me call it?” Wade then began to list off a variety of ridiculous names. 

“Please stop talking,” Logan said with a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. Wade did in fact not stop talking.

“I already fucking came.” Logan’s claws on one hand unsheathed as he stabbed them into Wade’s thigh, causing Wade to whimper in a mix of pain and pleasure - the fucking masochist.

Wade, having been so caught up in his own pleasure, hadn’t even noticed the grinding motions going on below him, too focused on the top half of Logan to even think about the bottom half. He hadn’t noticed the increased groans leaving Logan’s mouth, only the vibrations sent up his dick that came along with them.

Even after what had sounded like the most earth-shattering orgasm he'd ever had, Wade somehow still had the energy to run his mouth. “Damn, peanut; old man on the outside, horny teenager on the inside.”

“Shut up,” Logan replied half-heartedly as Wade pulled him up into another kiss, tasting himself on Logan’s tongue. This kiss was much slower - less fire, more earth. There wasn’t so much intensity and passion as there was tenderness and emotion. 

An emotion neither of them were yet ready to face.


Gifted this fic to my friend (StarvingDelusions) as a thank you for beta reading and fixing my fuck ups (this is my first published fic since I was like 12).

This took me like a month to write because I suck at writing and I'm impressed I managed to finish it at all. Hope it's okay!!