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ELEPHANT: ExtragaLactic alErt Pipeline for Hostless AstroNomical Transients
11institutetext: The Oskar Klein Centre, Department of Astronomy, Stockholm University, AlbaNova 106 91, Stockholm, Sweden 22institutetext: Independent Researcher, Ingolstadt, Germany 33institutetext: Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas da USP, 05508-900, São Paulo, Brazil 44institutetext: Institute of Astronomy and Kavli Institute for Cosmology, Madingley Road, Cambridge, CB3 0HA, UK 55institutetext: Astronomical Observatory, University of Warsaw, Al. Ujazdowskie 4, 00-478 Warszawa, Poland 66institutetext: Université Clermont Auvergne, CNRS/IN2P3, LPC, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France 77institutetext: CENTRA, Universidade de Lisboa, FCUL, Campo Grande, Edif. C8, 1749-016 Lisboa, Portugal 88institutetext: Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, University of California, Irvine, CA 92697, USA 99institutetext: Business School, University of Edinburgh, 29 Buccleuch Pl, Edinburgh, EH8 9JS, UK 1010institutetext: Centre for Statistics, University of Edinburgh, Peter Guthrie Tait Rd, Edinburgh, EH9 3FD, UK 1111institutetext: Centre for Astrophysics Research, University of Hertfordshire, College Lane, Hatfield, AL10 9AB, UK 1212institutetext: Independent Researcher, Budapest, Hungary 1313institutetext: School of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Macquarie University, NSW 2109, Australia

[Uncaptioned image] ELEPHANT: ExtragaLactic alErt Pipeline for Hostless AstroNomical Transients

P. J. Pessi 11 priscila.pessi@astro.su.se    R. Durgesh 22    L. Nakazono 33    E. E. Hayes 44    R. A. P. Oliveira 55    E. E. O. Ishida 66   
A. Moitinho
   A. Krone-Martins 88    B. Moews 99 10 10    R. S. de Souza 1111    R. Beck 1212   
M. A. Kuhn
   K. Nowak 1111    S. Vaughan (for the COIN collaboration) 1313

Context. Transient astronomical events that exhibit no discernible association with a host galaxy are commonly referred to as hostless. These rare phenomena are associated with extremely energetic events, and they can offer unique insights into the properties and evolution of stars and galaxies. However, the sheer number of transients captured by contemporary high-cadence astronomical surveys renders the manual identification of all potential hostless transients impractical. Therefore, creating a systematic identification tool is crucial for studying these elusive events.

Aims. We present the ExtragaLactic alErt Pipeline for Hostless AstroNomical Transients (ELEPHANT), a framework for filtering hostless transients in astronomical data streams. It was designed to process alerts from the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) as presented in the Fink broker; however, its underlying concept can be applied to other data sources.

Methods. We used Fink to access all the ZTF alerts produced between January/2022 and December/2023, selecting alerts associated with extragalactic transients reported in SIMBAD or TNS, as well as those classified as supernova (SN) or kilonova (KN) by the machine learning (ML) classifiers within the broker. We then processed the associated stamps using a sequence of image analysis techniques to retrieve hostless candidates.

Results. We find that less-than-or-similar-to\lesssim 2% of all analyzed transients are potentially hostless. Among them, only similar-to\sim 10% have a spectroscopic class reported on TNS, with Type Ia supernova being the most common class, followed by superluminous supernova. In particular, among the hostless candidates retrieved by our pipeline, there was SN 2018ibb, which has been proposed to be a Pair Instability SN candidate; and SN 2022ann, one of only five known SNe Icn. When no class is reported on TNS, the dominant classes are QSO and SN candidates, with the former obtained from SIMBAD and the latter inferred using the Fink ML classifier.

Conclusions. ELEPHANT represents an effective strategy to filter extragalactic events within large and complex astronomical alert streams. There are many applications for which this pipeline will be useful, ranging from transient selection for follow-up to studies of transient environments. The results presented here demonstrate the feasibility of developing specially crafted pipelines that enable a variety of scientific studies based on large-scale surveys. ELEPHANT is publicly available in the COINToolbox: https://github.com/COINtoolbox/extragalactic_hostless.

Key Words.:
Methods: data analysis – Astronomical databases: miscellaneous – Stars: general – Methods: statistical

1 Introduction

Contemporary wide-field, untargeted surveys that scan large portions of the sky on a regular basis, such as the All-Sky Automated Survey for Supernovae (ASAS-SN, Shappee et al. 2014), Gaia (Gaia Collaboration et al. 2016), the Asteroid Terrestrial-impact Last Alert System (ATLAS, Tonry et al. 2018) and the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF; Bellm et al. 2019), have significantly increased the number of transients discovered nightly over the past decades111See Yamaoka (2017) for numbers on the growth of discovered and classified supernovae from 1991 to 2015. For statistics on transient discovery and classification from 2016 onward, refer to https://www.wis-tns.org/stats-maps.. Such projects have not only increased the number of confirmed transients of known classes but have also facilitated the discovery of new classes of events (e.g., Drout et al. 2014; Kankare et al. 2017). Thus, the past decade has witnessed a significant increase and diversification of the transient sky landscape, populated by a myriad of objects (e.g. Hambleton et al. 2023).

Extragalactic transients can be described as the observational consequence of energetic events taking place outside the Milky Way. This description implies a progenitor population of astrophysical sources which should, in principle, be associated to a host galaxy. Nevertheless, a small fraction of transients seem to not be associated to any host and are thus considered hostless (e.g. Qin et al. 2022, 2024). In these cases, the host may remain undetected either because it is fainter than the survey’s limiting magnitude or because the transient was produced by a progenitor that achieved hypervelocity and escaped its host galaxy (e.g., Martin 2006; Zinn et al. 2011). Hostless transients have been associated with superluminous supernovae (SLSNe; e.g. McCrum et al. 2015), gamma-ray burst (GRBs; e.g. Ho et al. 2020), Fast X-ray transients (FXTs; e.g. Gillanders et al. 2024) and lensed transients (e.g. Ryczanowski et al. 2020), among others. Independently of the exact mechanism that rendered them hostless, such rare events represent an opportunity to further investigate peculiar astrophysical scenarios and may provide important clues regarding their local environment. They have already been used to discover low surface brightness galaxies (LSB, Zinn et al. 2012) and to study intra-cluster stellar populations (Graham et al. 2015).

Given such scientific potential, whenever a hostless transient is discovered, it sparks the interest of the astronomical community focused on rare events. In the past, the moderate number of discovered transients allowed thorough investigation of each candidate together with their associated hosts (e.g., Filippenko 1997; Baldwin et al. 1981). Nowadays, untargeted searches are discovering transients in fainter and more distant host galaxies, substantially increasing their numbers and rendering it impossible to study all of them in detail. As an example, ZTF currently detects a few hundred thousand transient candidates per night, while the upcoming Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) is expected to detect around 10 million per night over a period of 10 years (Bellm et al. 2019). In this context, it became necessary to develop automated frameworks for mining large astronomical datasets.

In this work, we introduce the ExtragaLactic alErt Pipeline for Hostless Transients (ELEPHANT), whose goal is to enable automatic identification of confirmed or potential extragalactic events without an obvious host association. It significantly reduces the number of candidates requiring visual inspection, thus allowing an optimal allocation of expert time and follow-up resources. ELEPHANT employs a range of established image processing techniques to analyze image stamps associated with each transient, assessing the likelihood of a host’s presence. We detail the components of our pipeline and discuss a number of noteworthy candidates identified during its development. We visually inspected candidates with an associated spectroscopic classification available on the Transient Name Server (TNS222https://www.wis-tns.org/) to confirm their hostless nature. This process also helped us define statistical thresholds to apply to the rest of the sample. We found that less than less-than-or-similar-to\lesssim 2% of the analyzed sample is potentially hostless, with the most common classes of hostless candidates being QSOs, Type Ia SN, and SLSN. Some hostless candidates identified by our pipeline, which present interesting features, had already been thoroughly discussed in the literature (see Section 4). Our results illustrate the potential of the pipeline if applied to more recent data. We are currently working in integrating it to the Fink broker (Möller et al. 2021), which will allow processing ZTF alert stream in real time and increase the chances of identifying hostless transients while they are still bright enough for spectroscopic follow-up.

This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 outlines the data selected for this analysis. Section 3 describes the ELEPHANT workflow. Results are presented in Section 4 and conclusions in Section 5.

2 Data

We use image data available within alerts distributed by ZTF. An alert package is produced when the difference imaging pipeline identifies a transient source. It includes photometric history, metadata, and three stamps: the original reference image – template, the new observation – science, and the difference image – difference (Bellm et al. 2019; Masci et al. 2019). This information is distributed nightly to community brokers, whose task is to filter, add value, and redistribute the alerts to domain experts. This work uses the alert stream information as provided by the Fink broker (Möller et al. 2021), however the pipeline is flexible enough to be used with other data sources333Other known community brokers include ALERCE (Förster et al. 2021), AMPEL (Nordin et al. 2019), ANTARES (Matheson et al. 2021), Babamul, LASAIR (Williams et al. 2024) and Pitt-Google..

We retrieved all alerts processed by Fink between January/2022 and December/2023. The data set contained 70 176 557 alerts, which correspond to 17 683 691 objects. Approximately 50% of these have an associated classification. We only keep events associated with an extragalactic transient classification, including all classes of active galactic nuclei (AGN), supernovae (SNe), and kilonova candidates, among others (the complete list of the classes considered for this work can be found in our repository444https://github.com/COINtoolbox/extragalactic_hostless). The classifications provided by Fink are obtained via cross-match with SIMBAD555https://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/simbad/ (Wenger et al. 2000), the Transient Name Server666https://www.wis-tns.org/ (TNS), or produced by machine learning (ML) algorithms used by the broker (Möller & de Boissière 2020; Leoni et al. 2022; Biswas et al. 2023). In case a cataloged classification is available, we consider it to be final. However, ML-based classifications are given per alert. Since one object can produce many alerts, this sometimes results in different classes associated with the same astrophysical source. When selecting sources for which only ML classification is available, the final class was chosen by majority vote, taking into account all alerts associated with the same object.

We exclude alerts with no associated classification or associated with galactic transients such as variable stars or objects present in the Minor Planet Center777https://minorplanetcenter.net/about. Since we are only interested in hostless events, we also considered cross-match with the MANGROVE catalog (Ducoin et al. 2020) and removed any object associated with a known host, even if the host galaxy association is tentative. We keep only similar-to\sim 3.5% of the original alerts by applying these conditions. To eliminate potentially bogus events, we only consider transients with two or more alerts, meaning that they will have more than one associated set of stamps. The stamps are typically 63×63636363\times 6363 × 63 pixels with the detected transient located at the center. Smaller alerts are produced in rare cases, normally related to detector edge effects or due to defects in the image acquisition process (Reyes-Jainaga et al. 2023). To guarantee a homogeneous sample, we removed any stamp whose size is smaller than the typical value. After applying these last conditions, we end with a total of 90 928 transients.

Refer to caption
Figure 1: Example of the template (left) and science (right) stamps for a transient associated with a host galaxy. The top row shows the original stamps and the bottom row shows the masks produced from sigma clipping. At the center of the stamps, we display a red circle of 7 pix radius that indicates the aperture radius of the associated photometry.

3 The ELEPHANT Pipeline

The pipeline analyses both the science and template stamps in parallel. Thus, a source is considered hostless if either its template or science stamps survives all filtering stages. In principle, the template image should suffice to detect the presence of a possible host, however, because of the template generation process (see Masci et al. 2019), some of them can suffer from transient contamination. In these cases, the transient would be detected as a source in the center of the template image, leading to the wrong detection of a host. Considering both the template and science stamps attenuates this issue. Below, we describe each step of the pipeline.

3.1 Stamp pre-processing

If a stamp contains pixels with missing or empty values, the pipeline estimates the probability density function (PDF) of the counts in the remaining pixels via Gaussian resampling using the scipy.stats.gaussian_kde Python method. The empty value is then replaced by randomly selected values from the resulting PDF, producing a homogenized sample where all images have the same number of valid pixels. Additionally, we use the full-width at half maximum (FWHM) of each stamp to estimate the image quality. In our sample, the FWHM can vary from FWHM<1.0′′FWHMsuperscript1.0′′\rm{FWHM}<1.0^{\prime\prime}roman_FWHM < 1.0 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT (a few cases) to FWHM>3.0′′FWHMsuperscript3.0′′\rm{FWHM}>3.0^{\prime\prime}roman_FWHM > 3.0 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT, with a median value of FWHM2.0′′similar-toFWHMsuperscript2.0′′\rm{FWHM}\sim 2.0^{\prime\prime}roman_FWHM ∼ 2.0 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT. To select only the best available images representing each astrophysical source, all alerts associated with a given source are separated into 3 FWHM bins: FWHM<1.0′′FWHMsuperscript1.0′′\rm{FWHM}<1.0^{\prime\prime}roman_FWHM < 1.0 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT, 1.0′′<FWHM<2.0′′superscript1.0′′FWHMsuperscript2.0′′1.0^{\prime\prime}<\rm{FWHM}<2.0^{\prime\prime}1.0 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT < roman_FWHM < 2.0 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT and FWHM>2.0′′FWHMsuperscript2.0′′\rm{FWHM}>2.0^{\prime\prime}roman_FWHM > 2.0 start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT ′ ′ end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT. The pipeline only considers the stamps in the smallest available FWHM bin for each source, discarding all others.

All selected stamps for a given object are then stacked by adopting the median count value in each pixel of the 63×63636363\times 6363 × 63 cutout. This stacking process aids to enhance the images’ signal-to-noise ratio (S/N), thereby improving the identification of potential hosts. Since the science stamps result from a single exposure, this process impacts them much more than their template counterparts. Nevertheless, this technique also serves to homogenize the effects of varying templates used throughout the lifespan of a given transient.

3.2 Segmentation masks

Refer to caption
Figure 2: Example of the template (left) and science (right) stamps of a hostless transient candidate. The top row shows the original stamps, and the bottom row shows the masks produced by sigma clipping. We can see that the science stamp shows a mask at the center of the stamp that is absent in the template stamp. The absence of a mask is considered as the absence of a host. At the center of the stamps, we display a red circle of 7 pix radius that indicates the aperture radius of the associated photometry.

ELEPHANT uses sigma clipping to mask sources present in the stamps and uses those masks to detect the presence of a host galaxy. Sigma clipping is a typical method to detect outliers in astronomical images, usually used to remove the effect of defective pixels or cosmic rays by clipping out pixels above a given sigma threshold. The values of the clipped pixels can then be replaced with a mask or filled in with some characterization of the remaining image counts.

The ZTF alert package includes the aperture magnitude of the transient obtained from aperture photometry, calculated considering a 7-pixel radius aperture. We use this size as a reference for the maximum size of any detected transient. ELEPHANT implements the astropy.stats.sigma_clip888https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/api/astropy.stats.sigma_clip.html Python method considering σしぐま=3𝜎3\sigma=3italic_σしぐま = 3, median as the statistic to compute the clipping center value, and a maximum of ten iterations. As a result, any pixels above the selected median threshold are clipped. The clipped segments of the stamp are considered as the mask. If a mask bigger than 5 continuous pixels is found at the center of the science stamp but not at the center of the corresponding template stamp, or vice-versa, we flag the transient as a potential hostless candidate.

ELEPHANT utilizes the obtained masks to identify the position of the pixel closest to the center that corresponds to a detected neighboring mask, considering any masked pixel within a 7-pixel square as indicative of a neighbor’s presence. Details on how the distance is computed can be found in Appendix A. Although we don’t further use the distance information here, a future user could consider it to additionally assess the presence of a host. This could be useful when analyzing SN, as they could occur on the outskirts of their hosts. In such a case, a mask will not be found at the center of the stamp but close to it. In this context, what is considered to be close should be defined by the user. Another popular image segmentation software in astronomy is SExtractor; we decided not to use it here as it requires more resources than sigma clipping, and it also requires the pipeline to use out-of-memory processing; for further discussion on the use of SExtractor see Appendix B.

After applying sigma clipping, ELEPHANT retrieves 1669 hostless candidates. Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 show an example of a host detection and of the detection of a hostless candidate, respectively. Fig. 1 shows that the presence of a host galaxy at the center of the stamp is seen as a mask in the center of both the template and science stamps. On the other hand, Fig. 2 shows that a mask is present at the center of only one of the transient’s stamps thus, it is flagged as a hostless candidate. Fig. 3 shows a spurious detection of a hostless candidate. In this case, the erroneous detection is driven by artifacts present on the template stamp.

Refer to caption
Figure 3: Example of the template (left) and science (right) stamps of a spurious hostless candidate detection. The top row shows the original stamps and the bottom row shows the masks produced from sigma clipping. We can see that the erroneous detection is driven by artifacts present in the original template stamp. As a result, sigma clipped template shown on the bottom left panel shows no signal. At the center of the stamps, we display a red circle of 7 pix radius that indicates the aperture radius of the associated photometry.

3.3 Host categorization via Fourier power spectrum

To further examine the presence or absence of a host, if a transient is flagged as a hostless candidate by the sigma clipping method, ELEPHANT explores the Fourier space projections of the masked stamps. This strategy is reflective of methodologies previously applied to the classification of natural images across various landscapes (Balboa & Grzywacz 2003). By transforming the stamps into Fourier space, the pipeline is able to search for correlations in the background noise that can suggest the presence of a faint host, which would otherwise not be detected via the sigma clipping approach. This process involves calculating the medianized 1-dimensional power spectrum from the 2-dimensional Fourier transform of the images. The mathematical foundation of this method is laid out as follows: the Fourier transform, denoted by F(u,v)𝐹𝑢𝑣F(u,v)italic_F ( italic_u , italic_v ), of an image, I(x,y)𝐼𝑥𝑦I(x,y)italic_I ( italic_x , italic_y ), is calculated according to:

F(u,v)={I(x,y)},𝐹𝑢𝑣𝐼𝑥𝑦F(u,v)=\mathcal{F}\{I(x,y)\},italic_F ( italic_u , italic_v ) = caligraphic_F { italic_I ( italic_x , italic_y ) } , (1)

where (x,y)𝑥𝑦(x,y)( italic_x , italic_y ) represents the pixel coordinates and (u,v)𝑢𝑣(u,v)( italic_u , italic_v ) the frequency domain coordinates. From this, the power spectrum, P(u,v)𝑃𝑢𝑣P(u,v)italic_P ( italic_u , italic_v ), is derived through the equation:

P(u,v)=|F(u,v)|2.𝑃𝑢𝑣superscript𝐹𝑢𝑣2P(u,v)=|F(u,v)|^{2}.italic_P ( italic_u , italic_v ) = | italic_F ( italic_u , italic_v ) | start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT . (2)

The median power, M(k)𝑀𝑘M(k)italic_M ( italic_k ), for each radial frequency k=u2+v2𝑘superscript𝑢2superscript𝑣2k=\sqrt{u^{2}+v^{2}}italic_k = square-root start_ARG italic_u start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT + italic_v start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT end_ARG, is calculated by taking the median of the power values across all angular coordinates θしーた𝜃\thetaitalic_θしーた for a given power k𝑘kitalic_k:

M(k)=median{Pk}.𝑀𝑘mediansubscript𝑃𝑘M(k)=\mathrm{median}\{P_{k}\}.italic_M ( italic_k ) = roman_median { italic_P start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_k end_POSTSUBSCRIPT } . (3)

We assume that the power spectrum of an image containing even a faint host signal will distinguish itself from the power spectrum of another from which sources were removed and whose pixels have been randomly shuffled, and consequently does not contain any spatially coherent information to be extracted.

Refer to caption
Refer to caption
Figure 4: Stages of the power spectrum analysis for a template with host (SN2017iuu / ZTF18aajwbhh). From left to right the panels show the template image, the mask and the mask populated with noise. The right-most panel shows the distribution of Wasserstein distances between the original template and shuffled noised masks (gray) and between random pairs of shuffled noised masks (rose). The distributions were generated using 1000 different shuffles of the noised masks within the central patch of 7 ×\times× 7 pixels.
Refer to caption
Refer to caption
Figure 5: Stages of the power spectrum analysis for a hostless template (SN2022knm / ZTF22aakkmri). Panel descriptions are equivalent to those described in Figure 4.

To explore this, we first compute the power spectrum of the original image. Subsequently, we use the masks resulted from sigma clipping and fill masked sections with random noise sampled from the pixel value distribution of the masked image itself. The images are then cropped to three distinct sizes: 7 ×\times× 7, 15 ×\times× 15, and 29 ×\times× 29 pixels, always with the center coinciding with the position of the transient. Afterwards, we randomly shuffle the pixel positions and the power spectrum is recalculated. This process is repeated 1000 times. The radially averaged 1D power spectrum of the original image is then compared to those of each shuffled iteration using the Wasserstein distance, W(p,q)𝑊𝑝𝑞W(p,q)italic_W ( italic_p , italic_q ):

W(p,q)=infγがんまΠぱい(p,q)X×Yxy𝑑γがんま(x,y),𝑊𝑝𝑞subscriptinfimum𝛾Πぱい𝑝𝑞subscript𝑋𝑌norm𝑥𝑦differential-d𝛾𝑥𝑦W(p,q)=\inf_{\gamma\in\Pi(p,q)}\int_{X\times Y}\|x-y\|\,d\gamma(x,y),italic_W ( italic_p , italic_q ) = roman_inf start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_γがんま ∈ roman_Πぱい ( italic_p , italic_q ) end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∫ start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_X × italic_Y end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ∥ italic_x - italic_y ∥ italic_d italic_γがんま ( italic_x , italic_y ) , (4)

which measures the distance between the p𝑝pitalic_p and q𝑞qitalic_q distributions. The presence of a host, even if weak, is suggested if the distances from the original image’s power spectrum to those of the shuffled images are on average greater than the distances between the power spectra from shuffled images themselves (see right panel of Fig 4 for an example of distance distributions when a host is present, and Fig 5 for an example of the distance distributions for a hostless candidate).

This process yields a sample of 1000 distances for comparisons between the original image’s power spectrum and the power spectra of the shuffled images for each cutout size. The final step involves estimating the Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) statistic to quantify the similarity between these two distributions of distances. The K-S statistic is calculated using the following equation:

D=supx|S1(x)S2(x)|,𝐷subscriptsupremum𝑥subscript𝑆1𝑥subscript𝑆2𝑥D=\sup_{x\in\mathbb{R}}|S_{1}(x)-S_{2}(x)|,italic_D = roman_sup start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_x ∈ blackboard_R end_POSTSUBSCRIPT | italic_S start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_x ) - italic_S start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_x ) | , (5)

where D𝐷Ditalic_D quantifies the maximum discrepancy between the cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of two distinct samples. Here, S1(x)subscript𝑆1𝑥S_{1}(x)italic_S start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_x ) represents the empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) for the first sample, which consists of the Wasserstein distances between the power spectrum of the original image and those derived from shuffled images. S2(x)subscript𝑆2𝑥S_{2}(x)italic_S start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ( italic_x ), on the other hand, corresponds to the ECDF of the second sample, namely the distribution of distances among the shuffled images themselves. We use D𝐷Ditalic_D as a proxy for identifying the presence of a faint host in all images which survived the sigma clipping selection.

4 Results

ELEPHANT combines 2 stages of filtering. All objects flagged as potential hostless candidates by the sigma clipping step (Section 3.2) were submitted to the power spectrum analysis (Section 3.3). This last stage attached to each object a K-S statistic value, D𝐷Ditalic_D, which was constructed as a proxy indicating the presence of a faint host. We used a subset of visually inspected objects to define a selection cut threshold based on D𝐷Ditalic_D (Section 4.1), and analyzed the results from imposing such a threshold on a subset of spectroscopically confirmed transients (Section 4.2).

4.1 D𝐷Ditalic_D threshold for hostless candidates

Refer to caption
Figure 6: Central panel: comparison between spectral classification reported on TNS (horizontal axis) and the classification reported by Fink obtained from other sources (vertical axis). The x𝑥xitalic_x and y𝑦yitalic_y axis side panels show the number of transients considered to be hostless by the sigma clipping method before applying the power spectrum (PS) analysis (orange), and the number of surviving hostless candidates after applying the PS analysis (blue).
Refer to caption
Figure 7: Distributions of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic for the 181 objects with TNS classifications. The two categories, with host (orange) and hostless (blue) were identified through visual inspection. Panels show distributions obtained through the power spectrum analysis (Section 3.3) for different image sizes.

After applying the segmentation mask module (see Section 3.2), ELEPHANT finds 1669 hostless candidates, 181 of these have an associated spectroscopic classification available on TNS. Fig. 6 compares the TNS classification (horizontal axis) against the classes found on SIMBAD (SN*_candidate, GinCl, SN and Unknown) or inferred via Fink classifiers (Microlensing candidate and SN candidate). We can see that most of these hostless candidates were classified as SN candidate by the ML classifiers, which is consistent with the final spectroscopic classification available on TNS.

The stamps associated with the 181 hostless candidates with a TNS classification were visually inspected using the Aladin sky atlas999https://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/ (Bonnarel et al. 2000). We were not able to visually identify a host for 118 candidates, thus we confirm them as hostless candidates. The remaining 63 events are considered to be contaminants. Figure 7 shows the distribution of the K-S statistic, D𝐷Ditalic_D, for the three considered cropped cutout sizes (see Section 3.3), for both classes, confirmed hostless candidates and contaminants with host. We used the distribution of the hostless candidates to empirically define a threshold that would enclose a minimum of 75% of the hostless events. Table 1 shows the 75th percentile for each image size. Aiming at a low contamination level with 75% completeness, we chose to use the 15 ×\times× 15 pixel images and imposed a threshold of K-S statistic D<𝐷absentD<italic_D < 0.5. Thus, we classify all objects with a K-S statistic below the threshold in either the template or the science image as hostless candidates. The last column of Table 1 shows the resulting contamination when the threshold is applied. We note that the output of ELEPHANT is the D𝐷Ditalic_D value, and the user could employ a different threshold to select hostless candidates. In particular, the threshold could be further adjusted once more events are confirmed to be hostless.

Image size (pix) K-S threshold Contamination (%)
7 ×\times× 7 0.25 27.01
15 ×\times× 15 0.50 25.97
29 ×\times× 29 0.90 27.33
Table 1: Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic thresholds and corresponding contamination levels for different cutout sizes. The threshold was determined using only visually confirmed hostless objects with TNS classification and requiring completeness of 75%.

4.2 Hostless sources on TNS

After applying the K-S D𝐷Ditalic_D statistic threshold to all the events flagged as hostless candidates by the image segmentation method, we find a total of 1563 ZTF events that match our criteria to be considered hostless candidates. We note that these events are flagged as hostless candidates because no extended source is found at the position of the transient at the center of the stamp. However, the transient could still be associated with a host that is either significantly off-center or that is dimmer than the limiting magnitude of the survey, which for ZTF is similar-to\sim 20.5 mag (Bellm et al. 2019). To define an event as truly hostless, user inspection is required. The retrieved number of hostless candidates represents less-than-or-similar-to\lesssim 2% of the analyzed extragalactic transients and less-than-or-similar-to\lesssim 0.01% of the number of transients processed by Fink between January/2022 and December/2023.

Among the hostless candidates retrieved after applying the K-S statistic threshold (Section 4.1), 154 have an associated spectroscopic classification available on TNS. As the threshold was applied to the complete sample produced by the sigma clipping procedure (Section 3.2), including those events for which a host was spotted via visual inspection (see Section4.1), 40 of the 154 hostless candidates with a TNS classification actually have a host that can be identified visually. In other words, the TNS classified hostless candidates present a similar-to\sim 26% contamination, which is consistent with the value reported in Table 1. Table LABEL:tab:TNSsample-spec the 154 events together with the reported classification. We can see that the most common class is Type Ia SNe, encompassing similar-to\sim 67.5% of events (considering all Type Ia subclasses). This is twice what was found by McCrum et al. (2015), but it is consistent with SNe Ia being predominant among hostless transients. The second most common class is SLSNe, which encompasses similar-to\sim 14% of the sample (considering both SLSNe I and SLSNe II). This is also consistent with the results of McCrum et al. (2015). In a few cases, a transient reported to TNS is associated to more than one ZTF identifier, Table LABEL:tab:TNSsample-spec lists all of them, even if they are duplicated, this is because ELEPHANT only considers stamps associated to alerts, ignoring the associated coordinates. Inspecting the reasons for the duplicated ZTF identification is out of the scope of this paper.

The last column of Table LABEL:tab:TNSsample-spec includes comments on some of the events. In particular, we see that a potential, usually faint, host has been reported on TNS for 11 events that we consider to be hostless. This is compatible with the contamination factor that we report above – further analysis is needed to confirm these associations. We also notice that eight of our hostless candidates were selected by the FLEET (“Finding Luminous and Exotic Extragalactic Transients” Gomez et al. 2020, 2023) pipeline as potentially luminous or exotic transients. In addition, five of our hostless candidates are part of the sample paper presented by Chen et al. (2023), that analyzes the characteristics of 78 SLSNe I. Moreover, three of the SNe reported in Table LABEL:tab:TNSsample-spec were found in real-time by different groups, followed up, and studied in great detail due to their rare or anomalous nature. Below we provide further details on each of these events.

Refer to caption
Figure 8: Stacked template (left) and science (right) stamps for SLSN2018ibb (ZTF18acenqto, ZTF18adovhai).
Refer to caption
Figure 9: Stacked template (left) and science (right) stamps for SN2018bym (ZTF18aapgrxo).
Refer to caption
Figure 10: Stacked template (left) and science (right) stamps for SN2022ann (ZTF22aaaihet).
  • .

    SLSN 2018ibb was identified by Schulze et al. (2024) as the best pair-instability supernova (PISNe) candidate to date. It has been proposed that PISNe occur when instabilities produced by pair-production induce the thermonuclear explosion of the most massive stars (140 M<{}_{\sun}<start_FLOATSUBSCRIPT ☉ end_FLOATSUBSCRIPT < M <<< 260 M). Thus, it has been proposed that PISNe mark the explosive death of Population III stars, which could be indirectly studied through the characteristics of the observed explosion (e.g. Kasen et al. 2011; Gal-Yam 2012). Although SLSN 2018ibb is not hostless, it is associated with a faint (mR{}_{R}\simstart_FLOATSUBSCRIPT italic_R end_FLOATSUBSCRIPT ∼ 24.4 mag Schulze et al. 2024) dwarf host, detected on 4- and 8-m class telescopes. Thus, for the purposes of the ZTF alerts processed by our pipeline, the transient is expected to appear hostless. Figure 8 illustrates the interesting aspect which lead this object to be detected by our pipeline. It is a typical case of contaminated template, meaning that the template image was taken when the transient was bright, which results in a relatively lower central brightness in the science image. This result demonstrates the importance of considering both sets of stamps in parallel before a decision is made.

  • .

    SN 2018bym was studied by Lunnan et al. (2020) alongside three other SLSNe discovered by ZTF to examine the origin and diversity of these events. The authors find that SN 2018bym can be considered a classical SLSN I, and that it is associated with a faint (mr{}_{r}\simstart_FLOATSUBSCRIPT italic_r end_FLOATSUBSCRIPT ∼ 22.4 mag) dwarf galaxy, for which they obtained deeper observations with the Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope (CFHT). This event is also a representative case of template contamination, where the hostless stamp is the science one (Figure 9).

  • .

    SN 2022ann was studied by Davis et al. (2023) as one of only five known SNe Icn. The early discovery of SN 2022ann enabled a detailed analysis of the progenitors of these rare objects. The authors find that SN 2022ann is associated with a faint dwarf host galaxy located in the lower end of the SN host galaxy luminosity distribution. Its stacked template and science stamps are shown in Figure 10.

The fact that ELEPHANT was able to identify such interesting sources while analyzing historical data demonstrates its potential in identifying similarly interesting objects when applied to more recent alerts. We are currently working on such an investigation and, in parallel, integrating ELEPHANT to Fink. Preliminary results are encouraging and will be reported in a subsequent work. We also anticipate that, among other applications, the pipeline can serve as a powerful tool to identify SNe potentially associated to dwarf host galaxies (e.g. Taggart & Perley 2021).

The classification distribution of the hostless candidates that do not have a class available on TNS is shown in Fig. 11. The classification associated with these events is mainly obtained from cross-match with SIMBAD or inferred using a ML classifier. We find that similar-to\sim 49% of these events are QSOs, which belong to the family of AGN and, thus, would be associated with a host by definition. However, hostless QSOs have been found before (e.g. Magain et al. 2005; Kemper et al. 2010). Although many of the QSOs in our sample of hostless candidates may be associated with a faint, undetected host, ELEPHANT can be used to perform systematic searches of hostless QSOs. The other dominant class in this sample is “SN candidate”, similar-to\sim 48% of the sample is associated with this ML-based classification. As mentioned above, ELEPHANT only considers ZTF stamps associated to individual alerts, however, some events seems to be associated to multiple ZTF identifiers, when this occurs we considered all of the different identifications to be hostless candidates. An interesting case is that of AT 2024dum, this object was found to be a hostless candidate and is associated to three ZTF alerts: ZTF23aabtyzn, ZTF23aaiyhen and ZTF23abkiray. AT 2024dum has been reported to be a fast-moving star (see report101010https://www.wis-tns.org/object/2024dum by Shumkov et al. 2024), which could explain the multiplicity of ZTF identifiers.

Refer to caption
Figure 11: Number of transients without a reported classification on TNS considered to be hostless by the sigma clipping method before applying the power spectrum (PS) analysis (orange), and the number of surviving hostless candidates after applying the PS analysis (blue).

5 Conclusions

We developed the ELEPHANT pipeline, which processes stamps delivered by the ZTF alert stream and automatically detects hostless transient candidates. The pipeline (see Section 3) returns stacked science and template cutouts together with the number of stamps that were used to produce them, a boolean that indicates whether the transient is a hostless candidate based on the segmentation mask analysis (see Section 3.2), the distance to the closest mask in pixels and the associated K-S D𝐷Ditalic_D statistic obtained from 7×7777\times 77 × 7, 15×15151515\times 1515 × 15 and 29×29292929\times 2929 × 29 pixel square sub-cutouts (see Section 3.3).

In this work, we define a threshold on the K-S D𝐷Ditalic_D statistic that is used to flag a transient as a hostless candidate (see Section 4). However, future users can use the output values to implement different selection cuts specific to their science case. The automatic detection of hostless transients has many potential applications that include but are not limited to:

  1. 1.

    Identification of transients associated with dwarf and/or dim galaxies to study their characteristics and environments;

  2. 2.

    Identification of AGNs associated with low-mass galaxies to study their impact on galaxy evolution;

  3. 3.

    Search of sources that have been ejected from their host galaxies to study intra-cluster stellar populations;

  4. 4.

    Selection of SNe Ia and/or SLSNe, as they seem to be predominant among the hostless candidates that have a reported class on TNS;

  5. 5.

    Compilation of hostless candidates as training sets to improve ML classifiers.

ELEPHANT will be included in the Fink broker to allow the real-time detection of hostless candidates and also the retrieval of archival potentially hostless events. Recently, Qin et al. (2024) performed an statistical analysis of the environments of 161 hostless SNe reported to TNS since 2016. They find that their sample is dominated by SNe Ia and SLSNe, which is in agreement with our findings. ELEPHANT is a useful tool to gather hostless events for similar statistical environmental analyses of different types of SNe. In addition, it can be used to systematically select hostless candidates for classification to increase the number of spectroscopically classified hostless transients to be considered in future population analyses.

The methods we use here are completely transferable to any dataset by scaling the sizes of the considered stamps. In particular, once the Fink broker starts ingesting LSST alerts, we could test and tune ELEPHANT as a tool for finding hostless candidates within the LSST alert stream. LSST is an 8-m class telescope that will have a limiting magnitude of similar-to\sim25 mag in optical bands (LSST Science Collaboration et al. 2009), which makes it much deeper than the current wide-field surveys. Thus, a big fraction of the events that we flag as hostless candidates here may have a visible host in the LSST stamps. Consequently, if an LSST stamp is flagged to be a hostless by ELEPHANT the chances are that the transient is either part of the intra-cluster medium or, it is associated to hosts dimmer than any detected so far. We can only speculate that the hostless transients detected by LSST will be extraordinarily anomalous providing unprecedented insights to the transient sky, with the study of their environments only being possible by using other 8-m class telescopes or by the next generation of large telescopes such as the Giant Magellan Telescope (Johns et al. 2012) and the Extremely Large Telescope (Gilmozzi & Spyromilio 2007). In this context, automatic pipelines tailored for specific science cases, such as ELEPHANT  will play a central role in the process of transient characterization and optimization of follow-up resources. {ThreePartTable} {TableNotes}

First column presents the IAUえーゆー name of each object. The second column shows the corresponding ZTF internal name. The third and fourth columns show right ascension and declination, respectively. Column five shows the classification available on TNS. In the sixth column we indicate whether we can visually confirm the lack of an obvious host associated with the transient. In the last column we add additional remarks about certain events.

Table 2: Hostless candidates with associated spectroscopic classification in TNS.
 IAUえーゆー Name ZTF Name R.A. Dec. Class Confirmed Comments
[J2000] [J2000]
1  SN 2016ieq ZTF19abkaxlf 21:22:25.18 -11:56:54.82 SNIIn ×\times×
2  SN 2017iuu ZTF18aajwbhh 06:27:40.06 47:29:45.51 SNIa Several potential hosts, no redshift info.
3  SN 2018fd ZTF18adoeywv 09:10:36.36 35:43:18.39 SLSN-I ×\times×
4  SN 2018gj ZTF18aaxljll 16:32:02.27 78:12:40.96 SNII ×\times×
5  SN 2018hh ZTF18aaajfsd 12:13:41.40 28:26:39.92 SNIa ×\times×
6  SN 2018kl ZTF18aaacdnd 09:09:37.99 48:39:39.95 SNIa Potential host association on TNS.
7  SN 2018mc ZTF18aatpnrf 18:01:00.89 61:41:46.76 SNIIb ×\times×
8  SN 2018vx ZTF18adkgxye 14:43:10.45 17:28:16.76 SNIa-91T-like ×\times× Potential host association on TNS.
9  SN 2018vx ZTF18aaznlwl 14:43:10.44 17:28:16.88 SNIa-91T-like ×\times×
10  SN 2018yc ZTF18aabqgnb 11:52:45.48 37:51:15.44 SNIa ×\times×
11  SN 2018aae ZTF18aaiscil 12:21:34.21 55:34:27.98 SNIa Faint host in Gaia.
12  SN 2018bym ZTF18aapgrxo 18:43:13.41 45:12:28.23 SLSN-I Lunnan et al. (2020); Chen et al. (2023).
13  SN 2018cog ZTF18aaxtcdm 15:26:11.95 06:21:25.87 SNIa
14  SN 2018cxa ZTF18abfylqx 22:28:34.59 11:37:05.55 SLSN-I ×\times×
15  SN 2018eem ZTF18absoghh 23:36:01.41 18:41:07.06 SNII ×\times×
16  SN 2018fcg ZTF18admasii 21:09:36.77 33:28:59.43 SLSN-I ×\times×
17  SN 2018fer ZTF18abtvstb 20:33:05.24 -20:51:24.43 SNIIb
18  SN 2018ffj ZTF18abslpjy 02:30:59.80 -17:20:26.84 SLSN-I Garcia-Zamora et al. (2018).
19  SN 2018ftd ZTF18abotdef 02:01:16.09 -01:13:26.91 SNIa
20  SN 2018fus ZTF18abskoyh 21:02:31.29 -05:37:30.08 SNII ×\times×
21  SN 2018gck ZTF18abskzjm 00:50:56.6 03:29:55.20 SNIa
22  SN 2018gck ZTF18adnfkzf 00:50:56.61 03:29:55.00 SNIa
23  SN 2018gkz ZTF18abvgjyl 07:58:11.55 19:31:07.99 SLSN-I ×\times× Chen et al. (2023).
24  SN 2018htb ZTF18acdqmxr 04:37:30.67 20:16:55.70 SNIa ×\times×
25  SN 2018ibb ZTF18acenqto 04:38:56.94 -20:39:44.06 SLSN-I Schulze et al. (2024); Chen et al. (2023).
26  SN 2018ibb ZTF18adovhai 04:38:56.95 -20:39:43.93 SLSN-I
27  SN 2018icz ZTF18accngfb 10:03:14.82 15:04:42.87 SNIa Gaia hostless candidate.
28  SN 2018imd ZTF18acydvjn 12:48:24.97 -05:47:39.10 SNIa ×\times×
29  SN 2018imq ZTF18acepwhb 11:34:45.61 77:03:09.99 SNIa
30  SN 2018jeo ZTF18aczddnw 09:04:36.91 -19:47:09.60 SNIa ×\times×
31  SN 2018lzw ZTF18abrzcbp 07:39:32.76 27:44:02.62 SLSN-I Chen et al. (2023).
32  SN 2018lzx ZTF18abszecm 22:29:27.23 13:10:39.96 SLSN-I Chen et al. (2023).
33  SN 2019aatt ZTF19abszdld 01:21:21.63 30:17:03.52 SNIa ×\times×
34  SN 2020jhs ZTF20aayvmyh 09:28:14.10 25:40:13.39 SNIIn
35  SN 2021rll ZTF21abiwpjm 13:45:21.99 26:45:00.72 SNIIn Faint host in Pan-STARRS.
36  SN 2022aj ZTF22aaafohf 14:56:08.32 -27:45:37.53 SNIa Gaia hostless candidate.
37  SN 2022aj ZTF22aaausrb 14:56:08.31 -27:45:37.58 SNIa Gaia hostless candidate.
38  SN 2022ait ZTF22aaaiykj 10:30:26.97 07:10:21.19 SNIa
39  SN 2022ann ZTF22aaaihet 10:17:29.66 -02:25:35.40 SNIcn Davis et al. (2023).
40  SN 2022are ZTF22aaahull 09:59:07.08 -18:11:02.83 SNIa
41  SN 2022bic ZTF22aaagvyp 08:39:08.93 60:59:16.25 SNIa
42  SN 2022cjv ZTF22aaafavg 11:34:34.66 31:02:40.71 SNIa
43  SN 2022ddh ZTF22aabtyli 10:28:15.83 06:34:47.31 SNIa ×\times×
44  SN 2022dld ZTF22aabwvot 14:06:16.60 13:29:30.89 SNIa FLEET Candidate.
45  SN 2022fjx ZTF22aadlmgg 10:43:30.16 19:04:58.70 SNIa-91bg-like
46  SN 2022ful ZTF22aadeuwu 19:20:10.68 50:23:42.41 SLSN-I Gaia hostless candidate.
47  SN 2022ful ZTF22aafumyr 19:20:10.67 50:23:42.40 SLSN-I Gaia hostless candidate.
48  SN 2022gkv ZTF22aaftcmp 15:57:51.12 29:55:10.78 SNIa
49  SN 2022gkv ZTF22aadetzs 15:57:51.12 29:55:10.82 SNIa
50  SN 2022gsp ZTF22aadqkgp 14:53:08.28 13:59:57.53 SNIa ×\times×
51  SN 2022hdn ZTF22aagbxrb 15:00:09.14 36:07:13.14 SNIc-BL Potential host association on TNS.
52  SN 2022huk ZTF22aahaasc 10:14:12.85 -23:41:17.10 SNIa
53  SN 2022hwk ZTF22aagzbux 12:45:59.22 59:15:37.04 SNIIn ×\times×
54  SN 2022igq ZTF22aahecwj 13:56:52.02 19:07:01.66 SNIa
55  SN 2022ihz ZTF22aahgxdt 09:42:48.23 -03:36:25.48 SNIa-91bg-like
56  SN 2022irt ZTF22aahhubz 12:27:12.57 00:55:40.00 SNIa
57  SN 2022jii ZTF22aaizxqg 14:54:31.30 04:19:52.83 SNIa Potential host association on TNS.
58  SN 2022jnr ZTF22aajhtpy 15:02:39.48 17:14:23.45 SNIa ×\times×
59  SN 2022jzt ZTF22aakanzk 13:43:12.79 48:23:10.82 SNIa Potential host association on TNS.
60  SN 2022knm ZTF22aakkmri 13:25:04.36 -24:39:24.94 SNIa
61  SN 2022llq ZTF22aalmrqp 12:03:16.55 51:49:54.24 SNIa
62  SN 2022lxd ZTF22aaljlzq 17:36:38.67 61:33:18.66 SLSN-I
63  SN 2022mjk ZTF22aapuake 01:25:41.36 01:45:41.27 SNIa
64  SN 2022nab ZTF22aaobrbd 18:38:57.89 48:23:04.86 SNIa
65  AT 2022nci ZTF22aaombjf 00:46:33.41 41:45:35.15 Nova
66  SN 2022ncx ZTF22aaogwbd 12:08:13.50 66:38:24.84 SNIa-91T-like
67  SN 2022ojm ZTF22aapjqpn 23:37:46.03 40:05:07.96 SLSN-I
68  SN 2022orr ZTF22aasaapb 15:50:58.27 68:35:07.80 SNIa
69  SN 2022owf ZTF22aaszlph 23:26:09.97 27:42:02.97 SNIa
70  SN 2022rfn ZTF22abahblc 19:11:28.98 -17:11:07.59 SNIa ×\times×
71  SN 2022rhl ZTF22aasoali 19:20:44.21 46:52:54.75 SNIIn
72  SN 2022rpm ZTF22abamxcl 02:01:11.36 -05:51:59.41 SN
73  SN 2022sff ZTF22abdibiz 07:56:05.03 33:28:18.38 SNIa ×\times×
74  SN 2022tis ZTF22abepfmn 21:10:35.86 -09:30:14.39 SNII
75  SN 2022uhk ZTF22abfwchw 18:50:17.25 75:27:59.88 SNII
76  SN 2022uot ZTF22abfyvhf 05:37:10.51 68:34:31.96 SNIIn
77  SN 2022uwh ZTF22abfxmvf 23:53:37.16 11:22:58.08 SNIa
78  SN 2022wlm ZTF22abjafpr 05:56:46.63 48:06:20.85 SNIc-BL
79  SN 2022wpp ZTF22abjrpmv 16:41:49.91 15:15:45.35 SNIa
80  SN 2022wuw ZTF22ablcybb 16:26:19.28 80:28:41.33 SNIa
81  SN 2022wuy ZTF22ablhldn 06:44:23.34 32:14:53.21 SNIa
82  SN 2022xjl ZTF22abmpqbq 23:57:11.78 05:36:17.35 SNIa
83  SN 2022xxn ZTF22abmxtqr 01:18:56.59 -12:57:44.93 SNIa
84  SN 2022ycr ZTF22abnwvyc 21:23:27.18 -18:06:13.85 Other ×\times×
85  SN 2022ydl ZTF22abnqzle 22:40:04.43 -06:38:28.35 SNIa
86  SN 2022yig ZTF22aboaiim 05:20:21.53 -20:54:41.61 SNIa ×\times×
87  SN 2022yru ZTF22aboixdd 10:27:28.41 70:59:02.23 SNIa ×\times×
88  AT 2022zzj ZTF22abtltcw 00:41:25.73 40:44:23.34 Nova ×\times× Potential host association on TNS.
89  SN 2022aahy ZTF22abtsypf 06:58:56.24 39:38:06.90 SNIIn ×\times×
90  SN 2022aahz ZTF22abtotgu 12:25:54.64 06:45:02.96 SNIa
91  SN 2022abtm ZTF22abvngdr 23:03:54.16 15:46:19.84 SLSN-I
92  SN 2022acfw ZTF22abzakdd 13:21:06.78 27:54:53.79 SNIa ×\times×
93  SN 2022acmr ZTF22abyhqkt 02:02:39.45 -07:02:22.67 SNIa
94  SN 2022acsx ZTF22abynkpz 06:12:59.10 68:48:45.39 SLSN-I Faint host in DESI Legacy Surveys DR10.
95  SN 2022adbl ZTF22abyuoan 07:57:29.24 62:25:39.25 SNIa ×\times×
96  SN 2022adrs ZTF22abzbyyw 00:27:08.37 -24:53:50.88 SNIa
97  SN 2022advb ZTF22abyznto 09:40:44.48 05:10:21.13 SNIa
98  SN 2022adxq ZTF22abzvyku 03:27:24.99 -17:37:50.35 SNIa
99  SN 2023ha ZTF23aaajtqn 09:19:32.46 -01:11:34.62 SNIa ×\times×
100  SN 2023ael ZTF23aaawbsy 17:14:41.46 66:51:22.60 SNIa Gaia hostless candidate.
101  SN 2023aiw ZTF23aaawcvx 16:31:09.06 39:47:20.59 SNIa ×\times×
102  SN 2023ayq ZTF23aaazegi 13:24:05.23 -03:33:41.04 SNIa-CSM
103  SN 2023bee ZTF23aabtgej 08:56:11.63 -03:19:32.05 SNIa ×\times×
104  SN 2023cpq ZTF23aacdnjz 17:29:20.16 14:11:04.51 SNIa-CSM FLEET Candidate.
105  SN 2023cze ZTF23aadbswn 15:05:05.39 28:28:52.45 SNIa
106  SN 2023ebb ZTF23aadruma 11:24:34.69 46:53:37.14 SNII
107  SN 2023erb ZTF23aaejvzv 16:37:54.80 43:23:08.60 SNIa ×\times×
108  SN 2023exi ZTF23aaelzdb 07:04:14.64 67:37:32.53 SNIa
109  SN 2023ffw ZTF23aaemgto 11:35:12.53 -13:30:47.90 SNIa
110  SN 2023fvf ZTF23aafggjj 13:20:51.42 15:17:37.91 SNIa ×\times×
111  SN 2023gav ZTF23aaftouh 10:47:18.35 -05:07:22.75 SNIa FLEET Candidate.
112  SN 2023ger ZTF23aagaiju 10:57:13.46 42:58:50.06 SNIa
113  SN 2023ghq ZTF23aagunkc 15:58:13.05 08:54:24.99 Other
114  SN 2023hoz ZTF23aagdbbv 16:18:21.55 01:31:43.41 SLSN-I FLEET Candidate.
115  SN 2023hrn ZTF23aaiyexs 11:08:35.07 04:48:52.09 SNIa ×\times×
116  SN 2023huv ZTF23aafmjbx 13:29:03.66 -10:25:29.42 SNIIn FLEET Candidate.
117  SN 2023iar ZTF23aajenxf 13:31:36.14 04:55:21.32 SNIa
118  SN 2023ifa ZTF23aajhtuu 09:33:34.73 51:36:54.11 SNIbn ×\times×
119  SN 2023iwy ZTF23aakmewi 18:00:18.62 26:24:32.04 SNIc-BL
120  SN 2023jsb ZTF23aamfmqm 21:49:58.44 14:09:24.71 SNIa
121  SN 2023jvu ZTF23aamqonh 16:38:00.64 55:24:18.30 SNIa ×\times×
122  SN 2023khp ZTF23aamsekn 00:17:56.20 23:59:03.33 SNIa-CSM
123  SN 2023kkh ZTF23aanuvih 18:49:05.23 45:07:10.91 SNIa
124  SN 2023kki ZTF23aamxeoe 16:53:18.11 37:41:23.52 SNIIn
125  SN 2023kvk ZTF23aanukvi 20:02:32.44 -05:05:16.88 SNIa
126  SN 2023mhj ZTF23aapvrkk 00:00:42.10 -12:14:12.51 SNIa
127  SN 2023mir ZTF23aaqfdby 22:40:59.46 -05:04:15.74 SNIa
128  SN 2023mit ZTF23aaqjuux 16:28:18.62 23:10:56.15 SNIa
129  SN 2023nbf ZTF23aawcygl 13:08:46.93 49:24:08.67 SNIa ×\times×
130  SN 2023pjx ZTF23aaxyawz 01:31:25.59 12:24:31.35 SNIa
131  SN 2023qpe ZTF23aazrtdy 23:40:15.79 15:27:50.97 SNIa Potential host association on TNS.
132  SN 2023qrz ZTF23aaznifc 21:55:14.72 -17:35:31.55 SNIa
133  SN 2023qvl ZTF23aawhcjb 15:50:08.30 53:39:37.03 SLSN-I FLEET Candidate.
134  SN 2023qzo ZTF23abaderr 01:35:05.20 -22:40:37.84 SNIa ×\times×
135  SN 2023rbt ZTF23abaslfm 01:46:31.43 11:51:55.34 SNIa
136  SN 2023rfg ZTF23abavpyk 23:31:06.17 -27:00:56.44 SNIa
137  SN 2023slt ZTF23abbsfxp 03:34:04.42 -21:54:21.92 SNIa FLEET candidate.
138  SN 2023spg ZTF23abcufxh 00:11:56.30 -07:46:19.56 SNIa
139  SN 2023svf ZTF23abcqzvm 16:44:05.26 30:18:09.99 SNIa
140  SN 2023syg ZTF23abdynfn 20:49:40.99 -14:43:26.57 SNIa
141  SN 2023szi ZTF23aaznlgb 22:19:56.03 25:54:56.17 SLSN-I FLEET Candidate.
142  SN 2023tqm ZTF23abgvtxr 07:57:28.61 51:07:23.93 SNIa
143  SN 2023upt ZTF23abjqxbe 04:28:27.38 -17:53:27.26 SNIa
144  SN 2023uqu ZTF23abijopy 17:47:47.83 64:20:57.31 SNIa Potential host association on TNS.
145  SN 2023vkz ZTF23ablspnz 08:28:36.18 57:12:31.86 SNII
146  SN 2023wml ZTF23aboebgh 11:39:08.69 -11:14:57.92 SLSN-I
147  SN 2023wrn ZTF23aboemfi 23:31:53.52 22:39:30.74 SNIa
148  SN 2023wtq ZTF23abochfb 01:21:55.68 -03:46:19.95 SNIc-BL
149  SN 2023xjs ZTF23abpqklj 02:26:34.56 -19:10:26.42 SNIa Faint host in Pan-STARRS.
150  SN 2023yqq ZTF23abryfga 22:56:04.96 19:34:56.71 SNIa
151  SN 2023yti ZTF23absflyh 02:06:22.20 -18:19:06.12 SNIa
152  SN 2023zeq ZTF23abqygjv 01:08:54.20 -20:38:24.23 SLSN-II
153  SN 2023zjv ZTF23absbyol 07:14:10.46 36:09:52.82 SNIa ×\times×
154  SN 2023aajn ZTF23abvbwys 03:41:33.85 -02:46:50.01 SNIa-91T-like
155 \insertTableNotes


We thank Julien Peloton for assistance in retrieving data from Fink. P.J.P. acknowledges support from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program (grant agreement No. 10104229 – TransPIre). EEH is supported by a Gates Cambridge Scholarship (#OPP1144). This work is a result of the COIN Residence Program #7111111https://cosmostatistics-initiative.org/residence-programs/crp7/, held in Lisbon, Portugal, from 9 to 16 September 2023 and supported by the Portuguese Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) through the Strategic Programme UIDP/FIS/00099/2020 and UIDB/FIS/00099/2020 for CENTRA. The Cosmostatistics Initiative (COIN, https://cosmostatistics-initiative.org/) is an international network of researchers whose goal is to foster interdisciplinarity inspired by astronomy. This research has made use of the SIMBAD database, operated at CDS, Strasbourg, France. This research has made use of “Aladin sky atlas” developed at CDS, Strasbourg Observatory, France. This work made use of Astropy (http://www.astropy.org) a community-developed core Python package and an ecosystem of tools and resources for astronomy (Astropy Collaboration et al. 2013, 2018, 2022). The ELEPHANT icon was taken from https://icons8.com. The color palette used in this work was inspired by “The Temptation of St. Anthony” by Salvador Dali, 1946.

Data Availability

The data used here can be accessed via the Fink data transfer service: https://fink-portal.org/download. The ELEPHANT pipeline is publicly available on github: https://github.com/COINtoolbox/extragalactic_hostless.


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Appendix A Nearest neighbor

To compute the distance from the transient to the nearest mask, we assume an origin position at the center of the image from where to calculate the distance. Masked pixels have value 1, whereas background pixels have value 0. To find the nearest masked pixel to the transient, we compare pixel by pixel until a mask is found. First, we check all adjacent pixels (including diagonally adjacent ones) related to the central pixel, starting from left to right and top to bottom. This process is repeated for outer layers until a masked pixel is found or we reach the limits of the 7-pixel threshold. If the distance between the central pixel and the nearest neighbor is not within a 7-pixel radius, we keep that alert in our sample for further checks. The Euclidean distance between the nearest masked pixel and the central pixel is included for the user to assess whether a neighbor is close enough for it to be considered an associated host. The algorithm works as follows:

Data:    𝑴𝑴\boldsymbol{M}bold_italic_M: Stamp of the segmented image
           r𝑟ritalic_r: Maximum radius for nearest detected source
Result: x1subscript𝑥1x_{1}italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT: x-axis index of the closest masked source
          x2subscript𝑥2x_{2}italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT: y-axis index of the closest masked source
           δでるた𝛿\deltaitalic_δでるた: Euclidean distance measured in image pixels
           f𝑓fitalic_f: Flag (true for hostless, zero otherwise)
𝑴¿01subscript𝑴¿01\boldsymbol{M}_{\textup{>0}}\leftarrow 1bold_italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT ¿0 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ← 1
τたう,δでるた,f30,100,Trueformulae-sequence𝜏𝛿𝑓30100True\tau,\delta,f\leftarrow 30,100,\textup{True}italic_τたう , italic_δでるた , italic_f ← 30 , 100 , True
x1,x2Nonesubscript𝑥1subscript𝑥2Nonex_{1},x_{2}\leftarrow\textup{None}italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT ← None
if 𝐌τたう,τたう=1subscript𝐌𝜏𝜏1\boldsymbol{M}_{\tau,\tau}=1bold_italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_τたう , italic_τたう end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = 1 then
      fFalse𝑓Falsef\leftarrow\textup{False}italic_f ← False
       return τたう,τたう,0,f𝜏𝜏0𝑓\tau,\tau,0,fitalic_τたう , italic_τたう , 0 , italic_f
       for s{1,,r+1}𝑠1𝑟1s\in\{1,\dots,r+1\}italic_s ∈ { 1 , … , italic_r + 1 } do
             𝒂{τたう1s,τたう+2+s}𝒂𝜏1𝑠𝜏2𝑠\boldsymbol{a}\leftarrow\{\tau-1-s,\tau+2+s\}bold_italic_a ← { italic_τたう - 1 - italic_s , italic_τたう + 2 + italic_s }
             νにゅー0𝜈0\nu\leftarrow 0italic_νにゅー ← 0
             for i𝐚𝑖𝐚i\in\boldsymbol{a}italic_i ∈ bold_italic_a do
                   if (νにゅー=0)(νにゅー=τたう+1+s)𝜈0𝜈𝜏1𝑠(\nu=0)\lor(\nu=\tau+1+s)( italic_νにゅー = 0 ) ∨ ( italic_νにゅー = italic_τたう + 1 + italic_s ) then
                         for ja𝑗aj\in\textup{a}italic_j ∈ a do
                               if 𝐌i,j=1subscript𝐌𝑖𝑗1\boldsymbol{M}_{i,j}=1bold_italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = 1 then
                                     δでるた(τたうi)2+(τたうj)2𝛿superscript𝜏𝑖2superscript𝜏𝑗2\delta\leftarrow\sqrt{(\tau-i)^{2}+(\tau-j)^{2}}italic_δでるた ← square-root start_ARG ( italic_τたう - italic_i ) start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT + ( italic_τたう - italic_j ) start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT end_ARG
                                     x1,x2,fi,j,Falseformulae-sequencesubscript𝑥1subscript𝑥2𝑓𝑖𝑗Falsex_{1},x_{2},f\leftarrow i,j,\textup{False}italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_f ← italic_i , italic_j , False
                                     return x1,x2,δでるた,fsubscript𝑥1subscript𝑥2𝛿𝑓x_{1},x_{2},\delta,fitalic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_δでるた , italic_f
                         end for
                         for j{𝐚0,𝐚|a|}𝑗subscript𝐚0subscript𝐚𝑎j\in\{\boldsymbol{a}_{0},\boldsymbol{a}_{|a|}\}italic_j ∈ { bold_italic_a start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 0 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , bold_italic_a start_POSTSUBSCRIPT | italic_a | end_POSTSUBSCRIPT } do
                               if 𝐌i,j=1subscript𝐌𝑖𝑗1\boldsymbol{M}_{i,j}=1bold_italic_M start_POSTSUBSCRIPT italic_i , italic_j end_POSTSUBSCRIPT = 1 then
                                     δでるた(τたうi)2+(τたうj)2𝛿superscript𝜏𝑖2superscript𝜏𝑗2\delta\leftarrow\sqrt{(\tau-i)^{2}+(\tau-j)^{2}}italic_δでるた ← square-root start_ARG ( italic_τたう - italic_i ) start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT + ( italic_τたう - italic_j ) start_POSTSUPERSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUPERSCRIPT end_ARG
                                     x1,x2,fi,j,Falseformulae-sequencesubscript𝑥1subscript𝑥2𝑓𝑖𝑗Falsex_{1},x_{2},f\leftarrow i,j,\textup{False}italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_f ← italic_i , italic_j , False
                                     return x1,x2,δでるた,fsubscript𝑥1subscript𝑥2𝛿𝑓x_{1},x_{2},\delta,fitalic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_δでるた , italic_f
                         end for
                   νにゅーνにゅー+1𝜈𝜈1\nu\leftarrow\nu+1italic_νにゅー ← italic_νにゅー + 1
             end for
       end for
return x1,x2,δでるた,fsubscript𝑥1subscript𝑥2𝛿𝑓x_{1},x_{2},\delta,fitalic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 1 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_x start_POSTSUBSCRIPT 2 end_POSTSUBSCRIPT , italic_δでるた , italic_f

Appendix B Segmentation masks with SExtractor

A popular image segmentation tool in astronomy is SExtractor121212https://sextractor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html (Bertin & Arnouts 1996). This software is largely used for the detection of astronomical sources, background reduction, and photometry of astronomical images, being especially suitable for processing large field-of-view images. However, running SExtractor can be computationally expensive, especially compared to sigma clipping. We decided to compare the performance of both methods considering only those events that have a spectral classification available on the Transient Name Server (TNS)131313TNS is the International Astronomical Union’s official mechanism for reporting new astronomical transients since 2016, https://www.wis-tns.org/.. We find that SExtractor retrieves 149 hostless candidates while sigma clipping retrieves 181 hostless candidates. By visually inspecting each candidate in the search for the presence of a potential host, we find that the SExtractor method has a similar-to\sim 15% contamination while the sigma clipping method has a similar-to\sim 22% contamination. Thus, considering that running SExtractor involves writing and reading files on the disk, which is not ideal when working with large volumes of data; and that the performance of both methods is similar, we favor the simpler sigma clipping as an image segmentation method.

Appendix C Machine learning classified hostless candidates


First column presents the IAUえーゆー name of each object. The second column shows the corresponding ZTF internal name. The third and fourth column show right ascension and declination respectively. Column five shows the classification available on TNS.

Table 3: Fragment of the hostless candidate list without a reported classification on TNS. The full list can be found as supplementary material.
IAU Name ZTF Name R.A. Dec. Class
[J2000] [J2000]
AT 2016ayj ZTF19adehksw 03:06:45.60 46:09:12.93 SN*_cand.
AT 2016ayl ZTF18acwwwsg 05:14:00.67 55:21:57.81 SN*_cand.
AT 2016azn ZTF22abxlizh 10:06:54.81 -14:25:37.80 AT cand.
AT 2017kn ZTF18aakpggd 11:54:19.60 57:57:50.77 QSO
AT 2018aod ZTF23abofayp 03:25:09.82 48:50:19.95 SN cand.
AT 2018cou ZTF18acxcpmo 14:15:23.73 -20:00:54.17 SN
AT 2018ctv ZTF18abtgnsi 01:25:52.40 -01:22:01.66 SN
AT 2018cyo ZTF19aavprpy 22:11:56.27 -04:41:40.50 SN
AT 2018fou ZTF18abtefbi 23:05:32.51 00:49:02.50 SN
AT 2018his ZTF22abiflxl 17:49:31.59 17:15:37.23 SN cand.
\cdots \cdots \cdots \cdots \cdots